Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

tienda de de deportes
Sports shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de deportes' translates to 'sports shop' in English. This is an establishment where one can buy sporting gear and equipment, such as clothing, shoes, balls, racquets, clubs, and other items used in various sports activities.

tienda de de discos
record store

The Spanish phrase 'tienda de discos' translates to 'record store' in English. A 'record store' is a shop that sells music recordings, predominantly in vinyl format. This type of store emerged as an essential part of the music industry during the mid-20th century and served as a popular social gathering place for music lovers. Although the advent of digital music has affected their prevalence, record stores remain an important cornerstone of music culture.

tienda de de regalos
Gift shop

The Spanish phrase 'tienda de regalos' translates to 'gift shop' in English. A gift shop is a store primarily selling souvenirs, memorabilia, and other items relating to a particular topic or theme. These might be items that are designed to be gifts for others, or they could be a way to remember a special location or event. Gift shops are often found in areas visited by tourists, such as museums, galleries, parks and destinations of interest.

tienda de ropa
Clothing shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de ropa' translates to 'clothing shop' in English. It is a place where clothes are sold. This can refer to any type of clothing shop, from a small boutique with unique pieces to a large department store with a variety of different styles and brands. Shopping for clothes or 'ropa' in a 'tienda de ropa' is a common activity for many people, and these stores can be found in many places around the world.

tienda virtual
Virtual shop

The Spanish term 'tienda virtual' translates to 'virtual shop' in English. This term is commonly used in the realm of digital marketing and e-commerce. It refers to the online presence of a shop or a business where customers can explore and buy products or services virtually. Just like a physical store, a 'tienda virtual' showcases products or services, includes detailed descriptions, prices, and provides customers with the ability to purchase their desired products or services. This term is particularly important in today's digital age where online shopping has become prevalently widespread.


'Tierno' is a Spanish adjective often used to describe something or someone who is tender, soft or gentle. The term can be used in various contexts, for instance, referring to food (meaning the food is tender), referring to emotions or character of a person (meaning the person is gentle or kind-hearted), among others. As with many adjectives in Spanish, 'tierno' may change its form, namely 'tierna', 'tiernos', 'tiernas' depending on the gender and number of the noun it describes.


In Spanish, 'tierra' is used to represent 'land'. It could imply the solid surface of the earth, a territory, or ground as used in agricultural contexts. Just like in English, it may also reference a country or region. For instance, 'La tierra de mis antepasados' means 'The land of my ancestors'.

Example sentences with  tierra
tierra húmedo
wet land

The Spanish phrase 'tierra húmedo' translates to 'wet land' in English. It is often used in environmental contexts or situations where the moistness or saturation of the ground is important. It can refer to a variety of geographical features including marshes, swamps, mudflats, or any piece of land that is saturated with water.

Example sentences with  tierra húmedo
tierra seco
dry land

The Spanish term 'tierra seco' refers to a geographic or environmental condition, specifically 'dry land'. In English, 'dry land' is typically associated with areas where water is scarce or rainfall is minimal, leading to arid or semi-arid conditions. This term may commonly be used in discussions concerning geography, climate, agriculture or other earth sciences. It may often be contrasted with terms referring to wetter environments, such as 'wetlands' or 'moist forests'.

Example sentences with  tierra seco

The Spanish word 'tigre' translates to 'tiger' in English. Tigers are the largest species among the Felidae family and are known for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on orange-brown fur with a lighter underside. They are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.

Example sentences with  tigre

The Spanish word 'tijeras' translates to 'scissors' in English. It is a common noun and it is generally used to refer to a tool used for cutting paper, cloth, or other thin material, typically having two blades laid pivotally close together that function by closing against each other.

Example sentences with  tijeras

The Spanish word 'timbre' translates to 'doorbell' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the device at one's home entrance that visitors use to signal their arrival. It can also be used in a broader context to denote any type of bell or buzzer used to grab attention or signal the start or end of a period or event.


The Spanish term 'timidez' roughly translates to 'shyness' in English. Shyness is often characterized by feelings of discomfort or inhibition in social situations, which can make it challenging to interact with others. Other synonyms for 'timidez' in English could include bashfulness, reservation, or reticence.


Tímido means 'shy'. It describes someone who is not much confident or comfortable with unknown people or in social situations. For example, 'El niño es tímido' translates to 'The child is shy'.

Example sentences with  tímido

The term 'tímpano' in Spanish refers to the 'eardrum'. The eardrum is a part of your ear that transmits sound vibrations from the outer ear to the middle and inner ear. It is a small, thin, cone-shaped membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear. It plays a crucial role in your ability to hear, as the vibrations it transmits allow your brain to interpret the sounds around you.

tinta de impresora
printer ink

The Spanish phrase 'tinta de impresora' translates to 'printer ink' in English. Printer ink refers to the ink that is used in printers for printing texts and images on paper. This ink can be found in various formats, such as ink cartridges, ink bottles, or ink tanks, depending on the type of printer. The ink is generally colored, typically black, cyan, magenta, and yellow, and is essential for printing operations.

tinta para impresora
ink for printer

The Spanish phrase 'tinta para impresora' translates directly to 'ink for printer' in English. This can refer to ink cartridges that are used in printers to produce printed documents. Different types of printers use different types and colors of ink cartridges depending on the printing needs and the make or model of the printer. It's a common term used in office, school and home settings where a printer is in frequent use.


The Spanish word 'tío' directly translates to 'uncle' in English. It's a common term used to refer to a parent's brother. Similar to English, 'tío' can also be used colloquially in some regions of the Spanish-speaking world to refer to a close male friend. This is often used informally and among peers.


In Spain, 'tio' and 'tia' are commonly used informally to refer to a man or woman, similar to 'dude' in English.

Example sentences with  Tio/Tia

The word 'tipo' is used in Spanish similar to how 'type' is used in English. It is generally utilized to categorize or classify something according to its particular features or characteristics. It can also be used colloquially in Spain to refer to a person, similar to 'guy' or 'dude' in English, although this usage is less common.

Example sentences with  tipo
tipo de interés (fijo)
interest rate (fixed)

The Spanish term 'tipo de interés (fijo)' translates to 'interest rate (fixed)' in English. An interest rate can be loosely defined as the amount a lender charges a borrower for the use of their resources. When this rate is fixed, it does not vary throughout the life of the loan. The borrower will always need to pay the stipulated rate, regardless of any changes in the financial market conditions or the economy. Fixed interest rates offer the advantage of predictable repayments, which can make budgeting easier for individuals and businesses.

Example sentences with  tipo de interés (fijo)
tipo de interés variable
variable interest rate

The Spanish term 'tipo de interés variable' translates to 'variable interest rate' in English. It is a financial term often used in banking and for loans or mortgages. It refers to an interest rate that may change over time according to changes in benchmark interest rates, rather than remaining fixed.

Example sentences with  tipo de interés variable
tirar abajo un edificio
to tear down a building

The Spanish phrase 'tirar abajo un edificio' translates into English as 'to tear down a building'. This phrase points to the action of demolishing or removes a building, typically a larger structure, completely. This might be done to create space for new construction or as a safety measure if the building is structurally unsound.

tirar abajo una vivienda
to tear down a house

The Spanish phrase 'tirar abajo una vivienda' translates to 'to tear down a house' in English. This term is used when discussing the act of completely dismantling or demolishing a structure, typically a residential building such as a house. In most situations, this is an irreversible process entailing the removal of all parts of the structure, often in preparation for the construction of a new building in its place.

tirar el dado
throw away the dice

The Spanish phrase 'tirar el dado' is roughly translated to 'throw the dice' in English. It is a commonly used phrase in board games, gambling and other activities involving dice. However, it's worthwhile to clarify that it does not carry the connotation of discarding or throwing away the dice after use. It simply refers to the act of rolling the dice in game play.

tirar el dinero
throw away the money

The phrase 'tirar el dinero' in Spanish figurative sense signifies to squander or waste money. It is commonly used in contexts where someone is perceived to be spending money recklessly or without careful thought. In a literal sense, this phrase can be translated as 'throw away the money' in English, but it is important to understand its frequently used figurative connotation.

Example sentences with  tirar el dinero
tirar los dados
throw the dice

'Tirar los dados' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'throw the dice' in English. Often used in the context of games, this phrase may refer either to literally tossing dice in a game like craps or monopoly, or it may be used metaphorically to mean taking a risk or chance. Just as throwing dice introduces an element of unpredictability in a game, 'tirar los dados' might be used in conversation to express uncertainty or to acknowledge the existence of various potential outcomes. While a straightforward translation would simply yield 'throw the dice,' understanding the context in which this phrase is used can provide insight into the nuances of Spanish language and culture.


The Spanish word 'tirita' translates to 'bandaid' in English. This word describes a small piece of sticky tape or adhesive bandage used for covering and protecting small wounds or abrasions on the skin. The term 'tirita' is commonly used in Spain and Latin American countries. Remember, as is the case with many words, there may exist regional differences in usage.

Example sentences with  tirita

The Spanish word 'tiritar' translates to 'shiver' in English. This is a verb used to describe the rapid, involuntary shaking of the body, often as a reaction to cold, fear, or excitement. For instance, one might 'tiritar' from the cold in the winter, or 'tiritar' whilst watching a scary movie.

titulación académica
academic degree

The term 'titulación académica' in Spanish translates to 'academic degree' in English. It refers to an earned education or distinction, usually associated with coursework completion and examinations within an educational institution such as a university or college. The 'titulación académica' signifies the level of qualification or expertise in a particular subject or field. Often, it is the product of a certain period of study.

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