Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'votante' translates to 'voter' in English. In the context of political elections or democratic processes, a voter (votante) is an individual who has the right to vote, either in local or national decisions. The word 'votante' reflects the active role citizens play in political choices in a democratic society.

Example sentences with  votante

The Spanish word for 'vote' is 'voto'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the act of expressing a formal indication of choice in decision-making situations such as in elections or referendums. The plural form is 'votos'. For example, 'Mi voto es secreto' translates to 'My vote is secret'.

Example sentences with  voto
voto (en blanco)
blank vote

The Spanish term 'voto (en blanco)' translates to 'blank vote' in English. In the context of voting or elections, it indicates a vote that is either not given to any candidate or a ballot that is left empty. This usually signifies the voter's indifference, protest, or dissatisfaction towards all of the candidates or the voting system in general. Hence, it is a way of participating in the voting process without supporting any candidate or proposal.

Example sentences with  voto (en blanco)

In Spanish, the term 'voz' translates to 'voice' in English. Much like English, it can be used in a variety of contexts such as referring to the sounds produced by humans, animals, or devices or even to represent someone's opinion or right to express their thoughts. An example could be 'Levantó la voz' which translates to 'He raised his voice'. Thus, the Spanish word 'voz' embodies the essence and usage of the English term 'voice' quite comprehensively.

Example sentences with  voz

The term 'vuelo' in Spanish translates to 'flight' in English. It is a noun used in various contexts, such as referring to the act of flying, the trajectory of a flying object, or a journey made by air, especially by an airplane. Its usage depends on the context in which it's used. 'Vuelo' can be used in phrases like 'el vuelo de las aves' (the flight of the birds) or 'mi vuelo sale a las tres' (my flight leaves at three).

Example sentences with  vuelo
vuelo (inter)nacional
flight (international)

The Spanish word 'vuelo (inter)nacional' translates to 'flight (international)' in English. It is a noun that is used in the context of air travel. 'Vuelo' means 'flight', referring to a trip made by an airplane. This could encompass short or long distances and may be for traveling or cargo purposes. When 'internacional' is added to make 'vuelo internacional', it specifies that the flight is between different countries, thus meaning an 'international flight'. This term is commonly used in travel discussions, flight booking, and aviation context.

Example sentences with  vuelo (inter)nacional
vuelo chárter
charter flight

The Spanish term 'vuelo chárter' translates to 'charter flight' in English. A charter flight is a flight that is not part of an airline's regularly-scheduled service, but is rented for a specific route and time. This can be used by tour operators, large companies or can be booked by private groups or individuals. Pricing is usually done as a whole aircraft and not per seat. The term 'vuelo chárter' may be used in contexts related to tourism, business, or private aviation.

Example sentences with  vuelo chárter
vuelo con escalas
flight with scales

The Spanish term 'vuelo con escalas' translates to 'flight with scales' in English. However, in travel terminology, it is more appropriately understood as 'connecting flight' or 'stopover flight'. This phrase would be used in the context of airline travel, where a passenger must switch from one flight to another at an intermediate point (stopover) on the route to their final destination. 'Vuelo con escalas' means that the flight will not be a direct one from the departure location to the destination, but will have one or more stops in between.

Example sentences with  vuelo con escalas
vuelo de líneas regulares
flight of regular lines

The term 'vuelo de líneas regulares' in Spanish refers to what is known in English as a 'regular flight.' This phrase is commonly used in reference to commercial aviation and airports. It entails a flight that operates on a regular, scheduled basis. For instance, an airline might have a 'vuelo de líneas regulares' from one city to another that departs and arrives at the same times on specific days of the week. This is in contrast to charter flights, which operate on an as-needed, non-scheduled basis.

Example sentences with  vuelo de líneas regulares
vuelo directo
Direct flight

The Spanish term 'vuelo directo' translates to 'direct flight' in English. A direct flight is a flight between two airports with no scheduled stops in between. This term is commonly used in travel and tourism industries or among frequent travelers. An example of its use could be: 'I prefer a vuelo directo because it decreases my total travel time.'

Example sentences with  vuelo directo

The Spanish word 'vuelta' translates to 'round' in English. It can be used in many contexts. For example, in sports and games, 'vuelta' refers to a round or a turn. In the context of travel or movement, 'vuelta' may refer to a trip or a return. It can also refer to a flip or a revolution, in terms of circular movement. The precise meaning depends on its usage in a sentence or phrase.

Example sentences with  vuelta

The Spanish word 'vulnerabilidad' translates to 'vulnerability' in English. It is a noun that represents the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. It describes a state of susceptibility to harm or injury, a weakness which can be exploited by others.


In Spanish, 'ya' is used much like 'already' in English. It indicates that something has happened or a condition is met. Its usage could signify a transition or change of state in the past. For example, 'Ya he comido' means 'I have already eaten'. It can also be used to express immediacy, as in 'ya viene' which means 'he/she is coming right now'.

Example sentences with  ya
yema de huevo
egg yolk

The Spanish term 'yema de huevo' translates to 'egg yolk' in English. Egg yolks are the yellow center part of an egg. In cooking, they are often used separately from the egg whites for their unique properties, in dishes such as custards or hollandaise sauce. In terms of nutrition, egg yolks are known to be high in vitamins, minerals, and fats, although they are also high in cholesterol.


The word 'yeso' in Spanish refers to a substance known as plaster in English. It's a white powdery material that hardens when moistened and allowed to dry. Plaster is frequently used for coating walls and ceilings, in moulding and casting decorative elements, and in medical applications to create plaster casts for broken limbs.

yo mismo

The Spanish equivalent for 'myself' is 'yo mismo'. It is commonly used in written and spoken Spanish to express actions that an individual does to or for themselves. Just like its English counterpart, 'yo mismo' is used for emphasis or to express that the subject is conducting the action on themselves or alone.

Example sentences with  yo mismo
yogur con frutas
yogurt with fruit

The Spanish term 'yogur con frutas' is translated to 'yogurt with fruit' in English. This term commonly refers to a diary product, namely yogurt, that has been combined or mixed with some type of fruit. The fruit can vary widely, from strawberries and bananas, to more exotic fruits like papaya and passion fruit. It can be eaten as a healthy snack or breakfast item, providing a good source of protein and vitamins.

yogur desnatado
skim yogurt

The Spanish term 'yogur desnatado' translates to 'skim yogurt' in English. This term refers to a type of yogurt product where a substantial amount of the milk fat has been removed, or 'skimmed', during the production process. Skim yogurt is often chosen by individuals who are looking to reduce their fat or calorie intake. This type of yogurt tends to have a thinner texture than full-fat yogurt. It can be used in a variety of culinary applications, including breakfast dishes, desserts, and dips, among others.

yogur natural
natural yogurt

The Spanish phrase 'yogur natural' translates to 'natural yogurt' in English. This is a type of yogurt that has not had any flavors, sweeteners, or other additives mixed in. It is made from the fermentation of milk and is often used as a base for smoothies, sauces, and other recipes. Natural yogurt is known for its tart taste and creamy texture.


The word 'zanahoria' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'carrot' in English. It is a root vegetable that is often orange in color, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. This vegetable is known for its crunchy texture and slightly sweet flavor when consumed. It is consumed in various ways, including raw in salads, cooked in soups or stews, or as juice. The word can be effectively used in different contexts, for instance, 'Me gusta la zanahoria en la ensalada' which means 'I like carrot in the salad'.


The Spanish word 'zapatillas' translates to 'slippers' in English. This is a noun used to refer to a type of light, comfortable shoes that are worn in the home. They are often made of soft or warm materials and can come in various styles, from open-heel sandals to fully covered foot-wraps.

Example sentences with  zapatillas
zapatillas de deporte

The Spanish phrase 'zapatillas de deporte' translates to 'sneakers' in English. These are generally comfortable shoes designed for sports and other physical exercise, although they are now also widely worn as casual footwear. The term 'sneakers' is mostly used in the Northeastern United States, South Florida, North Carolina, parts of Canada and New Zealand. The same type of shoes are known by different names in other English-speaking countries, like joggers in Australia, trainers in the UK, gym shoes or kicks in other areas of the US, and runners in Canada.


A piece of footwear used to protect and comfort the human foot while doing various activities.

Example sentences with  zapatos
zapatos abiertos
open shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos abiertos' translates to 'open shoes' in English. This term refers to a category of footwear designed to be worn in warmer weather or indoor environments. Examples include sandals, flip-flops, and certain types of slippers. In general, 'zapatos abiertos' are shoes that expose a significant part of the foot, providing comfort and ventilation.

zapatos cerrados
closed shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos cerrados' translates to 'closed shoes' in English. This phrase is generally used to describe a variety of shoe styles that fully cover the foot, unlike sandals or flip-flops which have open designs. These could be sports shoes, formal shoes, or casual shoes as long as they fully encase the foot providing full coverage and protection.

zapatos de fiesta
Party shoes

The Spanish phrase 'zapatos de fiesta' translates to 'party shoes' in English. This is a common phrase used to describe a type of footwear that is typically more formal and decorative than everyday shoes. Usually, party shoes are worn for special occasions, parties, and formal events. Such shoes are found in various designs and materials like leather, silk, or synthetic fabrics. They can be high-heeled, flat, glittery, or adorned with various ornaments. The exact style depends on the personal preference and the nature of the event one is attending.

zapatos de tacón
heel shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos de tacón' translates to 'heel shoes' in English. These are a type of shoe which raises the heel of the wearer's foot significantly higher than the toes. When both the heel and the toes are raised equal amounts, these are not 'zapatos de tacón', as the term specifically refers to shoes where the heel is raised alone. These are often considered formal or fashionable for women and are commonly worn in professional or social scenarios.

zapatos deportivos
Sport shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos deportivos' translates to 'sport shoes' in English. This term is generally used to refer to footwear designed specifically for sports or other forms of physical exercise. They can also serve in everyday casual wear. These shoes often have features that provide additional support, comfort, and protection to the feet during high-impact, strenuous activities. However, the design and aesthetics of these shoes vary greatly based on the specific sport or activity for which they are intended.

zapatos planos
Flat shoes

The term 'zapatos planos' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'flat shoes' in English. Flat shoes are a type of footwear which are distinguished by their lack of heel or a very low heel, providing comfort and ease to the wearer. They are worn in various contexts ranging from casual to formal occasions and are among the essential wardrobe elements due to their versatile nature.

zona (super)poblada
area (super)populated

The Spanish term 'zona (super)poblada' translates to 'area (super)populated' in English. The word 'zona' stands for zone or area, and '(super)poblada' means heavily populated, indicating an abundance of inhabitants. This term is usually used to describe regions, cities, or portions of a country where the population is significantly high, possibly attributable to various influential factors such as employment opportunities, economic activities, or favorable living conditions.

Example sentences with  zona (super)poblada
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