Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'cartílago' translates to 'cartilage' in English. Cartilage is a type of flexible but strong connective tissue found in various parts of the body, such as joints, throat and nose. 'Cartílago' is a noun in Spanish, as it names a body part, similar to how 'cartilage' is a noun in English.

Example sentences with  cartílago
cartón reciclado
recycled carton

The Spanish term 'cartón reciclado' translates to 'recycled carton' in English. This term is often used in contexts related to waste management and environmental sustainability. Recycled carton refers to carton materials that have gone through a recycling process to be reused again. In both Spanish and English, recycled carton can refer to any product made from reprocessing waste carton into a new material. This is part of a broader societal push to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, and thus decrease the environmental impact of our consumer habits.

Example sentences with  cartón reciclado

The Spanish word 'cartulina' translates to 'cardboard' in English. 'Cartulina' is commonly used in arts and crafts projects and can refer to a mute, stiff, and smooth material that is much thicker than paper. These objects could be boxes or lightweight structures, often used for packaging or creating models. The type and use of 'cartulina' can vary depending on the context.


'Casa' in Spanish means house. This is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.

Example sentences with  casa
casa de campo

The Spanish phrase 'casa de campo' translates to 'farmhouse' in English. A 'casa de campo' is a type of house typically situated in rural or agricultural settings. The primary function of a farmhouse is for residential purpose, but it often includes space for livestock. The term implies a closer, more direct connection to farming than a house located in an urban area.

casa en ruinas
house in ruins

The term 'casa en ruinas' is a Spanish phrase which can be translated to English as 'house in ruins'. This phrase is typically used to describe a house or building that has been severely damaged or deteriorated over time, often to the point where it is uninhabitable or unsafe. It can also metaphorically refer to a situation or relationship that is in a state of decay or disrepair.

casa rústica
rustic house

The Spanish term 'casa rústica' translates to 'rustic house' in English. It refers to a type of housing that's characterized by a more traditional and simple design, which often includes natural elements such as wood and stone, giving it an appealing, old-fashioned charm. Rustic houses can often be found in rural or country settings and are popular for their warm, cozy, and back-to-nature feel.


The Spanish word 'casado' translates to 'married' in English. It is used to describe the marital status of a person. For instance, if a man is married, he will be described as 'casado'. This word is used specifically in contexts where marital status is relevant.


The Spanish term 'casarse' does not directly translate to 'marriage' in English. It is a verb, which means 'to get married'. Used in a sentence, 'casarse' refers to the act of entering into a marriage union or ceremony. For instance, in the sentence 'Ellos van a casarse', it means 'They are going to get married'.

jingle bells

The translation for 'jingle bells' is 'cascabeles'. In Spanish, this is used to refer to small bells that are often used to produce jingling sounds, especially during Christmas or on certain types of instruments. It can also refer to the festive song popular during the holiday season, 'Jingle Bells', which is widely known and loved in Spanish-speaking regions as well.

Example sentences with  cascabeles

The Spanish word 'cascada' translates to 'waterfall' in English. It refers to a cascade of water falling from a height, often in a mountain or hill setting. It is also used in a more metaphorical sense to describe any stream of items or events that resembles a waterfall in some way. As it is a common word, 'cascada' might appear frequently in literature, descriptions of nature, and travel writing.

Example sentences with  cascada

The Spanish phrase 'cascanueces' is used to refer to the tool used to crack nuts open, just like 'nutcracker' in English. It can also refer to a person or thing that cracks nuts. Moreover, it is also synonymous to the famous ballet and its leading character. The term is used quite similarly in Spanish as in English.

Example sentences with  cascanueces
cáscara de huevo
egg shell

The Spanish term 'cáscara de huevo' translates to 'egg shell' in English. An eggshell is the outer covering of a hard-shelled egg and of some forms of eggs with soft outer coats. It protects and provides a sanitary environment for the egg's contents, being its principal defense against external damage. In culinary uses, egg shells might be used in composting or as a form of organic calcium supplement.

casco antiguo
Old Town

The Spanish term 'casco antiguo' directly translates to 'old town' in English. It refers to the historical or original nucleus of a city, often preserving the old architecture and historical elements. Many European cities are popular for their old towns, which draw travelers looking to experience rich history and culture. The 'casco antiguo' encompasses a city's roots and may boast museums, cathedrals, and other significant monuments. These areas often contain narrow, winding streets and buildings dating back several centuries, creating a distinctive charm and character.

Example sentences with  casco antiguo
casco histórico
historic centre

The term 'casco histórico' in Spanish translates to 'historic centre' in English. It refers to an area that has been designated as culturally important due to its historical significance. Typically, 'casco histórico' consists of older buildings that represent the architecture and style of a specific period in history. Such areas are often preserved and maintained by governments or local societies to promote heritage and tourism.

Example sentences with  casco histórico
casco homologado
approved helmet

'Casco homologado' is a Spanish phrase that can be translated into English as 'approved helmet'. In Spanish, 'casco' refers to any kind of helmet or protective head gear. It can refer to the helmet you would wear while riding a motorcycle or bike or the gear that a construction worker might wear. The word 'homologado' is mainly used to refer to something that has been officially approved or certified. So 'casco homologado' together would refer to a helmet that has been officially approved by the relevant authorities for its safety standards.

Example sentences with  casco homologado

The Spanish word 'casi' translates to 'almost' in English. It is often used to indicate a near miss or that something is not quite complete. For instance, you can use it to say 'casi terminado,' which means 'almost finished' in English. The usage of 'casi' is quite versatile in Spanish, as it can modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Example sentences with  casi

The Spanish word 'casilla' translates to 'square' in English. It can refer to a physical square shape, a place on a game board, a checkbox or a smaller segmented area within a larger space. The term 'casilla' is widely used in a variety of contexts, such as architecture, design, literature, and games like chess.


The Spanish word 'caspa' is translated into English as 'dandruff'. Dandruff is a common scalp disorder marked by the presence of flakes in the hair. It may cause itching and redness on the scalp. It can be due to dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, or certain fungal infections. Often, dandruff is a chronic condition but its symptoms can be controlled with proper care and hygiene.


The Spanish word 'castillo' translates to 'castle' in English. A castle is a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat. Castles were primarily built during the Middle Ages and were used to protect the inhabitants from potential enemy attacks. In the context of Spanish culture, many castles can be found across the country, displaying a variety of architectural styles influenced by different historical periods and geographical locations.

Example sentences with  castillo

The Spanish word 'catálogo' translates to 'catalogue' in English. It refers to a list or record of items. It is often used in the context of a book or brochure that lists and describes the goods or services that are being offered for sale by a company. Catalogs can be both printed and digital, and are a common tool for businesses to advertise and showcase their products to customers.

Example sentences with  catálogo
to taste

The Spanish word 'catar' translates to 'to taste' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of tasting or trying different types of food or beverages to evaluate their quality or flavor. Just as we say 'taste the soup' in English, in Spanish you would say 'catar la sopa'. This verb is commonly used in situations involving wine tasting, or 'catar vinos', where it is necessary to assess the characteristics and quality of different wines.


The Spanish word 'catarata' translates to 'cataract' in English. A cataract refers to a medical condition characterized by the clouding of the lens in the eye which affects vision. In a wider context outside medicine, 'cataract' can also refer to a large, powerful waterfall.

Example sentences with  catarata
catástrofe natural
natural catastrophe

The term 'catástrofe natural' in Spanish is translated into English as 'natural catastrophe'. This term is used when referring to major adverse events resulting from natural processes of the Earth. It includes events such as floods, earthquakes, hurricane, volcanic eruptions, etc. Usually these events result in extensive loss of life or property and have devastating impacts on the environment as well.

Example sentences with  catástrofe natural

The Spanish word 'catedral' translates to 'cathedral' in English. A cathedral is a large, important church, often the principal church of a diocese, with which a bishop is officially associated. Cathedrals are typical symbols of the Catholic faith but are also present in other Christian denominations. Similarly, 'catedral' in Spanish also bear religious importance and often represent the center of religious activities in a city or region.

Example sentences with  catedral
categoría profesional
Professional category

The Spanish phrase 'categoría profesional' translates to 'professional category' in English. It is commonly used in job descriptions and job-related contexts to refer to the classification or grouping of a profession based on certain characteristics such as skills, expertise, responsibilities, and roles. It might also signify different levels of a certain profession, from entry-level to senior positions, each with respective tasks and requirements. Thus, 'categoría profesional' helps identify and categorize professionals within an organization or field of work.


The Spanish word 'catolicismo' translates to 'Catholicism' in English. Catholicism is the branch of Christianity that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, as passed down through the Apostolic succession of the Pope, who is recognized as the successor of Saint Peter. The Catholic Church upholds seven sacraments, including baptism and the Eucharist, as integral to the practice of faith. The word 'catolicismo' in Spanish reflects these same beliefs and religious structures.

Example sentences with  catolicismo

The word 'católico' is a Spanish adjective and noun that translates to 'Catholic' in English. It's often used to refer to someone who follows the Catholic religion, which is a branch of Christianity led by the Pope. It could also be used to talk about anything related to the Catholic Church or its teachings. Like English, the Spanish language also differentiates between the use of capital and lowercase letters. Capitalized 'Católico' typically refers to the organization (the Catholic Church), while lowercase 'católico' refers to the individual believer.

Example sentences with  católico
cauce de un río
channel of a river

The Spanish phrase 'cauce de un río' translates to 'channel of a river' in English. It refers to the path that a river follows across the land. The term 'cauce' signifies the natural or artificial bed, confined overground, funnelling the flow of water. Essentially, it is the deeper part of a river where most of the water flows. 'Cauce de un río' falls under the category of geographical terminologies and is a common term used in studies related to Earth's physical structures and processes. It is an important aspect of understanding how rivers shape the environment and influence biosphere patterns.

Example sentences with  cauce de un río
caudal de un río
flow of a river

The Spanish phrase 'caudal de un río' translates to 'flow of a river' in English. It refers to the quantity of water that passes through a river per unit of time. It is often measured in cubic meters per second. This term is popularly used in the study of hydrology, an aspect of geographical science that majorly focuses on water bodies. The flow of a river can significantly affect the environment and ecosystems around it, as it determines the amount of water available for both human use and wildlife habitats.

Example sentences with  caudal de un río
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