Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

caída de la bola
ball drop

In Spanish, 'caída de la bola' is a direct translation for the phrase 'ball drop'. However, the usability may vary depending on region and context. It could be used to describe the action of a ball being dropped in sports or games, or in reference to an event like the New Year's Eve Ball Drop in Times Square. It's important to note that this phrase might not be immediately understood in all Spanish-speaking regions without additional clarification.

Example sentences with  caída de la bola
caída de la mortalidad
fall in mortality

The Spanish term 'caída de la mortalidad' translates directly to 'fall in mortality' in English. The phrase is commonly used in health and demographic contexts to describe a situation or trend where the mortality rate, or the number of deaths in a particular population, is decreasing. It can be seen as a positive indication of improvements in health care, living conditions, diet or other factors contributing to lifespan and well-being.

Example sentences with  caída de la mortalidad
caída de la natalidad
fall of birth

The Spanish term 'caída de la natalidad' translates to 'fall of birth' in English. It is often used in context to discuss the decline in birth rates within a certain population or region, typically due to factors such as economic conditions, access to healthcare, social norms, and other demographic trends. This term is frequently used in discussions of population dynamics, societal development, and economic policy.

Example sentences with  caída de la natalidad
caja de ahorros
savings bank

The Spanish term 'caja de ahorros' translates to 'savings bank' in English. A 'savings bank' is a type of financial institution where people primarily deposit funds with the expectation of earning interest over time. It's generally used by individuals for long-term saving and investment strategies.

caja de galletas
Cookie box

The Spanish term 'caja de galletas' translates to 'cookie box' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two main parts: 'caja' meaning 'box', and 'galletas' meaning 'cookies'. Therefore, when combined, it forms the term 'box of cookies' which is commonly used to refer to a container or package where cookies are stored or presented.

caja fuerte

The Spanish phrase 'caja fuerte' translates into English as 'safe.' It literally means 'strong box.' This term is used predominantly for safes in businesses or for personal use at home. These are typically sturdy, lockable boxes used to store valuable items such as money, documents, or jewelry. The concept of a 'safe' signifies security and protection, being designed to protect such valuable items from theft, damage, or fire.

caja negra
Black box

The Spanish term 'caja negra' translates to 'black box' in English. It is a term used in various fields such as aviation, theatre, and computer science among others. More commonly, in aviation, a black box refers to a device that records flight data; in theatre, it is a type of stage setting which is simple and versatile; and in computer science or engineering, a black box refers to a system whose inner workings are not readily apparent.

Example sentences with  caja negra
cajero automático

The Spanish term 'cajero automático' directly translates to 'automatic cashier' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a machine from which clients of a financial institution may make withdrawals or deposits, check their account balances or transfer funds between accounts. This device is known in English using the acronym 'ATM', which stands for 'Automated Teller Machine'.


The Spanish word 'calabacín' does not mean 'pumpkin' in English. It actually translates to 'zucchini' or 'courgette'. This term is used in many Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a type of summer squash that is green and typically long, thin and smooth. It is often used in cooking and can be prepared in a variety of ways, including grilled, steamed, boiled, or fried.


The term 'calcetines' in the Spanish language translates to 'socks' in English. These are items of clothing that people wear on their feet. 'Calcetines' can be of different types, varying in size, material, and color, and are typically used to provide comfort, absorb sweat, and protect the feet from cold. Whether for sporting, warmth in winter, or daily casual wear, 'calcetines' or socks are an essential part of our wardrobes.

calcular un porcentaje con precisión
calculate a percentage with precision

The Spanish phrase 'calcular un porcentaje con precisión' translates to 'calculate a percentage with precision' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in finance, business, or education scenarios, where precise calculations of percentages are necessary for accuracy. This could refer to computing grades, determining profit margins, calculating tax rates, or any similar situation that requires a precise percentage calculation.

Example sentences with  calcular un porcentaje con precisión
calcular un porcentaje mentalmente
calculate a mentally

The phrase 'calcular un porcentaje mentalmente' in Spanish translates to 'calculate a percentage mentally' in English. This refers to the process of figuring out a certain percentage of a quantity in your mind, without the use of a calculator or other tools. For example, if you wanted to calculate 20% of 50 mentally, you would determine that it is 10.

Example sentences with  calcular un porcentaje mentalmente
calcular una cantidad con precisión
calculate a quantity with precision

The Spanish phrase 'calcular una cantidad con precisión' translates to 'calculate a quantity with precision' in English. This implies that the process involves doing a computation or estimation that is accurate and exact. The phrase is commonly used in fields such as mathematics, finance, and science where precision is crucial.

Example sentences with  calcular una cantidad con precisión
calcular una cantidad mentalmente
calculate a quantity mentally

The Spanish phrase 'calcular una cantidad mentalmente' translates to 'calculate a quantity mentally' in English. It pertains to the mental ability of figuring out the numeric value or quantity of something without any physical aids like calculators or paper and pen. This phrase could be common in situations where mental math is necessary or encouraged, such as in classrooms, marketplaces, real life situations, or mental math competitions.

Example sentences with  calcular una cantidad mentalmente

The Spanish word 'cálculo' translates to 'calculation' in English. It can be used in various contexts just like its English counterpart. For instance, it may refer to the process of calculating something, such as a mathematic equation or a predicted outcome. Additionally, 'cálculo' can allude to a degree of judgment or discretion used in assessing a situation. Though generally used in mathematical or scientific contexts, it's also commonly used in everyday Spanish in phrases such as 'hacer un cálculo', which means 'to make a calculation' or estimate.

Example sentences with  cálculo

In Spanish, 'calendario' is used in much the same way as 'calendar' in English. It's a system of determining the beginning, length, and sequence of years and their subdivisions, such as weeks and months. It's used in everyday language and contexts, from scheduling appointments to planning events.

Example sentences with  calendario
calendario electoral
electoral calendar

The term 'calendario electoral' in Spanish translates to 'electoral calendar' in English. In politics, an electoral calendar is the schedule of various important dates and events leading up to an election, such as the dates for registration, candidate nominations, campaigning periods, and polling day itself. Understanding the electoral calendar is crucial for participants in the election process as it helps set the pace for all electoral activities.

Example sentences with  calendario electoral
calentar agua
heat water

The Spanish phrase 'calentar agua' translates into English as 'heat water'. It is a verb phrase used to describe the action of making water hot, which could be for various purposes such as cooking, bathing, etc. Typically, this term is used in the context of preparing food or drink, where heating water is often a necessary step in the process.

calentar una salsa
heat a sauce

The Spanish phrase 'calentar una salsa' translates to 'heat a sauce' in English. It is a verb phrase that can be used in many cooking contexts. Calentar is the infinitive form of a verb meaning 'to heat'. 'Una' is a definite article meaning 'a'. 'Salsa', a common word in both English and Spanish speaking cultures, is the Spanish term for 'sauce'. Therefore, 'calentar una salsa' can be used when preparing meals that require the heating of a sauce as a part of the recipe.


The Spanish word 'calidad' is equivalent to the English word 'quality'. It is used similarly to the English word to refer to the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. For example, 'La calidad de esta comida es muy alta' means 'The quality of this food is very high'. It can also refer to a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by something or someone.

Example sentences with  calidad
calificación alta
high rating

The Spanish term 'calificación alta' translates to 'high rating' in English. This phrase is often used in scenarios such as reviews and assessments, where quality, performance, or value is evaluated and then given a rating or score. If something has a 'calificación alta', it means that it has been evaluated and deemed to be of high quality, high performance, or great value. Therefore, 'calificación alta' carries a positive connotation.

calificación baja
low rating

The Spanish term 'calificación baja' translates to 'low rating' in English. This term is most commonly used in scenarios where ratings are given, such as product reviews, movie reviews, etc. For instance, a product or film that didn't perform well would receive a 'calificación baja'. It is also used in educational contexts to refer to low grades or scores in assignments or tests.

calificación final
final score

The Spanish term 'calificación final' translates to 'final score' in English. It is primarily used in educational and professional settings or competitions to denote final, cumulative results or outcomes. The term is inclusive of all contributions, assessments, performances, or points achieved over a certain period, culminating in a 'final score' or 'calificación final'. Thus, it stands for end results or conclusive figures.

calificación global
global rating

The Spanish term 'calificación global' translates to 'global rating' in English. It is often used in various contexts, such as in businesses to assess performance of products or services, in schools to determine overall grades, or in reviews of movies, books, or other works. Essentially, it reflects an overall evaluation or assessment on a global or comprehensive scale.

calificación injusta
unfair qualification

The Spanish phrase 'calificación injusta' translates to 'unfair qualification' in English. It is often used in contexts where someone receives a judgment or evaluation that is deemed not to be equal or deserving. This can be particularly applicable in circumstances such as educational grading, job evaluations or competitive scoring where bias or unfair standards can lead to an 'unfair qualification'.

calificación justa
fair rating

The Spanish term 'calificación justa' translates to 'fair rating' in English. It is often used in contexts where assessment, judgment, or evaluation occur. For example, in a work setting, an employee might receive a 'calificación justa' on a performance review, indicating that the evaluation was perceived as balanced and unbiased. In addition, it can also be used to describe the fair rating of a movie, a song, a product, or any item that can be subject to review and evaluation. This Spanish term encapsulates the concepts of fairness, justice, and impartiality in the act of rating or ranking something.

calificación oficial
Official qualification

The Spanish term 'calificación oficial' translates to 'official qualification' in English. This usually refers to a certification or validation given to a person, often in an academic or professional environment, that authenticates the person's level of skill or knowledge in a specific area. This official recognition is important for credibility and can be critical for job requirements or career advancement.


The Spanish word 'callado' translates to 'reserved' in English. This term is often used to describe an individual who tends to keep to themselves and does not share or express their thoughts or feelings openly. 'Callado' could also refer to someone who is quiet or not speaking. It is important to note the cultural and contextual differences between English and Spanish, as in certain cases the same word might have slightly different implications depending on the context it is used in.


In Spanish, 'calle' is used to refer to a public road in a city or town. The usage is similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as giving directions, describing locations etc. It's important to note that, just like in English, 'calle' is feminine in Spanish, so it would be 'la calle'.

Example sentences with  calle
calle comercial
Commercial street

The term 'calle comercial' in Spanish translates to 'commercial street' in English. In many cities, this refers to a busy street where many businesses and retail shops are located. It could also be known as a business district or downtown area in some English-speaking places. These streets often bustle with activity with shoppers during the day, and sometimes even during the night depending on the area and culture.

Example sentences with  calle comercial
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