Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'traje' translates to 'suit' in English. This term refers to a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric which typically consists of a jacket and trousers or a skirt. They are often worn for business or formal occasions. Variations of suits can include a waistcoat and can be tailored to fit the individual. The term 'traje' can also imply a costume or a dress depending on the context.

traje de fiesta
Party suit

The Spanish term 'traje de fiesta' translates to 'party suit' in English. It refers to a suit or outfit that one would wear for formal or celebratory occasions. These may be elaborate and decorated, or simply more elegant and refined than casual or day-to-day clothes. 'Traje de fiesta' can refer to a full suit, including a jacket and trousers, for men, or a fancy dress or outfit for women. The specifics may vary based on local culture and personal style.

traje de noche
Night suit

The Spanish phrase 'traje de noche' directly translates to 'night suit' in English. In some contexts, this could be understood as formal evening attire such as a tuxedo for men or an evening gown for women, which are typically worn for black tie events. However, in a more literal context, it could also refer to nightwear or sleepwear including items such as pajamas. The precise meaning often depends on the cultural and situational context in which the phrase is used.

traje de novia
wedding suit

The Spanish term 'traje de novia' translates to 'wedding suit' in English. The phrase is typically used to refer to the outfit that a bride wears during a wedding ceremony. This outfit varies depending on the culture and tradition of the wedding party, but often consists of a long white dress. The word 'traje' translates to 'suit' or 'outfit', and 'novia' translates to 'bride'. Therefore, 'traje de novia' is the traditional attire that a bride wears on her wedding day.

tramitar el divorcio
process the divorce

The Spanish phrase 'tramitar el divorcio' translates to 'process the divorce' in English. This usually refers to the legal procedures one needs to undertake in order to formally end a marriage according to the law. This process may involve various steps such as filing for divorce, serving divorce papers, negotiations for agreements, and a possible court hearing if an agreement cannot be reached.

tramitar la separación
process of separation

The Spanish phrase 'tramitar la separación' can be translated into English as 'process of separation'. This could refer to a legal or bureaucratic process in which two individuals, often a married couple, decide to legally separate. During this process, legal documents are generally filed and arrangements are made regarding the division of property, custody of children, etc. In other words, 'tramitar la separación' is the administrative procedure that follows the decision to break off a legal relationship.


Tranquilo translates to 'calm'. It is used to describe a person who is relaxed and does not get upset easily. For instance, 'El niño es tranquilo' means 'The child is calm'.

Example sentences with  tranquilo

The Spanish word 'transatlántico' translates to 'transatlantic' in English. It is an adjective that describes something as being across or on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It is often used to refer to journeys, flights, or shipping routes that cross the Atlantic, from one side to the other, particularly between Europe and the Americas.

Example sentences with  transatlántico

The Spanish word 'transferencia' translates to 'transfer' in English. It is often used in contexts of transferring information, funds or data from one place, system or person to another. In English, 'transfer' carries the same meaning and can be used in the same variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  transferencia
transfusión de sangre
blood transfusion

The Spanish term 'transfusión de sangre' translates directly into English as 'blood transfusion'. This is a medical treatment where blood is moved from one body into another. It may be used in a variety of situations, such as when an individual has lost a lot of blood due to an accident or surgery, if their body isn't producing enough blood, or if they have a disease that affects their blood's ability to function properly.

Example sentences with  transfusión de sangre

The Spanish word 'transmitir' translates to 'transmit' in English. It is mainly used to refer to the action of conveying or passing on a thing, idea, condition, or information from one place, person, or thing to another. It can be used in different contexts such as broadcasting a message or a program on radio or television, sending out signals using a radio or radar station, causing a disease or an emotion to be passed on to another, and so on.

Example sentences with  transmitir
transmitir conocimientos
transmitting knowledge

The Spanish phrase 'transmitir conocimientos' translates to 'transmitting knowledge' in English. This phrase pertains to the action of imparting or sharing knowledge, information, or learned skills from one individual or group to another. It is often used in the contexts of teaching, instruction, communication, and the sharing of experiences or insights. Thus, to 'transmitir conocimientos' is to encourage the dissemination and understanding of important information or knowledge within a specified group or community.

transmitir un programa
transmit a programme

The term 'transmitir un programa' in Spanish translates to 'transmit a programme' in English. It is often used in the context of broadcasting and television, where a programme is being broadcasted or transmitted for viewers to watch. The term can also be used in a more general sense to refer broadly to the act of transmitting or sending information from one place to another.

transmitir una noticia
transmit news

The Spanish phrase 'transmitir una noticia' translates to 'transmit news' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of broadcasting or sharing news through various mediums, such as television, radio, or social media, to a broader audience. This could include anything from world news, local updates, or specific information related to a particular niche or interest. In English, we might also use the terms 'broadcast news' or 'disseminate information', which carry similar meanings.


The Spanish word 'transparencia' translates to 'transparency' in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as the quality of being able to see through a material (physical transparency), a metaphor for the ease of perceiving or detecting something (visibility or exposure), or the characteristic of being easy to understand, and free of deceit or trickery (honesty or forthrightness). Thus, 'transparencia' can refer to both literal and figurative forms of transparency.

transporte aéreo
Air transportation

Transporte aéreo is a Spanish term that refers to 'Air transportation' in English. This form of transportation indicates the movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to another using aircrafts. It includes commercial aviation services like airlines, as well as non-commercial services like private aviation. Transporte aéreo is a crucial part in global connections, allowing fast and efficient journeys over long distances which would be otherwise time-consuming or impossible.

Example sentences with  transporte aéreo
transporte de mercancías
transport of goods

The Spanish phrase 'transporte de mercancías' translates to 'transport of goods' in English. This term is commonly used in logistics and trade, and it refers to the action of moving, warehousing, and delivering goods from one place to another. It includes the transportation of all types of goods, such as raw materials, semi-finished, and finished goods, via various means of transport such as by sea, air, rail or road.

Example sentences with  transporte de mercancías

The Spanish word 'transportes' translates to 'transport' in English. It is a commonly used word in a variety of contexts. For instance, it can refer to the movement of people, goods, or animals from one location to another. This term could apply to different modes of transport, including cars, buses, trains, airplanes, ships, bicycles, etc. In essence, 'transportes' encompasses all mechanisms that facilitate mobility or transfer.

Example sentences with  transportes

The word 'tranvía' in Spanish translates to 'tram' in English. It is a public transportation vehicle that moves along tracks in cities and towns. Trams have been utilized for many years and are a common way to get around in various parts of the world. It offers a slower but more scenic method of transport, often used by both locals and tourists for sight-seeing or commuting short distances within a city.

Example sentences with  tranvía
trapo de cocina
kitchen rag

The term 'trapo de cocina' in Spanish refers to what is known in English as a 'kitchen rag'. This is a cloth often used in the kitchen for various tasks. Such tasks could include wiping down surfaces, drying dishes, or cleaning up spills. It is a common item found in most kitchens and is useful in keeping the area clean and sanitary.


The Spanish word 'trasbordador' translates to 'shuttle' in English. This term could refer to a space shuttle, referring to the vehicle that was used by NASA from 1981 to 2011 for human spaceflight missions. Additionally, in a more general context, a 'shuttle' can also refer to a form of transportation that travels between two points, particularly when the explicit purpose of the trip is the journey itself, not the final destination. This can refer to various types of vehicles, including buses, vans or trains, that perform this type of service.

Example sentences with  trasbordador
to relocate

The Spanish word 'trasladarse' translates to 'to relocate' in English. It refers to the action of moving from one place to another, often permanently or for an extended period of time. It's commonly used in the context of moving houses, jobs or changing the location of something. The word is a reflexive verb in Spanish, so it might be used in different forms depending on the subject.

Example sentences with  trasladarse
trasladarse a
to move

The Spanish phrase 'trasladarse a' is a verb phrase that translates to 'to move' in English. It is usually used when referring to changing one's position or location, especially in the context of moving to a new home, city, or country. In a sentence, you might use it to say 'I am moving to Spain next month', which in Spanish would be 'Me voy a trasladar a España el próximo mes'.

to stay up late

The Spanish word 'trasnochar' is a common term particularly among the youthful population, expressing the act of staying up late into the night, often until the early hours of the morning. This could be due to various activities such as studying, working, watching movies, or partying. It could be perceived as a point of emphasis on a person's habit or lifestyle preference, highlighting their tendency to operate or be active during the night as opposed to the conventional day hours.

traspapelarse un documento
misplace a document

The phrase 'traspapelarse un documento' in Spanish translates to 'misplace a document' in English. It refers to the situation where one has unintentionally lost a document or files, usually by carelessness or inefficiency. It is common in various contexts such as office environments or personal paperwork management, where document organization is crucial. Accidentally misplacing could result in difficulty retrieving or even completely losing this document, which might hold significance or importance.

traspasar un comercio
transferring trade

The term 'traspasar un comercio' in Spanish refers to the process of transferring or passing on the proprietorship or management of a commercial enterprise or business from one individual or entity to another. This may involve various legal and administrative procedures, based on the prevailing business laws and regulations in the concerned jurisdiction. The term highlights a change in the control and responsibility of the business, where the previous owner relinquishes all authority and accountability associated to the business to the new owner or operator.


The Spanish word 'trasplantar' translates to 'transplantation' in English. It is a verb used in medical contexts and refers to the process of moving an organ, tissue, or cells from one location to another within a body, or from one body to another. For example, when a person has a kidney disease, they may need to 'trasplantar' a kidney from a compatible donor. This word demonstrates the broad range of medical terminology existing in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  trasplantar

The Spanish word 'trastorno' translates to 'disorder' in English. It's a noun that can be applicable in various contexts such as psychological, mental, or physical health to refer to an irregularity, disturbance or malfunction. For instance, in medical English, 'trastorno' could be utilized to indicate a disorder such as 'trastorno bipolar', which means 'bipolar disorder'. It can also be used in everyday circumstances to denote disruption or chaos.

Example sentences with  trastorno
trastorno digestivo
digestive disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno digestivo' translates to 'digestive disorder' in English. This term refers to a medical condition that disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. This can include a wide array of conditions like gastritis, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other related conditions.

Example sentences with  trastorno digestivo
trastorno nervioso
nervous disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno nervioso' translates to 'nervous disorder' in English. This refers to a broad category of medical conditions that adversely impact the functioning of an individual's nervous system. Symptoms may include anything from a sudden onset of numbness or weakness to longer-term issues like anxiety and depression. This term pervades neurological, psychological, and psychiatric contexts.

Example sentences with  trastorno nervioso
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