Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'vaso' translates to 'glass' in English. Commonly, it refers to a container typically made from glass (although it can be made from different materials), which is used to drink liquids such as water, juice or soda. The term is quite general and can refer to different shapes and sizes of containers, from small shot glasses to large tumblers. Less frequently, 'vaso' can also refer to a 'vessel' or 'duct' in a biological context, but this usage is more technical.

vaso de agua
glass of water

The term 'vaso de agua' in Spanish translates to 'glass of water' in English. It is a commonly used phrase in the Spanish language to indicate a container typically made of glass, filled with water. It could be used in various contexts such as in restaurants, at home, or any place where one may need to ask for a glass of water.


The Spanish word 'vecindario' translates to 'neighborhood' in English. It refers to a district or community within a town or city. It implies a certain sense of community and familiarity, as it represents the group of houses or buildings and their inhabitants that are situated close to each other. Just like a neighborhood in English-speaking countries, a 'vecindario' in Spanish-speaking countries can have a unique culture and character, influenced by the people living there and their way of life.


The Spanish word 'vecino' translates to 'neighbor' in English. The term refers to a person living next door to or very near to the speaker or person referred to, essentially an inhabitant of a particular place or a person living or located nearby. It can be used in several contexts, just like in English. An example of how 'vecino' might be used in a sentence is: 'Mi vecino tiene un gato' which translates to 'My neighbor has a cat'.

vegetación autóctona
native vegetation

The term 'vegetación autóctona' translates to 'native vegetation' in English. This refers to the plants that are naturally occurring, or indigenous, to a specific geographical region or ecosystem. Often used in environmental and biological contexts, native vegetation plays a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity, stability, and functionality of ecosystems. It has adapted to the conditions of the region including climate, soil, and interaction with the local wildlife, and forms an integral part of the environment's health and wellbeing.

Example sentences with  vegetación autóctona
vegetación densa
thick vegetation

The Spanish phrase 'vegetación densa' translates to 'thick vegetation' in English. This phrase is often used in geographical, botanical, and nature-related contexts to refer to an area of land covered by a dense growth of plants, trees, or a forest. It describes a dense and lush greenery, where the growth and overlap of plants and their foliage make it hard to navigate or see through. This term does not necessarily indicate the types of plants or their arrangement, but rather, it only refers to their quantity and density.

Example sentences with  vegetación densa
vegetación frondosa
lush vegetation

The term 'vegetación frondosa' is a Spanish phrase that refers to lush, thick, and abundant vegetation. This could apply to a variety of environments, including forests, jungles, gardens, or any other place where plant life grows thickly and in abundance. Just like a dense foliage provides substantial cover and rich resources for wildlife, this term connotes a certain richness and profuseness in Spanish.

Example sentences with  vegetación frondosa
vegetación selvática
wild vegetation

The Spanish term 'vegetación selvática' translates to 'wild vegetation' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the flora that grows in uncontrollable conditions, usually found in wilderness areas or forests. The term can denote a diverse array of vegetation, including numerous species of trees, shrubs, and other plants. This term signifies nature's raw and ensnared form where human interference is minimal or entirely absent.

Example sentences with  vegetación selvática
vegetación tupida
dense vegetation

The Spanish term 'vegetación tupida' translates to 'dense vegetation' in English. It is often used to refer to areas where plant life is so thick and closely packed, it is difficult to move through. This term can be used in various contexts such as environmental, geographical descriptions, science field studies, and travel experiences. It is a commonly used term to describe forests, jungle landscapes, or any place where plants grow abundantly and densely.

Example sentences with  vegetación tupida

The word 'vehículo' in Spanish translates to 'vehicle' in English. It pertains to a machine that is used to transport people or goods. A vehicle could be a car, a truck, a bike, a bus, a boat, or any other form of transport that helps move from one place to another.

Example sentences with  vehículo
vehículo de transporte de mercancías
freight transport vehicle

The Spanish phrase 'vehículo de transporte de mercancías' translates to 'freight transport vehicle' in English. This term refers to any vehicle - such as a truck, ship, airplane, or train - specifically designed and used for transporting goods, commodities, or any other merchandise from one location to another. These vehicles form a crucial part of the logistic supply chain in many industries, allowing for the distribution of products both locally and internationally.

Example sentences with  vehículo de transporte de mercancías
vehículo para minusválidos
vehicle for disabled persons

The Spanish term 'vehículo para minusválidos' translates to 'vehicle for disabled persons' in English. These vehicles are specially designed or modified to accommodate and assist individuals with disabilities. The vehicle may include features such as wheelchair ramps, lifts, or hand controls, aiming to provide safe and convenient transportation means for those with limited mobility or other physical impairments.

Example sentences with  vehículo para minusválidos
Old age

The Spanish word 'vejez' translates to 'old age' in English. It refers to the later period or stage in life, a time often marked by a decline in physical strength, mental acuity, and overall vitality. It can be used in various contexts such as discussing age-related health issues, referencing the elderly population, or simply to denote the passage of time. 'Vejez' reflects not only the chronological advancement of age, but also the sociocultural significance of the aging process.


The Spanish word 'vela' translates to 'candle' in English. It is a noun that represents a cylinder or block of wax or tallow with a central wick that is lit to produce light as it burns. This can be used in various contexts including lighting, decoration, or in ceremonies and rituals. In Spanish, it can also have another meaning related to sailing or watching over something, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  vela
velocidad mínima
Minimum speed

The Spanish phrase 'velocidad mínima' translates to 'minimum speed' in English. It is composed of two words: 'velocidad', which means 'speed', and 'mínima', which means 'minimum'. It is often used in context where there are specified limits of how slow a vehicle or operation can proceed. For instance, in traffic regulations or hardware requirements of software or machinery.

Example sentences with  velocidad mínima

The Spanish word 'vencer' corresponds to 'defeat' in English. It's used in a context where one person or team wins a competition or battle, effectively overpowering another. For instance, in a game or sport, the team that scores the most points would 'vencer' their opponents. Therefore, 'vencer' can also often signify a triumph or victory over a challenge, competitor, or adversity.

vencer una depresión aguda
to overcome acute depression

The Spanish phrase 'vencer una depresión aguda' translates as 'to overcome acute depression' in English. In this statement, 'vencer' means to overcome or conquer, 'una' is an indefinite article corresponding to 'a', 'depresión' stands for depression, a state of feeling extremely unhappy and without hope, and 'aguda' specifies it as acute, which means very serious or severe in medical terms. So all together, 'vencer una depresión aguda' refers to a strenuous process of overcoming a severe episode of depression.

vencer una depresión profunda
to overcome a deep depression

The Spanish phrase 'vencer una depresión profunda' translates to 'overcome a deep depression' in English. This is an action or achievement, typically used to describe the process of successfully dealing with or gaining control over a difficult emotional condition or situation, specifically a severe or intense state of sadness, often with no obvious cause, referred to as a deep depression.


The word 'venda' in Spanish translates to 'bandage' in English. It is usually used in a medical context or first aid scenarios, where an injured part of the body must be wrapped or covered for protection and healing. Additionally, this term can be used in a more metaphorical sense to indicate the covering up of a problem or situation.

Example sentences with  venda

The word 'vendar' is a verb in Spanish. It translates into English as 'to bandage'. In a sentence, it is used to indicate the act of covering or wrapping a wound or injury with a strip of material. This could be a cloth, gauze, or some kind of dressing. Materials used to 'vendar', or bandage, are generally used to protect the wound, keep it clean, or stop any bleeding.

Example sentences with  vendar

Vendedor is a Spanish word used to refer to a person, male or female, who sells goods or services as a profession. This term is commonly associated with commercial transactions and can be found in various contexts such as retail businesses, sales departments in corporations, street markets, etc. In English, 'vendedor' is translated as 'seller' or 'salesperson'. The role of a 'vendedor' can vary, depending on what kind of goods or services they are selling. Simply put, a 'vendedor' is someone whose job is to sell things.


The Spanish word 'vender' is equivalent to the English word 'sell'. It is used in the context of transferring the ownership of something to someone else, usually for a monetary exchange. Just like how 'sell' is used in English, 'vender' can be used in variety of contexts in Spanish, from selling tangible items like 'vender mi auto' (sell my car) to more metaphorical usages like 'vender una idea' (sell an idea).

Example sentences with  vender
vender por catálogo
sale by catalogue

The Spanish phrase 'vender por catálogo' directly translates to 'sale by catalogue' in English. It refers to the business model or practice where a company's products or services are not physically displayed or sold in a traditional brick-and-mortar store but instead, customers make orders through a printed or online catalogue. They select the items they want from this catalogue and the company delivers the ordered items to them. This method of sales is commonly employed by many firms with diverse product offerings, allowing them to reach a greater number of customers, irrespective of geographical restrictions.

vender por Internet
selling online

The Spanish phrase 'vender por Internet' translates to 'selling online' in English. It is often used in the context of e-commerce, digital marketing, or any transaction that happens over the internet. The verb 'vender' means 'to sell', and 'por Internet' means 'over the internet' or 'online'. This phrase is commonly used among businesses and individuals who perform transactions or provide services over the internet.

vender un apartamento
selling an apartment

The phrase 'vender un apartamento' in Spanish translates to 'selling an apartment' in English. This action phrase usually refers to the process of offering an apartment for sale to potential buyers. This can involve setting a price, listing the apartment on property markets or real estate platforms, negotiating with potential buyers, and eventually transferring property rights to the new owner once a purchase agreement has been made.

vender un piso
sell a flat

The Spanish phrase 'vender un piso' translates in English to 'sell a flat'. This phrase is often used in property sale situations in Spanish speaking countries, where a 'piso' refers to an apartment or flat often found in multi-story residential buildings. The verb 'vender' means 'to sell', indicating the action of transferring ownership of the flat for a certain price. Thus, if someone says they want to 'vender un piso', they're indicating their desire to put a flat or apartment up for sale.

vender una exclusiva
sell an exclusive

The Spanish phrase 'vender una exclusiva' translates to 'sell an exclusive' in English. This term is often used in the field of media and journalism. Vender una exclusiva refers to the act of selling exclusive rights to a certain story, news item, or piece of information to a single media outlet or publication. This typically means that the seller has granted this specific media entity the sole ability to publish or broadcast this information, making it an 'exclusive' story or news item. This can also pertain to selling exclusive rights to certain products or services in other industries.


The Spanish verb 'venir' is used similar to the English verb 'come', indicating motion from some other location towards the location indicated in the context of the conversation. It is used in various contexts and can also carry a sense of someone ‘coming’ to do something like in 'viene a ayudar', which means 'comes to help'.

Example sentences with  venir

The term sale refers to the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. It's one of the primary functions of any business.

Example sentences with  venta

A window is a framed opening in a wall, door, or vehicle that allows the passage of light and, if open, also air and sound. It's an integral part of any home or building.

Example sentences with  ventana
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