Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

trastorno respiratorio
Respiratory disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno respiratorio' gets translated into English as 'respiratory disorder'. This refers to any of a number of diseases that can affect the structures and organs that allow us to breathe. These diseases can affect the nasal passages, the bronchi (tubes that carry air into the lungs), or even the small air sacs in the lungs themselves. They include conditions like asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Example sentences with  trastorno respiratorio
tratado de paz
peace treaty

The term 'tratado de paz' in Spanish translates as 'peace treaty' in English. It refers to an agreement that is made between two or more disputing parties, typically countries, that formally ends a state of war and establishes peace. Such a treaty often includes terms that outline how to maintain peaceful relations in the future.

Example sentences with  tratado de paz

The Spanish equivalent of the English word 'treatment' is 'tratamiento'. It is used in the same context as the English language, to refer to the management and care given to a patient or to a medical condition either by diagnosis, cure or preventive regime. It can also denote a process or manner in which something is handled, dealt with or processed, similar to how 'treatment' is used in English outside of the medical context.

Example sentences with  tratamiento

In Spanish, 'tratar' can be used in various contexts similar to its English counterpart 'treat'. For instance, it can mean how you treat people or a subject matter you are dealing with. 'Tratar' can also be used to express 'trying' something like a food or experience. The usage mainly depends on the prepositions and contexts it is used with.

Example sentences with  tratar
tratar bien a alguien
treating someone well

The Spanish phrase 'tratar bien a alguien' translates to 'treating someone well' in English. This could involve behaving politely, kindly and respectfully towards someone, making them feel valued and appreciated. It is often used in the context of personal relationships, professional settings or everyday interactions.

Example sentences with  tratar bien a alguien
tratar como un rey
treat as a king

The Spanish term 'tratar como un rey' translates to 'treat as a king' in English. This phrase is used when someone is treated with extreme respect, admiration, and care, similar to a high status like a king. It embodies kindness, appreciation, and high regard to the individual being referred to.

Example sentences with  tratar como un rey
tratar con afecto
to treat with affection

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con afecto' translates to 'treat with affection' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the act of taking care of or showing kindness and love towards someone. In context, it might be used when discussing relationships or interactions within families, friendships, or romantic partnerships. Equally, it can be used in wider social or professional contexts to describe kindness and respect. It highlights the importance of not only caring for others but showing that care through actions.

Example sentences with  tratar con afecto
tratar con alguien
dealing with someone

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con alguien' translates to 'dealing with someone' in English. This phrase is typically used in a context where one is managing, negotiating, or otherwise dealing with another individual. It can be used in both formal and informal scenarios, such as having to deal with a co-worker on a project or dealing with a friend in a personal situation.

tratar con amabilidad
treat with kindness

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con amabilidad' can be translated into English as 'treat with kindness'. It is often used in the context of how one person or group interacts with another, emphasizing the importance of treating others with consideration and respect. Tratar in this context means 'to treat', con translates to 'with', and amabilidad is translated as 'kindness'. Hence, when put together it translates to 'treat with kindness'. This phrase could be used in various scenarios where you’re emphasizing the need for compassion and understanding.

Example sentences with  tratar con amabilidad
tratar con cordialidad
to deal with cordiality

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con cordialidad' translates to 'to deal with cordiality' in English. It refers to the act of treating someone with respect, politeness, and friendliness. It suggests a sense of warmth and friendliness in one's dealings or interactions with others. The word 'tratar' means 'to treat', 'con' is a preposition meaning 'with', and 'cordialidad' translates to 'cordiality'. Combining these, we get the meaning of the phrase. It is often used in professional or formal contexts to express courtesy and respect towards others.

Example sentences with  tratar con cordialidad
tratar con distancia
treat with distance

'Tratar con distancia' is a Spanish phrase that is used to illustrate a certain type of interaction between individuals. When translated to English, it becomes 'treat with distance'. This means that one is dealing with someone or something in a reserved or aloof manner, often keeping an emotional or physical distance. It is not only used for personal interactions but can also be applicable to professional or formal situations.

Example sentences with  tratar con distancia
tratar con frialdad
treat with coldness

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con frialdad' translates to 'treat with coldness' in English. It is used to describe the action of dealing with someone in an unkind, unemotional, or indifferent manner. This concept involves not showing much warmth, affection, or friendliness towards the person one is interacting with. The phrase can be used in various contexts exactly where the English equivalent might be used.

Example sentences with  tratar con frialdad
tratar con odio
dealing with hatred

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con odio' can be translated to English as 'dealing with hatred'. This phrase could be used in different contexts, for example, when talking about how individuals, societies or organizations manage or respond to situations or attitudes characterized by animosity, resentment or hostility, which are all feelings associated with hatred.

Example sentences with  tratar con odio
tratar con rencor
treat with grudge

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con rencor' translates to 'treat with grudge' in English. It is used to describe the act of interacting with someone in a negative or hostile manner due to previous disagreements or conflicts. Oftentimes, it expresses an inability to forgive past hurts or wrongs. Just like in English, this phrase can be applied in a variety of contexts, be it personal relationships, professional settings, or literary and narrative instances.

Example sentences with  tratar con rencor
tratar el agua
treat water

The Spanish phrase 'tratar el agua' translates to 'treat water' in English. This term is commonly used to refer to the process of making water safe for drinking and bathing. It involves a variety of methods including filtration, disinfection, and adding chemicals to kill harmful pathogens.

Example sentences with  tratar el agua
tratar los residuos
treat waste

The Spanish phrase 'tratar los residuos' translates to 'treat waste' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of waste management, where 'tratar' means 'to treat' or 'to process', and 'residuos' refers to 'waste' or 'residue'. Therefore, 'tratar los residuos' would refer to the processes or actions carried out to manage waste safely and efficiently.

Example sentences with  tratar los residuos
tratar mal a alguien
treating someone badly

The Spanish phrase 'tratar mal a alguien' translates to 'treating someone badly' in English. This includes behaving negatively or unfairly toward another person in a manner that could emotionally, mentally, or physically harm them. The phrase could potentially be used in several contexts such as in personal relationships, between colleagues, or when discussing a fictional character in a book or movie.

Example sentences with  tratar mal a alguien

The word 'trato' is commonly used in Spanish to refer to an agreement or arrangement between two or more parties, similar to 'deal' in English. It is utilized in various contexts including business and personal transactions. For instance, 'Hacer un trato' means 'To make a deal'. However, it's worth noting that the usage can differ based on regional dialects and the context of the conversation.

Example sentences with  trato

The Spanish word 'traumatólogo' translates to 'traumatologist' in English. A traumatologist is a type of doctor who specializes in treating injuries that occur as a result of trauma, particularly severe or life-threatening types of injuries, such as those sustained in car accidents or violent events. Their primary responsibilities include providing immediate care to emergency patients, diagnosing injuries or disorders, developing treatment plans, and conducting follow-up visits to monitor recovery.

Example sentences with  traumatólogo

Travieso means 'naughty'. It refers to a child who is mischievous or disobedient in a playful way. For example, 'El niño es travieso' translates to 'The child is naughty'.

Example sentences with  travieso

The word 'treintañero' in Spanish does not mean thirty - that would be 'treinta'. 'Treintañero' is a term used to describe a person who is in their thirties. Similar to how in English we say 'someone is in their thirties', in Spanish you would say 'alguien es treintañero'.


A train is a succession of vehicles that travel along rail tracks to transport cargo or passengers from one location to another. It's a popular form of public transportation in many parts of the world.

Example sentences with  tren
tren de alta velocidad (AVE)
high-speed train (AVE)

The Spanish term 'tren de alta velocidad (AVE)' translates to 'high-speed train (AVE)' in English. The acronym AVE stands for 'Alta Velocidad Española', which signifies Spanish High Speed. This term is extensively used in Spain and refers to high-speed rail services that operate at speeds of up to 350 km/hr. The AVE service uses modern trains that facilitate swift and comfortable transportation, making it a preferred choice for many users. Thus, it's not just a mode of transport, but an embodiment of fast and efficient travel in Spain.

Example sentences with  tren de alta velocidad (AVE)
tren de cercanías
train of proximity

The Spanish phrase 'tren de cercanías' translates to 'train of proximity' in English. However, it is most commonly referred to as a 'commuter train' in English, as the term signifies a type of passenger train which operates between a city center and surrounding suburbs or nearby cities. It runs mostly on weekdays, especially during peak hours, offering a convenient transportation solution for daily commuters.

Example sentences with  tren de cercanías
tren de largo recorrido
long-distance train

The Spanish word 'tren de largo recorrido' translates to 'long-distance train' in English. This refers to a type of train service that covers significantly longer distances than local or regional trains. These types of trains often feature amenities such as sleepers, dining cars, and the like. They are typically used for travel between cities or across countries.

Example sentences with  tren de largo recorrido
tren directo
Direct train

The Spanish term 'tren directo' translates to 'direct train' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of travel and transportation. A 'tren directo' is a type of train that does not have any stops between the initial departure station and the destination station. It is 'direct' meaning that it goes straight to the destination without stopping at any other stations in between. The phrase 'tren directo' embodies convenience and efficient travel, significantly reducing time and offering passengers a straight route to their end location.

Example sentences with  tren directo

The word 'trepar' in Spanish translates to 'climb' in English. It is a verb that is used in the context of ascending, particularly by using one's hands and feet or any other means to move upward. One might 'trepar' a tree, a mountain, or any other vertical or near-vertical surface. A similar English verb could be 'scale'. Note that 'trepar' is also often used metaphorically, just as 'climb' is in English. For example, one might 'trepar' the social or corporate ladder.

Example sentences with  trepar

The word 'tres' is used in the Spanish language to denote the number three. It is often used in a variety of contexts, including counting, ordering, and referencing quantities. For instance, 'Tengo tres manzanas' means 'I have three apples'. The word 'tres' is modified when talking about age, such as 'He is three years old' would translate to 'Él tiene tres años'.

Example sentences with  tres

The word 'triángulo' is a noun in Spanish. It's the Spanish equivalent for the English word 'triangle'. The term is utilized to describe a three-sided polygon in mathematics and geometry. 'Triángulo' is derived from the combination of 'tres' meaning 'three' in Spanish, and 'ángulo' meaning ' angle'. This word is used in both spoken and written Spanish to describe objects, patterns, structures, or symbols that have a three-cornered shape.

Example sentences with  triángulo

The Spanish word 'tribuna' translates to 'tribune' in English. It is a noun that is commonly used in a journalistic context to refer to a newspaper column or a platform where speakers stand to address a crowd. It can also refer to a raised area or platform in a theater, classroom, or other public venue from where people can view a performance or event. While the specific connotations can vary slightly depending on the context, the essential meaning of 'tribuna' as a place, space, or means for public speaking or viewing remains constant.

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