Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

cambiar de peinado
change hairstyle

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de peinado' translates to 'change hairstyle' in English. It is typically used when someone wants to alter the way their hair is styled, whether it be a different cut, color, or method of styling (such as straightening or curling). The word 'cambiar' means 'to change', 'de' means 'of' or 'from', and 'peinado' means 'hairstyle'. Therefore, 'cambiar de peinado' can be understood as 'to change of hairstyle' or more naturally in English, 'to change hairstyle'.

Example sentences with  cambiar de peinado
cambiar de rumbo
change course

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de rumbo' translates to 'change course' in English. This can refer to altering the direction in which something is moving, particularly in the context of a vehicle or person's path. It can also be used more metaphorically, suggesting a change in approach, plan, or strategy. For example, in a business meeting, 'cambiar de rumbo' might be used to suggest shifting the focus or plan for a project.

Example sentences with  cambiar de rumbo
cambiar de tema
change of topic

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de tema' translates to 'change of topic' in English. This phrase is often used in casual and formal conversations when participants want to shift the focus of the dialogue to a different subject. The phrase may also be used to tactfully move away from a sensitive or uncomfortable topic. Furthermore, its use is not only restricted to oral conversations but also spans across written communications like essays, emails, articles etc.

cambiar dinero
change money

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar dinero' translates to 'change money' in English. This term is often used in situations regarding currency exchange, such as when one wants to convert one currency to another when travelling. It can also be used metaphorically in a variety of contexts to suggest a change in the type or value of money one has.

cambiar el aceite
change the oil

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar el aceite' translates to 'change the oil' in English. It is usually used in contexts such as automotive maintenance, where it is important to periodically replace the oil in an engine to ensure optimal vehicle function. It can also be used in the context of cooking, referring to replacing the oil in a pan or a deep-fryer. This phrase can be classified as a verb phrase in grammatical terms.

Example sentences with  cambiar el aceite
cambiar el tamaño de letra
change the font size

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar el tamaño de letra' translates to 'change the font size' in English. This phrase is an instruction often found in computer software or websites, instructing the user to modify the size of the text displayed. It can be broken down into three parts: 'cambiar' which means 'to change', 'el tamaño' meaning 'the size', and 'de letra' which translates to 'of font'. Therefore, the phrase 'cambiar el tamaño de letra' directly translates to 'change the size of font', or more naturally in English, 'change the font size'.

Example sentences with  cambiar el tamaño de letra
cambiar el tipo de letra
change the font

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar el tipo de letra' translates to 'change the font' in English. It is often used in the context of digital communication, desktop publishing, and graphic design, where one might need to switch the visual style of a piece of text in a document. It could also extend to handwriting, where it may signal a shift in the writer's regular script to a different one. This phrase consists of three important words - 'cambiar' means 'to change', 'el tipo' translates to 'the kind' or 'the type', and 'de letra' denotes 'of font' or 'of letter'.

Example sentences with  cambiar el tipo de letra
cambiar la configuración
change configuration

The Spanish phrase 'Cambiar la configuración' translates to 'Change configuration' in English. This term pertains to the modification of a particular set of adjustable options which define how a piece of software or device operates. In computers or digital devices, it refers to modifying system settings or user preferences. Similarly, in an organizational setting, it could mean changing the structure or operational procedures.

Example sentences with  cambiar la configuración
cambiar las actas
change the records

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar las actas' is translated into English as 'change the records'. It is commonly used in conversations or discussions that involve matters of administrative, legal, or bureaucratic nature where physical or digital records are present. The phrase can be utilized in various contexts including school records, legal documents, medical records, or anywhere where documentation is maintained and which may periodically require updates or changes.

cambiar un billete
change a ticket

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar un billete' translates to 'change a ticket' in English. This could refer to altering a scheduled departure or return time, changing the destination of travel, or modifying the name or quantity of ticket holders. The word is commonly used in contexts such as travel, events and customer service.

Example sentences with  cambiar un billete
cambiar una pieza
change a piece

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar una pieza' translates to 'change a piece' in English. It can refer to the act of replacing or substituting one item, part, or piece with another. This is often used in contexts such as game playing (changing a game piece), machinery (changing a machine part), or any scenario where one thing is swapped out in favor of another.

cambiar una rueda
change a wheel

The Spanish term 'cambiar una rueda' translates to 'change a wheel' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts related to vehicle maintenance, particularly when it comes to the act of removing an old or damaged tire and installing a new one on a car, bike, or similar modes of transportation.

Example sentences with  cambiar una rueda
cambiar(se) de sitio
site change(se)

'Cambiar(se) de sitio' is a Spanish phrase that refers to the act of changing place or location. In English, it translates to 'to change (oneself) from place'. It might be used in various contexts such as shifting a piece of furniture, changing one's seat, or even moving from one city to another. The expression encapsulates both the physical act of moving and the personal, emotional experience of transition.

cambiarse de casa
change from home

The Spanish phrase 'cambiarse de casa' literally translates to 'change from home' in English. Yet, it is often used to express the action of moving from one house to another, similar to the English phrases 'move houses' or 'relocate'. It implies a situation where a person or family changes their place of living from one location to another.


The Spanish word 'cambio' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent 'change', indicating a change or transformation in state, condition, form, or appearance. It is a versatile word that can be used in a various number of contexts such as financial (when speaking about exchange rates or money), personal (when talking about lifestyle changes), as well as for shifts in attitude, climate or even clothes.

Example sentences with  cambio
cambio climático
climate change

The Spanish term 'cambio climático' translates into English as 'climate change'. Climate change is a long-term alteration in the Earth's climate and weather patterns. It particularly refers to the significant changes in global temperatures and precipitation patterns that have been observed over the last century or more. Due to these changes, we can face various environmental issues such as melting glaciers, more frequent natural disasters, disruptions to agriculture and more.

Example sentences with  cambio climático

The term 'camilla' in Spanish translates to 'stretcher' in English. This is a device used for moving patients who require medical attention. Stretcher or 'camilla' is typically a lightweight and portable item, often used in situations such as emergency medical situations, out-of-hospital care situations, military and rescue settings. In general, it plays a vital role in transporting individuals to medical facilities quickly and efficiently.

Example sentences with  camilla
stretcher bearer

The Spanish word 'camillero' translates to 'stretcher bearer' in English. A 'camillero' is typically a person responsible for carrying injured or sick individuals, often in a hospital or emergency context. In English, the term 'stretcher bearer' is rarely used colloquially, and is primarily found in medical or emergency service settings.

Example sentences with  camillero
to walk

'Caminar' is the action of moving by foot at a normal or slow speed.

Example sentences with  caminar

A truck or lorry is a motor vehicle designed to transport cargo. Trucks come in many different sizes, shapes and colors, but they all have the same basic purpose, to transport items from one location to another.

Example sentences with  camión
camión cisterna
tanker truck

The Spanish term 'camión cisterna' translates into English as 'tanker truck'. This is a specialized vehicle designed with a cylinder-shaped tank at the back used for transporting various liquids such as water, milk, fuel, and chemicals. These liquids can be hazardous, making the tanker truck an important component in the transportation industry. The term 'camión' refers to 'truck' and 'cisterna' refers to 'tank', thus combining to form 'tanker truck'.

Example sentences with  camión cisterna
camión de mudanzas
moving truck

The Spanish term 'camión de mudanzas' translates to 'moving truck' in English. It's a type of vehicle specifically designed and used for the transportation of personal or business belongings from one location to another, particularly during a residential or commercial relocation. The terms 'camión' and 'mudanzas' individually mean 'truck' and 'movings' respectively, but when used together, the phrase refers to this particular utility vehicle.


A garment for the upper body made of cotton or a similar fabric, with a collar, sleeves, and buttons down the front.

Example sentences with  camisa

The Spanish word 'camisón' translates to 'nightgown' in English. It is a feminine noun, primarily used to describe a loose, flowing article of clothing for women. It is intended for use during sleep and leisure times at home. However, in some fashion trends, the nightgown style has been adapted to outdoor clothing styles as well.


The Spanish word 'campaña' comes from the Latin 'campania'. It's used mainly in the political, advertising and military fields. In politics, 'campaña' refers to the time period in which candidates present their proposals to the voters. In advertising, it refers to the set of strategies used to promote a product or service. And in the military, 'campaña' refers to the operations in a specific time and area.

Example sentences with  campaña
campaña electoral
electoral campaign

The Spanish term 'campaña electoral' translates to 'electoral campaign' in English. An 'electoral campaign' is a systematic, targeted effort, often undertaken by a politician, a political party, or an electoral campaign organization, to influence decision making process within a specific group, typically in the run up to a vote or election. Such campaigns include activities designed to attract the public support needed for the candidate to win the election and typically involve various strategies such as advertising, public speaking, and public relations work.

Example sentences with  campaña electoral
campaña publicitaria
advertising campaign

The Spanish term 'campaña publicitaria' translates to 'advertising campaign' in English. An 'advertising campaign' is a coordinated series of advertisements, distributed through various outlets and mediums, aiming to promote a specific product, service or cause. It is a key part of marketing strategies in businesses of all sizes, as it helps to reach potential consumers, increase brand visibility, and drive sales.

Example sentences with  campaña publicitaria

The Spanish word 'campeonato' translates to 'championship' in English. A championship, in the context of sports or other competitive activities, signifies a contest held to determine a champion, often the final event in a series. 'Campeonato' can be used in various contexts just like 'championship', making it a versatile word to add to your vocabulary.


The Spanish word 'campesino' translates to 'peasant' in English. It is often used to describe a person who lives and works in rural areas, primarily engage in agriculture. It's a term used frequently in regard to the classic agricultural society structure where a small, rural population focuses on farming and raising livestock. 'Campesino' may also refer to a person of low social status in some contexts; however, it mostly carries a connotation of simplicity, hard work, and a close connection to the land.


The Spanish word 'campestre' can be explained in English as relatable to the country or countryside. It often refers to something rural or pertaining to a pastoral or agricultural field. 'Campestre' incorporates the charm and serenity typically associated with life outside urban areas, including aspects like nature, peace, and rural landscape. Please remember, the word can also carry various subtleties of meaning depending on the context of use.

Example sentences with  campestre
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