Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'tanque' translates to 'tank' in English. It can refer to a large container or receptacle for holding liquids or gases, like a water tank or fuel tank. Also, in a military context, it refers to a heavily armored combat vehicle fitted with a cannon and typically tracks.

Example sentences with  tanque

The Spanish word 'tapa' translates to 'lid' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the covers of containers like pots, pans, and jars. For instance, when you can't find the 'tapa' for a pot, you are essentially saying you can't locate the lid for the pot. This word is very common in Spanish-speaking households and is an essential term when it comes to kitchen vocabulary.

tapar una gotera
to plug a leak

The Spanish phrase 'tapar una gotera' is a verb phrase used to describe the action of fixing a leak. This may involve preventing liquid from flowing out from where it should be contained, such as water from a pipe, ceiling, or roof. In English, it is commonly translated as 'to plug a leak'. This might be portrayed physically, for example, by blocking a hole on a vessel or fixing a broken plumbing system to stop water leakage. Moreover, it can be used metaphorically, as in rectifying a problem or averting a potential issue.

tapar una grieta
to cover a crack

The Spanish phrase 'tapar una grieta' translates into English as 'to cover a crack'. This phrase refers to filling or covering a fracture or break, commonly used in the context of a physical structure like a wall or a road. The verb 'tapar' means 'to cover' and 'una grieta' means 'a crack'. Thus, 'tapar una grieta' may also be used figuratively, implying the act of hiding or covering up a flaw or weakness.


The Spanish word 'tapiz' translates to 'tapestry' in English. A tapestry is a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, often used as a wall decoration or as a form of historical or cultural storytelling. 'Tapiz' can be found in many Spanish conversations and literature referring to arts, decorations and historical narratives.

Example sentences with  tapiz
tapón (de la botella)
plug (from the bottle)

The Spanish word 'tapón (de la botella)' translates to 'plug (from the bottle)' in English. This term is commonly used in the context of beverages, particularly when referring to a cork or stopper that is inserted into the top of a bottle to seal it. 'Tapón' can be used to refer to any type of stopper or plug, while the phrase 'de la botella' specifies that it's the plug from a bottle. Similar constructs are common in Spanish, where a general noun is followed by a specific descriptor in the format of 'de la/de lo/de los'.


The word 'taquilla' does not mean 'tickle' in English. 'Taquilla' in Spanish is commonly used to refer to 'box office' in English, typically in the context of cinema or theatre where tickets are sold. It's essential to note that 'tickle' is translated as 'cosquillas' in Spanish.


The word refers to the specific time point competing with a popular one when an activity is universally concluded, connoting extra hours setting out from scheduled time.

Example sentences with  tarde
tareas domésticas
domestic tasks

The Spanish phrase 'tareas domésticas' translates to 'domestic tasks' in English. It refers to the various chores or duties that are usually done in a household setting. This could include things like cleaning, doing the dishes, doing laundry, taking care of children, and so on. In other words, 'tareas domésticas' refers to the everyday tasks and responsibilities needed to maintain a household.


The Spanish word 'tarifa' translates to 'rate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as transportation cost (rate per mile/kilometer), data usage (rate per gigabyte), finance (interest rate), or other services where fees are determined based on certain criteria. For example, a taxi might charge you a 'tarifa' based on your distance travelled. The context will often determine the exact interpretation of 'tarifa'.


The Spanish word for 'card' is 'tarjeta'. It can refer to a credit card, business card, postcard, or any general card. Similar to English, it is context dependent. For example, 'tarjeta de crédito' means 'credit card', while 'tarjeta de visita' is 'business card'. Therefore, you can use 'tarjeta' in various situations just like the use of 'card' in English.

Example sentences with  tarjeta
tarjeta de crédito
credit card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de crédito' translates to 'credit card' in English. It is commonly used in financial contexts, businesses, and daily life. A 'tarjeta de crédito' allows you to borrow money against a line of credit, known as the card's credit limit, before paying it back later. Much like in English speaking cultures, it is an important concept in banking and commerce in Spanish speaking societies.

tarjeta de embarque
boarding card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de embarque' directly translates to 'boarding card' in English. It is a document provided by an airline during check-in, giving a passenger permission to enter the restricted area of an airport and to board the plane for a particular flight. In commercial aviation, it serves as a receipt for the passenger or passengers mentioned on the card, and its main function is to ensure that the person boarding the plane has a reserved seat on that specific flight.

Example sentences with  tarjeta de embarque
tarjeta de estudiante
student card

The Spanish term 'tarjeta de estudiante' translates to 'student card' in English. This is a identification card given to students in educational institutions like schools or universities. It typically contains the student's name, photo, grade, and other relevant information. It could be used for various purposes including library access, proof of student status for discounts, access to university facilities, and more. It is a common requisite in many educational systems worldwide.

tarjeta de la biblioteca
library card

The Spanish term 'tarjeta de la biblioteca' translates to the English term 'library card'. A library card is a card issued by a library to borrowers for the purpose of borrowing books and other material. It provides identification for the holder, typically by recording his or her name, address, and telephone number. Furthermore, this card enables access to a variety of services and digital platforms offered by libraries, thereby promoting reading, knowledge sharing, and lifelong learning.

tarjeta de teléfono
telephone card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de teléfono' translates to 'telephone card' in English. A telephone card is a small card, usually resembling a credit card, that is used to pay for telephone services. It can be particularly handy for making calls from public payphones or when traveling abroad, as it allows prepayment for mobile or landline phone services without the requirement of a monthly subscription or contract. Despite the prevalence of mobile phones and digital communication, telephone cards are still in use in some parts of the world for their convenience and reliability.

tarjeta de visita
business card

The Spanish term 'tarjeta de visita' translates to 'business card' in English. A business card is a small, usually credit-card sized paper card that has your business information such as name, contact details, and company logo. It is a way to present your professional information to others in a compact, tangible format. This term is used commonly in both professional and casual contexts where individuals need to share their business contact details quickly and effectively.

tarjeta telefónica
telephone card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta telefónica' translates to 'telephone card' in English. Telephone cards, also known as calling cards, are often used to pay for telephone services. They function by providing users with access to a network service when the card's code is entered. Depending on the type of card, this may allow for a specific duration of call time, or for a set number of calls. These cards are commonly used in payphones and can also be used for home, office, and cellular telephone calls.

tarta de chocolate
chocolate cake

The phrase 'tarta de chocolate' in Spanish translates to 'chocolate cake' in English. It's a well-known dessert made with chocolate. It might involve baking a cake from scratch with cocoa ingredients, sugar, flour, and other components or it can be made using pre-packaged mix. It can be enjoyed as is or be embellished with additional toppings such as frosting, sprinkles, or fruit. The phrase is used in various Spanish-speaking regions to refer to this beloved dessert.

tarta de crema
cream pie

The term 'tarta de crema' in Spanish translates to 'cream pie' in English. This is a type of pie or cake (pastel) filled with a rich cream, often layered with slices of fruits or topped with nuts. It is a popular dessert in Spain and many Latin American countries.

tarta de manzana
apple pie

The Spanish term 'tarta de manzana' translates to 'apple pie' in English, a popular dessert made from apple filling inside a flaky pastry crust. This dessert is often served warm and can be topped with various toppings like ice cream or whipped cream. Whether part of a celebration or enjoyed as a comfort food, apple pie holds a place of significance in many cultures, notably in the United States where it is considered a classic.

tarta nupcial
nuptial cake

The Spanish term 'tarta nupcial' translates to 'nuptial cake' in English. This term is often used in Spanish speaking cultures to specify a cake that is specially made for wedding ceremonies. The nuptial cake is a celebrated tradition, typically representing a symbol of unity and affection between the newly married couple. The design, size, and flavors of the 'tarta nupcial' can vary greatly depending on personal preferences and cultural traditions.


The word 'tasa' in Spanish refers to 'rate' in English. It is often used in context of rate of interest, growth, exchange and so on. For example, 'tasa de interés' means interest rate. It can also be used in expressions like 'a tal tasa' which means 'at such rate'. Make sure to use it in right context as Spanish language have different words for different contexts.

Example sentences with  tasa
tasa de aduana
customs rate

The Spanish phrase 'tasa de aduana' translates to 'customs rate' in English. This phrase refers to the tariff or tax imposed on goods when they are transported across international borders. This rate is determined by several factors such as the type and value of the commodity, its origin, and various customs laws and regulations. The collection of these rates helps to support the operation of the government and protect domestic industries from foreign competition.

Example sentences with  tasa de aduana
tasar una obra de arte
rate a work of art

'Tasar una obra de arte' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'rate a work of art' in English. It is used when someone wants to ascertain or determine the value of a piece of art. This is often used in contexts like auctions, sales, or when dealing with art pieces in general. It would be used by someone like an art appraiser or dealer who sets or determines the values of the pieces of art.

Example sentences with  tasar una obra de arte

The Spanish word 'tasca' translates to 'tavern' in English. In Spain, a tasca refers to a type of local, typically small bar or restaurant serving traditional meals and beverages. They are further identifiable by their informal and folksy atmosphere. The concept is historically linked to taverns in English-speaking cultures and carries a similar, communal connotation. It is often a gathering place for people in the neighborhood to socialize, eat and drink.


The Spanish word 'tatarabuelo' translates to 'great-grandfather' in English. This term signifies a familial relationship, specifically your grandmother or grandfather's own grandfather. It's a way to identify an ancestor who is two generations above your grandparents. This word expresses respect and acknowledgement of lineage and heritage within families in Spanish-speaking cultures.


The Spanish word 'tataranieto' translates to 'great-great-grandson' in English. In a family line, a 'tataranieto' is a person's grandson's grandson. For example, if a man has a son, who has his own son (the man's grandson), and that grandson has a son (the man's great-grandson), and that great-grandson has a son, that child is the man's 'tataranieto' or 'great-great-grandson'. The word represents a specific relationship in a family tree.


The Spanish word 'taxi' is directly equivalent to the English word 'taxi'. It refers to a type of vehicle typically licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare and is commonly yellow or has a light on top. It can be hailed on the street, ordered by phone, or through an app, and offers a private transport service. 'Taxi' is a universally recognized term seen in many languages and countries worldwide.

Example sentences with  taxi
taxi driver

The Spanish word 'taxista' directly translates to 'taxi driver' in English. It refers to a person who drives a taxi for a living, which is a type of vehicle that provides public transportation for one passenger, or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. Similar to English, this term is used universally within Spanish-speaking countries and its understanding is integral for general comprehension and communication.

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