Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ventana (de un sobre)
window (of an envelope)

The word 'ventana (de un sobre)' in Spanish translates to 'window (of an envelope)' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of postal mail and stationery. Every envelope usually contains a small transparent window on the front side where you can see a portion of the document or letter inside, for instance, the address of the recipient. So, 'ventana' stands for 'window', and '(de un sobre)' indicates that this window relates to an envelope.


The Spanish word 'Venus' translates directly to 'Venus' in English. It is a proper noun referring to the second planet from the sun in our solar system. As it is the brightest natural object in the night sky, it is often called the morning star or evening star. The planet is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus. In both Spanish and English, 'Venus' carries the same connotations and astrological associations.

Example sentences with  Venus
to see

The verb 'ver' corresponds to the English verb 'to see', used when one is watching or perceiving something visually.

Example sentences with  ver
ver la televisión
watch TV

The Spanish phrase 'ver la televisión' translates to 'watch tv' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish speaking countries to imply the act of watching or viewing content on a television. It can be used in various contexts such as stating your current activity, expressing your plans or preferences, or instructing someone to watch something on TV.

ver un accidente
see an accident

The Spanish phrase 'ver un accidente' translates to 'see an accident' in English. It is a combination of the verb 'ver' meaning 'to see', the indefinite article 'un' meaning 'an', and the noun 'accidente' meaning 'accident'. Therefore, when this phrase is used, it indicates that one is witnessing or observing an accident. It is worth noting that the verb 'ver' is typically used in a context where the subject is visually perceiving an event or situation, in this case, an accident.

Example sentences with  ver un accidente
ver un programa de televisión
watch a TV show

The Spanish phrase 'ver un programa de televisión' translates to 'watch a tv show' in English. 'Ver' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to see' or 'to watch' in English. 'Un programa' is the Spanish equivalent of 'a program' or 'a show' and 'de televisión' means 'of television' or simply 'tv'. Therefore, when you put them together, 'ver un programa de televisión' means 'to watch a tv show'.

ver una exposición
see an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'ver una exposición' translates to 'see an exhibition' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of visiting museums, art galleries, or any public displays of art, science, or history. It implies actively observing and engaging with the presented works or items. In a sentence, you could use it as 'Vamos a ver una exposición este fin de semana', which means 'We are going to see an exhibition this weekend' in English.

Example sentences with  ver una exposición
ver una película
watch a movie

The Spanish phrase 'ver una película' translates to 'watch a movie' in English. This phrase is typically used when someone is indicating or expressing their plan or desire to watch a film or movie. It can either be used in a declarative statement, such as 'I want to watch a movie', or as a question, such as 'Do you want to watch a movie?'. Therefore, understanding and appropriately using 'ver una película' can aid you in making plans or socializing with Spanish speakers.

to watch

The translation provided is incorrect. 'Veranear' in Spanish does not mean to 'watch' in English, but it refers to spending the summer or the summer vacation period somewhere, usually at a holiday location. It is most commonly used in Spain and parts of Latin America to describe vacationing during the summer season.

Example sentences with  veranear

The Spanish word 'veraneo' is typically used to refer to the period of time individuals spend on vacation during the summer, much like the English term 'summer holiday'. It is a noun that originates from the verb 'veranear' which means 'to spend the summer'. It is worth noting that while 'veraneo' is related to 'summer', the direct translation of 'summer' in Spanish is actually 'verano'.

Example sentences with  veraneo

The Spanish word 'verano' directly translates to the English word 'summer'. It is used in the same way you would use 'summer' in English, to refer to the hottest season of the year, typically marked by long days, warm weather, and various activities. For example, 'El verano es mi estación favorita' would mean 'Summer is my favorite season'.

Example sentences with  verano

The Spanish word 'verdad' translates to 'truth' in English. It is generally used in the same way the English word 'truth' is used. It refers to the quality or state of being true. 'Verdad' is also often used in conversation to confirm if what has been said is understood or agreed upon, similar to asking 'right?' in English.

Example sentences with  verdad

In Spanish matters, the colour 'green'. Sense confines with 'verde', such in 'The grass is verde' than 'teasing the green gras'.

Example sentences with  verde

The Spanish word 'verdura' translates to 'vegetables' in English. It refers to any type of vegetable and is a common word in cooking and gastronomy. It's part of the everyday vocabulary in Spanish and can be found in various contexts, especially when talking about food, groceries, health or recipes. Note, in certain contexts, 'verdura' may be used to refer to green leafy vegetables specifically, though this usage is less common.


The Spanish word 'versátil' translates to 'versatile' in English. Versatile is a characteristic referring to an ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. It implies a person or object's capability to adjust to new, different, or changing requirements. Similarly, 'versátil' is used in Spanish to describe something or someone who has multi-faceted skills or features and can adapt or be applied in various ways.

verse implicado en un accidente
involved in an accident

The Spanish phrase 'verse implicado en un accidente' translates to 'being involved in an accident' in English. This phrase is typically used in legal or formal language. It's essential to note the verb 'verse', which is a reflexive form of the verb 'ver', which means 'to see'. However, in this context, 'verse' is used to signify 'find oneself' or 'be'. So a more literal translation would be 'to find oneself implicated in an accident'. This phrase can be used in various contexts such as proceedings of insurance claims, police reports, or news reports where the individuals involved in accidents are being discussed.

Example sentences with  verse implicado en un accidente

Versión in Spanish, also known as 'version' in English, is used almost identically as it is in English. It is often used in contexts such as computer software versions (la versión del software), versions of a story (versiones de una historia), or different versions of a song (diferentes versiones de una canción). This noun is feminine, so it must agree with feminine articles and adjectives.

Example sentences with  versión

Verso stands for 'Verse'. It refers to a group of lines that form a unit in a song or poem.

Example sentences with  verso

The Spanish word 'vértebra' translates to 'vertebrae' in English. Vertebrae are the individual, interlocking bones that stack to make up the spine. They play a crucial role in protecting the spinal cord and providing structural support for the body, allowing us to stand upright, bend, and twist. Much like their English counterpart, the Spanish 'vértebra' carries the same anatomical implications and significance.

to dump

The Spanish word 'vertedero' refers to a place where waste materials, especially the ones that are not needed anymore, are disposed, which is known commonly in English as a dump. It may also refer to a dumping process. This includes areas like landfills or recycling centers where garbage, waste, and other discarded materials are deposited. Overall, 'vertedero' implies an act of disposal and the location where the disposal takes place.

Example sentences with  vertedero
vertedero municipal
municipal land

The Spanish term 'vertedero municipal' translates to 'municipal dump' in English. It refers to a designated area, maintained by a city or county government, where waste and garbage are disposed. They are regulated spaces where municipal waste is systematically dumped and managed. These locations are engineered to prevent waste and pollutants from contaminating groundwater and soil, contributing to environmental protection efforts. It's important to note that the term does not refer to a piece of municipal land in general, but specifically a piece of land used for waste disposal.


The Spanish word 'vestíbulo' directly translates to 'lobby' in English. It typically refers to a room providing entrance to various other rooms within a public or commercial establishment, like a hotel or a theater. It may also mean a corridor or an atrium in certain contexts. The word 'vestíbulo' can be used in a variety of situations and environments where there is a need to refer to a common waiting or gathering space.

Example sentences with  vestíbulo
vestido de fiesta
Party Dress

The Spanish term 'vestido de fiesta' can be translated into English as 'party dress'. It is a type of clothing typically worn by women on special occasions or social gatherings, such as parties. This term can be further broken down into 'vestido' meaning 'dress' and 'fiesta' meaning 'party' in English.

vestido de noche
evening dress

The term 'vestido de noche' in Spanish translates to 'evening dress' in English. This is a type of dress usually worn by females to formal events that take place in the evening or night. It is often made out of high-quality, fancy materials and may have details such as ruffles, lace, sequins, or other embellishments. The length, style, and design of an evening dress can vary greatly, but all are meant to provide an elegant and sophisticated look for special occasions.

vestido de novia
wedding dress

The Spanish phrase 'vestido de novia' directly translates to 'bride's dress' in English, which in practical language usage means 'wedding dress'. In Spanish, 'vestido' denotes 'dress', 'de' is a shorthand for 'of' or 'from', and 'novia' translates to 'bride'. Therefore, 'vestido de novia' refers to the special attire a bride wears on her wedding day. This term encapsulates a significant cultural symbol of matrimony and is a fundamental component of wedding ceremonies around the world.

vestir de corto
short dress

'Vestir de corto' is a Spanish phrase rather than a single word. It does not directly translate to 'short dress' in English. Instead, it's an expression used usually in Spain that refers to children's clothing, implying something like 'dressing as a child' or 'wearing short clothes', since children typically wear shorter clothes compared to adults. However, in different context it could be interpreted differently.

vestir de gala
dress up gala

The Spanish phrase 'vestir de gala' translates directly to 'dress up gala' in English. However, it is more commonly understood as dressing in formal or fancy clothes, usually for a special occasion such as a party or event. It implies a significant level of detail, preparation, and elegance in one's appearance, similar to wearing a tuxedo or evening gown at a gala dinner.

vestir de largo
dress long

The Spanish phrase 'vestir de largo' translates as 'dress long' in English. It is often used when referring to formal wear, often requiring women to wear long dresses or gowns. It is commonly used in the context of formal events and occasions such as weddings, galas, and balls. It's important to note that this phrase is associated with an element of culture and tradition, making it a good example of the uniqueness of language.

vestir de uniforme
uniform dress

The phrase 'vestir de uniforme' in Spanish translates to 'uniform dress' in English. In most contexts, it refers to the act of wearing a particular uniform, often in settings such as schools or workplaces where uniforms are required. It can also be used more broadly to refer to the concept of wearing a common set of clothing to denote membership in a particular group or organization.


The Spanish word 'veterinaria' translates to 'veterinary' in English. It is used to refer to a field of medicine that focuses on the health and well-being of animals. This term is used for that branch of science and medicine which involves the study, cure, and prevention of diseases in animals, including domestic pets, livestock, and wildlife. 'Veterinaria' can also refer to a clinic or hospital where such medical care is provided to animals, similar to the English term 'veterinary clinic' or 'vet'.

Example sentences with  veterinaria
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