Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'videoconferencia' translates to 'videoconference' in English. Videoconferencia, similar to its English counterpart 'videoconference', is a communication technology where two or more parties can conduct a meeting using video call technology. The term is commonly used in business, education, and social contexts where remote communication is needed. It allows people from different locations to simultaneously visualize and listen to each other, making real-time communication possible without physical presence.

video game

The Spanish word 'videojuego' translates to 'video game' in English. This term is used to describe an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a device such as a TV screen or computer monitor.

vidrio reciclado
recycled glass

The Spanish term 'vidrio reciclado' translates to 'recycled glass' in English. This term is used to describe glass materials that have been collected, sorted and processed to be melted down and reused. Recycled glass is often used in the production of new glass containers, fiberglass insulation, and various other applications. The recycling process reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and also helps in conserving natural resources.

Example sentences with  vidrio reciclado
Old man

The Spanish word 'viejo' translates to 'old man' in English. It is used to refer to an elderly male individual. Apart from referring to a person, 'viejo' can also mean old in the context of an object, place, or concept based on the circumstances it is used. Please note that the usage might be different in various regions.

viento del norte
North wind

The Spanish term 'viento del norte' translates to 'north wind' in English. This phrase is used to describe a wind that originates from the north and blows south. In many cultures, a north wind is associated with cool air and change. Remember, in Spanish, 'viento' means 'wind,' 'del' is a contraction of 'de' and 'el,' which mean 'of the,' and 'norte' means 'north.' Therefore, 'viento del norte' literally means 'wind of the north.'

Example sentences with  viento del norte
viento del sur
South wind

The Spanish phrase 'viento del sur' translates to 'south wind' in English. This phrase is typically used in meteorology, navigation, and general conversations about the weather when referencing wind that originates from the south and moves to the north.

Example sentences with  viento del sur
viento huracanado
hurricane wind

The Spanish phrase 'viento huracanado' translates to 'hurricane wind' in English. This is a term used to describe extremely strong, destructive winds that are a result of a hurricane, a severe weather event characterized by high speed winds, heavy rain, and often times, significant property damage. Hurricanes typically occur in coastal areas and can also cause dangerous storm surges.

Example sentences with  viento huracanado

The Spanish word 'vigilancia' translates to 'monitoring' in English. This term is generally used to denote the continual observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity in order to gather information. It can be applied in various scenarios such as health monitoring, security surveillance, or monitoring of certain processes, activities, or systems.


The Spanish word 'vigilante' translates to 'vigilante' in English. It has the same implications in both languages, referring to a person who takes the law into their own hands, usually because they believe that authorities are not acting adequately or quickly enough. This individual carries out investigations or punishes individuals for perceived wrongs, often without any legal authority. The term can also be used generally to mean someone who is watchful or alert.


The Spanish word 'villa' translates directly to 'villa' in English. It is often used to describe a large, luxurious country house in a suburban or rural setting. It is a term that originally comes from Roman culture used to describe a country house or estate. Today, it is used more broadly in various languages including English and Spanish to depict houses that are often grand and luxurious in nature.

Example sentences with  villa

'Villancico' is a Spanish word that translates to 'carol' in English. It particularly refers to traditional festive songs sung during the Christmas season, similarly to carols that are sung in English-speaking parts of the world.

Example sentences with  villancico

The Spanish word 'villancicos' represents the English word 'carols'. Villancicos are traditional Spanish songs sung during the Christmas season, similar to English carols. Much like English carols, they are typically festive and celebrate the holiday spirit.

Example sentences with  villancicos

The Spanish word 'vinagre' translates to 'vinegar' in English. Vinegar is a liquid substance produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid. It is used in cooking not only for its flavor qualities but also for its chemical properties. 'Vinagre' can be found in many different types of cuisine, used in the preparation or preservation of certain types of foods.

vincularse con alguien
linking with someone

The phrase 'vincularse con alguien' in Spanish translates to 'linking with someone' in English. This phrase is used when you want to express the connection or interaction between two or more people or entities. The word 'vincularse' means to link, connect, or associate while 'con alguien' translates to 'with someone'. So, if you 'vincularse con alguien', you are forming a relationship or establishing a connection with that person.

vino afrutado
fruity wine

The Spanish term 'vino afrutado' refers to a specific category of wine that is characterized by its fruit-forward flavor profile. These wines are distinguished by their strong, sweet, and often refreshing fruit flavors, tasting much like fresh fruit. The term can be used to describe both red and white wines, with the specific fruits mentioned often varying depending on the grape variety used to make the wine. 'Vino afrutado' can often be found on wine labels to give prospective buyers an idea of the taste they can expect from the wine.

vino blanco
white wine

The Spanish phrase 'vino blanco' translates to 'white wine' in English. It refers to a type of wine made from a variety of white grapes, which can range in flavor from light and crisp to decadent and rich. The words 'vino' means 'wine' and 'blanco' means 'white'. The phrase is usually used in the context of food and beverages, and it is a common term in Spanish-speaking cultures, including those of Spain and South America.

vino de la casa
house wine

The Spanish phrase 'vino de la casa' translates to 'house wine' in English. A 'house wine' is a wine that a restaurant or bar recommends and serves as their basic or standard wine, usually because it represents a good value for the price and it's assumed to pair reasonably well with a broad range of their dishes. The 'house wine' in an establishment is typically available both by the glass and by the bottle.

vino dulce
sweet wine

The Spanish term 'vino dulce' translates to 'sweet wine' in English. It refers to a type of wine that has a higher level of residual sugar than typical wines, giving it a sweet taste. Sweet wines can be produced in a variety of ways, such as by harvesting grapes at a later date, using specific types of grapes, or interrupting the fermentation process to retain more of the natural grape sugar. Sweet wines are often served with dessert or used in cooking to add sweetness and depth to a dish.

vino espumoso
sparkling wine

The Spanish phrase 'vino espumoso' translates to 'sparkling wine' in English. This is a type of wine that contains significant levels of carbon dioxide, which makes it fizzy. The most famous examples of sparkling wine include Champagne from the region of France of the same name, but many other regions and countries produce their own versions.

vino joven
Young wine

The Spanish phrase 'vino joven' translates to 'young wine' in English. In the context of wine production, 'young wine' also called 'nouveau wine' is a type of wine released in the same year it was harvested. Such wines are meant to be consumed within a year, unlike older wines which are typically aged in bottles or barrels.

vino seco
Dry wine

The Spanish term 'vino seco' directly translates to 'dry wine' in English. It is a description often used for wines that are void of any residual sugar, making their taste less sweet. This phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe the nature of different types of wines. 'Seco' implies the presence of fewer sugars in the wine, symbolizing a dry or smooth aftertaste.

vino tinto
red wine

The phrase 'vino tinto' in Spanish translates to 'red wine' in English. Red wine is a type of wine made from dark-colored grape varieties. The actual color of the wine can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, through to brick red for mature wines and brown for older red wines. Its color can be derived from a vast assortment of grape varietals ranging from red and deep purple grapes to blue or black grapes.


The Spanish word 'violación' translates to 'rape' in English. It is a noun and is primarily used in legal and societal contexts. It refers to the act of sexual intercourse carried out against a person without that person's consent, often through the use of force or threat. It's a grave crime and violation of personal rights in many jurisdictions around the world.

violencia callejero
Street violence

The Spanish term 'violencia callejero' translates to 'street violence' in English. This refers to a broad range of violent and criminal behaviors that take place in public places - typically in urban environments. It includes a variety of acts such as physical aggression, theft, vandalism or even more serious crimes like armed robbery and assault. Street violence often underscores issues of public safety, law enforcement, and social services in many communities.

Example sentences with  violencia callejero

A violin is a stringed musical instrument which is played with a bow. In Spanish, you call this instrument 'violín', a common noun used in any music context.

Example sentences with  violín

The Spanish word 'violinista' is translated as 'violinist' in English. A violinist is a person who plays the violin. This can refer to someone who does this professionally, as part of a symphony orchestra for example, or someone who plays the violin as a hobby. The term can apply to both males and females. In Spanish, the term 'violín' translates to 'violin', and the suffix '-ista' is similar to the English suffix '-ist', used to designate someone who practices a certain skill.

Example sentences with  violinista

The word 'violonchelo' is a Spanish term that translates to 'cello' in English. It signifies a large stringed instrument of the violin family, with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is known for producing a deep, rich and melodic sound, which is softer and deeper than a violin. A person who plays the 'violonchelo' is called a 'violonchelista'. The word 'violonchelo' may also refer to the music produced by this instrument, particularly in the context of a symphony orchestra or a string quartet. Implicit in the term is a sense of tradition and culture, as the cello or 'violonchelo' holds a prominent place in Western classical music.

Example sentences with  violonchelo

The word 'virus' is a Spanish word that has the same meaning in English, namely, 'virus'. It refers to a type of infectious organism that can only grow and reproduce inside the cells of a host. A virus is capable of causing illness in hosts such as humans, animals, and plants. This common term in medical and scientific contexts is often used in public communication, especially in the context of public health and disease prevention.


The Spanish word 'visado' translates to 'visa' in English. It is commonly used in the context of travel and immigration, referring to the official endorsement on a passport that significantly indicates that the holder is allowed to enter, stay, and exit from a country for a specified period of time or permanently. The process of obtaining a 'visado' typically involves application and approval from the country one wishes to visit.

Example sentences with  visado
lace curtain

The Spanish word 'visillo' refers to a lace curtain in English. These are light, often netted curtains made of lace that are primarily used for decorative purposes. They add subtle elegance to windows and entrances, allowing soft light to pass through while maintaining privacy. So if you hear the word 'visillo', you can now picture a delicate lace curtain in your mind.

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