Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

banda organizada
organized gang

The Spanish term 'banda organizada' translates to 'organized gang' in English. It refers to a structured group of individuals who engage in illegal activities. These activities could include activities such as drug trafficking, robbery, fraud, etc. The term is often used in legal contexts or news reporting to denote such criminal organizations.

Example sentences with  banda organizada
banda sonora

The Spanish term 'banda sonora' translates to 'soundtrack' in English. A soundtrack is a recording of music or sounds associated with a movie, television show, or video game. Soundtracks compose the background music that accompanies visual media, and they play a crucial role in setting the mood, tone, and atmosphere of the scene or entire production. In some cases, they might include dialogue, sound effects, or even popular songs, depending on the style of the visual media.

Example sentences with  banda sonora
banda terrorista
terrorist gang

The Spanish term 'banda terrorista' translates to 'terrorist gang' in English. It is used to refer to a group of individuals involved in activities that spread terror and fear, such as bombings, kidnappings, and other violent actions, typically for political purposes.

Example sentences with  banda terrorista
bandera amarilla
Yellow flag

The Spanish term 'bandera amarilla' translates to 'yellow flag' in English. This can be a physical flag that is colored yellow or a metaphorical signal indicating caution or a moderate level of danger. It can be used in various contexts such as sports to indicate a warning, a caution signal on beaches for risky situations or even in finance as a warning sign of potential risk.

Example sentences with  bandera amarilla
bandera verde
Green flag

The Spanish term 'bandera verde' translates in English to 'green flag'. This phrase can be used both literally, referring to a flag of green color, or metaphorically. In a metaphorical context, it typically signifies authorization to proceed with a task or operation. It can also be used in racing sports to signal the start or continuation of a race. Like all languages, its nuances and implications can be understood better through use in conversations and literature.

Example sentences with  bandera verde

The Spanish word 'bañera' translates to 'bath' in English. It is a noun, commonly used in the context of bathing or describing bathroom fixtures. The word 'bañera' could also refer to a bathtub, the container in which one takes a bath. Like in English, it's used in many contexts in conversation.

Example sentences with  bañera
bañera de hidromasaje
Hot tub

The Spanish phrase 'bañera de hidromasaje' translates to 'hot tub' in English. In detail, 'bañera' means 'bath' or 'bathtub', and 'de hidromasaje' means 'of hydromassage or whirlpool'. So, it refers to a large tub filled with hot water used for hydrotherapy, relaxation, or pleasure. Some hot tubs have powerful jets for massage purposes. It's a common element in a bathroom or in spas and are also known for their therapeutic uses, similar to a Jacuzzi, which is a brand name that has, in some places, become synonymous with hot tub.

Example sentences with  bañera de hidromasaje
baños públicos
public baths

The Spanish phrase 'baños públicos' translates to 'public baths' in English. The term typically refers to communal bathing facilities that are open for general use, but it can also refer to public restrooms or toilets in some contexts. These public facilities can be found in a variety of settings including parks, community centers, and transport hubs among others.


The Spanish word 'banquero' can be translated into English as 'banker'. A 'banker' is a person who works in a bank, typically holding a significant managerial or executive role. They are involved in financial operations, like lending money, managing accounts and transactions, and advising clients on financial matters. The term 'banquero' can reference different positions within a bank, from a bank manager who supervises the operations of a branch to banking executives who make larger scale decisions affecting the whole banking institution.

barba poblada
bushy beard

The Spanish term 'barba poblada' translates to 'bushy beard' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a beard that is full and thick, giving the appearance of being dense or heavy. It's a common descriptor in conversations around hair care, fashion, and personal grooming. Using this term implies a certain level of volume or abundance in the hair's growth, and is quite suggestive of a rugged or macho aesthetic.

barba recortada
trimmed beard

The Spanish phrase 'barba recortada' translates into English as 'trimmed beard'. It refers to a beard that has been neatly cut and maintained, often shaped to the person's face. The process of trimming a beard typically involves the use of scissors or an electric trimmer. This phrase is commonly used in grooming and personal care contexts.


The Spanish word 'barbilla' translates to 'chin' in English. This is the part of the body's anatomy located at the bottom of the face, directly below the mouth and to the front of the neck. In the context of human physical appearance, a person's chin shape and size can greatly vary. It serves a pivotal role in several human expressions and functions, such as talking, expressing emotion, and eating.


A boat is a watercraft of varying sizes designed to float, work, travel on, and traverse waterways. Boats are commonly used for transportation, fishing, sport, and leisure activities.

Example sentences with  barco
barco de pasajeros
passenger ship

The Spanish phrase 'barco de pasajeros' translates to 'passenger ship' in English. This is a type of vessel designed and equipped to carry passengers instead of cargo. They are usually large in size and have amenities for passengers. Some popular examples of passenger ships include cruise ships, ferries, and ocean liners. 'Barco de pasajeros' can be used in various contexts in Spanish, similar to how 'passenger ship' is used in English.

Example sentences with  barco de pasajeros
barco de vela

The Spanish term 'barco de vela' translates to 'sailboat' in English. This term is used to refer to a type of boat that is primarily propelled by wind on a sail. Rather than using engines or motors for movement, sailboats depend on the wind in the sails to navigate the water. These boats can vary greatly in size and design, ranging from small, personal crafts to larger seafaring vessels. Regardless of size, all sailboats share the common characteristic of utilizing wind as their main source of propulsion.

Example sentences with  barco de vela
barco pesquero
fishing boat

The Spanish term 'barco pesquero' translates directly into English as 'fishing boat'. It is composed of two words: 'barco' means boat, and 'pesquero' means fishing-related. So, 'barco pesquero' refers to a boat used specifically for the purpose of catching fish, which may include various types of fishing vessels such as trawlers, longliners, or seiners. It's used in both coastal and deep sea fishing activities.

Example sentences with  barco pesquero

The Spanish word 'barman' directly translates to the English word 'barman'. In both languages, this term is used refer to a person, usually a man, who serves drinks in a bar or pub. Despite the gendered descriptor, the term can be used for any individual performing the role, regardless of gender. Note that in some regions, the word could be replaced with 'bartender', which is a more gender-neutral term.

barra de labios

The Spanish term 'barra de labios' translates to 'lipstick' in English. It is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that apply color, texture, and protection to the lips. Traditionally, it is worn by women but it can be used by anyone desiring to enhance the appearance of their lips. This term is commonly used in various Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  barra de labios

The Spanish word 'barrer' translates to 'sweep' in English. It is most commonly used as a verb to indicate the action of cleaning or clearing a floor, a surface, or another area by brushing or pushing dirt away. Just like 'sweep', 'barrer' can also be applied metaphorically to express a broad or comprehensive action.

barrer las calles
sweep the streets

The Spanish phrase 'barrer las calles' translates to 'sweep the streets' in English. It's derived from the verb 'barrer' which means 'to sweep' in English, while 'las calles' means 'the streets'. This phrase could be used in contexts related to cleaning or maintenance tasks, such as municipal or local cleaning services who perform this job regularly. It could also be used metaphorically, for instance when talking about a comprehensive or thorough cleaning, changing or reforming process.


The Spanish word 'barrica' translates to 'barrel' in English. It is often used to refer to a cylindrical container that is generally used for storing and aging beverages, especially wine. It comes from the Spanish word 'barril' which means barrel. It originates from the Latin word 'barrica' which also means barrel. This term is widely used in contexts concerning the wine industry or beverage production.


The Spanish word 'barriga' is used to refer to the abdomen area of a body, commonly known as 'belly' in English. One may use it to indicate the stomach or tummy of humans and animals. It is a noun and its use can be both literal, such as when referring to physical pain or size of the stomach, and metaphorical, similar to the English phrase 'butterflies in your belly.'

barrio comercial
Commercial district

The Spanish term 'barrio comercial' translates to 'commercial district' in English. It refers to a specific area within a city that is primarily used for business activities, such as the buying and selling of goods and services. These districts are often bustling with activity and populated with offices, shops, restaurants, and other institutions that are engaged in commerce. A 'barrio comercial' is typically a centerpiece of a city's economy as it tends to concentrate commercial activities and attract both locals and tourists for shopping and dining purposes.

Example sentences with  barrio comercial
barrio industrial
Industrial district

'Barrio industrial' is a Spanish term that refers to an area within a city or town that is predominantly used for industrial business activities. These areas can house factories or warehouses, accommodate heavy machinery or infrastructure, and are typically known for manufacturing, distribution, and other commercial operations. It's the English equivalent of 'industrial district'. Strong infrastructure and transport connectivity typically characterize such regions to facilitate the movement of goods and services. These areas greatly contribute to the economy of a city or a country and also provide immense job opportunities.

Example sentences with  barrio industrial
barrio residencial
residential district

The term 'barrio residencial' in Spanish translates to 'residential district' in English. It describes an area within a city that is primarily residential, where people have their homes. This could be anything from a neighborhood of single-family houses to a district of high-rise apartment buildings. The characteristics of a 'barrio residencial' can vary significantly, including factors such as the type of housing, the population density, and the availability of public facilities.

Example sentences with  barrio residencial
basarse en un estudio
based on a study

The Spanish phrase 'basarse en un estudio' translates to 'based on a study' in English. It implies that whatever conclusion, statement, or information follows is backed up or supported by a study, typically one performed scientifically or academically. In general usage, it indicates that the information has strong empirical support.

Example sentences with  basarse en un estudio
basarse en una investigación
based on an investigation

'Basarse en una investigación' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'based on an investigation' in English. It can be used in several contexts, often in academic, journalistic, or legal settings, where someone's statements, work, or decisions are made following a systematic, detailed examination or inquiry. This phrase is typically used to imply that the ideas, findings, or assertions are not randomly made but are results of careful study and analysis of information.

Example sentences with  basarse en una investigación

The Spanish term 'base' is used in the same way as its English counterpart. It can signify the bottom of something, a starting point or foundation, or a main ingredient or component, among other things. The context can determine how it's specifically understood.

Example sentences with  base
base de datos

The Spanish term 'base de datos' translates to 'database' in English. A database is a structured set of data. So, in computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. Databases are vital in almost all areas where computers are used, including business, education, science, healthcare, and many others. This system allows for simple or complex data management, making it a powerful tool for various tasks.

Example sentences with  base de datos

The Spanish word for 'quite' is 'bastante'. This word is used as an adverb to mean to a moderate, considerable extent or degree in English. In Spanish, 'bastante' signifies abundance and is often used to describe something being enough or more than enough but can also be used much as 'quite' is used in English, to reinforce or give an unspecified quantity of something.

Example sentences with  bastante
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