Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'beneficioso' translates to 'beneficial' in English. It is often used to describe something that has a positive or helpful effect or advantage. For example, in a sentence like 'El ejercicio es beneficioso para la salud', it means 'Exercise is beneficial for health'. It is an adjective and it consistently remains 'beneficioso' regardless of the gender or number of the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  beneficioso

The Spanish word for 'sparklers' is 'bengalas'. Just like in English, 'bengalas' in Spanish is used to refer to a type of firework that emits sparks. This word is commonly used during celebrations like birthdays and New Year's Eve.

Example sentences with  bengalas

The word 'berenjena' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'eggplant' in English. It refers to a type of plant species known for their edible purplish or blackish fruits. The term 'berenjena' is often used in the context of cooking and food recipes as eggplant is a common ingredient in many dishes.


The Spanish word 'besar' translates to 'kiss' in English. It is primarily used as a verb in Spanish, similar to the English equivalent. It's part of the basic romantic terminology. When 'besar' is used in a sentence, it often refers to the physical act of kissing. It also implies affection and intimacy between individuals.


The Spanish word 'besarse' is a reflexive verb that translates to 'kissing' in English. It's often used in the context of two or more people exchanging affection by pressing their lips together, which is a common affectionate gesture in numerous cultures. The reflexive form raises emphasis on the reciprocality of the action, meaning both individuals involved are performing the action. Therefore, 'besarse' is not just 'to kiss', but more specifically 'to kiss each other'.


The Spanish word 'bestia' is translated as 'beast' in English. It is often used in reference to an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one. The term can also metaphorically denote a cruel, brutish, or filthy person. In certain contexts, 'bestia' can be used colloquially to emphasize the remarkable characteristics of a person, an event, or a thing, just like 'beast' in English. Despite its direct correlation with animals, it's not limited to zoological discussion; it permeates various aspects of language use.

Example sentences with  bestia

The word 'Biblia' in Spanish translates to 'Bible' in English. It is a noun that refers to the religious text of Christianity, encompassing both the Old and New Testaments. It is an important spiritual, cultural, and historical text, used in religious practices and teachings.

Example sentences with  Biblia

A 'Biblioteca' is a place where you can find various collections of books and other resources like CDs, DVDs, and sometimes even accessible computers for internet usage. It is a place regular visited by students and individuals for reading and researching.

Example sentences with  biblioteca
biblioteca municipal
Municipal library

The Spanish phrase 'biblioteca municipal' translates to 'municipal library' in English. A municipal library, often funded by local governments, serves the needs of a specific town, city, or county. It's a place where people can borrow books, use the internet, attend events, and access other educational and cultural resources. Similarly, a 'biblioteca municipal' in Spanish-speaking countries offers these services to their local communities.

biblioteca pública
Public library

The Spanish term 'biblioteca pública' directly translates to 'public library' in English. A public library is a library that is accessible by the general public and is usually funded from public sources, such as taxes. It is a place where books and other informational materials like newspapers, magazines, DVDs, computers, etc., are kept for borrowing or reference. Libraries often offer services such as reading rooms, book clubs, and educational programs. The institution aims to provide a space dedicated to self-improvement, education, and recreation for all ages and backgrounds.


The Spanish word 'bicho' translates to 'bug' in English. It is primarily used to describe small creeping or crawling invertebrate animals, such as insects, spiders, and worms. However, the word 'bicho' can also be used generically in different Spanish-speaking regions to refer to any small creature or living thing, its application can vary, with usage extending to benign or less known creatures.

Example sentences with  bicho

A bicycle is a vehicle with two wheels that a person rides by pushing its pedals. It's a popular mode of transportation for short and moderate distances due to its environment-friendly nature.

Example sentences with  bicicleta

The Spanish word 'bien' is used similar to the English word 'well'. It can function as an adverb, adjective, noun, or interjection depending on the context. For example, it can be used to show that something is done correctly (adverb), describe something as good in a general sense (adjective), express satisfaction or agreement (interjection), or it can reflect moral righteousness (noun). It's a very versatile word in everyday usage.

Example sentences with  bien
bien orientado

The Spanish phrase 'bien orientado' translates to 'well oriented' in English. This phrase can be used to describe someone who has a clear sense of direction or purpose, or it can refer to an object or place that is correctly positioned or aligned. It is often used to point out the accuracy or precision of an entity's direction, alignment, or orientation.

bienes de consumo
consumer goods

The Spanish phrase 'bienes de consumo' translates to 'consumer goods' in English. Consumer goods are products bought for consumption by the average consumer. These are the end result of production and manufacturing and are what a consumer will see on the store shelf. They are also called 'final goods,' or 'end products.' They may be used over time, sometimes lasting years, as with durable goods, or they may be consumed or otherwise used immediately, as with non-durable goods.

Example sentences with  bienes de consumo

The Spanish word 'billete' translates to 'ticket' in English. It generally refers to a piece of paper or small card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event. For instance, in the context of travel, if you're taking a train or a bus, you may need to buy a 'billete'. It should be noted that 'billete' can also mean 'banknote' or 'bill' in some contexts, indicating a piece of paper money.


The Spanish word 'biodiversidad' translates to 'biodiversity' in English. It is a neologism coined in the 80s from the conjunction of 'biology' and 'diversity'. It is a term widely used in environmental and biological sciences. 'Biodiversidad' refers to the wide variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms. This complexity of life not only pertains to the wide number of different species of plants and animals, but also their genetic variation and the diverse ecosystems and landscapes in which they inhabit.

Example sentences with  biodiversidad

Biology is the scientific study of life and living organisms. This field of science examines everything from the microscopic parts of organisms, like cells and molecules, to larger systems like ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.

Example sentences with  biología

The Spanish term 'biológico' translates to 'biological' in English. It is primarily used within the realms of biology and science, where it is used to describe anything related to life or living organisms. For example, a biological process in humans could include digestion, respiration, or reproduction. This term can also be used in a broader context to refer to things that are natural or organic, in contrast to items that are synthetically produced.

Example sentences with  biológico

The term 'biólogo' is a Spanish word that refers to a biologist in English. A biologist is an expert in biology, the scientific study of life and living organisms. Biologists may specialize in certain areas such as zoology (the study of animals), botany (the study of plants), microbiology (the study of microorganisms), etc. The work of a biologist involves conducting research, performing experiments, and in many cases, making significant contributions to our understanding of the natural world.

Example sentences with  biólogo

The Spanish word 'biomasa' translates to 'biomass' in English. 'Biomass' is a term often used in biology and refers to the total amount of living matter within a given unit of environmental area. It can also be related to renewable energy, where 'biomass' is organic matter used as fuel. Overall, 'biomasa' in Spanish has a direct correlation with the English term 'biomass' and is used in a similar context.

Example sentences with  biomasa

The Spanish word 'biosfera' translates to 'biosphere' in English. A biosphere refers to the part of the Earth, including land, water, and air or atmosphere, in which life exists. This term is widely used in ecology and environmental science, referring to the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere (Earth's crust and upper mantle), hydrosphere (water bodies), and atmosphere (air). The concept of the biosphere was first introduced by a Russian geologist Vladimir Vernadsky in 1926.

Example sentences with  biosfera

The word 'biotecnología' corresponds to the English word 'biotechnology'. Biotechnology refers to the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or any technological applications that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. It is a broad and complex field that overlaps with several other scientific disciplines, like genetics, molecular biology, bioengineering, biomanufacturing, etc.

Example sentences with  biotecnología

The Spanish word 'biquini' translates to 'bikini' in English. This term is used to describe a two-piece women's swimsuit. It's typically worn in warm climates or at the beach and consists of a bra top and a bottom part that is designed not to cover the navel. It is named after the Bikini Atoll, a site of atomic testing, because of the intended provocative and explosive impact on the viewer.


The Spanish word 'bisabuelo' translates to 'great-grandfather' in English. This term is used to refer to the grandfather of one's parent. Just like 'grandfather', this word signifies a family relationship that is two generations above yours. It is important to note though that 'bisabuelo' specifically denotes your grandparent's parent, which corresponds to the English term 'great-grandfather'.

Example sentences with  bisabuelo

The Spanish word 'bisexual' translates to 'bisexual' in English. This word describes a person who is attracted to both men and women. It can also describe any organism that possesses both male and female reproductive organs. This term is widely used in the context of human sexuality, though it is also applicable in the realm of biology. Its application varies in social, political, and scientific contexts, particularly in discussions about sexual orientation, gender identity, and biology.


The Spanish word 'bisnieto' translates to 'great-grandson' in English. It is primarily used to refer to the grandson of one's son or daughter. The prefix 'bis-' indicates a two-generation gap, similar to how 'great-' functions in English genealogy terminology. This term can also be used in a compound form with additional 'bis-' prefixes to denote further generations, although such use is less common.

Example sentences with  bisnieto

The Spanish word 'bizco' translates to the English word 'squinting'. It describes the action of partially closing one's eyes, usually in response to bright light, or as a way to try and see something more clearly. It is not something a person is always doing, but rather an action people do under certain circumstances. For example, you may squint when the sun is very bright or when you are trying to read small text.


The word 'bizcocho' in Spanish is translated as 'biscuit' in English. It's a baked sweet item which is usually round and flat in shape and has a crisp or crumbly texture. 'Bizcocho' can also refer to a variety of pastries and baked items in different Spanish-speaking countries. In general, it's a delicious treat often enjoyed during breakfast or as a snack.


The color observable 'white' signifies 'blanco' when ironical comments refer to Spanish commentary, abandoning complexities on 'La nieve es blanca' favor in substitutions for saying 'The snow is white'.

Example sentences with  blanco
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