Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The term 'budista' is Spanish refers to 'Buddhist' in English, which is an adjective used to describe anything relating to Buddhism. Buddhism is a major world religion or philosophy that is founded on the teachings of Buddha and encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Hence, a 'budista' could be an individual who follows the teachings of Buddha, or it could refer to principles, literature, structures etc., that relate to Buddhism.

Example sentences with  budista
buen amigo
good friend

The Spanish term 'buen amigo' translates as 'good friend' in English. This phrase is used to denote a person who is a close and trusted companion or ally, through the thick and thin of life. A 'buen amigo' is generally loyal, supportive, reliable, and understanding. It is a common term used in both formal and informal conversations in the Spanish-speaking world. This term reinforces the importance of friendship in Spanish culture.

buen expediente académico
good academic record

The Spanish phrase 'buen expediente académico' translates to 'good academic record' in English. This term is commonly used in academic settings, particularly in universities and colleges, to refer to a student's performance in their studies. A good academic record signifies that a student has performed well in their coursework and examinations, often surpassing average leveled expectations. This term is an important factor for university admissions and job applications, as it gives insight into the student's dedication, work ethic, and intellectual prowess.

buena distribución
good distribution

'Buena distribución' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'good distribution' in English. In business context, it refers to efficient allocation or dispersion of resources or goods. In terms of data analysis or statistics, it denotes a desirable or balanced spread of data points. This phrase is commonly used in conversations where discussions about an equal or fair distribution of something are relevant.

buena persona
Good person

The Spanish term 'buena persona' translates to 'good person' in English. This term is used to describe an individual who is morally good, kind-hearted, and demonstrates positive qualities such as generosity, honesty, and kindness. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as personal character analysis or societal standards of morality. It is not directly tied to a person's actions, but more so their inherent qualities and moral standings.

Example sentences with  buena persona
buenas maneras
Good manners

The Spanish phrase 'buenas maneras' translates to 'good manners' in English. Good manners refer to the polite behaviors that are socially acceptable and expected in a particular culture or society. Examples of good manners might include saying 'please' and 'thank you', holding the door open for the person behind you, or using polite language when addressing others. In Spanish, similarly to English, demonstrating 'buenas maneras' is often seen as a sign of respect and good upbringing.

Example sentences with  buenas maneras

The word 'bufé' in Spanish is translated in English as 'buffet'. A buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners serve themselves. Buffets are offered at various places including hotels and many social events. In Spanish, the pronunciation does not alter and stays as 'bufé'.


The Spanish word 'bufete' translates to 'office' in English. It is typically used to indicate a place of business, where professionals such as lawyers, architects, or financial consultants conduct their work. This word covers a range of various types of offices, specifically those offering professional services to the public. As with any translation, the exact meaning can vary with context.


The given word 'buhardilla' does not translate to 'athardilla' in English. 'Buhardilla' is a Spanish term that refers to a loft or attic space, often found under the roof of a house. It is a small, cozy space which can be used for different purposes like storage, living, or working space. The room typically has a distinctive sloped ceiling due to its location directly beneath the roof.


The Spanish word 'buitre' translates to 'vulture' in English. A vulture is a type of bird of prey, typically recognized for its bald head and its feeding habits, which mostly involve scavenging for dead animals. Vultures are found throughout many parts of the world and are an important part of the ecosystem because they help to remove carcasses and prevent the spread of disease. The term 'vulture' is often associated with individuals who prey on others' misfortunes, due to the bird's scavenging nature.

Example sentences with  buitre

The Spanish word 'bungaló' is translated as 'bungalow' in English. This word is used to denote a low house, typically with a broad front porch, that originated as a type of dwelling in India and later became popular in the western countries. While the exact architectural definitions and standards may vary across different cultures and regions, the core concept remains consistent. It is specifically used for small or medium-sized one-story houses which might also have additional rooms or floors added.

Example sentences with  bungaló

The Spanish word 'burgués' translates to 'bourgeois' in English. It's primarily used in social context to describe a member from the middle class in society or someone who has social behavior and political views held by these people. It's originated from bourgeois society which is essentially a society that is controlled by the middle-class people who are marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability.

Example sentences with  burgués

The Spanish word 'burguesía' translates to 'bourgeoisie' in English. It is a socio-economic term typically used to refer to the middle class or the capitalist class, who own most of society's wealth and means of production. It was often used in a historical context, especially during the time of Karl Marx, to discuss the class struggles and social dynamics of the time. Now, it's generally used in economic and sociopolitical discussions and analyses.

Example sentences with  burguesía
burlar la ley
to infringe the law

The Spanish phrase 'burlar la ley' translates to 'infringe the law' in English. This typically means to knowingly break, or infringe upon, a legal statute or regulation. The phrase implies a deliberate action, suggesting it is not an accidental breach, but instead an act that is conscious and intended to deceive or cheat the legal system. The term does not always imply a major crime, it can also refer to minor offenses or non-compliance with rules or standards. Still, it carries a negative connotation, as it opposes the principle of maintaining law and order in a society.

Example sentences with  burlar la ley

The Spanish term 'burocracia' translates to 'bureaucracy' in English. It refers to the complex structure and procedures of governmental or organizational systems, often characterized by redundancy, lack of flexibility, and inefficiency. It usually involves numerous departments and individuals going through rigorous processes and regulations to carry out decisions or actions. This can include tasks from obtaining permits, deploying resources, or implementing new initiatives.

Search engine

The Spanish word 'buscador' translates to 'search engine' in English. A 'buscador' is a software application that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. They accomplish this task by outperforming search based on keywords provided by the user. Examples include Google, Bing and Yahoo, which are all 'buscadores'. It is an essential tool in the digital age for finding specific pages amongst the vast amount of information available online.


The Spanish word 'buscar' is used quite often and it means to 'seek' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like seek. For example, if you're seeking information, you 'buscas información'. Just remember, whenever you want to express the concept of 'seeking' something in Spanish, 'buscar' is your go-to word.

Example sentences with  buscar
buscar alojamiento
search accommodation

The Spanish term 'buscar alojamiento' translates to 'search accommodation' in English. This phrase is generally used when someone is looking for a place to stay, such as a hotel, a guesthouse, or a rented apartment, particularly when traveling or relocating. It is mostly used in the context of tourism and real estate.

buscar datos
search data

The Spanish phrase 'buscar datos' translates to 'search data' in English. It's often used in technological or analytical contexts, referring to the process of finding specific information within a larger dataset. The verb 'buscar' means 'to search' and 'datos' is the plural form of 'dato' which means 'data'. So, the direct translation is 'search data', similar to how we would say 'search for data' in English.

buscar diferencias
search for differences

The Spanish phrase 'buscar diferencias' translates to 'search for differences' in English. This might be used in various contexts such as finding distinctions in a set of items, spotting changes in a picture or identifying contrasts between two similar situations. The verb 'buscar' means 'to search' or 'to seek', and 'diferencias' is the plural form of 'diferencia', meaning 'difference'. Therefore, 'buscar diferencias' would be used when one is trying to find or identify differences.

buscar documentos
Search for documents

The Spanish phrase 'buscar documentos' translates to 'search for documents' in English. This phrase is typically used in any context where one is required to look for documents, possibly in an office setting, during a filing process, in a digital database, or in personal management. On its own, 'buscar' means 'to search' or 'look for', while 'documentos' translates to 'documents'. Putting them together, you get the phrase 'buscar documentos', a useful phrase for any English speaker learning Spanish.

buscar en el correo
search in the mail

The Spanish phrase 'buscar en el correo' translates to 'search in the mail' in English. It can refer to the action of looking through or searching within your mail. This could pertain to physical mail or more commonly, to digital mail -- also known as email. This phrase might be used if someone is instructing you to find a certain piece of mail or certain information from within your collected mail.

buscar en la red
search the network

The Spanish phrase 'buscar en la red' translates to 'search the network' in English. This can be used in various contexts but is most commonly used in the context of the internet, where 'la red' is often referred to as 'the network' or 'the web'. The verb 'buscar' means 'to search' or 'to look for'. So, when combined, 'buscar en la red' implies the act of searching or looking for something on the internet or a network.

buscar en un diccionario
search in a dictionary

The provided Spanish phrase 'buscar en un diccionario' translates to 'search in a dictionary' in English. This phrase is commonly used when advising someone to look up a word or find a definition within a dictionary. For instance, to help a beginner or intermediate language learner expand their vocabulary, you may suggest them to 'buscar en un diccionario' new words they encounter.

buscar en un libro
search in a book

The Spanish term 'buscar en un libro' translates to 'search in a book' in English. It describes the action of looking for specific content, details, or information within the pages of a book. This action could be achieved physically, with an actual physical book, or digitally as in an eBook or online resource. The term suggests an active effort directed towards finding or discovering something specific.

buscar imágenes
search for images

The Spanish term 'buscar imágenes' translates to 'search for images' in English. It's a phrase typically used in the context of internet browsing or when using a digital device, such as a computer or smartphone. When you're 'buscando imágenes', you are looking through a collection or database of images, possibly on a search engine or a specific web site, with the goal of finding one or more images that fit your certain specific needs or preferences.

buscar información
search for information

The term 'buscar información' in Spanish translates to 'search for information' in English. It involves seeking or trying to find particular data or facts, often by using various sources. It is a common phrase used in daily life, in various settings like school, work, or while using digital devices. The phrase is a combination of the verb 'buscar' meaning 'to search', and the noun 'información', which means 'information'.

buscar piso

The Spanish term 'buscar piso' specifically translates to 'search for a flat' in English. In general usage, 'buscar' means to search, look for, or seek, and 'piso' refers to a flat or apartment. The phrase is often used in the context of property rental or real estate and can be considered the equivalent of 'looking for a flat' or 'apartment hunting' in English.

buscar trabajo
looking for work

The Spanish phrase 'buscar trabajo' translates to 'looking for work' in English. The verb 'buscar' means 'to look for' or 'to search for', and the noun 'trabajo' translates to 'work' or 'job'. Therefore, if someone says 'Estoy buscando trabajo', they are saying 'I am looking for work'. This phrase is often used when someone is in the process of job hunting, needing to find a new job, or expressing desire to find a job.

buscar una palabra
search for a word

The Spanish phrase 'buscar una palabra' translates to 'search for a word' in English. It is a common phrase used in contexts where one might be looking up a word in a dictionary or an online resource. The verb 'buscar' means 'to search', 'una' means 'a', and 'palabra' means 'word'. This phrase could be used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  buscar una palabra
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