Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'universo' translates to 'universe' in English. It refers to all existing matter and space considered as a whole, which includes the earth, stars, galaxies and all other forms of energy and matter. This word is often used in a variety of contexts, including astronomy, physics, metaphysics and theology.

Example sentences with  universo

The Spanish word 'urbanidad' translates to 'urbanity' in English. It refers to the characteristic of being urban, or of an urban area. 'Urbanidad' represents the sophistication, manners, and refinement typically associated with urban living. It is often used in reference to cities or individuals who possess qualities associated with city life such as cosmopolitanism, modernity, and cultural sophistication.

Example sentences with  urbanidad

The word 'urbanización' in Spanish translates to 'urbanization' in English. This term refers to the process through which towns and cities grow as more people begin living and working in central areas. It can be associated with the idea of development and modernization of rural areas. The concept includes not only physical growth but also a change in the lifestyle of individuals due to increased access to amenities and services that are driven by urbanization.

Example sentences with  urbanización

The word 'urbano' in Spanish is an adjective that directly translates to 'urban' in English. It is used to describe something that is in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city. This word often characterizes environments, lifestyles, or areas that are influenced by the cultural, economic and societal activities of towns or cities. It can further be used in a range of contexts such as urban development, urban lifestyle, urban population, among others.

Example sentences with  urbano

The word 'urgencias' is a Spanish term which is commonly used to refer specifically to the emergency department in a hospital. However, it can also broadly mean 'emergencies' in general. It's related to the Spanish verb 'urgir', which translates to 'to urge' or 'to be urgent'. Therefore, 'urgencias' is used in contexts where there is a need for immediate attention or action due to a critical or urgent situation, similar to the English term 'emergency'.


The Spanish word 'urna' translates to 'urn' in English. This word is generally used to refer to a large, often decorative, container, particularly those that are used to hold the ashes of someone who has been cremated. Additionally, 'urna' can also refer to a container used to hold lots or draw tickets in a lottery or vote.

Example sentences with  urna

The word 'usar' is the Spanish translation for the English verb 'wear', commonly used to refer to the action of carrying or having something on one's body as a garment or accessory. For instance, when relating to clothes, shoes, glasses, etc. It can also imply the action of the continuous utilization of something, causing it to deteriorate over time. The context determines how to correctly use this word in Spanish.

Example sentences with  usar
usar preservativos
use condoms

The Spanish phrase 'usar preservativos' translates to 'use condoms' in English. This is primarily used in the context of promoting safe sex. It is composed of the verb 'usar', meaning 'to use', and 'preservativos', which are the Spanish term for condoms. Despite the direct translation, it is not used in the same range of circumstances that 'use condoms' might be used in English. In certain contexts, it may have humorous or serious implications.

uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad
mandatory use of seat belt

The phrase 'uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad' is a Spanish phrase that, when translated into English, means 'mandatory use of seat belt'. The language nuances imply a strong command or law, indicating that the wearing of a seat belt is not optional, but is a necessary safety measure, required by law for all vehicle passengers. This phrase is commonly seen in transportation regulations and safety instructions.

Example sentences with  uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad

In Spanish, 'usuario' translates to 'user' in English. It pertains to individuals who use or operate something, most often in the context of computer systems, programs, or services. 'Usuario' is often used in situations where an individual is accessing or making use of a service, system or product. This term is commonly used in the digital world, such as in the phrases 'nombre de usuario' (username) or 'usuario de computadora' (computer user).


A grape is a fruit, botanically a berry, of the deciduous woody vines of the flowering plant genus Vitis. They can be eaten fresh or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, and grape seed oil.

Example sentences with  uva

Cows are large domesticated cloven-hoofed herbivores. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos taurus.

Example sentences with  vaca

The information provided is incorrect. The Spanish word 'vacación' translates to 'vacation' in English. It does not mean courage. It represents a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business, usually in travel or leisure activities.


The Spanish word 'vacuna' translates to 'vaccine' in English. Vaccines are a type of medicine that help the body's immune system prepare to fight specific germs or diseases. They are usually given through shots, but can also come in other forms like nasal sprays or oral drops. The goal of a vaccine is to prevent people from getting seriously sick from certain diseases, and they have been crucial in reducing, and in some cases eliminating, the spread of dangerous diseases around the world.

Example sentences with  vacuna

The Spanish word 'vacunación' translates to 'vaccination' in English. Vaccination refers to the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease, but they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don't make you sick. Some vaccines are given once, others are given numerous times to make our immune system stronger.

Example sentences with  vacunación

The Spanish word 'vago' translates into English as 'lazy'. It is an adjective used to describe someone who avoids work or effort, reflecting a reluctance to do or use energy. It can also suffice to describe a person who is not busy or active.


The word 'vagón' in Spanish translates to 'carriage' in English. In the context of transportation, a 'vagón' refers to a vehicle, usually part of a train, that is employed for transporting goods or passengers. The term can also encompass distinct levels of comfort and amenities in passenger cars. 'Vagón' might also refer to a wagon, a type of carriage used to transport goods or people overland.

Example sentences with  vagón
vagón de carga
freight car

The Spanish term 'vagón de carga' translates to 'freight car' in English. A freight car is a type of wagon used in railways to transport goods or materials, as opposed to passenger cars which are designed for people. Often, freight cars can transport a variety of goods such as coal, iron, grains, or any other large quantities of materials that need to be moved over great distances.

Example sentences with  vagón de carga
vagón de pasajeros
passenger carriage

The Spanish term 'vagón de pasajeros' translates to 'passenger carriage' in English. It is a term frequently used in contextual references to transportation. Specifically, it points to a type of railway vehicle where passengers are transported. Carriages are part of a train and can vary in size, comfort, and function. It is vital, especially in the context of traveling or commuting by train.

Example sentences with  vagón de pasajeros

The Spanish word 'vajilla' translates to 'crockery' in English. In everyday usage, the term 'crockery' refers to plates, dishes, cups, and other similar items, usually made of earthenware or china. Thus, 'vajilla' would be used in Spanish when talking about the assorted dishes used for serving and eating meals.


The word 'valentía' is a Spanish noun most commonly translated into English as 'courage'. It is derived from the word 'valiente', which means 'brave'. 'Valentía' is used to express the concept of bravery, courage, and strength in behavior or character, showing fearlessness in the face of difficulty or danger. It is a positive character trait highly valued within society. This word is widely used in literature, speeches and day-to-day conversation throughout Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'validez' translates to 'validity' in English. It is a noun that refers to the quality or the state of being legally or officially acceptable. It is typically used when referring to the acceptance of an argument, a document, or a system. For instance, when you raise an argument or produce a document, people may question its 'validez' - its validity.

válido a
valid to

The Spanish term 'válido a' translates to the English term 'valid to'. In a sentence, it can have several interpretations, often relating to the legitimacy or integrity of a subject up to a certain point. 'Válido a' would be used in different contexts, for example, in legal documents, date validity or referencing to validity of a certain object or concept. The specificity of translation would largely depend on how it is employed within a sentence or conversation.


Valiente means 'brave'. It is used to describe someone who is not afraid to face difficult situations. For example, 'El niño es valiente' means 'The child is brave'.

Example sentences with  valiente

The Spanish word 'valle' translates to 'valley' in English. It is a geographical term used to refer to a depression or hollow between hills or mountains. It typically has a river flowing through it or at least some form of water body. Valleys are notable for their fertile soil and are often the site of agricultural activities. They also cater to habitats for various types of flora and fauna.

Example sentences with  valle

The Spanish word 'valor' is used similarly to the English term 'value'. It can denote the worth of something in monetary terms, for example in sentences like 'El valor de la casa es alto' ('The value of the house is high'). The term can also be used to denote moral or personal beliefs and principles, just like in English. An example in this context would be 'El valor de la honestidad es importante' ('The value of honesty is important').

Example sentences with  valor

The Spanish word 'valoración' translates to 'valuation' in English. It is a term often used in economic and financial contexts, pertaining to the procedure of calculating or estimating the worth of something, such as a company, property, or an asset. Furthermore, 'valoración' can also be utilized in non-financial contexts indicating the importance or significance given to something.

Example sentences with  valoración
valorar una obra de arte
value a work of art

The Spanish phrase 'valorar una obra de art' translates to 'value a work of art' in English. This can mean assessing the worth of an artwork based on its visual, historical, or cultural significance. It might also involve appreciating the craftsmanship and creative effort that went into producing the artwork.

Example sentences with  valorar una obra de arte

The Spanish equivalent for 'several' is 'varios'. This word is typically used as an adjective before a noun to express the English concept of 'more than a few, but not many'. It can be used in both singular and plural forms, depending on the context and the noun that it is modifying.

Example sentences with  varios

'Varón' is a Spanish word that translates to 'male' in English. It is typically used to refer to the gender of a person, and can also denote other aspects of masculinity depending on the context. 'Varón' can also be used in certain Spanish idiomatic expressions or phrases to express sentiments related to male or masculine qualities. Like many words, its specific meaning can vary depending on regional usage and cultural nuances.

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