Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'tribunal' translates to 'court' in English. It refers to an institution where disputes and legal issues are resolved. The term 'court' or 'tribunal' can imply a variety of judicial forums like a courtroom where the judge delivers judgments, an organization like Supreme Court, or it can even mean a place of royal residence in certain historical contexts. Similarly, it's widely used in a variety of contexts in Spanish as well.

Example sentences with  tribunal
Tribunal Constitucional
Constitutional Court

Tribunal Constitucional is a Spanish term which translates to 'Constitutional Court' in English. A Constitutional Court is a high court that deals with matters related to the constitution of a country. It is where issues of constitutional legality are decided, such as testing the constitutionality of laws or government decisions. It plays a vital role in a nation's system of checks and balances, enforcing the fundamental laws of the land and ensuring that the government functions within its constitutional boundaries.

Example sentences with  Tribunal Constitucional
Tribunal Supremo
Supreme Court

The 'Tribunal Supremo' in Spanish refers to the 'Supreme Court' in English. The Supreme Court is the highest court within the hierarchy of many legal jurisdictions, and it has the power to make ultimate judgements and decisions on legal matters. This term is commonly used in legal and governmental context.

Example sentences with  Tribunal Supremo

The Spanish word 'trillizos' translates to 'triplets' in English. It's a noun typically used to describe three siblings who are born at the same time from the same pregnancy. 'Trillizos' can also refer to any group of three items that are identical or nearly so.


The term 'trineo' is used in Spanish for the English word 'sleigh'. This typically refers to a vehicle, generally used in snowy conditions, that is slipped or skated over the snow or ice. In the Spanish language, 'trineo' could be used when talking about snow related activities, Santa Claus's vehicle, or any historical context involving the use of sleds.

Example sentences with  trineo

The Spanish word 'tripulación' translates to 'crew' in English. This term is frequently used in various contexts including travel, aviation, film, and more. It can denote the group of people who operate a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft. Or in another scenario like in a movie set, it refers to the technical staff responsible for ensuring smooth operations. Thus, 'tripulación' signifies teamwork and collaboration in diverse settings.

Example sentences with  tripulación

'Triste' describes the state of feeling or appearing unhappy or depressed.

Example sentences with  triste

The Spanish word 'tristeza' translates to 'sadness' in English. It is a noun often used to express a feeling of sorrow, unhappiness or grief. It may refer to an emotional response to various upsetting or disappointing events or situations. Similar to its English counterpart, 'tristeza' can be used in a variety of contexts and can describe a wide range of intensities of sadness.

trocear una manzana
chop an apple

The Spanish phrase 'trocear una manzana' translates to 'chop an apple' in English. It is a verb phrase that refers to the action of cutting an apple into pieces. 'Trocear' is the infinitive form of the verb that means 'to chop' and 'una manzana' is a singular phrase which means 'an apple'. The phrase can be used in various contexts involving cooking or preparing food.


The Spanish word 'trompa' is translated into English as 'trunk' or 'horn', depending on the context. Usually, in the context of an elephant, 'trompa' refers to the elephant's trunk. In the context of musical instruments or a vehicle, it refers to a horn. It's important to remember that languages aren't coded; words carry different meanings in different situations.

Example sentences with  trompa

A trumpet is a brass musical instrument that you play by blowing into it. 'Trompeta' is the Spanish noun for this type of instrument.

Example sentences with  trompeta

'Tronar' does not translate to 'trousers' in English. It is a verb and comes from the Spanish verb 'tronar' which means to thunder, to crack, to explode or to fail. For example, in the context of weather, it is used to describe the sound made by thunder. It is also commonly used to refer to something breaking or failing abruptly.

Example sentences with  tronar

The Spanish word 'tronco' translates to 'trunk' in English. 'Tronco' can refer to the main stem of a tree, commonly called a trunk in English. However, it can also refer to the main part of a human or animal body separate from the head and limbs, also known as trunk. Thus, depending on the context, 'tronco' in Spanish can mean either a tree trunk or the main body of an organism.


The Spanish word 'tropa' translates to 'troop' in English. It is commonly used in military and scouting contexts to refer to a group of soldiers or scouts. It can also refer to a large group of people or animals, especially when they are involved in a shared activity or purpose.

Example sentences with  tropa

The Spanish word 'tropical' translates to 'tropical' in English. It is used to describe a climate that is warm and moist throughout the year. The word is often associated with regions that are near the equator, where temperatures are high and vegetation is diverse. The term can also be used to characterize certain types of vegetation, fauna, and cultures that are typical of these climates.

Example sentences with  tropical
trópico de Cáncer
Tropics of Cancer

The 'trópico de Cáncer' is Spanish for 'Tropic of Cancer'. This geographical term refers to one of the five major circles of latitude marked on maps of Earth. It's the northernmost point where the Sun can be seen directly overhead at noon. This happens during the June solstice when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. The Tropic of Cancer, thereby, marks an important line of meteorological and astronomical significance.

Example sentences with  trópico de Cáncer
trópico de Capricornio
Tropic of Capricorn

The 'trópico de Capricornio' in Spanish translates to 'Tropic of Capricorn' in English. It refers to the southernmost point on Earth where the sun can be directly overhead. This line of latitude is approximately 23.5 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. It is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth and passes through Australia, Chile, southern Brazil, and northern South Africa, among others.

Example sentences with  trópico de Capricornio
Example sentences with  trotar
trozo de pan
piece of bread

The Spanish phrase 'trozo de pan' translates to 'piece of bread' in English. The word 'trozo' means 'piece', 'de' is a preposition that is similar to 'of' in English and 'pan' translates to 'bread'. So when combined, 'trozo de pan' denotes a portion or slice of bread.

trozo de tarta
piece of cake

The Spanish term 'trozo de tarta' translates to 'piece of cake' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in Spanish referring to a portion of a cake. It's also used metaphorically in a similar way as 'piece of cake' in English, to describe a task or situation that is simple or easy.


The Spanish word 'trueno' translates to 'thunder' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the loud noise that follows a flash of lightning during a storm. It's a masculine noun in Spanish, and it can be used in various contexts. For example, one might use it to describe a powerful, booming noise or a severe, sudden commotion. The sounds of a loud music performance or explosive argument could be figuratively described as 'trueno'. In English similarly, 'thunder' can refer not just to a weather phenomenon, but, metaphorically, to anything loud, powerful, or impactful.

Example sentences with  trueno

The Spanish word 'tu' is equivalent to the English word 'your'. It is used as a possessive adjective modifying a noun, indicating ownership or association. Note that 'tu' does not change to agree with gender, but it does change for number, 'tus' for plural. Also, Spanish makes a distinction between singular and plural ('tu' and 'vuestro'), and familiar and formal ('tu' and 'su'), which English does not make.

Example sentences with  tu
tú mismo

The Spanish word 'tú mismo' can be directly translated to 'yourself'. It is often used when referring to the person in question. It is used in many different contexts, in line with how the term 'yourself' is used in English - to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause.

Example sentences with  tú mismo

The Spanish word 'tumba' translates to 'grave' in English. It is a noun, commonly used in conversations pertaining to death or burials. 'Tumba' refers to the designated place of burial, usually marked by a stone or monument in a cemetery, where a deceased person is laid to rest. It is a word often used in more serious, somber conversations or in cultural discussions about death rituals and commemorations.


The word 'túnel' in Spanish translates to 'tunnel' in English. Tunnels are artificial underground passages, typically used for transportation purposes such as roads, railroads, or canals. Tunnels are often made through hills, mountains, or under bodies of water. They are structurally designed to provide a stable, safe route for individuals or vehicles to travel through. This term is commonly used in both languages with the same meaning.

Example sentences with  túnel
túnel de lavado
car wash

The Spanish term 'túnel de lavado' translates to 'car wash' in English. The phrase literally means 'washing tunnel', illustrating the idea of a car passing through a tunnel-like structure where it undergoes various cleaning processes. These processes often include spraying, scrubbing, rinsing, and drying to thoroughly clean the exterior of the vehicle. Therefore, this Spanish term refers to an infrastructure or service dedicated to providing an automatic or semi-automatic system for washing cars.

Example sentences with  túnel de lavado
turismo cultural
cultural tourism

Cultural tourism, also called 'turismo cultural' in Spanish, refers to a branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the destination where one is visiting. This can include the arts and crafts of a location, its history, the lifestyle of the people, their art, and the architecture. Cultural tourism is important for various reasons; it has a positive economic and social impact, it establishes and reinforces identity, it helps to preserve the cultural heritage, with culture serving as a catalyst for understanding and dialog, and it fosters diversity and enriches the touristic experience.

Example sentences with  turismo cultural
turismo de aventura
adventure tourism

The phrase 'turismo de aventura' in Spanish translates to 'adventure tourism' in English. Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveler should expect the unexpected. Often it is associated with high levels of physical activity, cultural exchange, or engaging with nature. This can include activities like mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, rafting, zip-lining, paragliding, and rock climbing.

Example sentences with  turismo de aventura
turismo de montaña
mountain tourism
Example sentences with  turismo de montaña
turismo rural
rural tourism

The Spanish term 'turismo rural' translates to 'rural tourism' in English. It is a type of tourism that features rural environments or small communities often removed from highly commercialized and industrial areas. Participants in 'turismo rural' typically have opportunities to experience, firsthand, rural life and local traditions, including art, cuisine, and more. Additionally, 'turismo rural' often emphasizes educational and preservation efforts pertaining to natural and cultural heritage.

Example sentences with  turismo rural
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