Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ayuda económica
economic aid

The Spanish phrase 'ayuda económica' translates directly to 'economic aid' in English. It refers to financial support. This support could be provided by an individual, the government, or a financial institution. 'Ayuda' means 'aid' or 'help', and 'económica' refers to 'economic'. Therefore, 'ayuda económica' can be understood as financial help or support, particularly in a time of need.

ayuda en carretera
roadside assistance

The Spanish term 'ayuda en carretera' translates to 'roadside assistance' in English. This term refers to a set of services that assist motorists, or bicyclists, whose vehicles have suffered a mechanical failure that leaves the operator stranded. Services could include towing, battery jump start, tire change, vehicle recovery, and fuel delivery. In most cases, these services are provided by a specialist roadside assistance technician or a tow truck driver. These services are typically covered under a vehicle's warranty, insurance, or purchased separately.

Example sentences with  ayuda en carretera
ayuda jurídica
legal aid

The term 'ayuda jurídica' in Spanish translates to 'legal aid' in English. This refers to the provision of assistance to individuals who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. It is a crucial aspect of a just and equitable society, making legal services accessible to those who would otherwise be unable to afford them. Depending on the country's legislation, this can cover various types of civil and criminal cases.


The word 'ayudante' in Spanish is translated to 'assistant' in English. An ayudante can be someone who helps another person complete certain tasks or duties, much like an assistant would in a work setting. This could involve a variety of tasks depending on the context, from helping to manage scheduling and correspondence, to lending a hand in physical or more hands-on tasks. Just like in English, 'ayudante' can be applied in many different contexts in Spanish, from a personal assistant in a business setting to an assistant in a classroom or educational setting.


The term 'ayunar' in Spanish translates to 'fasting' in English, which is the act of abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, usually as a religious practice. It is often associated with religious observances, weight loss or a form of protest or demonstration. The significance and practices of fasting differ among various cultures and religions.

City Council

The Spanish word 'Ayuntamiento' translates to 'City Council' in English. In Spain, it refers to a local government body that administers a city or town. Members of an Ayuntamiento, known as councilors, are elected by the local population and they make decisions regarding local affairs such as social services, urban planning, and economic development. This term is widely used in the Spanish-speaking world to indicate a similar form of local governance.

Example sentences with  Ayuntamiento

The Spanish word 'azafata' translates to 'stewardess' in English. It's generally used to refer to a woman whose job is to take care of the needs of passengers on a plane. However, this term is also applicable to a woman who serves passengers on a train or a ship. The primary role of a 'azafata' is to ensure passenger safety and comfort during a journey.

Example sentences with  azafata

The Spanish word 'azúcar' translates to 'sugar' in English. It is a common term used in food and beverage preparation and is derived from Arabic. The word can be used to describe both the sweet soluble crystalline substance often derived from sugarcane and beet, and used to sweeten food and drink, and also, in a general sense, to refer to anything sweet or pleasant.


In Spanish, 'azul' means the color blue and could be used with any item or concept connected with the color blue.

Example sentences with  azul
bacalao al pilpil
cod with pil pil

'Bacalao al Pilpil' is a traditional Basque dish from Spain. Translated to English, it means 'Cod with Pil Pil'. This dish consists of cod, cooked in a sauce that's made from the cod's own gelatin, garlic, and olive oil, often garnished with chili peppers. The term 'Pil Pil' refers to the sound that the sauce makes while it's cooking. This dish is widely loved for its rich, unique flavor, and uncomplicated preparation, making it a staple of Basque cuisine.


The word 'bache' in Spanish refers to a pothole or a pit in English. It is commonly used to describe a hole in the road surface that is caused by factors like wear and tear, bad weather, or insufficient maintenance. This term is frequently used in the context of driving vehicles, where encountering a 'bache' may cause discomfort or even damage to the vehicle.

Example sentences with  bache
High School

The Spanish term 'bachillerato' typically refers to a level of education equivalent to high school in the United States or secondary school in many other countries. It is a 2-stage phase of education before university level and is generally for students between the ages of 16 to 18 years old. In some Spanish-speaking regions, 'bachillerato' may also refer to a Bachelor's degree or the final examination one takes to receive such degree.


The word 'bahía' in Spanish translates to 'bay' in English. This term is generally used to refer to a body of water partially surrounded by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea. It is usually more enclosed than a gulf. Understanding the term 'bahía' can make you more familiar with geographical conversations or discussions in Spanish.

Example sentences with  bahía

The word 'bailar' is a verb in Spanish, which translates to 'dance' in English. It is used to describe the activity of moving one's body rhythmically, typically to music and within a particular space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply deriving pleasure from the movement itself. 'Bailar' can also be used in various contexts such as 'bailar la salsa' which means 'to dance salsa'. Please note that conjugation rules apply when using this verb, depending on the tense and subject of the sentence.


The Spanish word 'bailarín' translates to 'dancer' in English. It is a masculine singular noun often used to describe a person who dances professionally or as a hobby. Like other Spanish words, 'bailarín' can change forms to indicate the gender and number of people it's referring to; for example, the feminine singular form is 'bailarina', the masculine plural is 'bailarines', and the feminine plural is 'bailarinas'. It derives from the verb 'bailar', which means 'to dance'.

Example sentences with  bailarín
baile agarrado
dance grabbed

The term 'baile agarrado' comes from Spanish and it is often used to describe a type of dance. The literal translation of 'baile agarrado' is 'dance grabbed', but in English, it's often referred to as a 'partner dance' or 'close dance'. It typically involves two participants who hold or 'grab' each other in a coordinated and rhythmic movement. This dance style can be found in many cultures and is associated with various types of music.

Example sentences with  baile agarrado
baile de salón
Ballroom dance

The Spanish phrase 'baile de salón' translates to 'ballroom dance' in English. It refers to a type of dance that takes place in a large room or hall, which is specially prepared for this purpose. This phrase might be linked with certain types of social or competitive dancing such as tango, salsa, waltz, or cha-cha. These dances are often performed in formal or elegant settings, such as weddings or dance competitions. The phrase 'baile de salón' can also refer to the specific style or techniques used in this type of dance.

Example sentences with  baile de salón
Get down.

The Spanish word 'bajar' primarily translates to 'get down' in English. It is a verb used to describe the action of descending or coming down from a higher position to a lower one. For instance, it can be used in contexts like getting down from a vehicle, lowering volume or intensity, or even going downstairs. It is important to note that the word 'bajar' can have variant meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

bajar el desempleo
lower unemployment

The term 'bajar el desempleo' in Spanish translates to 'lower unemployment' in English. This is generally used in economic context referring to the efforts made to reduce the rate of unemployment in a country or area. It is a critical economic indicator that may signify a healthier economy when the unemployment rates are low.

bajar el paro
lower unemployment

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el paro' translates to 'lower unemployment' in English. In economic terms, this phrase is often used when discussing efforts to reduce the unemployment rate in a specific area. The verb 'bajar' means 'to lower' and 'el paro' is a colloquial term for unemployment. Therefore, when the two are combined, it means 'to lower the unemployment'.

bajar el precio
lower the price

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el precio' can be translated to 'lower the price' in English. This phrase is frequently used in the context of business, commerce or trade, suggesting a reduction in the price of a product or service. The verb 'bajar' indicates to bring or put down, decrease or reduce, and 'el precio' refers to the cost or the price, often in a monetary term, of an item or service. Therefore, when combined, the phrase 'bajar el precio' implies a reduction in the monetary value of something.

bajar el precio de la vivienda de segunda mano
lower the price of the second hand housing

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el precio de la vivienda de segunda mano' translates to 'lower the price of the second hand housing' in English. It's a term often used in real estate to denote reducing the cost of a previously owned home or property. Contextually, it is often used in negotiations, real estate market discussions, or economic condition analyses where housing prices are relevant.

bajar el precio de la vivienda nueva
lower the price of new housing

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el precio de la vivienda nueva' translates to 'lower the price of new housing' in English. This is often used in the context of real estate or property discussions where the cost of a newly built house or apartment is been discussed. It may represent a desire or a demand to decrease the cost to make it affordable or achievable for buyers or renters.

bajar el precio del metro cuadrado
lower the price of square meter

The given Spanish phrase 'bajar el precio del metro cuadrado' translates to 'lower the price of square meter' in English. This phrase is typically used in contexts such as real estate, construction, or any field where measurement of area in square meters and its associated cost may be discussed. It implies a demand, suggestion, or observation to decrease the cost per square meter for a certain commodity, property or service.

bajar el precio del suelo
lower the ground price

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el precio del suelo' translates into English as 'lower the ground price'. This phrase is often used in the context of economics and real estate, where it can refer to the act of reducing the price or cost of land or property.

bajar el sueldo
lower salary

The Spanish phrase 'bajar el sueldo' translates to 'lower the salary' in English. This phrase is often used in business or work environments and means to reduce the salary or payments made to an employee. A synonymous phrase in English would be 'reduce pay'. The verb 'bajar' means 'to lower', 'el' is the definite article 'the', and 'sueldo' means 'salary' or 'wage'. Together, they form a phrase indicating a decrease in the amount of money one receives for their work.

bajar la bolsa
lower the stock

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la bolsa' translates to 'lower the stock' in English. In a financial context, it can depict a decline or decrease in the value of stocks in a particular market. When used in normal conversation, it could also signify the reduction or lowering down of something that is held in high regard.

Example sentences with  bajar la bolsa
bajar la cabeza
lower your head

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la cabeza' translates to 'lower your head' in English. It is often used as an instruction or an idiomatic expression symbolizing submission or deference. In physical context, 'bajar la cabeza' may be used to prevent a possible injury or to enable someone to perform a specific action. In a conceptual or symbolic sense, it can imply acknowledging superiority or admitting a mistake, thus lowering one's head in humility.

bajar la marea
lower the tide

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la marea' translates to 'lower the tide' in English. It is a common idiomatic expression used in Spanish language. It mostly refers to easing a tense situation or calming down extreme emotions, similar to how an incoming tide can be reduced or 'lowered'. However, keep in mind that idioms do not always translate literally between languages.

Example sentences with  bajar la marea
bajar la mirada
to look down

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la mirada' translates to 'to look down' in English. This is typically used in contexts where a person is asked to drop their gaze or avert their eyes, usually as a sign of respect, shyness, or submission. It does not physically mean lowering one's head, but rather, it indicates the direction of the gaze. For instance, in some cultures, it's a common habit to 'bajar la mirada' when speaking to someone of higher authority or older age as a show of respect.

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