Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

torcerse un tobillo
twist a ankle

The Spanish phrase 'torcerse un tobillo' translates to 'twist an ankle' in English. It is usually used in the context of getting injured, especially during physical activities. The verb 'torcerse' can mean 'to twist' or 'to sprain', and 'un tobillo' means 'an ankle'. Therefore, when a person says 'Me torcí el tobillo', it means 'I twisted my ankle'.

Example sentences with  torcerse un tobillo

The Spanish word 'tormenta' translates to 'storm' in English. It is often used to describe various types of bad weather condition characterized by strong winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightning. Similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to describe a tumultuous or chaotic situation.

Example sentences with  tormenta

The Spanish word 'torneo' translates to 'tournament' in English. A 'torneo', which can be used both literally and figuratively, refers to a competition involving a relatively large number of competitors, all participating in a sport or game. More broadly, it can mean a series of contests in a specific period of time.


The Spanish word 'torpedo' translates to 'torpedo' in English. It is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the water surface, propelled underwater towards a target, and designed to detonate either on contact with its target or in proximity to it. Its usage in Spanish is similar to the usage in English in naval and military contexts. Furthermore, 'torpedo' can also refer to an unexpectedly harmful or destructive person or thing in a metaphoric sense in both languages.

Example sentences with  torpedo
torre de control
control tower

The Spanish phrase 'torre de control' translates to 'control tower' in English. A control tower is an important structure found in airports. It is a tall and enclosed building from which air traffic controllers can oversee and guide aircraft movements at an airport. They are the ones in control of their departure and landing. This control center ensures that all flight operations in the airport's airspace are safely and efficiently controlled.

Example sentences with  torre de control

A tortilla is a type of soft, thin flatbread made from finely ground wheat flour. It originates from Mexico, and is used for making tacos, quesadillas, burritos, etc.

Example sentences with  tortilla

The Spanish word 'tóxico' translates to 'toxic' in English. The term is predominantly used to describe materials or substances that can pose a risk to health or the environment due to their harmful or destructive properties. It can also be metaphorically used in social contexts to describe a harmful or damaging situation or relationship, indicating a damaging influence that promotes unhealthy behaviors or attitudes.

Example sentences with  tóxico

The Spanish word 'trabajador' is used to denote someone who does work, such as a job or a particular task. Just like in English, it can refer to any type of laborer, from someone who does physical labor to someone who works in an office environment. The word is used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  trabajador
trabajador de la construcción
construction worker

The Spanish phrase 'trabajador de la construcción' translates to 'construction worker' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, this term is used to refer to an individual who works on construction sites where buildings are being erected, repaired, or demolished. These workers might be involved in the tasks of constructing, repairing, and demolishing buildings or infrastructure projects. This job often requires physical strength, safety knowledge, and ability to work with various tools and machinery.

trabajador del sector servicios
service worker

The Spanish term 'trabajador del sector servicios' directly translates to English as 'service sector worker'. This refers to an individual who works in the service industry, providing services such as teaching, training, consulting, and customer service, rather than producing goods. The service sector is a broad field encompassing various industries including education, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

trabajador en prácticas
worker in practices

The Spanish phrase 'trabajador en prácticas' translates to 'worker in practices' in English. This is often used to refer to an intern or someone who is gaining practical experience in a workplace. The person is usually learning specific skills or undergoing training related to their field of study or work. It's common in various professions and industries, as it provides beneficial hands-on experience for the worker.

to work

'Trabajar' corresponds to the act of laboring, toiling, or exerting oneself in order to accomplish something.

Example sentences with  trabajar
trabajar (en)
work (in)

The Spanish term 'trabajar (en)' translates to 'work (in)' in English. This is a verb that refers to the action of exerting mental or physical effort in order to do, establish, or produce something. This can apply to a variety of contexts, such as 'trabajar en una empresa' meaning 'work in a company', 'trabajar en un proyecto' meaning 'work on a project', and many more.

trabajar a (dis)gusto
work at (dis)gusto

The phrase 'trabajar a (dis)gusto' in Spanish may refer to the sentiment of performing a job or task with either pleasure or unease depending on the context. 'Trabajar' translates to 'work', while '(dis)gusto' can mean 'pleasure' or 'unhappiness'. Therefore, when used in positive context, 'trabajar a gusto' would mean working with pleasure or satisfaction. Conversely, 'trabajar a disgusto' implies working with distaste or discomfort.

trabajar a tiempo completo
work full-time

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar a tiempo completo' translates to 'work full-time' in English. This phrase is often used in a professional context to describe an individual's employment status. If someone is 'trabajando a tiempo completo', it means they have a full-time job, typically working about 40 hours per week. This can be used in several tenses and contexts, depending on the conversation, similarly to how we use 'full-time work' in English. Understanding this phrase can help when discussing jobs, careers, and work schedules in Spanish.

trabajar a tiempo parcial
part-time work

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar a tiempo parcial' translates to 'part-time work' in English. This is typically used to describe a type of work schedule that is less than the traditional full-time employment schedule. This is common in many types of jobs, including retail and food service, where an employee may work anything less than 40 hours per week, as it is typically considered the standard for full-time work. Understanding this phrase is helpful in job hunting as well as discussing your work schedule in a Spanish-speaking environment.

trabajar como autónomo
to work as autonomous

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar como autónomo' translates to 'work as autonomous' in English. This typically refers to someone who is self-employed and operates their business as an individual, without a traditional employer-employee relationship. Such a person enjoys significant freedom in choosing when, where, and how to work, but also assumes all the risks of running their business.

trabajar como un burro
work as a donkey

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar como un burro' directly translates to 'work like a donkey' in English. It's an idiom used to describe someone who is working very hard, often with the implication that the work is exhausting and perhaps even excessive or underappreciated, much like a donkey or mule traditionally used for heavy labor. This phrase is not meant to be taken literally - it is a metaphorical expression.

trabajar contra reloj
work against watch

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar contra reloj' does not exactly translate to 'work against watch' in English. A more accurate translation would be 'to work against the clock'. This phrase is used to express that someone is doing their work in a rush or under a significant time pressure, much like racing against time to complete a particular task or activity.

trabajar de canguro
work as a babysitter

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar de canguro' translates to 'work as a babysitter' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to the job of taking care of someone else's children in their absence. Babysitting involves activities such as entertaining, feeding, and ensuring the safety of children. It's important to note the action of this job is temporary and usually part-time, often performed by teenagers or young adults looking for extra income.

trabajar de sol a sol
work from dawn to dusk

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar de sol a sol' is a colloquial expression that directly translates to 'work from sun to sun'. However, in English the more commonly used term that carries the same meaning is 'work from dawn to dusk'. This phrase indicates that someone is working all day long, typically referring to hard, manual labor. This phrase might be used to highlight the strenuous nature of someone's work, to suggest that they are hardworking and diligent, or to describe a long and tiring day of work. It is the linguistic equivalent of saying someone is working the entire day, from the minute the sun rises, until the moment it sets.

trabajar en buenas condiciones
working in good condition

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar en buenas condiciones' translates to 'working in good conditions' in English. The phrase emphasizes the importance of suitable, safe, and comfortable conditions for work. This could refer to an array of factors such as the physical environment, the emotional atmosphere, the wage rate or the presence of supportive and necessary resources. All in all, anyone who is 'trabajando en buenas condiciones' is in an environment conducive to productivity and welfare.

trabajar en malas condiciones
working in bad conditions

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar en malas condiciones' translates to 'working in bad conditions' in English. This is typically used to describe a work environment that is unfavorable or detrimental to the worker. It includes factors like poor working conditions, such as inadequate safety measures, poor sanitation, long working hours, or abusive supervisory practices. The phrase is generally used in discussions about labor rights and welfare.

trabajar en óptimas condiciones
work in optimal conditions

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar en óptimas condiciones' translates to 'work in optimal conditions' in English. This phrase is often used when discussing ideal work settings or maintaining an efficient work environment in a professional context. It emphasizes the necessity of proper conditions to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently.

trabajar honradamente
to work honestly

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar honradamente' translates to 'to work honestly' in English. This means to perform a job or a task with integrity, honesty, fairness and in a transparent manner, without resorting to cheat, steal or lie.

trabajar media jornada
work half day

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar media jornada' translates to 'work half day' in English. It refers to the concept of working only half of the usual working hours in a day, which could take various forms depending on the specific work settings or labor laws in a given country. For example, it could mean working only in the morning or afternoon, or dividing the working hours throughout the day. Note that this phrase might not have exact equivalents in all English-speaking contexts, as work schedules can vary widely around the world.

trabajar para una empresa de servicios
work for a service company

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar para una empresa de servicios' translates to 'work for a service company' in English. This phrase is commonly used to describe one's job or employment responsibilities. For instance, if someone says that they 'trabajan para una empresa de servicios', they are saying that they are employed at or work for a company that provides services, such as a consulting firm, a telecommunications company, or a cleaning service.

trabajar para una empresa de transportes
work for a transport company

The phrase 'trabajar para una empresa de transportes' in Spanish translates to 'work for a transport company' in English. This could mean that you are employed by a company which is engaged in the business of transporting goods or people from one place to another. It includes variety of jobs like vehicle operation, administration or management. In Spanish, 'trabajar' means 'to work', 'para' is used as 'for', 'una empresa' stands for 'a company' and 'de transportes' signifies 'of transports'. All together, it illustrates being employed in a field involving tranportation.

trabajar por amor al arte
work for love of art

'Trabajar por amor al arte' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'work for love of art' in English. This phrase is commonly used in a metaphorical sense to refer to the act of performing work or tasks not for monetary compensation, but for the sheer passion, joy, fulfilment, or love one obtains from the work itself. It mirrors the concept of artists who create art not with the goal of making money or gaining fame, but out of their love and dedication for their art.

trabajar por cuenta ajena
work on behalf of others

The Spanish phrase 'trabajar por cuenta ajena' translates to 'work on behalf of others' in English. This term is often used in labor discussions to talk about individuals who are employed by someone else and perform services under contract for that person or entity. This can include a wide range of job settings, from office work to manual labor. It is a phrase that encapsulates the concept of being employed or hired by another party, as opposed to working for oneself or owning one's own business.

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