Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

bajar las manos
put your hands down

The Spanish phrase 'bajar las manos' translates to 'put your hands down' in English. It is a directive phrase typically used to tell someone to lower their hands from a raised position. Similarly, it may also be used metaphorically to tell someone to give up or quit a conflictive situation. With its literal meaning being 'to lower the hands', this phrase might come handy in situations involving physical activities, arguments, or energetic discussions.

bajar los brazos
lower your arms

The Spanish phrase 'bajar los brazos' translates to 'lower your arms' in English. This can be used in both literal contexts such as when giving instructions or commands on body movements. It's also used metaphorically in the Spanish language to represent the act of giving up or surrendering in a difficult situation.

bajar los intereses
lower interest

The phrase 'bajar los intereses' in Spanish translates to 'lower the interest' in English. It's commonly used in economic and financial contexts where interest rates are involved. For instance, it can refer to the action taken by a financial institution or central bank to reduce the rates at which money is lent. It may also be used more broadly to convey the idea of reducing interest or enthusiasm in something.

Example sentences with  bajar los intereses
bajar una nota
down a note

The phrase 'bajar una nota' in Spanish does not exactly mean 'down a note' in English. It is more accurately translated as 'to lower a grade'. This phrase is typically used in academic settings where evaluation of performance is being done, such as a teacher adjusting a student's grade downwards due to a poor performance in an assignment or test.

bajar(se) de un autobús
get off a bus

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un autobús' translates to 'get off a bus' in English. This is a common phrase used in everyday conversation. It can be applied in a variety of contexts, such as in travel or commuting situations. Literally, 'bajar' means 'to lower' and 'autobús' is 'bus', giving the impression of lowering oneself from the bus, or in other words, getting off the bus.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un autobús
bajar(se) de un avión
get off a plane

The Spanish term 'bajar(se) de un avión' translates to 'get off a plane' in English. It refers to the act of disembarking from an airplane after it has landed and safely come to a stop. This term is used in various contexts, such as travelling, airport processes and safety guidelines. It is a useful phrase to remember for anyone travelling in a Spanish-speaking region or engaging with Spanish speakers in an aviation context.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un avión
bajar(se) de un barco
get off a ship

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un barco' translates to 'get off (a) ship' in English. This is used in a context where one is disembarking or coming down from a ship. 'Bajar' literally translates to 'get down or descend', 'de' translates to 'from', and 'un barco' translates to 'a ship'. So, the phrase 'bajar(se) de un barco' is describing the action of descending or disembarking from a ship.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un barco
bajar(se) de un coche
get off a car

The phrase 'bajar(se) de un coche' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'get off a car' in English. In this context, 'bajar' means 'to get off' or 'to descend', 'de' means 'from', and 'un coche' means 'a car'. So literally, it represents the action of getting down from a car. This phrase is typically used when you exit a vehicle. The '(se)' is a reflexive pronoun and is optional to use, though it is often included in everyday conversation. This is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking cultures when traveling or referring to modes of transportation.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un coche
bajar(se) de un tren
get off a train

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un tren' translates to 'get off a train' in English. It's often used to describe the action of exiting a train after a journey. The word 'bajar' alone means 'to get down or descend', but when combined with 'de un tren', it specifically references leaving a train. It can be reflexive (bajarse) or non-reflexive (bajar). A common example of its use could be in a sentence like 'Voy a bajarme de un tren', which means 'I am going to get off a train.'

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un tren
bajar(se) de una bicicleta
get off a bicycle

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de una bicicleta' translates to 'get off a bicycle' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of physically dismounting from a bike, for example, after a ride. It is composed of the verb 'bajar' or 'bajarse' which means 'get off' or 'get down', and 'una bicicleta' which translates to 'a bicycle'. In general, this phrase is communicating the action of dismounting or descending from the bike.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de una bicicleta
bajar(se) de una moto
get off a motorcycle

The term 'bajar(se) de una moto' is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'get off a motorcycle' in English. This is generally used to imply or instruct that one needs to alight or dismount from a motorbike. The verb 'bajar' means to 'get down' or 'get off' and the preposition 'de' is equivalent to 'from' in English. Adding 'una moto' to the phrase specifies the object from which one is getting down or off, in this case, a motorcycle.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de una moto
bajas presiones
low pressure

The Spanish term 'bajas presiones' translates to 'low pressure' in English. It can refer to physical pressure like in scientific contexts, for example in meteorology, where it can imply stormy or rainy weather conditions. It can also signify less metaphorical pressure in certain circumstances, like less stress or demands in a situation.

Example sentences with  bajas presiones
bajo en azúcar
low sugar

The Spanish phrase 'bajo en azúcar' translates to 'low in sugar' in English. It is commonly used to describe food or drink products that contain low amounts of sugar, and can be particularly relevant for those who are monitoring their diet or sugar intake.

bajo en calorías
low calories

The Spanish phrase 'bajo en calorías' translates to 'low in calories' in English. It is commonly used in contexts relating to diet, nutrition, and food products to indicate that the item is not high in Calories and thus can be beneficial for managing weight or overall health. Example of use could be 'Este yogur es bajo en calorías', meaning 'This yogurt is low in calories'.

bajo en sal
low in salt

The Spanish phrase 'bajo en sal' translates to 'low in salt' in English. This is often used to describe food products or recipes that have a low salt or sodium content. It is commonly used in dietary and nutritional contexts, particularly when discussing healthy eating choices and options. Understanding this phrase can be helpful when shopping for groceries, eating out, or preparing meals in a Spanish-speaking setting. Remember that 'bajo' means 'low' and 'sal' means 'salt', so when used together in 'bajo en sal', it directly translates to 'low in salt'.


The Spanish word 'bala' translates to 'bullet' in English. It is a noun and frequently used in contexts related to firearms, warfare, or crime. For instance, when talking about guns and their use, 'bala' would be a common term. However, it might also be found metaphorically in other contexts. The pronunciation is similar to the English 'baha'.

Example sentences with  bala

The Spanish word 'balada' does not mean 'bullet' in English. Instead, it translates to 'ballad' which typically refers to a slow, typically sentimental or romantic, song. It also might refer to a kind of slow popular music. For the English equivalent of 'bullet', you would use 'bala' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  balada

The Spanish word 'balancearse' translates to 'to balance oneself' in English. This word is a verb and often used when discussing physical activities such as walking along a balance beam or standing on one foot. It's about maintaining an equilibrium or stability. It may also have a more abstract usage such as trying to balance different aspects of life.

Example sentences with  balancearse
to bleat

The term 'balar' is a verb in Spanish that refers to the sound made by sheep, similar to how 'to bleat' is used in English. It can also be used metaphorically to suggest someone is speaking in a manner that is not easily understood.

Example sentences with  balar

The word 'ballet' is the same in both Spanish and English. It refers to a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary. It originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th and 16th centuries and was later adopted in France. Ballet is often choreographed and performed by trained artists, often accompanied by music. It uses precise, formalized steps, which is why ballet is often considered to be the basis of other high-level dance genres. From formalized court spectacles, it became an independent art form and spread across the world where it continues to contribute significantly to the world of performing arts.

Example sentences with  ballet

The Spanish word 'balneario' refers to a spa in English. A 'balneario' is a place where people go to relax and take care of their health by participating in activities such as soaking in mineral or thermal springs, doing physical exercise, or receiving therapeutic massages and treatments. These places often provide accommodation and are usually located in natural environments that contribute to the sense of relaxation and health. Aside from its connection to health, this word embodies a strong component of leisure and relaxation.

Example sentences with  balneario
balón de fútbol
soccer ball

The Spanish term 'balón de fútbol' translates to 'soccer ball' in English. It is a term used in sports, particularly in the popular game of soccer (known as 'fútbol' in Spanish). The soccer ball, or 'balón de fútbol', is the main piece of equipment used in the sport. This spherical ball is kicked, dribbled, and passed among players with the goal of getting it into the opposing team's goal to score points.


Basketball is a sport that involves two teams of five players each who score points by throwing a ball into the opposing team's basket. The team with the most points by the end of the game wins.

Example sentences with  baloncesto

The Spanish word 'bañador' translates to 'swimsuit' in English. It's a piece of clothing worn for swimming. This word is mainly used in Spain, and in some Latin American countries, you might hear 'traje de baño' or 'malla'. The term 'bañador' can refer to any type of swimsuit, whether it's a one-piece, bikini, or swim trunks.


The Spanish word 'bañarse' is a reflexive verb which, in English, is translated as 'to bathe'. It denotes the action of washing oneself, typically in a bathtub. Just like in English, 'bañarse' can be used in various contexts such as 'bañarse en la piscina' which means 'to swim in the pool'. It's important to note that when using reflexive verbs in Spanish, personal reflexive pronouns are needed.

Example sentences with  bañarse

The Spanish word 'banca' translates to 'banking' in English. This term is used to describe the system that is involved in borrowing, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money. As a part, banking deals with credit, currency, and transactions between individuals, businesses, and entities. This system is crucial for the functioning of an economy, facilitating various transactions and operations. It is an essential part of personal finance and business operations.


In Spanish, 'banco' refers to a financial institution where customers can save or borrow money. For example, 'Voy al banco a sacar dinero', which means 'I am going to the bank to withdraw money'. It can also mean a 'bench' or 'seat', relying on context for the correct interpretation.

Example sentences with  banco
Banco Mundial (BM)
World Bank (BM)

The term 'Banco Mundial (BM)' translates to 'World Bank (BM)' in English. The World Bank is a unique global partnership operating from 189 countries to fight poverty and boost shared prosperity. It provides technical and financial assistance to developing countries for development programs (for example, bridges, schools, roads, etc.) that are expected to improve the economic outlook and quality of life for people in those countries.

Example sentences with  Banco Mundial (BM)
banda armada
Armed gang

The Spanish term 'banda armada' translates to 'armed gang' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to an organized group of people armed with weapons. Such groups are commonly involved in criminal activities. These gangs often use their weapons to exert power, intimidate or commit illegal actions. As such, the term carries a negative connotation and describes a dangerous element of society.

Example sentences with  banda armada
banda de delincuentes
gang of criminals

The Spanish phrase 'banda de delincuentes' translates to 'gang of criminals' in English. It is often used in legal or news contexts to refer to organized groups that commit criminal activities. The phrase is made up of three parts. First, 'banda', which translates to 'band' or 'gang'. Second, 'de', a preposition that shows possession or origin and translates to 'of' in English. The last part is 'delincuentes' which translates to 'criminals'. Hence, 'banda de delincuentes' stands for a group of people combined for nefarious purposes.

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