Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

therapeutic therapy

The Spanish word 'terapéutico' is translated to English as 'therapeutic'. This adjective is often used in contexts relating to treatment or therapy designed to heal or alleviate symptoms of illness or injury. In general, 'terapéutico' pertains to the process of treating a physical or mental disorder, usually through various medical or psychological methods. It's a commonly used term in the fields of medicine, psychology, and healthcare.

Example sentences with  terapéutico

The Spanish word 'terapia' translates to 'therapy' in English. The term 'therapy' derives from the Greek word 'therapeia' meaning 'healing' or 'curing'. In a broad sense, therapy refers to an attempt to remedy a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. In the context of psychology, therapy refers to techniques aimed at improving mental health, emotional well-being and life skills. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, and many others, all of which are also represented by the term 'terapia' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  terapia
Tercer Mundo
Third World

The term 'Tercer Mundo' is Spanish for 'Third World'. It is used in socioeconomic contexts often referring to underdeveloped or developing nations, typically in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The term originated during the Cold War, dividing the nations into three categories: First World referred to the US, Western Europe, and their allies; Second World referred to the Soviet Union, China, and their allies; 'Tercer Mundo' or Third World referred to neutral and non-aligned countries, many of which were impoverished. However, in the modern context, it is more commonly used to describe nations that face economic challenges and higher rates of poverty.


The Spanish word 'tercero' translates to 'third' in English. It is used similarly to the way we use 'third' in English. For example, if you are referencing the third person in a line, you would use 'tercero.' It is also used in other contexts, such as telling the time or date. For example, in 'the third of January,' you would translate 'third' as 'tercero.'

Example sentences with  tercero

The term 'terminal' in Spanish is a cognate to English, meaning that it shares the same meaning and is written in a similar way. In both languages, 'terminal' represents an end point or final stage, often relating to transportation hubs, like a bus terminal or a terminal illness. The word 'terminal' is used in both professional and everyday context in both English and Spanish speaking countries.

Example sentences with  terminal

The Spanish word 'terminar' is directly translated to 'finish' in English. It is used to refer to the conclusion or end of an event,thing or activity. For instance, 'terminar una tarea' means to finish a task. Just like in English, it can also be used in the continuous tense, for example 'estoy terminando el trabajo' indicating 'I am finishing the work'.

Example sentences with  terminar
terminar el bachillerato
finishing high school

The Spanish phrase 'terminar el bachillerato' translates to 'finishing high school' in English. This phrase is often used in Latin countries to denote the completion of one's secondary education. 'Terminar' is the verb 'to finish' or 'to end', 'el' is a definite article meaning 'the', and 'bachillerato' is a noun that refers to the high-school level of education.


The Spanish term for 'term' is 'término'. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as academic terms (e.g. trimestre, which means 'trimester'), terminology (e.g. terminología), or term in a broader sense (e.g. a long-term plan would be un plan a largo plazo). Like in English, 'término' can also refer to the end or conclusion of something.

Example sentences with  término

The word 'termo' in Spanish translates into 'thermo' in English. It refers to a type of container that’s used to store liquids, such as water, tea, or coffee, in a way that either retains or repels heat. Thus, it can keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot for an extended period, typically several hours. 'Termo' is a common household item, especially useful for outdoors activities or traveling.

Example sentences with  termo

The Spanish word 'termómetro' translates to 'thermometer' in English. A thermometer is a tool that is utilized to measure temperature in various contexts such as weather forecast, medicine, cooking, and scientific research. The word 'termómetro' comes from the Greek words 'thermo' meaning 'heat' and 'metron' meaning 'measure'. In Spanish speaking countries, this device is used in the same way as in English speaking countries, for checking body temperature, weather temperature, cooking process, etc.

Example sentences with  termómetro

The Spanish word 'ternura' translates to 'tenderness' in English. Some synonyms for this could include affection, gentleness, fondness, and warmth. This is because 'ternura' embodies a certain sense of gentle or kind emotion that is often expressed between people. The term can be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing someone's disposition, an emotional moment, or a person's reaction to a touching moment or gesture.


The word 'terraza' in Spanish translates to 'terrace' in English. A terrace can refer to a leveled outdoor area attached to a building or a similar structure, often paved and used for leisure activities. It can also relate to a flat area next to a building where people can sit and enjoy the outdoors. The term can also be used in the context of a geological formation. But in most general uses, 'terraza' refers to a balcony or patio area in a house or building.


The Spanish term 'terremoto' translates to 'earthquake' in English. This denotes a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often the result of seismic activity beneath the Earth's surface, such as volcanic eruptions or the release of built-up stress within the Earth's crust. Earthquakes can cause significant damage to buildings and other structures, resulting in loss of life and property. They are a natural disaster commonly studied within the field of geology.

Example sentences with  terremoto
terreno estéril
sterile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno estéril' can be translated into English as 'sterile land'. In a biological or agricultural context, this can refer to a patch of land that is unproductive and incapable of sustaining or fostering the growth of crop plants or other plant life. 'Terreno' in Spanish translates to 'land' or 'terrain', whilst 'estéril' translates to 'sterile', a term generally used to describe something that is unproductive or barren. Thus, the two words together, 'terreno estéril', create a phrase that signifies an inhospitable, non-fertile space of land that cannot be used for productive plant growth or farming activities.

Example sentences with  terreno estéril
terreno fértil
fertile land

The Spanish phrase 'terreno fértil' translates in English to 'fertile land.' This is a term often used in farming, agriculture, and gardening to refer to land or soil that is highly suitable for growing plants and crops. Fertile land contains the necessary nutrients and conditions to promote healthy plant growth and high crop yields. The term 'fertile' implies richness and productivity in the context of the earth or soil, while 'terreno' simply refers to a piece of land or territory.

Example sentences with  terreno fértil
territorial territory

The word 'territorial' in Spanish essentially contains the same meaning as its English counterpart. It pertains to the ownership, control or jurisdiction over an area or land. It is used to describe something, often a nation's political power or an animal's behavior, that relates to a specific territory or area. A nation might be territorial in the sense that it vigorously defends its physical borders, and an animal might be territorial in the sense that it marks and defends a specific area against other animals.

Example sentences with  territorial

The Spanish word 'terrorismo' translates to 'terrorism' in English. Terrorism is an act of violence, often against civilians, with the intention to create fear. It is usually carried out in pursuit of political, ideological, or religious goals. The term 'terrorism' is used globally and universally condemned, as it often involves indiscriminate violence against innocent people.

Example sentences with  terrorismo

The Spanish word 'terrorista' translates to 'terrorist' in English. A terrorist is a person who uses illegal violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Example sentences with  terrorista

The term 'tesina' in Spanish refers to an extensive piece of writing based on original research. It is written by a college or university student, usually at the postgraduate level, striving to obtain a degree or certificate. The 'tesina' is generally longer and more detailed than a thesis as it establishes a contention that the student proposes to defend or prove. In English, we commonly refer to this as a 'dissertation'.


The Spanish word 'testificar' translates to 'testify' in English. This is a verb used in legal context meaning to give evidence as a witness in a law court. Alternatively, it can also mean to serve as evidence or proof of something's existence or nature. It is a regular verb, and follows the standard conjugation patterns of verbs ending in '-ar'. For example, 'Yo testifico' means 'I testify'.

Example sentences with  testificar

The Spanish word 'testigo' translates to 'witness' in English. This term is often used in legal contexts and refers to an individual who has personal knowledge about something or someone, especially a crime, and gives their account to a court or other official body. Additionally, 'testigo' may also denote a participant or observer in various events, experiences, or circumstances.

texto literario
literary text

The Spanish term 'texto literario' translates to 'literary text' in English. A literary text is a piece of written material, such as a book or poem, that has the purpose of telling a story or entertaining. It involves creative writing rather than fact. Examples can include novels, poems, short stories, dramas, and classical literature. Such a text will often have a narrative or connected series of events that could involve characters and dialogues.

Example sentences with  texto literario

The Spanish word for time is 'tiempo'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including expressing duration, scheduling, or in asking the current time just like in English. It's important to note that in Spanish, to ask specifically what time it is, you would say '¿Qué hora es?'. However, 'tiempo' covers the general idea of time as a concept, or can be used in expressions like 'mucho tiempo' meaning 'a long time'.

Example sentences with  tiempo
tiempo invernal
winter time

The word 'tiempo invernal' in Spanish translates to 'winter time' in English. It is a combination of two words - 'tiempo' which means 'time' and 'invernal' which means 'wintry' or 'winter'. This term is commonly used to describe the weather conditions or the period of the year when it is cold, typically characterized by snow and freezing temperatures. This season comes after autumn and before spring, and is often associated with holidays, coziness, and the spirit of giving in many cultures.

Example sentences with  tiempo invernal
tiempo libre
free time

The Spanish term 'tiempo libre' translates to 'free time' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe one's leisure or downtime outside of their usual commitments such as work or school. Whether it's playing games, reading a book, or simply enjoying the outdoors, all falls under 'tiempo libre'.

tiempo primaveral

The Spanish term 'tiempo primaveral' directly translates to 'springtime' in English. It is used to describe the season of spring characterized by the blossoming of flowers, the chirping of birds, warmer weather and overall renewal and growth after the cold winter season. It's a time of the year when the nature bursts back into life and people often feel uplifted and full of energy. The phrase 'tiempo primaveral' also often symbolizes a period of growth, renewal, and fresh starts in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  tiempo primaveral
tiempo variable
variable time

The Spanish term 'tiempo variable' directly translates to 'variable time' in English. It is often used in weather forecasts to indicate inconsistent or changing weather conditions over time, but can also refer to any situation or context where time may vary or fluctuate.

Example sentences with  tiempo variable

The Spanish word 'tienda' is used to refer to a physical location where items are sold, similar to how 'store' is used in English. Mostly, it is accompanied with the type of store it is, for example, 'tienda de ropa' for clothing store. It could also be used to indicate an online platform for the sales of goods, namely 'tienda en línea'.

Example sentences with  tienda
tienda de campaña

The Spanish phrase 'tienda de campaña' translates to 'tent' in English. This is typically a portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the ground. Tents come in various sizes, from small solo structures to larger ones capable of housing a whole group of campers. They are commonly used for camping outdoors but are also employed in various military and humanitarian contexts.

Example sentences with  tienda de campaña
tienda de de decoración
Decoration shop

The Spanish term 'tienda de decoración' translates to 'decoration shop' in English. A 'tienda de decoración' is a store where one can purchase items for decorating a home, office, or any other space. These items can range from furniture, art, rugs, and various knick-knacks. Think of places like Pottery Barn, HomeGoods, or IKEA. It literally consists of two words where 'tienda' means 'shop' and 'decoración' means 'decoration'. So, if you find yourself in a Spanish speaking country, look for a 'tienda de decoración' when you want to spruce up your living space.

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