Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

calle de doble sentido
double street

'Calle de doble sentido' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'double street' in English. In context, it refers to a street or road that is designed for traffic to travel in two directions. This common infrastructure improves fluidity and reduces congestion in traffic areas. Thus 'calle de doble sentido' represents a street where vehicles can move both ways.

Example sentences with  calle de doble sentido
calle de sentido único
one-way street

The Spanish phrase 'calle de sentido único' directly translates to 'street of one sense' in English. However, its idiomatic meaning is 'one-way street'. This phrase is commonly used in traffic and navigation contexts, where 'calle de sentido único' indicates a road where vehicles are allowed to travel in one direction only. In a broader, metaphorical sense, it might also be used to describe a situation or approach where only one outcome or method is considered or allowed.

Example sentences with  calle de sentido único
calle peatonal
pedestrian street

The term 'calle peatonal' in Spanish directly translates to 'pedestrian street' in English. A 'calle peatonal' is a street or a part of a street that is designated for pedestrians and is typically found in urban areas. In these zones, motorized traffic is not allowed, allowing pedestrians to roam freely and safely without interference from vehicles. These pedestrian streets are often lined with shops, restaurants, and other establishments, fostering a bustling atmosphere and encouraging foot traffic.

Example sentences with  calle peatonal

The Spanish word 'callejero' can be translated to English as 'street', but not in the sense of a physical street. Instead, it is used more to describe something related to the street. For example, when referring to a dog, 'callejero' suggests that the dog is a stray or street dog. It could also refer to people, insinuating that they spend a lot of time in the streets or are street-smart.

Example sentences with  callejero
callejón sin salida
dead end

The Spanish term 'callejón sin salida' translates to 'dead end' in English. It can be used to refer to a street or pathway that ends abruptly and does not lead anywhere. Metaphorically, it can also apply to situations with no apparent solution or way forward.

Example sentences with  callejón sin salida

The Spanish word 'calorías' translates to 'calories' in English. The term 'calories' is commonly used in the context of diet and nutrition. Calories refers to a unit of energy. In terms of nutrition, it usually indicates the amount of energy that a particular food type provides to the body when consumed. Therefore, if you are counting 'calorías' in Spanish, you are keeping track of your caloric or energy intake from food in English.


The word 'calumnia' in Spanish translates to 'slander' in English. It is a noun that refers to the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. It is used in legal circumstances and in everyday language. It comes from Latin 'calumnia' which means 'false accusation', 'false claim', or 'trickery'.

Example sentences with  calumnia

The Spanish word 'calzoncillo' translates directly into English as 'underwear'. This refers to a piece of clothing that is worn beneath exterior clothes, usually in direct contact with the skin, acting as a first layer of protection and hygiene. In context, it could be used in sentences like 'He is washing his underwear' which translates to 'El está lavando sus calzoncillos'. Both in English and Spanish, it can be used to refer to both the general category of such clothing, or to specific pieces within that category.


A piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings.

Example sentences with  cama
cama supletoria
extra bed

The Spanish term 'cama supletoria' translates to 'extra bed' in English. This is a bed that can be added to a hotel room, for example, in case there are more people staying than there are beds. It is a commonly used term within the hospitality industry. People also use it in homes when they are hosting more guests than there are bedrooms. It is not typically a permanent piece of furniture, but usually a temporary or portable solution for accommodating extra sleepers.

Example sentences with  cama supletoria

'Cámara' is the device used to capture visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals. In filmmaking, it's used to record scenes.

Example sentences with  cámara
cámara (de fotos)
camera (photos)

The Spanish word 'cámara (de fotos)' translates to 'camera (photos)' in English. This is a device that captures still images or videos. It can be analog, which uses film to capture and record images, or digital, which records images electronically. The term 'cámara de fotos' distinguishes it specifically as a device for taking still photographs as opposed to video.

Example sentences with  cámara (de fotos)
cámara automática
Automatic camera

The Spanish term 'cámara automática' translates to 'automatic camera' in English. It refers to a type of camera that operates automatically, without the need for manual adjustment. These cameras often have features like auto-focus, auto-exposure, and automated film or image processing, all designed to make photography easier and more convenient for the user.

Example sentences with  cámara automática
Cámara de Comercio
Chamber of Commerce

The term 'Cámara de Comercio' in Spanish translates literally to 'Chamber of Commerce' in English. These are local organizations of businesses whose goal is to further the interests of businesses in the area. Business owners in towns and cities form these local societies to advocate on behalf of the business community. They may address issues such as local development, tourism, special events, and public policy.

cámara de control
Control camera

The Spanish phrase 'cámara de control' translates to 'control camera' in English. It is a term often used in security and surveillance contexts, referring to a type of camera that is used to monitor and control a particular area or space. It can be manually adjusted or controlled according to the needs of the user. Examples of where control cameras may be used include traffic control, crime prevention, and in industrial processes.

cámara de seguridad
Security camera

The Spanish phrase 'cámara de seguridad' translates to 'security camera' in English. This is a device that records videos to detect, observe and record incidents for the security and safety. They are often part of a wider security system, used in numerous areas such as shops, streets, and houses to monitor activities and prevent crime.

cámara de vigilancia
surveillance camera

The Spanish term 'cámara de vigilancia' translates to 'surveillance camera' in English. It refers to a device that captures images and video, often used in monitoring and security systems. Security companies, businesses, and residences commonly use surveillance cameras to monitor activities and ensure safety. It's a tool often seen in places like schools, banks, offices, or streets to deter criminal activity and ensure public security.

cámara digital
digital camera

The Spanish term 'cámara digital' translates to 'digital camera' in English. It is a device that captures photographs electronically. Instead of a film strip or photosensitive plate, a digital camera uses digital technology to convert light into electronic data. This data is then stored in memory. As with any camera, the digital camera's primary purpose is to capture pictures and videos. With the advantage of modern technology, it allows users to check images instantly, edit them, and even share online if desired. This tool is extensively used in various fields such as photography, videography, journalism, and on personal occasions.

Example sentences with  cámara digital
cámara lenta

'Cámara lenta' is a Spanish phrase that means 'slow motion' in English. It is commonly used in the context of films or videos to refer to a type of shot where time appears to be slowed down as it captures details that the human eye would normally not be able to see. This term is a direct translation with 'cámara' meaning 'camera' and 'lenta' meaning 'slow'.

Example sentences with  cámara lenta
cámara manual
Manual camera

The term 'cámara manual' in Spanish refers to a type of camera that allows the user to manually adjust key photography settings such as focus, exposure, and shutter speed. This is often used by professional photographers and hobbyists who want to have more control over their photographic outcomes than what a fully automatic camera can provide. The term 'manual' alludes to the need for the operator to manually adjust these settings, unlike an automatic camera that adjusts the settings automatically based on the shooting environment.

Example sentences with  cámara manual

The Spanish word 'camarero' translates into English as 'waiter'. It refers to a person, usually in a restaurant or cafe, who takes orders and serves food and drinks to customers. The term is used primarily in Spain and in other Spanish-speaking countries. This occupation often requires skills in customer service, multitasking, and familiarization with restaurant logistics.

cambiar de apellido
change of surname

The phrase 'cambiar de apellido' in Spanish translates to 'change of surname' in English. This is generally used in legal and familial contexts, where a person decides or is required to change their family name. The reasons may vary, such as marriage, divorce, or any personal or legal reasons. In many cultures, it's a common practice after marriage, where one or both partners may choose to adopt the other's last name.

cambiar de aspecto
change appearance

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de aspecto' translates into English as 'change appearance'. It is a verb phrase commonly used when referring to altering the visual characteristics or aesthetic elements of something or someone. This could include change of physical appearance or change of appearance in terms of how something is viewed or perceived.

Example sentences with  cambiar de aspecto
cambiar de cadena
change network

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de cadena' translates to 'change network' in English. It is often used in the context of broadcasting or telecommunications, where you may want to switch from one network provider to another. Just as we might say 'change channels' on a television, 'cambiar de cadena' could also reflect this action of change or transition in Spanish.

cambiar de canal
change of channel

The Spanish term 'cambiar de canal' translates directly to 'change of channel' in English. This phrase is most commonly used in the context of television viewing, especially when referencing the action of switching from one TV channel to another via a remote control or TV controls.

cambiar de compañero
changing partner

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de compañero' translates to 'changing partner' in English. This phrase is commonly used in situations where one needs to or wants to switch their current partner whether it may be for a project, a sport, a dance or any other scenario where partnership with another individual or entity is involved. It can also be used metaphorically in numerous other contexts.

cambiar de dirección
change direction

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de dirección' translates to 'change direction' in English. It is typically used to denote a change in the course or path that someone or something is taking. For example, in the context of navigation or driving, it might be used to indicate a change in direction or route. Similarly, in the context of a discussion or project, it might refer to a shift in focus or approach.

cambiar de emisora
change of station

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de emisora' translates to 'change of station' in English. It typically refers to changing the radio or television station. For instance, if you're listening to a radio station and you decide to tune into a different one, in Spanish, you would be said to 'cambiar de emisora'. It could also be used more broadly to indicate a change in the source of something or a transition of some sort.

cambiar de libro
change book

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de libro' translates to 'change book' in English. This could mean to switch from one book to another, perhaps in the context of studying different topics, reading for pleasure, or comparing different pieces of literature. The verb 'cambiar' refers to the action of changing or modifying, while 'de libro' implies the category or subject of the change, in this case, a book.

cambiar de nombre
change name

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de nombre' translates to 'change name' in English. This phrase can be used both literally and metaphorically. In a literal sense, it can indicate the act of changing one's legally given name, for instance, due to marriage, personal preferences, or other reasons. In a metaphorical sense, it implies changing one's identity or undergoing a transformation in which elements of the past are discarded and a new 'name' or persona is adopted.

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