Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'capaz' translates to 'capable' in English. It is an adjective commonly used to describe someone or something as having the power, skill, or means to do something. In a sentence, it can be used in various contexts. For instance, if you are describing a person's ability to perform a task, you would say 'él es capaz de hacerlo' which translates to 'he is capable of doing it' in English.


The word 'capaz' is used in Spanish to express the ability or capability to do something, similar to the English word 'able'. It is mostly used to denote physical or mental ability. It can be used in a variety of contexts including both formal and informal situations.

Example sentences with  capaz

The Spanish word 'capilla' translates to 'chapel' in English. A 'capilla' is a place, often a part of a larger structure like a church or in a hospital, school or prison, for people to go to pray and participate in religious practices. It's generally smaller than the main place of worship and might be used for more intimate services or ceremonies.

Example sentences with  capilla

The Spanish word 'capital' can have several English meanings based on its usage. It could refer to 'capital' as in a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or state, like 'Madrid' is the capital of Spain. It can also mean 'capital' in an economic context, referring to wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation. Moreover, 'capital' might also refer to a capital letter in the context of writing or typography. Its exact English equivalent would therefore depend on its contextual usage in a sentence.

Example sentences with  capital

The word 'capitán' in Spanish translates to 'captain' in English. It is commonly used in contexts involving military ranks or describing the person in charge of a group or team. It can also refer to the person commanding a ship or aircraft. Just like in English, 'capitán' can be used both as a form of address and as a description of someone's role.

Example sentences with  capitán

The term 'capítulo' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'chapter' in English. In a book, a chapter is a division of a novel or named parts of a piece of writing, each typically dealing with a certain aspect or theme. In the same manner, 'capítulo' in Spanish literature refers to these specific sections. Additionally, it can also symbolize an episode in a television series in some contexts. In general, it is used to denote segments or parts of a larger body of work.


The Spanish word 'cápsula' translates to 'capsule' in English. It can refer to a small case or container, typically cylindrical, designed to hold medicines. In a broader sense, it can also refer to anything that encapsulates or contains something else. For example, in biology, it refers to a tough sheath or membrane that encloses something in an organism. In technology, it can refer to a part or compartment of a spacecraft. 'Cápsula' captures a range of meanings related to containment and protection.

Example sentences with  cápsula
cápsula del tiempo
time capsule

The term 'cápsula del tiempo' is used in Spanish like 'time capsule' in English. It generally refers to an object or collection of objects sealed in a container and intentionally hidden or buried to be found in the future. It can also metaphorically refer to something that provides a peek into a past time or era.

Example sentences with  cápsula del tiempo
captar clientes
capture clients

The Spanish phrase 'captar clientes' translates to 'capture clients' in English. This phrase refers to the strategies or actions that a company or individual undertakes to attract or 'capture' new customers or clients for their business. These strategies could be various marketing efforts like advertising, promotions or special offers designed to increase interest and engagement from potential clients.


The Spanish word 'captura' generally translates to 'catch' in English. It can be used in similar contexts like catching a ball (capturar una pelota) or catching a fish (capturar un pez). But in a figurative sense, such as 'catch a cold', 'catch someone's attention' or 'catch a bus', we would use different verbs in Spanish, like 'coger' or 'atrapar'. It's important to remember these subtleties when using 'captura'.

Example sentences with  captura
capturar a un delincuente
capture a criminal

The Spanish phrase 'capturar a un delincuente' translates to 'capture a criminal' in English. This phrase is typically used in police or law enforcement contexts and refers to the action of apprehending or taking a criminal into custody. Note that 'capturar' is the verb in the sentence and means 'to capture', 'a' is a preposition meaning 'to', and 'un delincuente' can be translated as 'a criminal'. Taken together, the phrase implies the responsibility and action taken by authorities in the face of crime.

capturar a un sospechoso
capture a suspect

The Spanish phrase 'capturar a un sospechoso' translates to 'capture a suspect' in English. It is often used in law enforcement contexts to describe the act of apprehending a person who is suspected of committing a crime. The verb 'capturar' suggests the physical act of taking into custody while 'un sospechoso' refers to a person who is under suspicion.


The word 'cara' in Spanish translates to 'face' in English. It is widely used in the same context as it is in English, to refer to the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in animals. Moreover, 'cara' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to express notions such as shamelessness (having 'cara dura'), costliness ('cara' as in expensive), or aspects of playing cards ('cara' as the face side of the card).

Example sentences with  cara

The Spanish word 'caramelo' translates to 'candy' in English. It's a universal term used to refer to any sweet treat that is often given to children and enjoyed by all ages. This might refer to small pieces of hard, sweet food made from sugar and other ingredients, usually enjoyed as a snack or dessert. It's a commonly used word both in Spanish and in English.


The Spanish word 'caravana' translates into English as 'caravan'. This term can refer to a large covered vehicle for living in, especially one that people can pull behind a car and park at places for staying on holiday. It may also denote a group of people traveling together, often on a long journey or adventure. This word's usage may vary based on context.

Example sentences with  caravana

The Spanish word 'carbón' translates to 'coal' in English. Coal is a black or dark brown rock primarily used as a source of energy. It is often associated with industrial processes such as heating, electricity generation, and is also used in the steel-making process. Just as coal is fundamental to certain traditional economic activities, the term 'carbón' carries the same implications in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences with  carbón
carecer de amor propio
lack of self-love

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de amor propio' translates to 'lack of self-love' in English. It is a connotation that denotes a situation where an individual does not have enough regard for oneself or is deficient in personal affection or goodwill towards oneself. This phrase can be used in a context to depict emotional deficiency in personal development or a situation of low self-esteem. It resonates with the perception of self worth and the lack of it. The English equivalent may be used in psychological discourse to signify personal conditions that may demand self-help or therapeutic solutions.

carecer de carácter
lack of character

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de carácter' translates to 'lack of character' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a person who lacks individuality, moral strength, or integrity. Just like in English, this phrase can have a negative connotation in Spanish. Therefore, it may be used to point out someone's weak personality or ethical shortcomings.

carecer de escrúpulos
lack of scruples

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de escrúpulos' translates to 'lack of scruples' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who does not let moral concerns guide their decisions or behavior. They are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their aims, without worrying about whether their actions are right or wrong.

carecer de ética
lack of ethics

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de ética' translates in English directly as 'lack of ethics'. This refers to the absence or disregard for moral principles or standards in one's behavior or actions. It can apply to individuals as well as to organizations or professions. Ethical behavior is generally understood as conduct that respects others' rights and does not harm them. Therefore, if someone is said to 'carecer de ética', they are violating these principles and behaving in a way that causes harm to others.

carecer de moral
lack of morality

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de moral' translates to 'lack of morality' in English. It is used to describe a person or an action deemed as unethical or not conforming to the accepted standards of morality. The phrase is made up of three parts: 'carecer', which means 'to lack'; 'de', a preposition meaning 'of'; and 'moral', which translates to 'morality'. Altogether, they produce the phrase 'carecer de moral' defining an absence or deficiency in moral principles or values.

carecer de personalidad
lack of personality

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de personalidad' translates to 'lack of personality' in English. This phrase can be used to describe a person or entity that does not have unique or distinguishing characteristics, making them seem bland or uninteresting. It is often used in a critical or negative context. In a sentence, it might be used as follows: 'Aunque es atractivo, carece de personalidad', which translates to 'Although he is attractive, he lacks personality'.

carecer de principios
lack of principles

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de principios' translates to 'lack of principles' in English. This phrase could be used to indicate that a person or an organization doesn't adhere to moral or ethical standards. The word-by-word translation of 'carecer de principios' would be 'lack of beginnings', but in context, 'principios' are principles or fundamental beliefs, and 'carecer de' suggests a lack thereof. Thus, 'carecer de principios' portrays a severe criticism about someone's actions or behavior.

carecer de recursos
lack of resources

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de recursos' stands for an English phrase 'lack of resources'. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a shortage or insufficiency of means to accomplish something, such as inadequate funds, materials, staff, or other assets needed to function effectively. These resources can be of any kind - financial, natural, human, etc. It's used in both formal and informal contexts, and across multiple sectors, such as business, personal life, education, government policies, and others.

carecer de temperamento
lack of temperament

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de temperamento' translates to 'lack of temperament' in English. This phrase is used to refer to a person or a situation that lacks a definite or strong character or personality. For instance, it can be used to describe someone who is not easily excited or prone to emotional reactions, or a situation that is dull or uninteresting because it lacks intensity or vigor.

carecer de valores
lack of values

The Spanish phrase 'carecer de valores' translates into English as 'lack of values'. It can be used in multiple contexts, usually to denote the absence of moral principles or ethical standards in a person, society, or situation. It can also imply the nonexistence of worth or merit in something or someone.


The word 'cargar' in Spanish is often used to indicate the action of carrying something, just like 'charge' in English. For instance, you might use it to describe the act of carrying a bag, among other things. It also works as loading a device with power. But keep in mind, like with many words, the context can influence the exact meaning of 'cargar'.

Example sentences with  cargar

The Spanish word 'carne' translates to 'meat' in English. It is a commonly used term in Spanish speaking countries to refer to the flesh of animals, particularly mammals, as food. It is used in various contexts, such as grocery shopping, cooking, and restaurant menus, similar to the term 'meat' in English. Examples of 'carne' include beef ('carne de res'), pork ('carne de cerdo'), and lamb ('carne de cordero').

carne a la plancha
grilled meat

The Spanish term 'carne a la plancha' translates to 'grilled meat' in English. This is a cooking method where meat, often beef, chicken or pork, is cooked on a grill or griddle. It is a popular method of cooking meat in many Spanish-speaking countries, and is often served with vegetables, rice or beans. The term itself encompasses not just the method of cooking but also connotes the flavor and texture that comes from grilling. It's a common dish found on menus in places ranging from fancy restaurants to family cookouts.

carne asada
roasted meat

Carne asada is a popular dish in Latin American cuisine, primarily in Mexico and Central America. In English, it translates to 'roasted meat'. The dish usually consists of portions or slices of beef, such as skirt steak or flank steak, that are marinated, often with lime and spices, then grilled. It's commonly served with tortillas, beans, and salsa, and may be included in tacos, burritos, and other types of dishes. It's essentially a type of barbecued or grilled meat, and is a staple in many Latin American gatherings and celebrations.

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