Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

tener buen aspecto
look good.

'Tener buen aspecto' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'look good' in English. This phrase is often used to comment on the physical appearance of people, objects, or situations. For example, one might use 'tener buen aspecto' to compliment someone's outfit, or to describe a piece of fruit that looks fresh and ripe. It's crucial to note that this phrase is not interchangeable with 'ser guapo/guapa' (to be handsome/beautiful), which refers specifically to an individual's physical attractiveness. 'Tener buen aspecto' has more flexibility and can be used in a wider range of contexts.

tener buen color
have good color

'Tener buen color' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'have good color' in English. In the Spanish context, it often refers to someone looking healthy or having a vibrant, lively appearance. This phrase might be used by someone to compliment another's vitality or glowing complexion. It can also be used to refer to the physical color of an object or the level of ripeness of fruits and vegetables.

tener buen estilo
have good style

'Tener buen estilo' is a Spanish phrase which directly translates to 'have good style' in English. This phrase can be used to compliment someone's fashion sense, demeanor, or the way they carry themselves. It can also refer to performing an action with elegance. However, the usage often varies with context.

tener buen figura
having a good figure

The Spanish phrase 'tener buen figura' translates to 'having a good figure' in English. It represents the physical form one has. In many cultures, having a 'good figure' often relates to fitness and shape of the body. For example, someone who exercises regularly and maintains a balanced diet might be described as 'having a good figure'. It's worth noting that perceptions of 'a good figure' can vary greatly depending on individual and cultural preferences.

tener buen presencia
having a good presence

The Spanish phrase 'tener buen presencia' translates to 'having a good presence' in English. This usually refers to the way one carries themselves, their overall demeanor, and their ability to make a strong, positive impression on others. This might pertain to their appearance, their body language, or their way of speaking. It's commonly used in professional settings, such as job interviews or meetings, where it's important to come across as confident, professional, and appealing.

tener buen tipo
Have a good guy.

The Spanish phrase 'tener buen tipo' does not directly translate to 'have a good guy' in English. Instead, it is an idiomatic expression commonly used to indicate someone has a physically attractive appearance or a good body shape. It might be equivalent to saying 'to be in good shape' or 'to look good' in English.

tener buena acústica
having good acoustics

The Spanish phrase 'tener buena acústica' translates to 'having good acoustics' in English. The phrase is usually used to describe spaces that allow sound to be heard clearly and distinctly. It might be used to refer to venues such as theaters or concert halls. However, it can also apply to other spaces, such as a room or building, that is designed to control the reflection and absorption of sound effectively.

Example sentences with  tener buena acústica
tener buena cara
Have a good face

The Spanish phrase 'tener buena cara' does not translate directly to 'have a good face' in English. It is an idiom that is more accurately translated to 'to look good', or 'to look well'. This phrase is used to describe someone who appears healthy or attractive, or someone who looks like they are in a good mood or feeling well. It does not necessarily refer to the attractiveness of someone's face.

tener buena letra
have good handwriting

'Tener buena letra' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'have good handwriting' in English. It is commonly used to compliment someone on their neat and legible penmanship, just like the English equivalent. Like many phrases in Spanish, it's used metaphorically and not always referring strictly to the literal act of writing itself, but it generally implies the admiration of someone's neat, clear and attractive handwriting.

tener buena nota
have good note

'Tener buena nota' in Spanish translates to 'have a good note' in English. However, it is typically used in educational contexts. It refers to the act of receiving or having a good grade/score in a test, assignment, or class, similar to the English phrase 'get a good grade'. It indicates favorable performance in an academic setting.

tener buena salud
having good health

The Spanish term 'tener buena salud' translates directly to 'having good health' in English. This term is utilized to depict a state of well-being where one is free from illness or injury. It signifies a positive physical condition which could be due, among other factors, to a balanced diet, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a healthy lifestyle.

Example sentences with  tener buena salud
tener buena suerte
have good luck

The Spanish phrase 'tener buena suerte' translates to 'have good luck' in English. In Spanish, 'tener' means 'to have', 'buena' means 'good', and 'suerte' means 'luck'. This phrase is used to wish someone good fortune in their undertakings. Many Spanish-speaking individuals use it interchangeably with 'buena suerte', which directly translates to 'good luck'.

Example sentences with  tener buena suerte
tener buenas referencias
have good references

The Spanish phrase 'tener buenas referencias' translates to 'have good references' in English. It is often used in a professional context to indicate that the individual has favorable character or job performance reviews from previous employers, managers, or other important individuals who can vouch for their abilities and integrity. However, it can also be used in personal contexts to convey that someone is well-regarded or recommended by other people who know them well.

tener buenos acabados
have good finishes

The Spanish phrase 'tener buenos acabados' translates to 'have good finishes' in English. It is often used when talking about the quality or finish of a product or any physical item. It suggests that the product has been finished well, with fine workmanship or use of high quality materials. However, it's important to note that context may slightly affect the sense in which it's used, like many phrases in conversational Spanish.

tener buenos modales
having good manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener buenos modales' translates into English as 'having good manners'. It is an idiom used to describe an individual who behaves in a polite, respectful and considerate manner in social settings. Such a person is aware of the social norms and rules that govern appropriate behavior and adheres to them, thereby treating others with respect and dignity. Typically, this includes actions like saying 'please' and 'thank you', listening attentively when others are speaking, not interrupting, and treating others kindly.

Example sentences with  tener buenos modales
tener caducado el permiso de residencia
having expired the residence permit

The Spanish phrase 'tener caducado el permiso de residencia' translates to 'having expired the residence permit' in English. This phrase is commonly used in immigration context, referring to an individual who no longer has a legal right to live in a particular country, usually because the document granting them such right (known as the residence permit) is no longer valid or has 'expired'. Retaining a valid residence permit is a legal requirement in many countries and being in possession of an expired one may lead to legal consequences.

tener calefacción (central
heating (central)

The Spanish phrase 'tener calefacción (central)' directly translates to 'have heating (central)' in English. It is often used in the context of discussing amenities in a home or building. For instance, it might be used in a sentence such as 'este edificio tiene calefacción central', which means 'this building has central heating'. It is important to note that 'tener' is a common Spanish verb that means 'to have', and 'calefacción (central)' refers to a system that provides warmth to the entire interior of a building (or portion of a building) from one point to multiple rooms.

tener calor
It's hot.

'Tener calor' is a Spanish phrase directly translating to 'have heat' in English. However, it is colloquially used to express the sensation of feeling hot, similar to how in English one might say, 'I'm hot.' Unlike English, where 'hot' can be used to reference the temperature or one's personal feeling of warmth, in Spanish these are distinct: 'hace calor' describes hot weather, while 'tener calor' describes the personal sensation of feeling hot.

tener cáncer
Having cancer

The phrase 'tener cáncer' in Spanish translates to 'having cancer' in English. This phrase is often used in medical contexts to discuss diagnoses and health conditions. Contextually, 'tener' is a verb that means 'to have', and 'cáncer' is a noun that stands for 'cancer'. This phrase is usually used in present tense discussions, for instances when a individual currently has a diagnosis of cancer.

Example sentences with  tener cáncer
tener carácter
to be of character

The Spanish term 'tener carácter' translates to 'to be of character' in English. It usually refers to someone who displays distinctive qualities or attributes that define them. These qualities, often determining one's behavior or actions, can be varied and wide-ranging. It can hint at aspects such as courage, discipline, integrity, resilience, and more. However, it's noteworthy that the connotation behind using 'tener carácter' can change based on context.

tener carácter
of character

'Tener carácter' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'of character' in English. It is often used to describe someone's personality or temperament. For example, saying someone 'tiene carácter' suggests that the person has a strong, distinct personality. Although traditionally it is used towards someone with a strong or aggressive character, it can be used in many different contexts, thus its meaning can vary depending on the situation.

tener cariño
having love

'Tener cariño' is a beautiful Spanish phrase that is translated as 'having love' in English. It implies deep affection or love towards someone. This phrase is often used among close family members, romantic partners, and friends to express strong emotional bond and warmth. In daily conversations, it’s used to demonstrate the context of giving or receiving love, care, or affection.

Example sentences with  tener cariño
tener cobertura de asistencia en viaje
have travel assistance coverage

The Spanish phrase 'tener cobertura de asistencia en viaje' translates to 'have travel assistance coverage' in English. This phrase is often used in the insurance industry, specifically in travel insurance policies. In this context, to 'have travel assistance coverage' refers to an individual having a specific type of insurance that can assist them with emergencies or issues they may encounter while traveling. These assistance can be in forms of medical emergencies, trip cancellations or lost luggage.

Example sentences with  tener cobertura de asistencia en viaje
tener cobertura de incendio
have fire cover

The Spanish phrase 'tener cobertura de incendio' translates to 'have fire cover' in English. It's often used in the context of insurance policies, indicating that the holder's property is insured or covered in the event of a fire. It's an assurance that financial reimbursement will be provided if damage or loss due to fire occurs. The term is essential in understanding insurance related conversations in Spanish speaking regions.

Example sentences with  tener cobertura de incendio
tener cobertura de robo
coverage of theft

The term 'tener cobertura de robo' in Spanish translates to 'coverage of theft' in English. It typically refers to an insurance policy feature that provides compensation in case of theft. Coverage can encompass various events such as burglary, robbery, or any form of theft. It is an important aspect considering the potential financial impact. Insurance coverage for theft is often found in homeowners and auto insurance policies. This coverage can help to replace stolen personal property or repair damage caused by a theft incident.

Example sentences with  tener cobertura de robo
tener complejo de inferioridad
have inferiority complex

The Spanish phrase 'tener complejo de inferioridad' translates to 'have an inferiority complex' in English. An inferiority complex is a deep-seated feeling of inadequacy or not being good enough. It's often rooted in childhood, whether from a specific event, relationship, or series of experiences. People with an inferiority complex often feel their challenges are bigger than everyone else's and tend to lack confidence in their abilities. They might overcompensate by boasting about achievements or belittling others to make themselves feel better. This English phrase and the Spanish counterpart are used in the same way in both languages to describe people with these feelings.

tener complejo de superioridad
have superiority complex

The Spanish phrase 'tener complejo de superioridad' translates to 'have superiority complex' in English. This typically refers to a psychological disorder where an individual has an exaggerated feeling of self-importance, often feeling superior to others. Such a person may exhibit high levels of arrogance, showcasing a disdainful or patronizing attitude. The phrase itself can be broken down into its constituents for better understanding: 'tener' means 'have', 'complejo' translates to 'complex', and 'de superioridad' means 'of superiority'.

tener conexión a Internet
have Internet connection

The Spanish phrase 'tener conexión a Internet' translates to 'have Internet connection' in English. It's used to express the availability of an Internet connection. In a sentence, it might be used as follows: 'No puedo enviar el correo electrónico porque no tengo conexión a Internet', which translates to 'I cannot send the email because I don't have an Internet connection.'

tener confianza
to have confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener confianza' translates to 'to have confidence' in English. It's not merely about having confidence within oneself, but it can also signify trusting or having faith in someone else. For instance, you might 'tener confianza' in a relative or friend, which means that you believe in their abilities and trust them. Therefore, it's essential to understand the context to get the precise meaning of the saying 'tener confianza' as it can vary based on the situation.

Example sentences with  tener confianza
tener curiosidad
to be curious

The Spanish phrase 'tener curiosidad' translates to 'to be curious' in English. In Spanish, 'tener' means 'to have', and 'curiosidad' means 'curiosity'. It is used to express a sense of curiosity or interest about something or someone. The phrase is generally used when you want to know more about something or when you find something interesting and you want to discover or learn more about it.

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