Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

abrir un documento
open a document

The Spanish phrase 'abrir un documento' translates to 'open a document' in English. This is often used in the context of reading, viewing, or editing a document in software applications. For instance, 'Necesito abrir este documento' would mean 'I need to open this document'. Here, 'abrir' means 'open', 'un' means 'a', and 'documento' is a direct translation of the word 'document'.

Example sentences with  abrir un documento
abrir un regalo
open a gift

The Spanish phrase 'abrir un regalo' translates to 'open a gift' in English. In this phrase, 'abrir' means 'to open', 'un' is an indefinite article that means 'a' in English, and 'regalo' means 'gift'. Thus, when put together, 'abrir un regalo' represents the action of opening a present or gift. This is commonly used in contexts like birthday parties, Christmas celebrations or any other occasion where gifts are shared.

abrir una botella
open a bottle

The Spanish phrase 'abrir una botella' translates to 'open a bottle' in English. It is used when someone wants to express the action of uncorking or unsealing a bottle. This phrase could be used in various contexts, such as asking someone to 'open a bottle' of wine or soda.

abrir una cuenta
open an account

The Spanish phrase 'abrir una cuenta' translates directly to 'open an account' in English. This phrase is typically used in banking or financial contexts, when you want to start a new bank account or other type of financial account. Similarly, it could also be used on an online platform or website when creating a new user account.

abrir(se) una cuenta de correo (electrónico)
open an email account

The phrase 'abrir(se) una cuenta de correo (electrónico)' in Spanish literally translates to 'open an email account' in English. This is a common phrase that is used when directing someone to create or establish a new email address with a service provider. The verb 'abrir' translated to 'open' is used in this context to denote starting or initiating something new (i.e., email account).


The Spanish word 'absolutamente' is an adverb used to express complete agreement or to emphasize something. It is the equivalent to the English adverb 'absolutely'. It is often used in conversations to affirm or agree with the speaker.

Example sentences with  absolutamente

The Spanish word 'abstenerse' translates to 'abstain' in English. This word derives from Latin and is a reflexive verb which means to hold oneself back from doing something, not to do something, or to refrain from an action. This word is frequently applicable in the context of voting where a voter chooses not to vote, or in a context where someone does not take part in a particular event or refrains from consuming certain foods or drinks.

Example sentences with  abstenerse

The Spanish word 'abuelo' is translated to English as 'grandpa'. The term 'abuelo' is a familiar and affectionate way to refer to a male grandparent in Spanish-speaking cultures, encompassing both paternal and maternal grandfathers. The term is widely used in all Spanish-speaking countries and regions, making it a common term in the Spanish language. An 'abuelo' is an older male family member, specifically the father of one's own parents, who traditionally plays a role of works as a source of wisdom and guidance in the family.


The Spanish word 'abundancia' translates to 'abundance' in English. It refers to a large quantity of something or the state of having a lot of something. It can be used to describe anything that exists in large amounts or numbers, whether physically (such as abundance of food, resources, etc.) or figuratively (such as abundance of love, happiness, etc.). This term is often associated with prosperity, wealth and affluence, but can also refer to ample amount of not-so-positive things such as an abundance of problems or troubles.

getting bored

The Spanish verb 'aburrirse' translates to 'getting bored' in English. It is used when someone loses interest in something or when an activity, a conversation, or a situation is not interesting or entertaining. Unlike in English where 'boring' is an adjective, 'aburrirse' is a reflexive verb in Spanish. This means you use it when the subject in the sentence is causing the action on itself. So, in Spanish, instead of saying something is 'boring', you would say 'I get bored' (me aburro), which indicates you are bored of the situation or activity.

acabar con una relación
ending a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'acabar con una relación' translates to 'ending a relationship' in English. This phrase is often used in social contexts and can apply to various types of relationships such as romantic, familial, or professional relationships. The verb 'acabar' generally signifies an ending or conclusion of some sort. In this context, combined with 'con una relación', it refers specifically to the termination or ending of a relationship.

acabar el bachillerato
finish high school

The Spanish phrase 'acabar el bachillerato' translates to 'finish high school' in English. In many Spanish speaking countries, 'bachillerato' is the term used to refer to the stage of education that is equivalent to high school. 'Acabar' is a verb that means 'to finish' or 'to end'. Therefore, 'acabar el bachillerato' can be used when talking about completing or graduating from high school.

acabar un doctorado
finish a doctorate

The phrase 'acabar un doctorado' in Spanish translates to 'finish a doctorate' in English. It is used in academic contexts and indicates the completion of the highest level of academic degree, typically referring to a PhD or doctorate program. For example, if a student were to say 'Voy a acabar un doctorado en filosofía', this would translate to 'I'm going to finish a doctorate in Philosophy'. It represents the end of a substantial commitment to specialized study in a particular field.

acabar un máster
finish a master

The Spanish phrase 'acabar un máster' can be translated into English as 'finish a master'. This phrase is used in the educational context, particularly in higher education, to denote the completion of a master's degree program. In other words, when a student successfully meets all the educational requirements and completes all coursework for a master's degree, they 'acabar un máster'.

acabar una carrera
end a race

The Spanish phrase 'acabar una carrera' means 'to finish a race' in English. This phrase can be used in both literal and metaphorical sense. In the literal sense, it refers to reaching the end of a physical contest of speed such as a foot race, car race etc. Metaphorically, it can mean completing a major phase or task like finishing a long project or graduating from school or university which can be seen as 'races' in the broader journey of life.

acabar una relación
end a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'acabar una relación' translates to 'end a relationship' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of discussions about romantic, familial, or professional relationships. In Spanish, 'acabar' means 'to end' or 'to finish', 'una' means 'a', and 'relación' means 'relationship'. Together, they express the concept of ending or terminating a relationship.

academia de ballet
ballet academy

The term 'academia de ballet' in Spanish translates to 'ballet academy' in English. It is a school or institution where students learn the art of ballet, a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French. Ballet academies often offer training in technique, flexibility, strength, and performance, catering to different skill levels from beginner to professional.

academia de idiomas
language academy

The Spanish phrase 'academia de idiomas' translates to 'language academy' in English. A language academy is an educational institution where you can learn different languages. These academies typically hire professional language educators and offer courses in various languages, often across beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels. The term 'academia de idiomas' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking nations to refer to such institutions.

academia de música
music academy

The Spanish phrase 'academia de música' translates to 'music academy' in English. A music academy is a type of educational institution specifically dedicated to the study and practice of music. It offers a variety of music-related courses including vocals, instrumental music, music theory, composition and much more. Teachers in music academies are often professional musicians or experienced educators in the field.


The Spanish word 'acariciar' translates to 'caress' in English. It is a verb, used often in romantic context, but can also widely be applied to express a gentle touch or stroke, usually conveying affection or comfort. Examples of its application in a sentence are, 'Me gusta acariciar a mi perro' in Spanish translates to 'I like to caress my dog' in English.

acceder a un enlace
access to a link

The Spanish phrase 'acceder a un enlace' translates to 'access a link' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of websites and the internet, where various 'links' or 'enlaces' connect visitors to different web pages or content. By 'acceding' or 'accessing' these links, you're essentially opening the linked page or activating the linked function.

acceder a una página de Internet
access to an Internet page

The Spanish phrase 'acceder a una página de Internet' translates to 'access to an Internet page' in English. This is generally used to describe the action of entering or opening up a specific webpage on the Internet. This could be through typing the URL into the address bar, clicking on a link, or using a bookmark. The word 'acceder' itself means to access or enter, 'a una página' translates to 'to a page', and 'de Internet' means 'of the Internet'.

acceder a una página web
access to a website

The Spanish phrase 'acceder a una página web' translates to 'access to a website' in English. This phrase is often used in terms of utilizing a website's resources, services, or content. It may be needed to input login credentials or be connected to the internet in order to 'acceder a una página web'.


The word 'accidentado' in Spanish refers to a state or event that is uneven, rugged, or, in some contexts, it can also refer to an unfortunate occurrence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury, which in English is generally referred to as an 'accident'. However, it is more frequently used to describe terrain, roads, or landscapes that are irregular or difficult due to natural formations.

Example sentences with  accidentado
accidente aéreo
Air accident

The Spanish term 'accidente aéreo' translates to 'air accident' in English. This phrase is used to describe incidents or mishaps that occur in the atmosphere involving any kind of aircraft. This can encompass a wide range of situations, from minor in-flight malfunctions to major catastrophes such as plane crashes. The severity of an 'accidente aéreo' can vary greatly, and they are subject to investigation by air traffic authorities to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Example sentences with  accidente aéreo
accidente de coche
car accident

The phrase 'accidente de coche' in Spanish translates to 'car accident' in English. This term refers to a collision between two or more vehicles, or a collision between a vehicle and another object, such as a tree or a building. Car accidents often result in damage to the vehicles involved, and can also cause injury to people inside the vehicles. Like in English, 'accidente de coche' can be used to describe both minor and severe car accidents.

Example sentences with  accidente de coche
accidente de tráfico
traffic accident

The Spanish phrase 'accidente de tráfico' translates to 'traffic accident' in English. This typically refers to a mishap that occurs on the road involving one or more vehicles. This could range from minor fender benders to major collisions, often resulting in damage to the vehicle and potential personal injury. Traffic accidents can be caused by numerous factors including but not limited to reckless driving, adverse weather conditions, mechanical failure, and impaired driving.

Example sentences with  accidente de tráfico
accidente en cadena
chain accident

The Spanish phrase 'accidente en cadena' translates to 'chain accident' in English. In a traffic context, a 'chain accident' indicates a series of road accidents caused by the effect of the first accident. Often, this happens when the first car abruptly stops, making following cars collide one after another. This term emphasizes the way every subsequent collision is causally linked to the first incident through a chain-like sequence.

Example sentences with  accidente en cadena
accidente geográfico
geographical accident

The term 'accidente geográfico' refers to the various natural formations or features seen on the surface of the earth. These are physical features that are part of the landscape and can include mountains, rivers, valleys, canyons, and peninsulas among others. They are naturally existing and are not created by human beings. This term is the equivalent of 'geographical accident' in English, although the more common English translation would be 'geographical feature' or 'landform'.

Example sentences with  accidente geográfico
accidente involuntario
involuntary accident

The Spanish term 'accidente involuntario' directly translates to 'involuntary accident' in English. It is typically used to describe an incident that occurs without the intention or control of the involved parties. This term is often applied in contexts such as legal discussions, insurance policies, and general conversations where someone might talk about an accident they did not mean to cause or could not avoid.

Example sentences with  accidente involuntario
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