Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'blando' translates to 'soft' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that is not hard or firm. It can refer to physical objects, like a soft pillow or a soft texture, as well as abstract concepts, like a soft voice or a soft color. Being an adjective, 'blando' can change its form depending on the gender and number of the noun it is modifying. Hence, it can be 'blando', 'blanda', 'blandos' or 'blandas'.

blanquear dinero
to launder money

The Spanish phrase 'blanquear dinero' translates to 'launder money' in English. This is a financial term used when illegally obtained money is processed through several transactions to conceal its origin, making it appear as if it stemmed from legal sources. Essentially, it involves 'cleaning' the 'dirty' money, hence the use of the term 'launder' which means to cleanse or wash.

bloque de pisos
block of floors

The Spanish phrase 'bloque de pisos' translates to 'block of flats' or 'apartment block' in English. It is used primarily in Spain to describe a multi-storey building that is divided into flats or apartments. This phrase is commonly utilized in residential context for urban living spaces. In American English, a rough equivalent may be 'apartment building'.

bloquear(se) el ordenador
block the computer

The Spanish phrase 'bloquear(se) el ordenador' translates to 'block the computer' in English. It can be used in various contexts, usually referring to the action of preventing access to a computer or its services, often due to security reasons. It could also denote an action where a computer is overwhelmed or overloaded causing it to stop functioning, a condition often referred to as 'freezing' or 'crashing' in English.

bloquearse el correo
block the mail

The term 'bloquearse el correo' in Spanish translates to 'block the mail' in English. It is often used in digital communication contexts to refer to actions aimed at preventing unwanted emails from being received. The blocking action can rely either on automated anti-spam filters, which identify and constrain unsolicited bulk messages, or on manual blacklist setups, where certain email addresses are specifically barred from sending messages to you. In both instances, 'bloquearse el correo' signifies that the incoming emails are not allowed entry and are kept from showing up in your inbox.

bloquearse la red
block the network

The Spanish phrase 'bloquearse la red' translates to 'block the network' in English. It can refer to situations where the network stops working or is intentionally blocked, such as for security purposes or due to a technical issue. This expression is rather technical, commonly used in contexts related to Information Technology and Telecommunications.


The Spanish word 'blusa' translates to 'blouse' in English. It is a term used to refer to a type of upper garment that is worn by women. It generally features a loose-fitting design and comes in a variety of styles, cuts, and patterns. From casual blouses that are perfect for everyday wear to more formal types ideal for office settings or special occasions, 'blusa' broadens one's wardrobe options.

boca de metro
metro entrance

The Spanish phrase 'boca de metro' refers to the entrance of a subway or metro station. It's a common term used in Spanish-speaking cities where metros are frequently used for transportation. Just as you'd say 'metro entrance' in English, you can use 'boca de metro' when discussing or asking for directions to the entrance of a metro station in Spanish.

Example sentences with  boca de metro

The Spanish word 'bocadillo' translates to 'sandwich' in English. It is a popular snack in Spain and is crafted by cutting a baguette lengthways and filling it with ingredients. These ingredients could be a range of items such as ham, cheese, omelet, or other local favorites. The word 'bocadillo' itself can be broken down into 'boca' meaning 'mouth' and the diminutive suffix 'illo', so it can be thought of as a 'little bite for the mouth'.


The Spanish word 'boda' is translated into English as 'wedding'. It refers to a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. In the Spanish language, many phrases and expressions involve this word, showing the cultural importance of such an event.

boda civil
civil wedding

The phrase 'boda civil' in Spanish refers to a civil wedding in English. This is a legal ceremony that takes place without any religious affiliation, often conducted by an authorized legal representative such as a judge or justice of the peace. The aim of a civil wedding is the legal registration of a marriage between two people without the complications or requirements often associated with traditional religious ceremonies.

boda religiosa
religious wedding

The Spanish term 'boda religiosa' translates to 'religious wedding' in English. This refers to a matrimonial ceremony that is conducted in accordance with the customs and traditions of a specific religion. This type of wedding often includes rites and rituals that are considered sacred and significant in the context of the given religious belief system. For instance, a 'boda religiosa' in a Catholic context may include the exchange of vows before a priest, readings from the Bible, prayers, and the sacrament of the Eucharist.

bodas de oro
Gold weddings

'Bodas de oro' is a Spanish phrase translated as 'golden weddings' in English. It is usually used to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a marriage, symbolizing the life-long commitment and enduring love of a married couple. The term 'golden' signifies the value, strength and preciousness of such enduring relationships, just like gold. In many cultures, the couple may commemorate this occasion with a family gathering, renewing of vows, or exchanging golden anniversary gifts.

bodas de plata
Silver weddings

The term 'bodas de plata' in Spanish refers to what English speakers call 'silver weddings'. This is a traditional celebration held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a couple's wedding day. It's a significant milestone that often involves a gathering of friends and family who join to honor the long-standing union. The phrase 'bodas de plata' literally translates to 'silver weddings', symbolizing the silver traditional theme associated with marking 25 years of marriage.


The Spanish word 'bol' translates to 'bowl' in English, which refers to a round, deep dish or container typically used to hold food, liquid, etc. It can be made of various materials such as plastic, ceramic, metal or glass. Bowls are common kitchenware items and are used for serving, mixing, or preparing foods.


'Boleto' translates to 'ticket'. It is a paper or electronic document, often required to enter or travel somewhere.

Example sentences with  boleto

The Spanish word 'bolígrafo' translates to 'pen' in English. It is a common item used for writing and may come in various forms such as ballpoint, fountain, or felt-tip. The term is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to the tool that uses ink to mark papers or other surfaces.


The Spanish term 'bollería' refers to a category of food items, typically sweet, that are made from dough, commonly flour, which is baked in an oven. In English, this term is most accurately translated as 'pastries'. This can include a wide range of treats such as croissants, danishes, muffins, donuts, and more. It's common to find 'bollería' in bakeries and shops, and they are often served as a part of breakfast or dessert in many Spanish-speaking cultures.


A container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.

Example sentences with  bolsa
bolsa de aseo
toilet bag

The Spanish term 'bolsa de aseo' can be directly translated to English as 'toilet bag'. This commonly refers to a small portable bag that typically contains toiletries such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving material, and so on, usually for travel or camping purposes.

Example sentences with  bolsa de aseo
bolsa de empleo
employment exchange

The Spanish phrase 'bolsa de empleo' translates to 'employment exchange' in English. It's often used in reference to a service, usually a website or office, where people can go to find job opportunities. These services may also offer resources for improving resume, preparing for interviews, and finding suitable employment.

bolsa de la compra
shopping bag

The Spanish phrase 'bolsa de la compra' is used to refer to a shopping bag in English. This term's literal translation is 'bag of the purchase.' It is generally used when referring to the bag one uses to carry purchases from a store or market. Similar to its English counterpart, this Spanish term can refer to any bag used for purchasing goods, regardless of the product or bag material.

bolsa de trabajo
job board

The phrase 'bolsa de trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'job board' in English. A 'job board' is a website or physical location where job advertisements are posted. Companies and organizations use job boards to announce vacancies and attract potential employees. Similarly, job seekers use job boards to find employment opportunities that match their skills and interests.

bolsa de viaje
travel bag

The Spanish phrase 'bolsa de viaje' translates to 'travel bag' in English. A travel bag is a type of luggage that is typically used to contain clothes and other possessions while traveling or taking a trip. It can come in various sizes and styles, like a suitcase, a duffel bag, or a backpack, according to the specific needs of the traveler. Similarly, in Spanish, the phrase can refer to different types of bags, characterized by their usefulness to carry personal items during travels.

Example sentences with  bolsa de viaje
bolsas (en los ojos)
bags (in the eyes)

The Spanish phrase 'bolsas (en los ojos)' translates to 'bags (in the eyes)' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe the condition where the skin under a person's eyes appears swollen and darkened, often due to lack of sleep, aging, or stress. It's a figurative expression, as it refers to the visual similarity between a literal bag and the puffiness observed under the eyes.


The Spanish word 'bomba' translates to 'pump' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as water pump (bomba de agua), air pump (bomba de aire), or fuel pump (bomba de combustible). However, 'bomba' can also mean 'bomb' depending on the context.

Example sentences with  bomba
to bomb

The Spanish verb 'bombardear' translates directly to 'to bomb' in English. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts. In a literal sense, it is used to describe the act of dropping explosives from an aircraft or other high position with the intention to cause damage or destruction, like in a war setting. In a figurative context, 'bombardear' could mean to bombard someone with information or questions, just like 'to bomb' is used in English.

Example sentences with  bombardear

'Bombero' refers to a person whose job is to extinguish fires. This term generally refers to a male firefighter.

Example sentences with  bombero

The Spanish word 'bombilla' translates to 'bulb' in English. It could refer to a light bulb, which is the most common usage, or used in different contexts it could mean a drinking straw, wherein it refers specifically to the metal straws used to drink traditional South American beverages like 'mate'. The term 'bombilla' derived from the word 'bomb', reflects how the bulb 'explodes' with light.


'Bonito' denotes appearance, suggesting something is pleasing or attractive to the eye.

Example sentences with  bonito
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