Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

tener una peluquería
have a hairdresser

'Tener una peluquería' is a Spanish phrase translating to 'have a hairdresser' in English. This can refer to the action of owning a hairdressing business or having a hairdresser at one's disposal. In possession contexts, it implies ownership. It can also be utilized in other contexts to indicate the act of getting one's hair done by a professional hairdresser. Knowledge of such phrases can enhance your conversation skills in Spanish.

tener una relación
having a relationship

'Tener una relación' in Spanish translates to 'having a relationship' in English. This phrase is often used in conversational Spanish to express the act of having an emotional, romantic, or interpersonal connection with someone else. It pertains to not just romantic relationships, but also friendships, professional relationships, or familial bonds.

tener una relación cordial
having a cordial relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación cordial' translates to 'having a cordial relationship' in English. This phrase is generally used to describe a warm, friendly, respectful, and pleasant interaction or relationship between people. It is often used in formal, business, or diplomatic contexts, or simply to describe a harmonious relationship between friends, families, colleagues, neighbours and others.

tener una relación de amistad
have a friendship relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación de amistad' translates to 'have a friendship relationship' in English. This phrase means to share a bond of friendship with someone, indicating a close, non-romantic relationship between two people. It is often used in casual and formal conversations, referring to the kind of interpersonal relationship where mutual affection, trust, cooperation, and understanding are involved.

tener una relación de amor
having a love relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación de amor' translates to 'having a love relationship' in English. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, like expressing personal feelings towards another individual or discussing a romantic connection between two individuals in a narrative. Deconstructing it further, 'tener' means 'to have', 'una relación' means 'a relationship', and 'de amor' means 'of love'. Putting these together, we get the entire meaning of the provided Spanish phrase.

tener una relación de amor-odio
to have a love-hate relationship

The Spanish expression 'tener una relación de amor-odio' translates to 'to have a love-hate relationship' in English. It describes the kind of relationship between two people who feel intense love and extreme hatred, or resentment, toward each other at different times. These feelings can occur in rapid succession, hence the phrase reflects the complexities of situations where both love and hate coexist.

tener una relación de convivencia
to have a cohabiting relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación de convivencia' translates to 'to have a cohabiting relationship' in English. This is often used to describe two people who are living together in a romantic or familial relationship, without being married. It can also apply to friends who live together. The word 'convivencia' comes from 'convivir', which means 'to live together', and 'relación' means 'relationship'. 'Tener' is a verb that means 'to have'. Therefore, when you put these words together, it means 'to have a living-together relationship' or 'to be cohabiting'.

tener una relación de dependencia
having a dependency relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación de dependencia' translates to 'having a dependency relationship' in English. This can imply either a personal or professional relationship where one party relies on the other for support or assistance. It's often used to describe relationships where there's an imbalance of power, with one person or entity being dependent on another for their needs or circumstances. It's important to note that a dependency relationship isn't limited to humans but could also refer to entities such as organizations or countries.

tener una relación de trabajo
have a working relationship

The phrase 'tener una relación de trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'have a working relationship' in English. This phrase is often used in professional settings to describe the formal or informal interaction between colleagues. It can refer to the ways in which individuals or groups cooperate and communicate in a work environment. This may involve many aspects such as professional, emotional and social interactions.

tener una relación estable
having a stable relationship

The Spanish phrase 'tener una relación estable' translates to 'having a stable relationship' in English. In this phrase, 'tener' means 'to have', 'una' means 'one' or 'a', 'relación' means 'relationship' and 'estable' means 'stable'. It is often used to describe a long-term, committed relationship that is constant and dependable. It implies a sense of trust, reliability, and lack of volatility often sought after in personal partnerships.

tener una relación fluida
having a fluid relationship

The phrase 'tener una relación fluida' in Spanish translates to 'having a fluid relationship' in English. This phrase implies having a relationship that flows smoothly or quite simply, a good relationship. It reflects a certain level of understanding and efficiency in communication between the parties involved. It can refer to any kind of relationship, personal or professional. Essentially, it is a description of a relationship that is without issues or difficulties and flows naturally.

tener una reunión
have a meeting

The phrase 'tener una reunión' in Spanish translates to 'have a meeting' in English. It is usually used in professional and academic contexts when people gather to discuss something much like in English. Consider it in the context of wanting to 'have a meeting' with colleagues or class fellows to work collectively, brainstorm ideas, or make decisions. The verb 'tener' means 'to have', while 'una reunión' translates to 'a meeting'.

tener una salud de hierro
have an iron health

The phrase 'tener una salud de hierro' in Spanish literally translates to 'have an iron health' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person who has very good health and rarely gets sick, much like iron which is a strong and durable metal. It is often used to commend and describe individuals who have strong immunity or remarkable physical health.

Example sentences with  tener una salud de hierro
tener una tienda
have a store

The Spanish phrase 'tener una tienda' translates to 'have a store' in English. In a business context, it is often used when someone owns or runs a store. In a more casual setting, the phrase could also be used metaphorically to suggest a surplus of something. For example, 'tener una tienda de dulces' could be literally translated to 'have a candy store' but metaphorically it could be used to imply having a lot of candies.

tener una voz aguda
having an acute voice

The Spanish phrase 'tener una voz aguda' translates to 'having an acute voice' in English. This phrase often pertains to someone who has a high-pitched voice or a voice that is sharp and piercing, possibly even shrill. It is not necessarily pejorative; the context in which it is used will contribute to its exact implication.

Example sentences with  tener una voz aguda
tener una voz grave
having a serious voice

The phrase 'tener una voz grave' in Spanish translates to 'having a serious voice' in English. It is often used to describe someone's voice that is deep, rich, and possibly commanding. This phrase is not typically used to denote seriousness in the sense of gravity or solemnity. Instead, it is more about the depth or resonance of the voice which might be seen as serious because it can come across as authoritative or mature. Learning common phrases such as this one can help in understanding conversational Spanish, as it adds nuance to the dialogue.

Example sentences with  tener una voz grave
tener una voz potente
having a powerful voice

The Spanish phrase 'tener una voz potente' directly translates to 'having a powerful voice' in English. It is a description used to denote someone whose voice commands attention due to its strength, volume, or other qualities that gives it power or influence. Such a phrase could be used to describe a singer, a speaker, or anyone whose voice impacts other people in a powerful way.

Example sentences with  tener una voz potente
tener universitarios
have university degree

The Spanish phrase 'tener universitarios' translates to 'have university degree' in English. This could be used in a context where someone is saying they have a degree from a university. In a broader context, it might refer not only to the actual degree but also the knowledge and skills one obtains through their university education.

tener unos modales bruscos
Have some rough manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener unos modales bruscos' translates to 'have some rough manners' in English. This phrase is often used to describe someone's crude or impolite behavior. It implies the individual has a manner that's not smooth, polite, or refined. 'Tener' translates to 'have', 'unos' to 'some', 'modales' to 'manners' and 'bruscos' to 'rough'. Understanding these words' individual meanings can help in understanding the phrase as a whole.

Example sentences with  tener unos modales bruscos
tener unos modales delicados
have delicate manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener unos modales delicados' is translated into English as 'have delicate manners'. It is generally used to describe someone who is highly considerate, courteous, or respectful in their mannerisms and behaviors, showing a high degree of etiquette or propriety. They handle their interactions with people sensitively and thoughtfully. This term can often be used in a variety of contexts where social interaction is involved, conveying a person's ability to handle situations subtly and tactfully.

Example sentences with  tener unos modales delicados
tener unos modales exquisitos
having exquisite manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener unos modales exquisitos' translates to 'having exquisite manners' in English. This phrase might be used to compliment someone for their polite and refined behavior. It suggests that the person not only has good manners, but that they carry themselves with a level of grace and respectability that is above and beyond what is commonly seen. This is an expression typically used in formal or elevated social settings.

Example sentences with  tener unos modales exquisitos
tener unos modales pésimos
Have some bad manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener unos modales pésimos' is translated in English as 'have some bad manners'. The literal breakdown is 'tener' meaning 'to have', 'unos modales' meaning 'some manners', and 'pésimos' meaning 'bad'. It's used in situations where one is behaving inappropriately or rudely, not showing adequate respect or consideration for others.

Example sentences with  tener unos modales pésimos
tener vacaciones

The Spanish phrase 'tener vacaciones' translates to 'have holidays' in English. This phrase is commonly used to imply that someone is taking a break from work or school, similar to a holiday or vacation. This is not an exact one-word to one-word translation, but rather a phrase that communicates a familiar concept within English language context. The verb 'tener' translates to 'have', and 'vacaciones' translates to 'holidays' or 'vacation'. Thus, 'tener vacaciones' could be directly interpreted as 'have a vacation'.

tener vistas

The Spanish phrase 'tener vistas' translates to 'views' in English. However, this expression does not primarily refer to the notion of visually observing one's surroundings. Instead, it is commonly used in the Spanish language to illustrate the concept of a perspective or outlook. It can indicate both a physical view, as in a scenic viewpoint from a position, as well as an abstract view, representing one's perspectives, opinions or future plans. For instance, 'tener vistas a' is often used to express 'looking forward to' or 'planning for' something.

Example sentences with  tener vistas
teñirse de moreno
to dye brown

The Spanish phrase 'teñirse de moreno' translates to 'to dye brown' in English. This phrase is commonly used when talking about changing the color of something, such as hair, to a brown shade. It's important to note that 'teñirse' is a reflexive verb, so when used in a sentence, it needs to be conjugated correctly with the appropriate reflexive pronoun.

Example sentences with  teñirse de moreno
teñirse de rubio
to dye blonde

The phrase 'teñirse de rubio' is a Spanish term that translates to 'to dye blonde' in English. This is usually used in the context of changing one's hair color. In Spanish, 'teñirse' is the reflexive verb for 'to dye', 'de' means 'to' or 'of', and 'rubio' refers to the color 'blonde'. Therefore, if someone says they are going to 'teñirse de rubio', they are saying they are going to dye their hair blonde.

Example sentences with  teñirse de rubio

Tennis is a sport played either between two individuals or two teams of two players each. Players use a racket to strike the ball over a net into the opponent's court.

Example sentences with  Tenis

The Spanish word 'tenor' translates to 'tenor' in English. In the context of music, a 'tenor' is a type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range is one of the highest of the male voice types. It is used in choral music, opera, and other forms of singing. In a non-musical sense, 'tenor' can refer to the general course, character, or mood of something.

Example sentences with  tenor

The Spanish word 'teología' translates to 'theology' in English. Theology is the critical study of the nature of the divine, more broadly, it is the study of religious faith, practice, and experience. It is especially associated with the Christian tradition, and it involves the systematic and rational approach towards concepts of God and its associated attributes within the structure of a religious context. However, the term is also used in the context of other religions for similar fields of study.

Example sentences with  teología

The word 'teoría' in Spanish is equivalent to 'theory' in English. It is a noun which refers to a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. 'Teoría' can be used in a similar way in Spanish – to talk about scientific, philosophical principles, or to make assumptions in a discussion.

Example sentences with  teoría
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