Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

autobús interurbano
interurban bus

The Spanish term 'autobús interurbano' translates to 'interurban bus' in English. This refers to a type of bus service that operates between different cities or towns, unlike city or urban buses which operate only within a city's limits. These buses are primarily used for longer distance travel, typically connecting an urban area's main hub to smaller towns or communities that might not have their own extensive public transportation system.

Example sentences with  autobús interurbano
autobús urbano
urban bus

The term 'autobús urbano' is a Spanish word that translates to 'urban bus' in English. This typically refers to a type of public transportation vehicle that operates within the cities or towns. It is often used for short distance travel and has numerous stops throughout the city. It plays a critical role in the daily commuting of people, helping them reach their workplaces, schools, or other public places in the urban areas.

Example sentences with  autobús urbano

The Spanish word 'autoevaluación' translates to 'self-assessment' in English. The term comes from the prefix 'auto-', meaning 'self-' in English, combined with 'evaluación', which means 'assessment'. Therefore, 'autoevaluación' refers to the process by which an individual evaluates their own performance or skills, often for the purposes of personal or professional development.


The Spanish word 'autopista' translates to 'highway' in English. It is a noun used to refer to a main road, specifically built for fast travel between cities or towns. An autopista is typically multiple lanes and allows for high-speed travel, similar to a freeway or interstate. It is where vehicles, like cars and trucks, usually travel at high speeds.

Example sentences with  autopista
autopista de peaje
toll motorway

The Spanish phrase 'autopista de peaje' is translated into English as 'toll motorway'. This term refers to a public or private roadway for which a fee (or toll) is assessed for passage. It is a high-speed, multiple-lane road designed for long-distance traffic, typically having limited access and intersections managed by means of toll booths or electronic toll collection systems.

Example sentences with  autopista de peaje

The Spanish word 'autor' is used to refer to the writer of a book, article, or report. It can also be used in a broader sense to indicate the person who created or started something. Just like in English, it is used both in formal and informal contexts. It's important to note that the gender of the noun changes based on the sex of the person it's referring to, 'autor' for males and 'autora' for females.

Example sentences with  autor
autor futurista
futuristic author

The Spanish term 'autor futurista' translates to 'futuristic author' in English. This refers to an author who writes works that are set in the future or involves concepts, ideas, and technologies that are advanced or imagined to be possible in the future. This author might produce books, stories, scripts, or other written materials inspired by and often meant to depict perceptions of what the future could or should be like.

Example sentences with  autor futurista
autor impresionista
author impressionist

The Spanish term 'autor impresionista' translates to 'author impressionist' in English. An 'author impressionist' typically refers to a writer or author who identifies with or practices Impressionism, a literary or artistic style that seeks to capture a feeling or experience rather than achieving accurate depiction. This literary movement often emphasizes mood, atmosphere, and sensory stimulus over narrative or intricate plotting, and parallels the same movement in the art world that focuses on capturing the fleeting effects of light and color.

Example sentences with  autor impresionista
autor modernista
Modernist author

The Spanish phrase 'autor modernista' translates to 'modernist author' in English. It is used to refer to an author who adheres to or believes in the principles of modernism, a cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this era, authors began to experiment with new forms of literary expression to reflect the rapidly changing world around them.

Example sentences with  autor modernista
autor teatral
Theatrical author

The term 'autor teatral' in Spanish translates to 'theatrical author' in English. A theatrical author is someone who writes plays for the theater. They craft the narrative, dialogue, and dramatic situation that form the basis for the performance. The plays they write may take many forms, from musicals to dramas, comedies, and more. It's a term used very often in the world of theater and drama.

Example sentences with  autor teatral

The word 'autoridad', translated from English word 'authority', refers to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, or enforce obedience. In Spanish, it is commonly used in context of political, legal, or administrative areas, and it has the same usage as in English. It can also refer to a person or organization having political or administrative power and control.

Example sentences with  autoridad

The word 'autoservicio' in Spanish is translated as 'self-service' in English. This means a system, business or operation, often in retail or catering, where the customer performs actions to serve themselves rather than being served by someone else. These actions could range from selecting goods, packaging them, and often checking themselves out at payment points. Self-service is commonly seen in supermarkets, gas stations, and cafeterias. The term can also be used in technology, such as banking or online software, to indicate that users can manage the service themselves without the need for customer service assistance.

aval (bancario)
guarantee (banking)

The Spanish term 'aval bancario' translates to 'guarantee' in English, specifically within the context of banking. This refers to the legal promise by a bank to cover a liability in case the debtor fails to fulfill their financial obligations. In other words, an 'aval bancario' provides assurance that a debt will be paid, acting as a form of security for the creditor.

avance científico
scientific advance

The Spanish term 'avance científico' translates to 'scientific advance' in English. It is used when there is a significant progression in the field of science, which could be a new innovation, discovery, or development. This could encompass a range of areas from medical breakthroughs, to advances in technology, and understanding of the natural world.

Example sentences with  avance científico
avance tecnológico
technological advance

The term 'avance tecnológico' in Spanish translates to 'technological advance' in English. This phrase refers to the progressive development, improvement, or refinement in technology. It can encompass a broad range of areas, including digital, biomedical, industrial, or mechanical advancements. The term frequently appears in discussions on innovation, modernization, and scientific breakthroughs. Understanding this term and its implications are vital in conversations about societal progress and the growing influence of technology on our day-to-day lives.

Example sentences with  avance tecnológico
avanzar con una ficha
advance with a chip

The Spanish phrase 'avanzar con una ficha' translates to 'advance with a chip' in English. This is usually used in game contexts where a chip or a token is to be moved forward as a part of the gameplay. However, it is not commonly used in everyday language or conversation. It's more focused on board games or strategy games where you have a chip or piece to move or advance in the game.


The Spanish word 'avellanas' translates to 'hazelnuts' in English. It is a feminine plural noun often used in culinary contexts, particularly in the naming of dishes and dessert recipes that contain this type of nut. Hazelnuts are known for their warm, sweet flavor, and are particularly popular in sweet dishes like chocolate spreads, cakes, and pastries. The term 'avellanas' can also be used in a more general sense to refer to any type of hazelnut tree or the wood derived from it.


The Spanish word 'avenida' translates to 'avenue' in English. It signifies a broad road in a town or city, normally having trees at regular intervals along its sides. The term can also attribute to a way of approach or access. In general context, it represents a broad road in an urban setting. English speakers, while learning Spanish, can familiarize themselves with 'avenida' as it equates to their understanding of an 'avenue'.


The Spanish word 'aventura' translates to 'adventure' in English. It signifies an exciting, unusual, and possibly dangerous activity or event, especially a trip or experience. It's often associated with exploration and discovery in unfamiliar, exotic, or adventurous contexts.


The Spanish word 'avergonzado' translates to 'shamed' in English. It can be used in various contexts to signify a feeling of guilt, embarrassment, or disgraced due to one's actions or situations. It is derived from the verb 'avergonzar', which means to shame or embarrass. It is often used to describe a person's emotional state. In many cases, the word 'avergonzado' can also be accurately translated as 'embarrassed'.

to be ashamed

The Spanish term 'avergonzarse' translates to 'to be ashamed' in English. It is a reflexive verb, meaning it changes depending on the subject. For instance, 'yo me avergüenzo' means 'I am ashamed'. In a broader context, it indicates feelings of embarrassment or discomfort caused by actions contrary to a person's character, social standards, or ethical norms. Often tied to guilt, 'avergonzarse' can be used across various scenarios, with its intensity varying from mild discomfort to strong feelings of disgrace or dishonor.

to be broken

The Spanish word 'averiarse' translates to 'to be broken' in English. This term is often used in the context of machinery, electronic devices, vehicles, or essentially any technical equipment that has stopped functioning properly. For instance, if a car stops working due to some mechanical problem, the Spanish phrase 'El coche se ha averiado' would be used, which means 'The car has broken down' in English. However, it's not usually applied to describe people or living beings.

Example sentences with  averiarse
averiarse un electrodoméstico
to uncover an appliance

The provided translation seems incorrect. The Spanish phrase 'averiarse un electrodoméstico' actually translates to 'an appliance breaks down' in English. It refers to the situation when a household appliance like a fridge, oven, or washing machine stops working due to a malfunction.

aves de corral

The Spanish term 'aves de corral' translates to 'poultry' in English. This term broadly refers to domesticated birds kept by humans for their meat, eggs, or feathers. These typically include chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. In both languages, the term does not refer to the animals when they are in the wild, only when they are raised on farms or similar settings.

Example sentences with  aves de corral

The Spanish word 'aviador' translates to 'aviator' in English. It is used to describe a person who operates aircraft, similar to a pilot. In a broader context, it could also refer to a person who travels in an aircraft. 'Aviador' comes from the Spanish verb 'aviar' which means to prepare or to ready, lending to the understanding of an aviator as a person who prepares for and carries out air travel.

Example sentences with  aviador
avión de carga
cargo plane

The Spanish phrase 'avión de carga' translates to 'cargo plane' in English. A cargo plane, also known as freight aircraft, freighter, airlifter, or cargo jet, is a fixed-wing aircraft that is designed or converted for the transport of goods, rather than passengers. They are a vital part of the global economy, transporting goods quickly and efficiently across long distances. In the same way, 'avión de carga' would be used in Spanish-speaking contexts to refer to such aircraft.

Example sentences with  avión de carga
small plane

The Spanish word 'avioneta' translates to 'small plane' in English. It is a noun typically used to refer to a light aircraft that is smaller than a conventional airplane. This may include private aircraft, small passenger planes or small cargo aircraft. The term 'avioneta' is often used in contexts related to aviation, travel, and transportation.

Example sentences with  avioneta

The Spanish word 'avisar' translates to 'notify' in English. It is a verb usually utilized to inform or alert someone about a particular situation, incident, or fact. For instance, 'Debes avisarle a tu hermano sobre la fiesta.' translates to 'You should notify your brother about the party.' in English.

Example sentences with  avisar

The Spanish word 'aviso' translates to 'notification' in English. It can be used in various contexts like conveying information, making an announcement, or dole out a warning, akin to its English counterpart. It is an important word used regularly in both professional and informal conversations and written communications. Just like 'notification', 'aviso' encompasses a broad range of subtexts, all involving the idea of alerting someone about something.


The Spanish word 'ayuda' is commonly used in the same way the English word 'help' is used. It can be used to ask for assistance, to offer support, or as a noun referring to the act or instance of helping. It's versatile and can be found in various contexts, just like 'help' in English.

Example sentences with  ayuda
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