Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The English word 'take' translates to 'tomar' in Spanish. This word is a common verb which can be used in many contexts similar to 'take'. For instance, it can be used to convey the act of taking something like 'tomar un libro' (take a book) or for consuming something like 'tomar café' (drink coffee). It is a versatile verb in Spanish language, but its usage can vary depending on the region.

Example sentences with  tomar
tomar algo
Have a drink

The Spanish phrase 'tomar algo' directly translates to 'take something' in English. However, it's a colloquial phrase often used in the context of socializing and it's more accurately translated as 'have a drink'. So, if someone asks you if you want to 'tomar algo', they're not necessarily asking if you want to take something, they're likely asking if you want to go out and have a drink or snack.

tomar clases
take lessons

The Spanish phrase 'tomar clases' translates to 'take lessons' in English. This phrase is often used within the context of education, to signify one's enrolment or participation in educational sessions or tutorials. In a sentence, you might see it used as 'Voy a tomar clases de español', which translates as 'I am going to take Spanish lessons'.

tomar el avión
Take the plane

The phrase 'tomar el avión' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'take the plane' in English. It is usually used when someone is about to or planning to travel by airplane. It is similar to saying 'catch the plane' in English.

Example sentences with  tomar el avión
tomar el menú
take the menu

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el menú' translates to 'take the menu' in English. It is typically used in a restaurant setting where a waiter might instruct a patron to 'tomar el menú' or 'take the menu' in order to make their meal selection. Both 'tomar' and 'el menú' are common words in Spanish, with 'tomar' meaning 'to take' and 'el menú' translating to 'the menu'.

tomar el metro
take the metro

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el metro' translates to 'take the metro' in English. This can imply catching a subway train for transit in a city. This phrase is primarily used in the Spanish spoken in Spain. In other Spanish-speaking countries, such as Mexico, the phrase would be 'tomar el subte'.

Example sentences with  tomar el metro
tomar el plato del día
take the dish of the day

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el plato del día' translates as 'take the dish of the day' in English. It's commonly used in restaurants to suggest the special dish that has been prepared for that particular day. Usually this dish changes on a daily basis, offering customers a variety of meals to choose from. This phrase can be used in both formal and informal settings.

tomar el sol

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el sol' translates to 'sunbathe' in English. This activity refers to the act of sitting or lying in the sun, usually for the purpose of getting a tan or simply enjoying the warmth of the sun. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is a common practice especially during the summer months. The verb 'tomar' means 'to take' and 'el sol' translates to 'the sun', making the literal translation 'to take the sun'. However, in actual usage, it effectively means to sunbathe.

Example sentences with  tomar el sol
tomar el tren
Take the train

The phrase 'tomar el tren' in Spanish translates to 'take the train' in English. This phrase is used to indicate the action of travelling by train, similar to how you would say 'board the train' or 'catch the train'. It suggests the act of getting on a train as a means of transport, for instance, when going to work, traveling to another city, etc. This is a common phrase used in everyday conversations in Spanish-speaking countries when discussing travel plans or daily commutes.

Example sentences with  tomar el tren
tomar la píldora
take the pill

The Spanish phrase 'tomar la píldora' translates to 'take the pill' in English. This is often used in medical contexts where an individual is being instructed to consume a certain medication in the form of a pill. It can also infer the consumption of a contraceptive pill, which is known as 'the pill' in English colloquial language.

tomar notas
take notes

The Spanish phrase 'tomar notas' translates to 'take notes' in English. This is an activity that involves recording information from different sources like speeches, meetings, or documents. In a classroom setting, students 'take notes' or 'tomar notas' from a lecturer or from a text. This phrase can also be used in the context of professional spaces like offices, press briefings, etc.

tomar un aperitivo
Have a snack

The Spanish phrase 'tomar un aperitivo' translates in English to 'have a snack'. This is generally used in the context of taking a small amount of food or a drink, often before a main meal, to stimulate one's appetite. It is a common phrase in both formal and informal Spanish conversations and can often be heard in restaurants or homes around meal times.

tomar un café
Have a coffee.

The term 'tomar un café' in Spanish translates to 'have a coffee' in English. It's a common phrase used in Spanish speaking cultures in a casual or friendly setting, typically implying sitting down for a relaxed conversation with someone over a cup of coffee. It's an example of how social transactions and the act of consuming food or drink, like coffee, can be intertwined.

tomar un medicamento
take a medicine

The Spanish phrase 'tomar un medicamento' translates to 'take a medicine' in English. It is typically used in the context of healthcare, such as when a healthcare professional, like a doctor or nurse, instructs a patient to consume a certain medication. It can also pertain to self-administration of medicine as part of maintaining personal health. This term can include a variety of types of medicine, from over-the-counter drugs to prescription medication.

Example sentences with  tomar un medicamento
tomar una caña
take a reed

'Tomar una caña' is a Spanish phrase and translating it directly to English gives you 'take a reed'. However, it is vital to understand that this phrase is used idiomatically in many Spanish-speaking regions, particularly in Spain. It is a cultural reference and is commonly used to denote 'have a small beer'. 'Caña' also refers to a small glass of beer in many Spanish bars. Instead of requesting a large pint of beer, individuals would 'tomar una caña' or in English 'have a small beer' to enjoy a social gathering or unwind after a day's work.

tomar una copa
Have a drink.

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una copa' translates to 'have a drink' in English. It is commonly used in social situations for meeting up or having a relaxing time. For instance, you may use it while asking someone if they would like to go for a drink. However, remember that 'tomar' also signifies 'taking something', so the meaning can sometimes vary depending on the context.

tomar una curva
take a turn

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una curva' is directly translated into English as 'take a curve'. However, it is more commonly understood as 'taking a turn', especially in the context of driving or moving along a path. It can also be used metaphorically to denote a change in situation or circumstances. For instance, 'su vida tomó una curva inesperada' would translate to 'his/her life took an unexpected turn'.

Example sentences with  tomar una curva
tomar una foto
take a picture

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una foto' translates to 'take a picture' in English. It is often used in contexts where you want to capture a moment in a photograph. In Spain and many Latin American countries, it's a common phrase used in daily conversation. As in English, it can be used both literally (to take a physical picture with a camera) and figuratively (to capture a mental or emotional 'snapshot').

Example sentences with  tomar una foto
tomar una medicina
take medicine

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una medicina' translates directly to 'take a medicine' in English. It is an instruction often used in healthcare or medical situations, where one is advised to ingest or apply a certain medication. In a broader context, this phrase might also be used symbolically to suggest accepting a solution or remedy for a problem.

Example sentences with  tomar una medicina
tomar una ración
take a ration

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una ración' translates to 'take a ration' in English. This phrase is typically used in contexts such as grabbing a portion of food, or allocating resources proportionally. However, based on the context, it can also refer to making a difficult decision or facing a hard situation. But remember that the literal translation doesn't always fully capture the cultural nuances and subtleties of the phrase.

tomar una sopa
take a soup.

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una sopa' translates to 'have a soup' or 'eat a soup' in English. It is often used in situations where one is dining or anticipating a meal. In Spanish, 'tomar' is commonly used to mean 'to have' or 'to take' in the context of food and drink, and 'una sopa' simply means 'a soup'.

tomar(se) la tensión
take the blood pressure

The phrase 'tomar(se) la tensión' in Spanish translates to 'take the blood pressure' in English. It is typically used in medical or health-related contexts for indicating the action of measuring the blood pressure. The phrase may be used by healthcare professionals or individuals keeping track of their own health status. For instance, if someone is going to perform this action, they may say: 'Voy a tomarme la tensión' which means 'I am going to take my blood pressure' in English.

Example sentences with  tomar(se) la tensión

The Spanish word 'tomate' translates to 'tomato' in English, which is a red or yellowish fruit with a juicy pulp, used in cooking or eaten raw in salads. It is widely cultivated as a garden vegetable.


The Spanish word 'tomillo' translates to 'thyme' in English. 'Thyme' is a type of herb with a strong flavor, used in cooking. It is a common herb in many types of cuisine around the world.

tono cálido
warm tone

The Spanish phrase 'tono cálido' translates to 'warm tone' in English. It is commonly used in the context of art, design and photography to denote a color scheme that includes reds, yellows, oranges, and other colors associated with warmth or heat. Aside from this, it can also metaphorically refer to the 'warmth' or positivity of a situation, conversation or person's demeanor.

tono frío
cold tone

The Spanish term 'tono frío' translates to 'cold tone' in English. It is often used in visual arts, fashion, and beauty industries to refer to colors or shades that are seen as cool or lack warmth, such as blues, greens, or purples. The concept can also be metaphorically applied in a broader context to describe a distant or unemotional attitude or atmosphere.

tono neutro
neutral tone

The term 'tono neutro' in Spanish translates to 'neutral tone' in English. It is often used in contexts such as linguistics, sound engineering, and music to describe a tone that is not favoring any particular pitch or frequency. In a broader sense, it can also refer to an unbiased or impartial standpoint or demeanor, especially in communication.

tono pastel
pastel tone

The Spanish term 'tono pastel' translates to 'pastel tone' in English. This term is commonly used in the realms of art and design, and it pertains to the color scheme that is light in hue or saturation. Pastel colors can be described as pale, soft, and washed-out colors. They are typically soothing to the eye, with a subdued, muted quality like those seen in common Easter decorations or springtime color palettes.

tono suave
soft tone

The Spanish phrase 'tono suave' translates to 'soft tone' in English. This can refer to a mellow or gentle sound, often used in the context of music, speech, or color gradient. For instance, in music, a 'soft tone' might refer to a piece that is soothing or calming. In speech, it can denote the calm and warm manner in which someone speaks. In the context of color or design, a 'soft tone' could refer to muted, pastel, or less saturated colors.


The word 'Torá' in Spanish refers to the 'Torah' in English. The Torah is the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. It has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books (Pentateuch) of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. This is commonly known to be the written law. It is traditionally believed to have been written by Moses. The Torah is considered the most sacred texts in Judaism.

Example sentences with  Torá
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