Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

carril de (des)aceleración
lane (des) acceleration

The Spanish term 'carril de (des)aceleración' translates into English as 'acceleration (deceleration) lane'. This term is common in the transportation field and it refers to the lane on a highway or motorway that allows vehicles the time to speed up and join the main road's traffic flow safely (in case of an 'acceleration lane' or 'carril de aceleración'), or to slow down safely before exiting the road (in case of a 'deceleration lane' or 'carril de desaceleración'). It's an important part of road safety and smooth traffic flow.

Example sentences with  carril de (des)aceleración
carril de doble sentido
double-sensing lane

The Spanish phrase 'carril de doble sentido' translates to 'double-sensing lane' in English. It is common terminology used in traffic signs and rules in Spanish-speaking countries. The phrase refers to specific lanes on the road where vehicles can travel in either direction. Usually, these lanes are separated by specific road markings or signs to ensure the safety of the drivers. Navigating these lanes often requires heightened concentration while driving.

Example sentences with  carril de doble sentido
carril de entrada
entrance lane

The Spanish phrase 'carril de entrada' translates to 'entrance lane' in English. This term is commonly used in traffic and transportation contexts. It refers to a specific lane on a road or freeway that allows vehicles to join or enter from a different road, such as a junction or an access road. This term makes a clear distinction from other lanes, which might be reserved for through traffic or exiting traffic. Hence, understanding such terms is beneficial when giving or receiving driving instructions in Spanish.

Example sentences with  carril de entrada
carril de sentido único
one-way lane

The Spanish phrase 'carril de sentido único' translates to 'one-way lane' in English. It is often used in the context of road or traffic rules. 'Carril' means 'lane', 'de' is used as 'of' in this context, 'sentido' means 'sense' or 'direction', and 'único' stands for 'one' or 'single'. Thus when combined, 'carril de sentido único' indicates a lane where traffic moves only in one direction, as in, a 'one-way lane'.

Example sentences with  carril de sentido único
carril de vehículos lentos
slow vehicle lane

The term 'carril de vehículos lentos' translates to 'slow vehicle lane' in English. It is a term used in traffic regulations and road signs to designate a specific lane on a highway or motorway that is reserved for vehicles moving at slower speeds. The purpose of this lane is to maintain safe and efficient traffic flow. This lane is often on the right-hand side of the road in countries where traffic drives on the right, and on the left-hand side in countries where traffic drives on the left.

Example sentences with  carril de vehículos lentos
carril para bicicletas (carril bici)
bike lane (bicycle lane)

The term 'carril para bicicletas' or its more colloquial equivalent 'carril bici' is Spanish for 'bike lane' or 'bicycle lane'. It refers to a lane or a specific part of a road or path that is designated specifically for bicyclists. These lanes often have road markings or physical barriers to separate the bicyclist traffic from other vehicle or pedestrian traffic. This allows cyclists to travel safely and more efficiently, especially in densely populated urban areas.

carril reversible
reversible lane

The phrase 'carril reversible' in Spanish refers to a type of traffic lane that can change the direction of travel, usually to accommodate heavy traffic during peak times. It is common to see this in cities where the direction of the majority of traffic changes throughout the day. In English, this is called a 'reversible lane'.

Example sentences with  carril reversible
carrito de la compra
shopping cart

The Spanish phrase 'carrito de la compra' translates to 'shopping cart' in English. It is used as a way to carry goods in a supermarket or store while shopping. The term consists of two parts- ‘carrito’ which means 'little cart' and ‘de la compra’, which means 'of the shopping'. Therefore, when combined, it refers to a small cart used for shopping.

carro (de la compra)
shopping (cart)

The Spanish term 'carro (de la compra)' translates to 'shopping (cart)' in English. It's a noun that refers to a cart used by customers in a supermarket or grocery store to hold their goods until checkout. Each shopping cart typically consists of a large basket on wheels that the customer can easily roll around the store, allowing them to pick up items as they walk down the aisles. This is a common element of shopping in stores where customers choose their own items. It allows for the easy transportation of goods within the store and often serves as a temporary storage place for items selected for purchase.


In Spanish, the word 'carta' is commonly used to refer to a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger. It can be a personal letter or an official letter. However, keep in mind that 'letter' can also be translated as 'letra', specifically when referring to a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech.

Example sentences with  carta
carta al director
letter to the director

The Spanish term 'carta al director' translates to 'letter to the director' in English. This is often used in contexts where someone wishes to communicate with the director of an organization or institution, usually in a written form. It can be a formal or informal letter, depending on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. These letters are typically used to bring up concerns, make suggestions, or seek advice.

carta certificada
certified letter

The Spanish term 'carta certificada' directly translates into English as 'certified letter'. It is an important term commonly used in post offices and legal settings, and is associated with an advanced and secure method of letter delivery. A certified letter, in general, is a high-priority mail item that provides the sender with a mailing receipt or acknowledgment of receipt upon delivery, which is also often accompanied by tracking online. It is an ideal method for sending important documents or information that needs to be delivered reliably and with evidence of delivery.

carta confidencial
Confidential letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta confidencial' translates to 'confidential letter' in English. This term is often used in professional settings or in legal contexts where information being shared must remain private between the sender and the recipient. It is a document that has sensitive or important information. Confidential letters are sealed or enveloped under security conditions and are supposed to be opened and read only by the person to whom it's addressed. This is the English equivalent of 'carta confidencial'.

carta de despido
Letter of dismissal

The Spanish term 'carta de despido' translates to 'letter of dismissal' in English. This is an official document provided by an employer to confirm the termination of an employee's contract. The letter usually includes the reason for dismissal, the date the dismissal comes into effect, and details regarding any severance or benefits the employee may be entitled to. Following a dismissal, the employer often provides a 'carta de despido' as proof of the termination which may be required for legal or administrative purposes.

carta de reclamación
claim letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta de reclamación' translates to 'claim letter' in English. It refers to a formal written document that one sends to a company, institution, or individual expressing dissatisfaction or seeking redress for grievances. It is often written in a professional tone, detailing the issue at hand, the impact of the problem, and the expected resolution. Considering the importance of effective communication, understanding the term 'carta de reclamación' is essential when interacting in business or official environments.

carta de recomendación
letter of recommendation

The phrase 'carta de recomendación' in Spanish translates to 'letter of recommendation' in English. A 'carta de recomendación' is a document in which the writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual's ability to perform a particular task or function. They are primarily used in the areas of employment, admission to institutions of higher education, or scholarship eligibility.

carta de solicitud de trabajo
letter of request for work

The Spanish phrase 'carta de solicitud de trabajo' translates to 'letter of request for work' in English. This term is used in the business and professional context, usually when someone wants to apply for a job in a company. It includes details about the applicant's skills, experiences, and reasons why they believe they're suitable for the job. The 'carta de solicitud de trabajo' serves as an introduction and a request for job consideration, similar to a cover letter in the English-speaking world.

carta formal
formal letter

The phrase 'carta formal' in Spanish translates to 'formal letter' in English. A formal letter is a letter written in formal language, generally used for official communication and correspondence. The language, style, and content of such a letter depend on the purpose of the letter and who is being addressed. 'Carta formal' can be used in personal, academic or business settings where a degree of formality is required.

carta manuscrita
handwritten letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta manuscrita' translates to 'handwritten letter' in English. This term is typically used to reference a physical letter that is written by hand, often with a pen or pencil, as opposed to being printed or typed. Handwritten letters are traditionally seen as more personal and intimate, because they require more effort and time to create than digital forms of communication. They are often used for personal correspondence, like letters to friends or family, thank you notes, or sentimental messages.

carta mecanografiada
Type letter

The term 'carta mecanografiada' in Spanish translates to 'type letter' in English. This often refers to a letter or document that has been produced using a mechanical device, like a typewriter. Generally, 'carta' means 'letter' and 'mecanografiada' is the past participle of the verb 'mecanografiar', which means to type or typewrite. In a broader context, it can also refer to any typed document especially in professional or formal settings.

carta oficial
Official letter

The Spanish term 'carta oficial' translates to 'official letter' in English. This term is used in formal contexts, often in business, legal, and academic environments. An official letter is a piece of correspondence that is of a formal and sanctioned nature. The specificity of the terminology is crucial in certain circumstances, as an 'official' letter carries more authority than a casual, non-official letter. It may contain valuable information, important announcements, legal details, or other official communication, and is usually written in a formal language and tone.

carta personal
personal letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta personal' translates to 'personal letter' in English. A personal letter is a type of letter (or written communication) exchanged between individuals for personal purposes. Personal letters can include various types of communication such as thank you notes, condolences, invitations, and congratulations. They are less formal than business letters and allow for a personal touch. In Spanish, just like in English, personal letters are a common and important form of communication.

carta privada
Private letter

A 'carta privada' in Spanish refers to a written communication, document, or message from one individual to another, and is intended for the recipient’s eyes only. The term translates to 'private letter' in English. This form of communication is often used in personal and sometimes professional contexts, where the sender wishes to convey private or confidential information.

carta urgente
Urgent letter

The Spanish phrase 'carta urgente' translates to 'urgent letter' in English. It is used to indicate a letter or document that needs immediate attention and quick action. This can be anything from an important contract, a letter of notification, a deadline-sensitive invitation, or critical communication. Its sense of urgency is expressed through the term 'urgente', while 'carta' means letter. It's a phrase one might frequently encounter in a business or official context.

to correspond

The Spanish word 'cartearse' translates to 'correspond' in English. Derived from the term 'carta' which means 'letter', 'cartearse' is a reflexive verb that is typically used in a formal context or in literary works. It implies exchanging letters or communicating with someone else, usually over a period of time. It can also be used metaphorically to denote an exchange of ideas or information.


The Spanish word 'cartelera' translates to 'poster' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a large printed picture, notice or advertisement that is displayed in a public place. It's often used in the context of advertising or promoting movies, music, or other forms of entertainment, as well as for educational or informative purposes. In a broader sense, 'cartelera' can also refer to a billboard or a marquee.


The Spanish word 'cartera' translates to 'portfolio' in English. The term can be used in a variety of contexts. In business, a portfolio typically refers to a collection of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents. It can also refer to a collection of investments held by an investment company, hedge fund, or financial institution. 'Cartera' can also mean 'wallet' in a more colloquial context, as in a physical container for carrying money and other personal items. The word 'cartera' might also infer to a bag that holds papers, money cards and other documents, often used by women.

cartera de clientes
customer portfolio

The term 'cartera de clientes' is a Spanish phrase that refers to a company's customer portfolio. This portfolio represents a range of different customers that a business serves or intends to reach. It can include existing clients, potential prospects, and past customers. The management of this portfolio is essential for businesses aiming to increase customer loyalty, to understand their customer base, and to grow their market share. The 'cartera de clientes' might be diversified in terms of age, geographical location, purchasing power, preferences, etc., varying from business to business.


A 'cartero' is an individual who delivers mail to residences and businesses, typically on a set route and schedule. This job involves both receiving and distributing mail.

Example sentences with  cartero
cartero comercial
commercial mail

The Spanish term 'cartero comercial' translates to 'commercial mail' in English. A commercial mail refers to a category of mail used by businesses for advertising, soliciting donations, providing information, etc. It includes items such as brochures, catalogs, advertisements, newsletters and so on. This type of mail plays a vital role in business communication and is considered a cost-effective mode of direct marketing.

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