Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

carne con patatas
beef with potatoes

The Spanish phrase 'carne con patatas' translates to 'beef with potatoes' in English. This is a simple yet popular dish in Spanish cuisine consisting of beef, typically stewed or braised, served with potatoes. It's a hearty comfort food, illustrating Spain's traditional culinary style, which often combines simple ingredients to create satisfying dishes.

carne de cerdo
pork meat

The term 'carne de cerdo' in Spanish translates as 'pork meat' in English. This term is commonly used in cooking and culinary contexts, referring to the meat derived from a domestic pig. It is a common ingredient in many international cuisines, including Spanish and Mexican cuisines where it's often used in traditional dishes. 'Carne' means 'meat' and 'cerdo' refers specifically to 'pig', hence together they specify 'pork meat'.

carné de conducir
driver's license

The Spanish term 'carné de conducir' translates to 'driver's license' in English. It is a legal document endorsed by the government, providing the official permission for an individual to operate vehicles on public roads. Similar to its usage in English-speaking countries, the 'carné de conducir' is issued only after the individual clears specified tests designed to assess their driving knowledge and skills. The requirement and procedures to obtain this may vary from one country to another.

carne de cordero
lamb meat

The Spanish term 'carne de cordero' directly translates to 'meat of lamb' in English, often shortened to just 'lamb'. It refers to the culinary name for meat from a juvenile domestic sheep. The meat is a type of red meat, which is richer in iron and protein compared to chicken or fish. Lamb is often used in dishes across the world, particularly in Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern cuisines where it is featured in traditional recipes such as roasts, stews, and grills.

carné de identidad
identity card

The Spanish term 'carné de identidad' translates to 'identity card' in English. This term is commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries as the official label for identification documents. These are issued by a government authority and contain information about the individual, such as the full name, date of birth, photograph, and a unique identification number. One may be required to produce their 'carné de identidad' in various situations, for instance, when opening a bank account, in interactions with law enforcement, or when seeking employment.

carne de pollo
chicken meat

'Carne de pollo' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'chicken meat'. It is commonly used in various contexts, particularly in reference to food and culinary practices. It is important to note that in Spanish, the noun comes before adjectives unlike in English where adjectives typically precede the noun. Therefore, 'carne de pollo' is directly translated as 'meat of chicken', but is understood in English as 'chicken meat'. This phrase can be utilized when ordering food in a restaurant, grocery shopping, or discussing recipes.

carne de ternera

The Spanish term 'carne de ternera' refers to the culinary name for meat from cattle, particularly skeletal muscle. In English, this is commonly known as 'beef'. This term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries and is found in various dishes ranging from casseroles to grills. Beef is a source of protein and is rich in essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamins B12 and B6.

carne frito
fried meat

The Spanish term 'carne frito' directly translates to 'fried meat' in English. This phrase is used in Spanish-speaking cultures to refer to a method of preparing meat, specifically by frying it. It can be used to describe various types of meats, such as beef, pork, or chicken, that have been fried as part of a meal or dish. Knowing food-related phrases such as 'carne frito' can be particularly useful when travelling in Spanish-speaking regions or when dining at Spanish restaurants.

carne guisada
beef stew

The Spanish term 'carne guisada' translates to 'beef stew' in English. This term refers to a traditional dish popular in various parts of the world including Spain and Latin America. It is a hearty dish comprising beef that has been slowly simmered until tender in a richly flavored broth with aromatic herbs, spices, vegetables, and occasionally wine or beer. The resultant stew is often served with rice, potatoes, or bread.

carne hervido
boiled meat

The Spanish term 'carne hervido' translates to 'boiled meat' in English. It is a cooking method where meat is cooked in hot liquids such as water or broth. The process typically involves simmering the meat until it is fully cooked and tender. This method can be used for a variety of meat types and is a common cooking process in various cuisines around the world.

butcher shop

The Spanish word 'carnicería' translates to 'butcher shop' in English. It refers to a store where a variety of meat products are sold. The term 'carnicería' comes from 'carne', the Spanish word for meat. The place is often organized by types of meat, like beef, pork, chicken, etc, and the cuts available. This word is widely used in all Spanish-speaking regions.


The word 'carnicero' is Spanish for 'butcher', an individual who primarily prepares and sells meat. Butchers may work in butcher shops or grocery stores, and their responsibilities could include cutting, grinding, and preparing meats for sale. They also may cure meats, make sausage, and/or handle poultry or seafood. 'Carnicero' comes from the Spanish 'carne' meaning meat, and the occupational suffix '-ero'.


The Spanish word 'caro' translates to 'expensive' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that costs a lot of money. Synonyms for 'caro' might include 'costoso' or 'preciado'. It can be used in various contexts, just like its English equivalent. For example, you could say 'El coche es muy caro' which translates to 'The car is very expensive'.


The Spanish word 'carpeta' translates to 'folder' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a paper or plastic container in which loose papers can be kept neat and together. The word 'folder' can also refer to a location where computer files are stored digitally. In the world of computers, it's a place where related documents, photos, and other data files can be organized and easily accessed. It is also worth noting that despite its similar spelling, 'carpeta' should not be confused with the English word 'carpet', which is 'alfombra' in Spanish.

carpeta de anillas
ring binder

The Spanish phrase 'carpeta de anillas' translates to 'ring binder' in English. A ring binder, 'carpeta de anillas' in Spanish, is a type of folder in which papers can be stored in a neat and flexible manner. This item is commonly used for filing documents in many settings such as schools, offices, businesses among others. The 'anillas' in 'carpeta de anillas' refers to the rings which are usually made of metal and helps to hold the papers together.


The Spanish word 'carpintería' translates to 'carpentry' in English. 'Carpentry' is a skill or occupation of cutting, shaping, and joining timber to construct buildings or furniture. Hence 'carpintería' would be the equivalent in Spanish language, referring to the art of working with wood, constructing, assembling, and fixing wooden structures.


The word 'carrera' in Spanish is commonly used in the context of a foot race, car race, or any sort of competitive event involving speed. However, it's important to note that it can also refer to a course of study in a university or college in the same way 'degree' is used in English.

Example sentences with  carrera
carrera ciclista
Cycling career

The Spanish phrase 'carrera ciclista' translates to 'cycling career' in English. This term is used to describe the professional path chosen by someone in the field of cycling. It involves participating in cycling races and events, either as an individual or as a part of a team. The career may include different types of cycling like road racing, mountain bike racing, track cycling, cyclocross, and more. It usually requires extensive training, skills in riding different types of bicycles, and a deep understanding of the rules and strategies of cycling races.

carrera de coches
car race

The Spanish term 'carrera de coches' translates to 'car race' in English. It is often used to denote any competition of speed between cars. This term may be used in various contexts, including sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. Variations of car races can occur on different types of tracks, such as road racing on public roads, drag racing on straight tracks, or off-road racing on rugged terrain. The participants in a 'carrera de coches' strive to be the first to complete a set course or distance.

carrera de motos
motorcycle race

The term 'carrera de motos' in Spanish translates to 'motorcycle race' in English. This is a sporting event where riders on motorcycles compete against each other on a specified course. The race generally involves speed, endurance, and skillful navigation of the course. Notable motorcycle races include the famous 'MotoGP' and 'Dakar Rally'. Motorcycle races consist of professional and amateur events and are held on diverse surfaces, like asphalt, dirt, and sometimes even ice or snow.


The Spanish word 'carretera' is used to refer to a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along. This can refer to both smaller roads in rural areas, as well as major highways. It can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to the English usage of the term 'road'.

Example sentences with  carretera
carretera comarcal
county road

The Spanish term 'carretera comarcal' refers to what English speakers would commonly refer to as a 'county road'. This phrase is typically used to indicate a road or highway maintained at the local or county level, rather than a major freeway or interstate which is normally maintained by the national or state/provincial government.

Example sentences with  carretera comarcal
carretera de doble sentido
two-way road

The Spanish term 'carretera de doble sentido' translates to 'two-way road' in English. It refers to a type of roadway that allows vehicles to travel in both directions. In practical terms, it is a road where traffic from opposite directions is allowed to flow on either side, typically separated by some form of central barrier or line. This type of road is commonplace worldwide, particularly in residential and urban areas where space for roadways may be limited. It promotes efficient use of road space but requires careful driving to prevent head-on collisions.

Example sentences with  carretera de doble sentido
carretera de sentido único
one-way road

The Spanish phrase 'carretera de sentido único' translates to 'one-way road' in English. This is a term used in traffic management and refers to a road in which vehicles are only allowed to proceed in one direction. Such roads are usually marked with specific signs and violations of their rules can result in hefty fines. They are designed to improve traffic flow in busy or narrow areas and to minimize accidents.

Example sentences with  carretera de sentido único
carretera nacional
National road

The Spanish phrase 'carretera nacional' translates to 'national road' in English. It refers to a type of road that connects different regions within a nation. These roads are typically maintained and monitored by the national government. The terminology is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries to categorize and refer to important transportation routes that span across the nation.

Example sentences with  carretera nacional
carretera secundaria

'Carretera secundaria' in Spanish refers to a less busy, often smaller thoroughfare or road that serves as an alternative to larger, main roads. It is similar to what English speakers might call a 'secondary road'. These roads are typically found in more rural or suburban areas and can be less congested and more scenic, although they may also be less well-maintained or slower to travel on compared to primary roads.

Example sentences with  carretera secundaria

The Spanish word 'carril' translates to 'lane' in English. It is commonly used in the context of roads or pathways, specifically denoting a division which is wide enough for one line of vehicles. Another usage of 'carril' is found in sports, where it refers to a particular path or course for running, swimming, etc. 'Carril' can also denote a track in a railway context.

Example sentences with  carril
carril adicional
additional lane

The Spanish term 'carril adicional' translates to 'additional lane' in English. It can be used in the context of road or traffic where there are more lanes for vehicles to travel. These additional lanes are often present on highways or multi-lane roads to facilitate better flow of traffic and reducing traffic congestion. 'Carril' refers to 'lane' and 'adicional' means 'additional'.

Example sentences with  carril adicional
carril bici
bike lane

The Spanish term 'carril bici' translates to 'bike lane' in English. It refers to a lane or path designated for bicycles which may be located within the roadway or separated from motorized traffic. Such paths are important for the safety and ease of bicycle riders, allowing them greater freedom of movement without interfering with vehicular traffic.

Example sentences with  carril bici
carril bus
bus lane

The Spanish term 'carril bus' translates to 'bus lane' in English. In traffic management context, a 'bus lane' or 'carril bus' is a lane exclusively designated for buses on certain routes in a road or highway. These lanes help to improve the efficiency and reliability of the bus service by enabling buses to bypass traffic congestion. In general, other vehicles are allowed to enter such lanes only for a short distance to make a turn.

Example sentences with  carril bus
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