Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

tener un accidente de trabajo
having a work accident

The phrase 'tener un accidente de trabajo' in Spanish translates to 'having a work accident' in English. This expression is generally used to describe a situation where a person experiences an accident during their job or working hours. It includes any harmful event that may occur while performing work-related tasks, whether on the official worksite or elsewhere. This term emphasizes the connection between the accident and the work being performed when the accident happened.

tener un agujero en el estómago
have a hole in the stomach

The Spanish phrase 'tener un agujero en el estómago' directly translates to English as 'have a hole in the stomach'. However, it is important to note that idiomatic phrases do not always translate directly in this way. In English usage, this phrase is often used metaphorically to express a feeling of extreme hunger or to describe a strong desire or need for something.

tener un amante
having a lover

The Spanish phrase 'tener un amante' translates into English as 'having a lover'. This phrase consists of three words: 'tener', a verb which means 'to have'; 'un', an article akin to the English 'a' or 'an'; and 'amante', a noun which could mean 'lover' or 'paramour'. This is typically used to refer to a person's romantic and often clandestine partner other than their spouse or main partner.

tener un buen expediente
have a good record.

The Spanish phrase 'tener un buen expediente' translates to 'have a good record' in English. This phrase is usually used in professional or academic settings to emphasize a person's clean and admirable history. It is often used to highlight someone's achievements or good reputation. For instance, it can be used to refer to an employee with a clean work record or a student with an exceptional academic record.

tener un buen servicio
having a good service

The Spanish phrase 'tener un buen servicio' translates to 'having a good service' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as dining in a restaurant, staying in a hotel, or any situation where customer service is involved. The verb 'tener' literally means 'to have', 'un' means 'a', 'buen' means 'good' and 'servicio' means 'service'. Therefore, when combined, they form the phrase 'tener un buen servicio'.

tener un calor espantoso
be terribly hot

'Tener un calor espantoso' in Spanish can be translated to 'be terribly hot' in English. This phrase is often used to express extreme heat, typically related to weather conditions. It may not necessarily refer to the temperature of a particular object or person, but rather it indicates a general feeling of overwhelming heat in the surrounding environment. Metaphorically, it can also be used to express a strong emotion or situation that is hard to bear due to its intensity.

tener un calor horrible
have horrible heat

The Spanish phrase 'tener un calor horrible' translates to 'have horrible heat' in English. It is usually used to express the feeling of enduring excessive or unbearable heat. Even though it may seem like a direct reference to the weather condition, it can also metaphorically refer to a difficult or stressful situation. For instance, in English, one might say, 'It's hot as hell in here,' to express discomfort due to high temperature or a tense environment.

tener un carácter brusco
to have a brute character

The phrase 'tener un carácter brusco' in Spanish translates into English as 'to have a brute character'. This refers to someone who is often frank, direct, or unyielding in nature, potentially to the point of rudeness or lack of tact. They might be blunt, straightforward and it sometimes may seem they lack courtesy or politeness. This phrase isn't describing a physical characteristic, instead it focuses on a persona or temperament.

tener un carácter débil
having a weak character

The Spanish phrase 'tener un carácter débil' translates to 'having a weak character' in English. This phrase is used to describe an individual who lacks strong willpower, determination or moral courage. It is commonly used in contexts where a person's personality traits or behavioral patterns are being evaluated or criticized, and it paints a picture of someone who is easily influenced, submissive or lacking in assertiveness.

tener un carácter difícil
having a difficult character

The Spanish phrase 'tener un carácter difícil' translates to 'having a difficult character' in English. It is used to describe a person who is challenging to understand or deal with. This could be due to moodiness, unpredictability, or stubbornness. In many instances, this phrase is not necessarily connected to the individual's morality or goodness, but rather their complexity and how demanding it could be to interact with them.

tener un carácter fácil
having an easy character

The Spanish phrase 'tener un carácter fácil' directly translates to 'having an easy character' in English. It is used to describe a person who is easy to get along with, not complicated, and generally pleasant. It suggests a personality that is approachable, understanding, and amiable, often leading to favorable social interactions. This phrase may be used in daily conversations, and serves as a compliment when used to describe a person.

tener un carácter fuerte
having a strong character

The Spanish phrase 'tener un carácter fuerte' translates to 'having a strong character' in English. This refers to someone who is determined, assertive, and is able to withstand difficulties or adversity. The individual generally possesses qualities such as resilience, courage, and a firmness of mind or spirit. This phrase is commonly used to describe a person's personality or temperament.

tener un carácter serio
having a serious character

The phrase 'tener un carácter serio' in Spanish translates to 'having a serious character' in English. It could signify a person who is solemn, earnest, or not given to frivolity or levity. It can also refer to a situation, idea, or entity having a weighty or important nature. The context will usually determine the precise meaning.

tener un carácter tranquilo
have a calm character

The Spanish phrase 'tener un carácter tranquilo' translates to 'have a calm character' in English. This phrase may be used to describe someone who is typically calm, collected, or peaceful in their demeanor. Character refers to an individual's qualities or traits, and tranquil refers to a state of peace or calm. Therefore, someone with a 'tranquil character' would be someone who generally exhibits a peaceful, calm disposition.

tener un cargo de responsabilidad
a responsibility post

The term 'tener un cargo de responsabilidad' in Spanish translates to 'to have a post of responsibility' in English. This typically implies taking on a role or a job with substantial decision-making responsibilities. It can be related to any field such as business, government, education etc., where certain responsibilities and duties need to be fulfilled. The role may require the individual to handle important tasks, manage people, or make critical decisions, thereby carrying a significant degree of responsibility.

tener un cargo directivo
have a managerial position

In Spanish, 'tener un cargo directivo' translates to 'have a managerial position' in English. The phrase becomes more understandable when broken down to individual words. 'Tener' means 'to have', 'un' means 'a', 'cargo' means 'charge, responsibility, or position', and 'directivo' means 'directive or managerial'. So when the words are put together, it conveys the idea of possessing a managerial position or being in charge of something.

tener un cargo público
holding a public office

The Spanish phrase 'tener un cargo público' translates to 'holding a public office' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of someone performing a duty in a role that serves the community or nation, such as a mayor, senator, or president. These roles often require election or appointment and involve responsibilities such as making decisions, creating laws, or implementing policies for the public's interest.

tener un comportamiento adecuado
having proper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento adecuado' is translated to English as 'having proper behavior'. This phrase is commonly used by Spanish speaking individuals wishing to express the importance of behaving appropriately or correctly in a given situation. It may be used in various contexts such as in a school, at home, or in a social gathering.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento adecuado
tener un comportamiento brusco
having a rough behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento brusco' translates to 'having a rough behavior' in English. It's often used to describe someone who is acting harshly or without care, demonstrating a lack of gentleness or consideration in their actions or attitudes.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento brusco
tener un comportamiento ejemplar
having exemplary behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento ejemplar' translates to 'having exemplary behavior' in English. It comprises the verb 'tener' which means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' meaning 'a behavior', and 'ejemplar' translating to 'exemplary'. Therefore, it refers to conducting oneself in a way that serves as a model or example to others due to its highly commendable or praiseworthy nature.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento ejemplar
tener un comportamiento exquisito
having exquisite behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento exquisito' translates to 'having exquisite behavior' in English. This phrase is often used to describe an individual who is well-behaved, courteous and polished in their manners. It could refer to both one's professional demeanor as well as personal traits in everyday social interactions. The literal component translations of the phrase are 'tener' (to have), 'un comportamiento' (a behavior), and 'exquisito' (exquisite).

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento exquisito
tener un comportamiento impropio
having improper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento impropio' translates to 'having improper behavior' in English. It is typically used to describe someone's conduct or actions that are deemed unreasonable or inappropriate. This phrase is composed of three parts: 'tener' which means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' which means 'a behavior', and 'impropio' which means 'improper' or 'unsuitable'. Together, they form a complete sentence that can be used in various contexts where a negative form of behavior is being pointed out.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento impropio
tener un comportamiento injusto
having unjust behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento injusto' translates to 'having unjust behavior' in English. This expression is generally used to describe someone intentionally behaving unfairly or unjustly. In a broader context, it can be applied to actions or activities that don't promote fairness or impartiality. The translation is quite literal where 'tener' means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' translates to 'a behavior', and 'injusto' translates to 'unjust'.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento injusto
tener un comportamiento intachable
to have intachable behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento intachable' translates to 'to have impeccable behavior' in English. It characterizes someone who consistently demonstrates faultless and morally upright behavior. This phrase is often used in formal contexts or in the assessment of someone's character, way of acting and reputation. Being spotless or flawless in one's behavior plays an important role in a multitude of situations, whether it is in work, school, or social settings.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento intachable
tener un comportamiento modélico
to have model behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento modélico' translates to 'to have model behavior' in English. This refers to someone showing exceptionally good and ideal behavior in different situations. This phrase often points to an individual's conduct that can serve as an example for others to follow. The connotations of this phrase are generally positive as it indicates a level of responsibility and adherence to social norms and standards that goes above and beyond the ordinary.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento modélico
tener un compromiso
to have a commitment

The Spanish phrase 'tener un compromiso' translates to 'to have a commitment' in English. This phrase is often used to indicate that an individual has a promise or obligation to do something. It can also suggest a moral responsibility. The verb 'tener' translates to 'to have' and 'un compromiso' translates to 'a commitment'. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as work, personal relationships, or social obligations.

tener un control
have control

The Spanish phrase 'tener un control' translates to 'have control' in English. This usually refers to having power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, both formal and informal. While 'tener' is a verb meaning 'to have', 'un control' refers to 'a control'. Put together, they express possession or dominance over a situation or a thing.

tener un descuento
have a discount

The Spanish phrase 'tener un descuento' translates to 'have a discount' in English. This phrase is primarily used in the context of sales and transactions, when a buyer receives a reduction in the item or service's original price. It can be used both literally, when speaking about concrete purchases, and figuratively, in the sense of getting a metaphorical advantage in various situations.

tener un día libre
having a day off

The Spanish phrase 'tener un día libre' translates to 'having a day off' in English. It is commonly used when referring to a day where one is free from obligations, such as work or school, and can rest or do leisure activities instead.

tener un doctorado
have a doctorate

The Spanish phrase 'tener un doctorado' translates to 'have a doctorate' in English. It is used to express the possession of a high level of academic degree, also known as a doctorate, which is granted by universities. This phrase signifies having achieved this degree from an educational institution. It denotes a level of study or research that is higher than a master's degree. Therefore, someone who 'tiene un doctorado' is someone who has achieved the highest level of academic study in a particular field.

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