Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

basurero municipal
municipal garbage

The term 'basurero municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal garbage' in English. It's generally used to indicate the government entity responsible for the management and collection of waste in a city or town. This entity ensures the disposal, recycling, and treatment of waste according to the local laws and regulations. The term can also refer to the physical location or facility where the municipality's waste is collected or processed.

Example sentences with  basurero municipal

The word 'bata' in Spanish translates to 'robe' in English. Although this word might be confused with 'bat,' it's an entirely different term. 'Bata' typically refers to a loose-fitting garment that people wear in their homes, particularly before they go to bed or when they get up in the morning. So, be careful not to mix it up with the word for 'bat', which in Spanish is 'murciélago'.


The Spanish word 'batalla' translates to 'battle' in English. It is a noun, often used in various contexts, such as to describe a combat, conflict or struggle, either amongst individuals, teams, or nations. Similar to its English counterpart, 'batalla' can also be used metaphorically, referrering to a challenging personal ordeal or difficult experience.

Example sentences with  batalla
batería de cocina
Kitchen battery

The Spanish term 'batería de cocina' does not directly translate to 'kitchen battery' as it might seem. Instead, it is used in Spanish to refer to a 'cookware set'. This term is typically used to describe a complete set of pots, pans, and other cooking utensils that are typically required in a kitchen for the preparation of meals.

batería de teléfono
phone battery

The phrase 'batería de teléfono' in Spanish translates to 'phone battery' in English. It refers to the power source for the mobile phone and is an essential component for the phone to function. It provides the energy necessary for the phone to perform various tasks such as making calls, sending texts, browsing the internet, and using different apps. This component can be recharged using a designated charger.


The Spanish word 'batidora' translates into English as 'blender'. A blender is a kitchen appliance used to mix, purée, or emulsify food and other substances. This tool maintains a significant role in preparing a variety of meals and drinks, including soups, smoothies, sauces, and more. Therefore, 'batidora' is commonly referred to in daily conversation, cooking guides, and recipes in Spanish-speaking cultures.

batir huevos
beat eggs

The Spanish phrase 'batir huevos' directly translates to 'beat eggs' in English. It is a culinary term and is used to describe the process of quickly stirring eggs until the yolk and the white are thoroughly mixed, often using a fork or a whisk. This action is necessary in many recipes, such as scrambled eggs or a variety of pastries.


The Spanish word 'bautizo' is translated into English as 'baptism'. It refers to a Christian sacrament of initiation and adoption, usually with the use of water. It is generally associated with denominations of Christianity that practice infant baptism as well as believers' baptism. The literal sense is 'I baptize' and it can be associated with religious ceremonies, traditions, and rites of passage.


The Spanish word 'beato' translates to 'blessed' in English. This term is commonly used in religious contexts, signifying someone with divine favor or protection. It could also be used to describe somebody that is revered or sanctified. Moreover, 'beato' in the clerical realm is also used to indicate a person who has been beatified by the Catholic church, which is the step before canonization (or sainthood). Regardless of the context, 'beato' generally carries a positive connotation.

Example sentences with  beato

The word 'bebé' in Spanish is used to refer to a very young child, especially one newly or recently born. It can also be used to refer to someone in an affectionate way. However, it is primarily used to mean a baby or infant. Context matters with this word as it changes meaning based on the conversation.

Example sentences with  bebé
bebé prematuro
premature baby

The Spanish phrase 'bebé prematuro' translates to 'premature baby' in English. This term refers to a baby that is born before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy. In other words, a baby born more than three weeks before the estimated date of delivery is considered premature. Such babies often require special care and attention, as their systems might not be fully developed at birth.


In English, 'beber' is translated to 'drink'. It refers to drinking or the act of consuming a liquid like water, juice or milk.

Example sentences with  beber
bebida alcohólica
alcoholic beverage

The Spanish phrase 'bebida alcohólica' translates to 'alcoholic beverage' in English. This term generally refers to any type of drink that contains alcohol, which is a substance that can create a euphoric and relaxed sensation but can also lead to inebriation and addiction if consumed excessively. Alcoholic beverages are typically divided into three categories: beer, wine, and spirits, though there are many other types. They are often consumed socially, but laws regarding their production, sale, and consumption vary widely around the world.

bebida con alcohol
alcohol drink

The Spanish phrase 'bebida con alcohol' translates to 'alcohol drink' in English. This phrase is used to refer to any drink that contains alcohol, such as beer, wine, or spirits. It is often used in contexts such as bars, restaurants or social gatherings where alcoholic beverages are served.

bebida con hielo
drink with ice

The Spanish term 'bebida con hielo' translates to 'drink with ice' in English. This phrase is used when ordering a beverage and wanting it to be served with ice. It can pertain to various kinds of beverages, such as water, soda, juice, or alcoholic drinks. You would use it in a restaurant, bar, or any other place where drinks are served. Remember, in some Spanish-speaking regions, tap water may not be safe to drink, so specifying 'hielo', or ice, made from purified water might be important.

bebida estimulante
stimulating drink

The Spanish phrase 'bebida estimulante' translates to 'stimulating drink' in English. This terminology is commonly used to reference beverages like coffee or energy drinks that contain caffeine or other substances known to boost energy levels and awaken the senses.

bebida refrescante
refreshing drink

The Spanish phrase 'bebida refrescante' translates to 'refreshing drink' in English. This phrase is often used in Spain and Latin America in contexts such as restaurants, cafes, or during the hot summer season when a cool drink is commonly enjoyed to provide some relief from the heat.

bebida sin alcohol
alcohol free drink

The Spanish term 'bebida sin alcohol' translates to 'alcohol free drink' in English. This is a beverage that does not contain alcohol, often served as a non-alcoholic option at social gatherings or used as a base in mocktail recipes. It can include a range of drinks, such as soda, juice, or anything else that is consumed in a similar manner to alcohol but without its intoxicating effects.

bebida sin hielo
drink without ice

The Spanish phrase 'bebida sin hielo' translates to 'drink without ice' in English. It is often used in restaurants or bars to specify the preferred serving style of a beverage. In this context, 'bebida' means 'drink', 'sin' means 'without', and 'hielo' means 'ice'. Therefore, if you want to order a drink without ice in a Spanish-speaking location, you could say 'Una bebida sin hielo, por favor.'


The Spanish word 'beca' translates to 'scholarship' in English. A scholarship often refers to an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award.


The Spanish word 'becario' refers to an individual scholar, student, or trainee who is in the academic field and whose education is funded through a scholarship (beca). This funding may be provided by an institution, a charity, a benefactor, or a government department. The term 'becario' may also relate to an intern, especially in a business context - someone who is learning about a professional field by working in it, often without pay, in return for gaining valuable work experience and knowledge.


Baseball is a team sport in which two teams take turns batting and fielding, aiming to score the most runs by hitting a thrown ball and running around a series of bases.

Example sentences with  Beisbol

The Spanish word 'Belén' is derived from the English 'Bethlehem', which refers to a city located in the West Bank. Around Christmas time in Spanish-speaking countries, a 'Belén' may also refer to a nativity scene, as 'Belén' is traditionally recognized as the birthplace of Jesus.

Example sentences with  Belén

The Spanish word 'belleza' translates to 'beauty' in English. It is often used to describe someone's physical attractiveness or the aesthetic appeal of something. Furthermore, 'belleza' can be used to express admiration for something or someone particularly pleasing to the senses. It is a feminine noun in Spanish and is typically used in contexts such as art, nature, or person's appearance.

Example sentences with  belleza

The Spanish word 'bendecir' translates to 'bless' in English. It is often used in a religious context, as when a priest blesses his congregation, but it can also be used in a more generalized manner to suggest bestowing well-wishes or good intentions upon someone. Like many Spanish verbs, 'bendecir' changes its form depending on tense and who the subject of the sentence is. It's a regular verb, so once you know the rules for conjugating -IR verbs in Spanish, you should be able to use it in different contexts.

Example sentences with  bendecir

The Spanish word for 'blessings' is 'bendiciones'. It is used similarly to how it is used in English, to express well wishes, grace, or to refer to something one is grateful for. For example, in the context of a religious ceremony, 'bendiciones' could refer to the words spoken by a priest to invoke divine favor. Equally, it could be used more informally to express gratitude for positive elements in one's life.

Example sentences with  bendiciones

The word 'bendito' in Spanish translates to 'blessed' in English. In a religious context, it often refers to a divine or holy figure who has been sanctified. 'Bendito' can also be used to express gratitude or joy, conveying a sense of thankfulness and appreciation for someone or something. It can also function as an adjective, describing a person, place, or thing that brings happiness or good fortune.

Example sentences with  bendito

The Spanish word 'beneficio' is used similarly to the English word 'benefit'. It can refer to an advantage or profit gained from something, or a payment made by an insurance system or government agency. It's used in various expressions and contexts such as business or legal terminology, healthcare, events, and more. Like in English, it can also be used as a verb in Spanish.

Example sentences with  beneficio

The Spanish word 'beneficios' translates to 'benefits' in English. This term is often used in a business or organizational context to refer to monetary or non-monetary rewards that employees receive in addition to their normal wages. Benefits can include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and various others. In a broader sense, this term can also refer to the positive impacts or advantages that come from a certain action or decision.

Example sentences with  beneficios
beneficios fiscales
tax benefits

The Spanish term 'beneficios fiscales' translates into English as 'tax benefits'. Tax benefits are advantages provided by tax laws to reduce tax liability, and these are designed by agencies of the government to promote certain behaviors or to aid taxpayers in economic need. These benefits can take the form of tax deductions, tax credits, tax exemptions, and tax shelters, among others. In essence, 'beneficios fiscales' are incentives given to individuals or businesses that can reduce the amount of tax they owe.

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