Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'campin' translates to 'camping' in English. This is a recreational activity which involves spending a night or more in tents, caravans, or motorhomes, usually in the wilderness or designated camping areas. Activities associated with camping might include hiking, fishing, or simply enjoying nature and the outdoors.

Example sentences with  campin

The Spanish word 'campo' is used in similar contexts as 'field' in English. It can refer to an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture. In addition, it might signify a particular branch of study or sphere of activity or interest. 'Campo' can also mean 'countryside' in a more general sense than 'field'. For instance, 'Vivo en el campo' translates to 'I live in the countryside'.

Example sentences with  campo
campo de fútbol
football field

The Spanish phrase 'campo de fútbol' translates to 'football field' in English. In many Spanish-speaking countries, football—known as 'soccer' in the United States—is a very popular sport, hence the term is widely used. A football field refers to the specific playing surface where football games are held. It is characterized by its rectangular shape, grassy surface, and the presence of two goals on opposite ends of the field. It is here where players, often in teams, compete to score the most goals by getting a ball into the opponent's goal.


The Spanish term 'campus' directly translates to 'campus' in English. It refers to the grounds and buildings of a university or college. This can encompass classrooms, libraries, student housing, dining facilities, sports facilities, and other elements that constitute an academic environment. It is generally used in the context of higher education. As a borrowed word from Latin originally, 'campus' enjoys the same definition in various languages, including both English and Spanish.

campus virtual
Virtual campus

The Spanish term 'campus virtual' translates to 'virtual campus' in English. A virtual campus refers to an online learning environment where students can participate in classes, access educational materials, and interact with educators and peers, just as they would in a physical campus. This form of distance education provides flexibility to individuals as they can often learn anytime, anywhere. Hence, the term 'campus virtual' is widely used in the context of e-learning and online education.


The Spanish word 'canal' translates to 'channel' in English. It can be used to refer to a natural or artificial body of water allowing passage of boats or ships. Also, it can imply a television or radio frequency, or a medium of communication. 'Canal' can be used metaphorically as well, referring to the concept of making or finding a way through something or towards something.

canal nacional
national channel

The Spanish phrase 'canal nacional' translates to 'national channel' in English. It is used to describe a television or radio channel that is broadcasted throughout the entire country, and is accessible to people living in any region of the nation. It can also refer to a communication or transportation route that serves a national interest or is of national significance.

canal privado
private channel

The term 'canal privado' in Spanish translates to 'private channel' in English. This could refer to a communication channel that is only open or available to specific individuals or a group, thus ensuring a level of confidentiality. Examples of usage in context could be a private discussion forum on the internet or a television channel that requires a special subscription to access. Its usage can be broad and can apply to various contexts based on the situation.

canal público
public channel

The Spanish term 'canal público' translates to 'public channel' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts involving broadcasting and communications, typically referring to a television or radio channel that is controlled and funded by the public. These channels are often tasked with serving the public interest and are not motivated by profit. Since they are publicly funded, public channels are obligated to be transparent and accountable to the public. In Spanish societies, a 'canal público' is an integral part of the media landscape, providing a source of news, entertainment, and educational programming to the Spanish-speaking community.

canal regional
regional channel

The Spanish phrase 'canal regional' translates to 'regional channel' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of television or radio broadcasting, where it refers to a channel or station that is broadcasted and available to a specific region or locale. For example, a canal regional in Spain may only be available to viewers in Madrid or Barcelona, not the entire country. The term is used to describe a way for media companies to target their broadcasts to specific geographic areas.

cancelar un cóctel
cancel a cocktail party

The phrase 'cancelar un cóctel' in Spanish implies putting a stop to or calling off a planned cocktail party. You'd commonly use this phrase when you've decided not to go forward with the event for any given reason, may it be personal issues, scheduling conflicts, or unforeseen circumstances. It conveys a sense of disappointment and inconvenience, just as it does in English when one cancels a cocktail party.

cancelar un espectáculo
cancel a show

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar un espectáculo' roughly translates to 'cancel a show' in English. This is commonly used in event management or entertainment circles where a planned show, such as a play, concert, or film screening, might need to be canceled due to various factors like adverse weather conditions, inability of performers or crew members, or technical issues. In a broader context, it might also be used metaphorically to indicate the abandonment or discontinuation of any planned activity or event.

cancelar un funeral
cancel a funeral

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar un funeral' translates to 'cancel a funeral' in English. This phrase involves event planning terminology, where 'cancelar' means to call off or abandon a preplanned event or arrangement, and 'un funeral' refers to a ceremony of honoring and commemorating a deceased person, more specifically, a funeral. This phrase may be used during situations when an anticipated or planned funeral cannot carry on as planned for various reasons, hence needing to 'cancel a funeral'.

cancelar un vuelo
cancel a flight

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar un vuelo' translates into English as 'cancel a flight'. This is a term often used in travel scenarios, particularly within airline industries and ticket reservation systems. The verb 'cancelar' means 'to cancel', and 'un vuelo' means 'a flight'. The action of cancellation might be taken for various reasons such as bad weather, personal circumstances, operational issues, and so on. In Spanish, as in English, this verb is often associated with a refund or rescheduling policies that the airline companies may have due to the flight cancellation.

Example sentences with  cancelar un vuelo
cancelar una celebración
cancel a celebration

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar una celebración' translates to 'cancel a celebration' in English. It's used when you need to call off a planned event or party for any reason. This could be due to unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather, illness or changes in plans. Similar to its English counterpart, this phrase is common in everyday Spanish conversation, particularly when discussing social and family events.

cancelar una fiesta de disfraces
cancel a costume party

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar una fiesta de disfraces' translates to 'cancel a costume party' in English. This phrase might be used in a situation where a previously planned event, specifically a party where participants wear costumes, is no longer going to take place. Therefore, the organizer must communicate this cancellation. Each word can be broken down into English as follows: 'cancelar' means 'cancel', 'una' means 'a', 'fiesta' means 'party', and 'de disfraces' means 'of costumes'. Put together, you get 'cancel a costume party'.


Canción is the Spanish term equivalent to 'song'. It refers to a short musical composition with words.

Example sentences with  canción

The Spanish word 'candidato' is used exactly like the English word 'candidate'. It refers to someone who is applying for a job or running in an election. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as politics, job interviews, and more. Its plural form is 'candidatos'.

Example sentences with  candidato

The Spanish word 'canoa' translates to 'canoe' in English. A canoe is a type of small boat that is typically propelled by paddling. It is often used for recreational purposes like fishing, leisurely boating or water racing. Its design varies depending on the culture but is often made for one or two paddlers. The word originates from the Caribs, an indigenous group of the Caribbean, whose canoes were witnessed by Christopher Columbus.

Example sentences with  canoa

The word 'cansarse' in Spanish is a verb and it refers to the process of becoming tired or weary. It doesn't uniquely mean 'tired' as a state, but suggests a gradual progression towards that state. For instance, when you slowly become tired after a long day of work, you would use 'cansarse' to express that sensation in Spanish.


'Cantante' refers to a person who sings, either as a job or as a hobby. It's a gender-neutral term.

Example sentences with  cantante

Cantar means to sing in Spanish. It can be used when a person or a group of people are singing, whether it's a song, hymn or tune.

Example sentences with  cantar
cantar a todo volumen
singing in full volume

The Spanish phrase 'cantar a todo volumen' translates to 'singing at full volume' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts where someone is singing loudly, typically as loud as they can. It's important to understand the literal translation of each word; 'cantar' means 'to sing', 'a todo' means 'at all' or 'in full', and 'volumen' means 'volume'. Therefore, the phrase 'cantar a todo volumen' can be appreciated for having a clear and direct translation to English.

Example sentences with  cantar a todo volumen
cantar en directo
live singing

The Spanish phrase 'cantar en directo' translates to 'live singing' in English. This phrase is commonly used in relation to performances and concerts, where the vocalist or musician performs their music in real time, face-to-face with their audience. Unlike recorded music, live singing involves direct audience engagement and can convey deeper emotion. 'Cantar en directo' captures the excitement and immediacy of these spontaneous and unedited moments in music.

Example sentences with  cantar en directo
cantar en un auditorio
singing in an auditorium

The phrase 'cantar en un auditorio' in Spanish translates to 'singing in an auditorium' in English. Singing refers to the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, usually in a structured and continuous manner. An auditorium, on the other hand, is a large room or hall where people gather to hear speeches or watch performances. Thus, the phrase 'cantar en un auditorio' entails performing vocal music for an audience in a large room or building designed for such events.

Example sentences with  cantar en un auditorio
cantar en vivo
sing live

The Spanish phrase 'cantar en vivo' translates to 'sing live' in English. This phrase is commonly used to talk about musicians or artists who are performing their song vocally in front of an audience at that very moment, as opposed to delivering a prerecorded performance. 'Cantar' means 'to sing,' 'en' means 'in,' and 'vivo' means 'live.'

Example sentences with  cantar en vivo

The Spanish word 'cantidad' is used in a similar context as 'amount' in English. It primarily refers to the total number or quantity of something. It can be used in a variety of sentences to denote quantity, for instance 'La cantidad de agua en la jarra'. This translates to 'The amount of water in the jug'.

Example sentences with  cantidad

The word 'cantimplora' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'canteen' in English. It refers to a small water bottle, typically used by soldiers or campers for holding water or other liquids. The word is of Latin origin, stemming from the word 'cantimplorus', meaning 'complainer'. Despite its origins, the term 'cantimplora' does not carry any negative connotations, it is merely used as a practical term for a portable hydration device.

Example sentences with  cantimplora

The Spanish word 'capacidad' translates to 'capacity' in English. It can refer to the maximum amount that something can contain, typically referring to substances or quantities. For instance, in a sentence, you may use it as 'la capacidad de la botella es de dos litros', meaning 'the capacity of the bottle is two liters'. Also, it can denote the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. For instance, 'él tiene la capacidad para resolver el problema' translates to 'he has the ability to solve the problem'.

capacidad de análisis
analysis capacity

The Spanish term 'capacidad de análisis' translates to 'analysis capacity' in English. This phrase signifies the ability or potential to interpret, evaluate, and synthesize information or data. It is often used in academic or professional contexts to describe one's skill in breaking down complex concepts or solving problems systematically through careful consideration and study.

Example sentences with  capacidad de análisis
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