Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

trabajar por cuenta propia

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar por cuenta propia' is a profession-related term which translates to 'self-employment' in English. It refers to a working style where an individual operates their own business or works for themselves instead of being employed by a company or another entity. In this mode of work, the individual is fully responsible for their business decisions, income generation, and the risks involved. This term is often used in legal, financial, and professional contexts in Spanish-speaking societies.

trabajar por horas
work for hours

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar por horas' translates to 'work for hours' in English. This phrase is often used to describe jobs or tasks that are done for a specific, usually lengthy, duration of time. It emphasizes the amount of time dedicated to the task, suggesting that it is either particularly involved, demanding, or time-consuming. The literal translation does not always precisely match the context in which the phrase is used, as cultural, social, and language nuances might lead to different interpretations.

trabajar por libre
work for free

The Spanish term 'trabajar por libre' does not exactly translate to 'work for free' in English. It is often used to refer to freelance work or working independently. This phrase can be used to describe someone who is self-employed or who does not work under a contract for a company. They might be paid for the job they do, but they don't have a fixed salary from an employer. This is a common way of working in many fields, such as writing, graphic design, and consultancy. One of the key aspects of 'trabajar por libre' is the freedom it gives to choose which projects to work on, without being tied to a single employer.

trabajo bien remunerado
well-paid work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo bien remunerado' is translated to English as 'well-paid work'. This is usually used to describe a job or role that offers considerable financial compensation, thus it's an expression referring to a position or employment where the individual receives a high salary or wage for their services.

trabajo creativo
creative work

The term 'trabajo creativo' in Spanish translates to 'creative work' in English. It is a compound noun that is commonly used in professional settings, especially those that involve designing, crafting, innovating, producing original content or anything that generally requires creative skills and thoughts. The word 'trabajo' indicates work or job, and 'creativo' pertains to being creative. Together, they are used to describe tasks that require creativity, imagination, and originality.

trabajo cualificado
qualified work

'Trabajo cualificado' in Spanish translates to 'qualified work' in English. This term is often used in professional contexts to refer to tasks or jobs that require significant training, education, or specific skills. Just as 'qualified work' in English is used to signify work that exceeds the ordinary due to its specialized nature, 'trabajo cualificado' carries a similar connotation of expertise and specialty in Spanish-speaking societies.

trabajo de investigación
research work

The Spanish term 'trabajo de investigación' translates to 'research work' in English. It generally refers to an elaborate and systematic plan of study on a particular subject, often requiring substantial time and effort. It may involve gathering of data, analysis of data or experimentations to gain or confirm knowledge in a particular field. This term is commonly used in educational and academic contexts when referring to in-depth studies or projects carried out by students or scholars.

trabajo en equipo

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo en equipo' translates to 'teamwork' in English. This phrase emphasises the importance of collaboration and togetherness, wherein a group of individuals join their respective skills, talents and expertise to complete a task or achieve a certain goal effectively and efficiently. The phrase encapsulates the idea that the combined efforts of a team often lead to superior results than an individual's. In essence, 'trabajo en equipo' embodies the saying 'Together everyone achieves more'.

trabajo especializado
specialized work

The term 'trabajo especializado' is Spanish for 'specialized work'. In a professional context, this refers to work that requires specific skills, training, or education. It often implies expertise in a particular field or industry. This kind of work could range from highly technical jobs like engineers, scientists, or doctors, to creative professions like designers or artists, among others. Therefore, 'trabajo especializado' encompasses jobs where the worker has a specific set of skills that differentiates them from other professionals.

trabajo exhaustivo
exhaustive work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo exhaustivo' translates to 'exhaustive work' in English. It refers to comprehensive and thorough work that has been carried out with great detail, often leaving no aspect or element unconsidered. This phrase may be used in professional, academic, or other various contexts where detailed and meticulous effort is required.

trabajo físico
physical work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo físico' translates to 'physical work' in English. It refers to any labor that involves manual effort or exertion, such as construction, farming, or sports. This is distinguishable from intellectual or desk-based work, which typically involves cognitive skill more than physical strength or endurance.

trabajo gratificante
gratifying work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo gratificante' translates to 'gratifying work' in English. This phrase is used to describe a job, task or work that brings one not just monetary compensation, but also happiness, satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

trabajo intelectual
intellectual work

The Spanish term 'trabajo intelectual' translates to 'intellectual work' in English. It typically refers to work that involves mental activity rather than physical activity. Examples of intellectual work may include problem-solving, creating and executing strategies, planning, and decision making, among others. This term is often used in academic and professional environments.

trabajo manual
manual work

The term 'trabajo manual' in Spanish translates to 'manual work' in English. This could refer to any task that requires physical effort or labor, such as carpentry, gardening, cleaning, and so on. It is often contrasted with intellectual work or automated work, the former involving mental effort and the latter using machines or technology to accomplish tasks.

trabajo precario
precarious work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajo precario' translates to 'precarious work' in English. Precarious work is a term used to describe employment that is uncertain, unpredictable, or risky from the point of view of the worker, often because of the lack of labor rights protection. This can include various types of employment such as temporary work, part-time work, self-employment without personnel, or zero-hours contracts. The term is often used to describe work that may be inadequately rewarded or insecure.


The word 'tractor' in Spanish corresponds directly to the term 'tractor' in English. It is a vehicle used mainly in farming for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks.

Example sentences with  tractor

The Spanish word 'tradición' is used to refer to customary patterns of thought or behavior that have been passed down from one generation to the next. It is commonly used in contexts referring to cultural practices or annual celebrations.

Example sentences with  tradición

The Spanish word 'tradiciones' is used similarly to its English equivalent 'traditions'. It refers to customs or beliefs passed down from generation to generation within cultures or societies. The difference in usage is largely dependent on context, as Spanish-speaking cultures may have unique traditions that do not directly translate to English.

Example sentences with  tradiciones

The Spanish word 'traductor' translates to 'translator' in English. A 'traductor' is a person who converts text or speech from one language into another. Translators play a vital role in bridging gaps between different languages and cultures, facilitating communication and understanding. They work in different areas such as business, literature, media and healthcare.

Example sentences with  traductor

The Spanish word 'traer' means 'bring' in English. It is a regular verb of Spanish language and it is widely used to denote the action of bringing something from one place to another. For example, 'Puedes traer el libro?' translates to 'Can you bring the book?' In the past tense it is 'trajo', future tense is 'traerá' and the present tense is 'trae'.

Example sentences with  traer
traer el menú (del día)
bring the menu (of the day)

The Spanish phrase 'traer el menú (del día)' translates to 'bring the menu (of the day)' in English. It is commonly used in restaurants where the waitstaff may bring the daily menu to the table or guests can request for it. This phrase can also imply the request for the special dishes that are served for the day, as many restaurants prepare unique dishes based on the freshest ingredients available on a particular day.

traer el primer plato
bring the first dish

The Spanish phrase 'traer el primer plato' translates to 'bring the first dish' in English. This is typically used in the context of meal service, particularly in a restaurant or dining setting. The phrase could be spoken by a restaurant server who is bringing the first dish to a table or by someone preparing a meal at home. 'Traer' is a verb which means 'to bring', 'el primer' is a definite article combined with an ordinal number translating to 'the first', and 'plato' is a noun which means 'dish' or 'plate'. Together, they form a phrase that indicates the act of bringing the first part of a meal.

traer el segundo plato
bring the second dish

The Spanish phrase 'traer el segundo plato' translates to 'bring the second dish' in English. It is generally used in the context of serving meals, often in a home or restaurant setting. It might be used by individuals asking someone else to bring the next round of food to the table, or it might be used by a server or waiter communicating that they are about to bring the second course or dish.

traer la carta
bring the menu

'Traer la carta' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'bring the menu' in English. It is often used in restaurant settings where one might request the waiter or waitress to 'traer la carta', asking them to bring the menu.

traer la cuenta
bring the bill

The phrase 'traer la cuenta' in Spanish translates to 'bring the bill' in English. It is commonly used in restaurants when you are ready to pay for your meal and would like the waiter or waitress to provide you with the bill. Remember, in Spanish verbs often change depending on who is speaking, this phrase could also be seen written as 'tráeme la cuenta' meaning 'bring me the bill'.

tráfico ilegal
illegal trafficking

The term 'tráfico ilegal' in Spanish refers to illegal trafficking in English. This can involve numerous unlawful activities like drug smuggling, human trafficking, wildlife trafficking, etc. It is a significant and serious issue that impacts societies globally. The term also denotes illegal trade or dealing in specified goods or substances, often linked with organized crime networks.

Example sentences with  tráfico ilegal

The Spanish verb 'tragar' translates to 'swallow' in English. It is commonly used in contexts of consuming food or drink and denotes the action of making something pass from the mouth to the stomach through the throat. It can also represent accepting or enduring a difficult or unpleasant situation, similar to the English idiom 'to swallow a bitter pill'.


The Spanish word 'tragedia' translates to 'tragedy' in English. It is a noun and is often used in contexts to describe a distressing or disastrous event, or a serious drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character. The pronunciation of 'tragedia' in Spanish is 'trah-heh-dee-ah'. Just like in English, this word can be used in various contexts including literature, discussions on events, and expressing personal feelings.

Example sentences with  tragedia

The given Spanish word 'tragón' does not correctly translate to 'traffic' in English. Instead, 'tragón' means glutton, someone who eats and drinks excessively. The correct Spanish word for 'traffic' is 'tráfico'.


The Spanish word 'traición' translates to 'betrayal' in English. This noun can be used in many different contexts, generally referring to unfaithfulness or disloyalty. It can also imply a breaking of trust in a relationship whether personal, business, or political. This could include traitorous acts that seriously harm or even destroy the relationship in question.

Example sentences with  traición
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