Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The term 'turista' translates in English to 'tourist'. It is a person who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually when they are on vacation.

Example sentences with  turista
turno de día
day shift

The Spanish term 'turno de día' translates to 'day shift' in English. In most business settings, this phrase refers to a period of work that typically takes place during the day, often from morning to early evening. For example, in hospitals or round-the-clock businesses, employees working the 'turno de día' usually work in the daytime.

Example sentences with  turno de día
turno de noche
night shift

The Spanish term 'turno de noche' translates to 'night shift' in English. It commonly refers to a work shift that takes place during the night hours, typically in work places that operate 24 hours a day, such as hospitals, factories, or emergency services. The exact hours can differ, but it often refers to a shift that starts in the late evening and ends in the early morning.

Example sentences with  turno de noche
turno de tarde
afternoon shift

The Spanish phrase 'turno de tarde' translates into English as 'afternoon shift'. This phrase is commonly used in work settings and institutions to denote a specific period or span of hours worked in the afternoon. This typically refers to a work schedule that runs during the afternoon until the early evening. The exact time range can vary based on the organization or context it is used in.

Example sentences with  turno de tarde

The word 'turquesa' in Spanish translates to 'turquoise' in English. It is often used to describe a bright, blue-green color. It's a popular color name in fashion, design, and art because it is bold and vibrant. Although named after the gemstone 'turquoise', the term 'turquesa' is commonly used outside of gemology.

Example sentences with  turquesa

The Spanish word 'tutor' translates to 'tutor' in English. In a learning context, a tutor is an individual who gives private lessons to a student or in small groups. They can help in various subjects and provide personalized attention to support the student's academic progress. The word 'tutor' in both Spanish and English carries the same meaning and connotations.


The term 'UCI' in Spanish refers to 'Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos' that translates to 'Intensive Care Unit' in English. It is a specialized department in a hospital or health care facility that provides intensive treatment medicine. UCI is where critically ill patients are kept. These patients need constant, close monitoring by trained healthcare professionals who can provide advanced medical care and interventions, especially in emergency and life-threatening situations.


The Spanish word 'úlcera' translates to 'ulcer' in English. An 'úlcera', or 'ulcer', refers to a sore that forms on the skin or on a mucous membrane such as the one inside the stomach. It can be caused by various factors including infection, chronic health conditions, or damage. The term 'úlcera' is often used in medical or health-related contexts.

Example sentences with  úlcera

The Spanish word 'último' translates to 'last' in English. It is used similarly to how we use 'last' in English - to refer to something that comes at the end or after all others in a series, list, or sequence. For example, you might use 'último' to describe the last person in line ('la última persona en la fila') or the last day of the week ('el último día de la semana').

Example sentences with  último
to hoot

Ulular is a Spanish verb typically used to describe the sound that an owl makes, much like the English 'to hoot'. More broadly, it can also refer to any similar sound, such as a siren or a cry that resembles the hooting of an owl.

Example sentences with  ulular

It's used to describe common or expected routines or servicerea.

Example sentences with  umsualmente
un análisis de orina
a urine analysis

The Spanish phrase 'un análisis de orina' translates to 'a urine analysis' in English. This is a type of test commonly performed in the medical field. It involves analyzing a patient's urine for the presence of certain substances, such as proteins, sugars, or bacteria. The results of this test can help diagnose a range of health conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or diabetes.

Example sentences with  un análisis de orina
un análisis de sangre
a blood test

The Spanish term 'un análisis de sangre' translates to 'a blood test' in English. It is a medical procedure performed in a lab where a sample of blood is taken from a patient to analyze it. These tests are common diagnostic procedures that allow doctors to assess the individual's overall health, identify potential disease markers, and monitor ongoing conditions or treatments. They can provide information on the function of organs such as kidneys, liver, thyroid, heart, and are essential in detecting diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, anemia, diabetes among others.

Example sentences with  un análisis de sangre
un comunicado de prensa
a press release

The Spanish term 'un comunicado de prensa' translates to 'a press release' in English. A press release is an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, an official statement, or making an announcement. In a similar way, 'un comunicado de prensa' in Spanish is used to disseminate information to the public through the media.

un comunicado de última hora
Last minute statement

The Spanish phrase 'un comunicado de última hora' translates into English as 'last minute statement'. This phrase is commonly utilized in news broadcasting or situations of urgency where a statement or an announcement is delivered right at the last moment or with very short notice. The phrase communicates a sense of urgency and immediacy.

un comunicado oficial
official statement

The Spanish phrase 'un comunicado oficial' translates to 'official statement' in English. An official statement is a formal announcement or clarification made by an organization or individual in a position of authority. It is often used for press releases, government decrees, or corporate announcements. In Spanish contexts, it can be seen in similar situations where an institution or person in power formally divulges crucial information or communicates a specific stand.

un control de orina
a urine control

The term 'un control de orina' in Spanish translates to 'a urine control' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in medical settings, referring to the process or procedure where an individual's urine is collected and tested. This could be for general health screening to check the overall status of one's health, or to identify the presence of specific conditions such as infection, diabetes or drug use. The term could also refer to one's ability to control urination, in which case it is associated with the discipline of urology.

Example sentences with  un control de orina
un control de sangre
blood control

The Spanish term 'un control de sangre' translates to 'blood control' in English. It is a phrase usually used within the medical field. The term generally refers to regulating or monitoring the blood levels in one's body. Doctors often conduct these types of tests to check their patients' health status, particularly to check for any abnormalities or diseases that may affect the blood's capacity to function properly. Therefore, having a 'control de sangre' could refer to any type of blood test or blood monitoring procedure.

Example sentences with  un control de sangre
un cuarto de kilo
a quarter kilo

The Spanish phrase 'un cuarto de kilo' translates to 'a quarter kilo' in English. It is a unit of measurement commonly used in markets and shops in Spanish-speaking countries to weigh food items, particularly meat and vegetables. It is equivalent to 250 grams, as a kilo, short for kilogram, is a unit of weight that equals 1000 grams. Therefore, 'un cuarto de kilo' implies one-fourth of this measurement. This phrase can be utilized in a variety of practical scenarios, such as buying groceries, to discuss weight and quantities.

un kilo
One kilo

The Spanish term 'un kilo' translates to 'one kilo' in English. It is a unit of weight used in the metric system, equivalent to approximately 2.20462 pounds. The term 'kilo' is short for kilogram. 'Un' is a Spanish indefinite article used before singular nouns and translates to 'a' or 'one' in English. So, 'un kilo' in Spanish refers to a quantity of one kilogram.

un reserva
a reservation

The Spanish term 'un reserva' translates to 'a reservation' in English. One can use this term while making advance arrangements or bookings, such as in a hotel, a restaurant, or any event. 'Reserva' is a feminine noun in Spanish, and using 'un' before the noun designates it as a singular noun. Therefore, 'un reserva' signifies 'one reservation' or 'a reservation'.


The Spanish word 'uña' translates to 'nail' in English. It is often used in the context of body parts, specifically referring to the hard, translucent part covering the upper surface of a finger or toe. For example, 'Me corté la uña', in English would be 'I cut my nail'.

una vez

The Spanish word 'una vez' translates to 'once' in English. It is used to refer to a single occasion or instance. It can also be used to indicate a particular point in time where something occurred or an event happened.

Example sentences with  una vez

The word 'unidad' is Spanish translates to 'unity' in English. It is primarily used to talk about concepts of solidarity, oneness, and cohesion in both social and technical context. For example, it can represent unity in a community or the unity in a system of equations in mathematics.

Example sentences with  unidad

The Spanish word 'uniforme' translates to 'uniform' in English. It is a common noun that refers to an identifying set of clothes that members of a particular group, such as students or soldiers, wear to distinguish themselves from others. Uniforms are usually designed to promote unity and can often be seen in schools, sports teams, and military organizations.


The Spanish word 'unión' can be used in a variety of contexts similar to English. It can mean the act of joining two or more things together, as well as a group of people or states that have agreed to work together for a common cause. For example, in a sentence, 'La unión de estas dos empresas creará una potencia global' - The union of these two companies will create a global power.

Example sentences with  unión
Unión Europea (UE)

Unión Europea (UE) is a Spanish term that translates to 'European Union (EU)' in English. Formed after World War II to foster economic cooperation and prevent future hostilities between European nations, the EU is a regional organization that promotes and enforces laws related to economics, politics, and society amongst its member countries. This term is often used in international relations and business contexts.

Example sentences with  Unión Europea (UE)

The Spanish word 'unir' translates to 'join' in English. It is used to indicate the action of connecting or combining things in Spanish. For example, when two roads come together, we say they 'se unen'. Similarly, when people join their efforts for a cause, in Spanish we say 'se unen a un esfuerzo'. So, it's a pretty versatile word used to describe the act of coming or bringing together.

Example sentences with  unir

The Spanish word 'universal' translates directly to 'universal' in English. It's an adjective that describes something that applies to all members within a particular group or to all instances of a particular situation or circumstance. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to, science (universal law), philosophy (universal truth), and everyday conversation (universal appeal).

Example sentences with  universal

The Spanish word 'universidad' is a noun used in conversation to refer to higher education institutions where students pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctorate degrees. It's a direct translation of the English word 'university'. In a sentence, it can be used like this: 'Voy a la universidad para estudiar medicina', which means 'I go to the university to study medicine'.

Example sentences with  universidad
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