Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The word 'taza' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'cup' in English. It is commonly used in situations related to drinking beverages. For instance, you may use 'taza' when asking for a cup of coffee or tea in a Spanish-speaking country. The word 'taza' is derived from the Arabic word 'ṭasa'.

taza de café
cup of coffee

The phrase 'taza de café' in Spanish translates to 'cup of coffee' in English. It consists of three words: 'taza' means cup, 'de' is a preposition that often translates to 'of' in English, and 'café' means coffee. Therefore, this phrase is typically used in Spanish-speaking contexts to refer to a serving of coffee, usually served in a small or medium sized cup.

taza de té
cup of tea

The Spanish phrase 'taza de té' translates to 'cup of tea' in English. The noun 'taza' means 'cup', the conjunction 'de' translates to 'of', and 'té' signifies 'tea'. Thus, the phrase is commonly used in Spanish-speaking environments when referring to a smaller vessel filled with brewed tea. Its practical usage is the same as in English, whether in requesting a cup of tea in a café or simply offering someone tea at home.


The Spanish word 'té' translates to 'tea' in English. The term is used to refer to a popular hot or cold beverage that is usually made by steeping the leaves of a particular plant in boiling water. This drink comes in several different varieties, including green tea, black tea, and herbal tea. 'Té' can also refer to the plant itself. The use of the word 'té' varies depending on the context of a sentence in Spanish.


The word 'teatro' in Spanish translates to 'theatre' in English. As in English, it refers to a place where performances such as plays, musical performances, or films are presented. It comes from the Latin 'theatrum' which meant 'play or show'. Similar to the English usage, it can also mean the art form of writing and producing plays.

Example sentences with  teatro

The word 'techo' in Spanish translates to 'ceiling' in English. This can refer to the upper interior surface of a room or to the top covering of an object or a structure. This is a common word in home construction and interior design.


The Spanish word 'tecla' translates to 'key' in English. It can refer to a key on a keyboard, a piano, or another device that has buttons for operations. Additionally, 'tecla' can be part of phrases such as 'tecla de borrado' (delete key) and 'tecla de escape' (escape key), extending its usage beyond the simplistic definition of 'key'.


The term 'teclado' in Spanish translates to 'keyboard' in English. It refers to the input device used to type information into a computer or other electronic device. It contains keys for letters, numbers and special characters, and often includes other function keys as well. The layout can vary, but most keyboards follow the QWERTY design.

technical technique

The word 'técnica' is a Spanish noun which stands for 'technical technique' in English. It mainly refers to the set of methods and skills required to perform a particular task, specifically within a technical or specialized field. It denotes expertise and proficiency developed by learning, training, and experience. The concept is commonly used in relation to arts, sciences, sports, professions, and other areas of activity where practical knowledge and skill sets are vital.

Example sentences with  técnica
técnica de análisis
analysis technique

The Spanish term 'técnica de análisis' translates to 'analysis technique' in English. This term refers to a systematic way of evaluating something in detail in order to understand its nature. It is often used in scientific or academic contexts, where a detailed examination is required to dissect complex subjects or ideas. An 'analysis technique' can be a step-by-step process, a set of procedures, a logical approach or any organized method used to break down a problem or concept, examine its parts and gain a thorough understanding.

Example sentences with  técnica de análisis
técnica de estudio
study technique

The term 'técnica de estudio' in Spanish translates to 'study technique' in English. It refers to a systematic approach or method employed to comprehend and learn new information or skills. This could include various strategies like summarization, note-taking, self-explanation, keyword mnemonics, imagery use for text learning, or repeated practice. The usage and effectiveness of a study technique can widely vary based on the person's individual learning style and the type of information or skill being learned.


The Spanish word 'técnico' translates to 'technical' in English. It is an adjective that describes the applied, practical, or specialized aspect of something such as knowledge, skills, occupations, or studies. It can also refer to anything technical such as technical skills, technical analysis, and technical documentation. The plural form of 'técnico' is 'técnicos'. An example sentence using 'técnico' might be, 'Él tiene conocimientos técnicos en informática',which translates to 'He has technical knowledge in computing'.

Example sentences with  técnico
técnico (de sonido)
technical (sound)

The Spanish term 'técnico (de sonido)' translates to 'technical (sound)' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a person or role responsible for managing and controlling sound equipment, typically during live performances or in recording studios. This includes adjusting levels, controlling quality, setting up equipment, and maintaining and repairing sound systems. The term can also be used in a broader sense to refer to any technical aspect related to sound or acoustics.

técnico de iluminación
lighting technician

The Spanish term 'técnico de iluminación' translates to 'lighting technician' in English. A lighting technician is a professional who designs or operates light for a production, like a theatre show, television program, film production or a live event. They are responsible for the setup, application, maintenance and disassembly of all lighting equipment and systems used in a production to create the desired visual atmosphere. They may work in collaboration with other professionals such as directors, production managers, and camera operators.


In Spanish, 'tecnología' is used exactly how we use 'technology' in English. It encompasses a wide variety of fields and advancements, such as information technology, biotechnology, and more. It can be used in the context of discussing modern gadgets, scientific advancements, and the impact of these on society.

Example sentences with  tecnología
tecnología punta
technology tip

The Spanish phrase 'tecnología punta' directly translates to 'technology tip' in English. However, it's more accurately understood as 'cutting-edge technology' or 'state-of-the-art technology' in common usage. It refers to the most advanced or innovative technology currently available in a specific area or in general.

Example sentences with  tecnología punta

The word 'tejido' in Spanish translates to 'tissue' in English. 'Tejido' may mean different things based on the context it is used in. For instance, in biology, 'tejido' refers to a group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function, similar to how 'tissue' is used in English. In textile and fashion context, 'tejido' might refer to the material or fabric made by weaving or knitting. Nevertheless, in general, 'tejido' can be referred as 'tissue', a thin, soft, flexible sheet or layer that is used generally for hygienic and domestic use.

Example sentences with  tejido

The word 'teleadicto' in Spanish is generally translated to 'addicted' in English. However, it is important to note that this term is specific to the context of watching television. It essentially combines the words for 'television' and 'addicted' in Spanish-so, a more accurate translation might be 'television addict'. This word is typically used to describe someone who spends an excessive amount of time watching television, to the detriment of other activities and responsibilities.

trash TV

The term 'telebasura' in Spanish is used to refer to low quality television content or 'trash TV' in English. This can include reality shows, sensational talk shows, tabloid television or any television programming that is thought to have little or no intellectual or informative value, yet is still popular or widely broadcasted.

telefonía fija
Fixed telephone

The Spanish phrase 'telefonía fija' translates to 'fixed telephone' in English. It is a term used to refer to landline or hardwired telephone systems, which are contrasted with mobile or cellular systems. This form of telephone service is commonly used in homes, offices and other fixed locations, and involves a physical connection between the user's equipment and the telephone network infrastructure.


A system that converts acoustic vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound, typically voices, over a distance using wire or radio.

Example sentences with  teléfono
teléfono analógico
analogue phone

The Spanish phrase 'teléfono analógico' translates to 'analogue phone' in English. An analogue phone is a traditional telephone that converts sound into an electrical signal which can be transmitted over cables. It is characterized by a standard, wired connection and it is different from a digital phone which transmits data in a binary format (ones and zeros). Analogue phones are often considered older technology compared to digital or cellular phones.

teléfono celular
cell phone

The Spanish term 'teléfono celular' translates to 'cell phone' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a mobile device that combines a telephone system with other services such as texting, email, internet browsing and many others. Cell phones have become an essential tool in contemporary society, enabling individuals to communicate and access information from virtually any location.

teléfono de emergencia
emergency phone

The Spanish term 'teléfono de emergencia' translates to 'emergency phone' in English. This can refer to any type of telephone designed specifically for use in emergencies, such as emergency response service phones (like 911 in the United States), roadside emergency phones, or phones found in public places like malls, parks, or transportation systems that are marked and accessible for immediate use in crisis situations.

teléfono digital
digital phone

The phrase 'teléfono digital' in Spanish translates to 'digital phone' in English. A 'digital phone' refers to a phone that utilizes digital technology where voice, messages and data is converted into binary code for transmission. It is a type of telephone that has enhanced sound quality and advanced features compared to a traditional analog phone due to the use of digital signals.

teléfono fijo

The Spanish term 'teléfono fijo' translates to 'landline' in English. This term is commonly used to refer to a phone that is connected to the network via a physical cable, rather than a mobile device that uses cellular networks. These are often found in homes, businesses, and other permanent structures where a consistent and reliable connection is crucial. Despite the rapid shift towards mobile communication in many parts of the world, landlines continue to play an integral role in many contexts, such as in certain professional settings and for certain demographic groups who find the technology to be more user-friendly and reliable.

teléfono inalámbrico
Wireless telephone

The Spanish term 'teléfono inalámbrico' translates to 'wireless telephone' in English. A wireless telephone is a device that allows users to make calls without the need for a physical connection by cable. This technology enables mobility and flexibility, so one can move around and still be able to make or receive calls. It has brought a significant convenience in communication technology.

teléfono móvil
mobile phone

The Spanish term 'teléfono móvil' translates to 'mobile phone' in English. It is a device that connects to a cellular network for telecommunication purposes, including calling, texting, and internet access. The term 'teléfono móvil' can be broken down into two parts: 'teléfono' means 'telephone' and 'móvil' means 'mobile'. Therefore, when combined, the phrase refers to a phone that is mobile, emphasizing its portability and freedom from wired connections unlike traditional landline phones.

teléfono supletorio
supplementary telephone

The Spanish phrase 'teléfono supletorio' translates to 'supplementary telephone' in English. This phrase commonly refers to an additional telephone that is connected in the same line to fill out or complete a telephone set. For instance, it can be another handset in the household or office that rings when the main telephone line receives a call. It embodies the idea of an extra or backup telephone for use where the primary telephone may be inaccessible or inconvenient.


A 'telenovela' is a type of a limited-run television serial drama or soap opera produced primarily in Latin America. The term translates literally to 'television novel'. Its contents typically involve melodramatic storylines which are designed to captivate audiences with intrigue, passion, calamity and hints of comedy. Telenovelas differ from soap operas in that they usually end after a predetermined run, typically less than one year.

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