Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'susceptibilidad' translates to 'susceptibility' in English. It is a noun that refers to the state or character of being susceptible, or likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing. For instance, a person's susceptibility to diseases or a material's susceptibility to heat, etc. This word is often used in various contexts, including but not limited to, health and medical sciences, psychology, and material sciences.


The word 'suspectible' in Spanish also translates to 'susceptible' in English. This term is typically used to signify the likelihood or possibility of being influenced or harmed by a certain action, thing, or person. It might relate to someone who is particularly inclined to get sick, or it may refer to the vulnerability of being easily affected emotionally. One can use this word to denote vulnerability, openness, impressionability, or sensitivity. For instance, in a sentence, 'Ella es susceptible a los resfriados', it implies 'She is susceptible to colds.'

suscribirse a un periódico
subscribe to a newspaper

The term 'suscribirse a un periódico' in Spanish translates to 'subscribe to a newspaper' in English. This is a phrase commonly used for expressing the act of regularly receiving a particular publication, such as a newspaper, by paying in advance. The individual who does this is known as a 'subscriber'. This subscription ensures that they receive every issue of the newspaper directly, usually at their home or place of business.

suscribirse a una revista
subscribe to a magazine

The Spanish phrase 'suscribirse a una revista' directly translates to 'subscribe to a magazine' in English. It's commonly used when referring to the act of committing to receive a publication, typically a magazine, regularly by paying an advance fee.


The Spanish word 'suspender' translates to 'suspend' in English. It could mean to temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect. It might imply stopping something from happening for a short period. It can also denote the idea of hanging something from somewhere, especially so it stays above the ground.

suspender un acto
suspend an act

The Spanish phrase 'suspender un acto' translates to 'suspend an act' in English. This means to delay, postpone, or halt an ongoing event, activity, or process. It is often used in legal or official contexts, referring to the suspension of proceedings, a meeting, or any other planned activity. However, it can also be used informally to refer to pausing any general activity or procedure.

suspender un control
suspend control

The Spanish phrase 'suspender un control' translates to 'suspend control' in English. This typically refers to the act of stopping or temporarily putting a hold on a specific type of control or command. The use of this phrase is dependent on context, and can be used in various situations, like technical settings, management or operation of systems. 'Suspender' is the verb indicating the action to suspend, 'un' is an indefinite article denoting 'a/an', and 'control' is similar in both languages referring to command or check.

suspender un examen oral
suspension of oral examination

The Spanish phrase 'suspender un examen oral' translates to 'suspension of oral examination' in English. This can infer that an oral examination or test has been halted for a certain reason, and it is yet to be continued in the future. It is often used in academic contexts like schools or universities, where teachers may need to suspend an oral exam.

suspender un test escrito
suspend a written test

The Spanish phrase 'suspender un test escrito' translates to 'suspend a written test' in English. It might be used in academic or formal contexts, typically when a scheduled examination has been halted or postponed for some reason. In these situations, you might hear a teacher or professor saying that they need to 'suspender un test escrito'.

sustancia impermeable
Waterproof substance

The term 'sustancia impermeable' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'waterproof substance' in English. This is a type of material or substance that doesn't allow water to pass through it. It is a quality that many types of materials may have, such as certain fabrics, plastics or coatings. These substances are commonly used in a variety of applications, including clothing, bags, and outdoor equipment, where they serve to protect against moisture or water damage.

Example sentences with  sustancia impermeable
sustancia inflamable
flammable substance

The term 'sustancia inflamable' in Spanish can be translated into English as 'flammable substance'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, often referring to a material or substance that can easily ignite or catch fire. The proper handling and storage of a 'sustancia inflamable' can be crucial due to the potential fire hazard they pose. In the field of chemistry, flammable substances might include certain chemicals or compounds. In everyday use, this could refer to items like gasoline, alcohol, or certain types of cleaning products.

Example sentences with  sustancia inflamable
sustancia opaca
opaque substance

The Spanish phrase 'sustancia opaca' translates to 'opaque substance' in English. 'Sustancia' means 'substance' and 'opaca' means 'opaque'. In scientific and general usage, an opaque substance is one that is neither transparent (allowing all light to pass through) nor translucent (allowing some light to pass through). This common term could refer to a wide variety of materials in different contexts, such as walls, metals, some textiles, and more.

Example sentences with  sustancia opaca
sustituir una pieza
replace a piece

The Spanish phrase 'sustituir una pieza' translates to 'replace a piece' in English. It is often used in contexts where one item is being substituted with another or in scenarios involving repair or alteration of objects, machines, or systems by replacing one of its components.


The Spanish word 'sustituto' translates to 'substitute' in English. It is used in situations to denote someone or something that takes the place or function of another, similar to how 'substitute' is used in English. It could refer to a person, as in a substitute teacher, or an object or concept, as in a substitute ingredient in a recipe.


The Spanish word 'taberna' translates to 'tavern' in English. In both languages, this term refers to an establishment where people gather to consume alcohol, often locally brewed beer and sometimes also serve food. Its English equivalent 'tavern' might also echo historical or colloquial use, particularly in the context of older-styled pubs or inns, typically those established in the Middle Ages. Similarly, 'taberna' carries a touch of antiqued Spanish and Latin American cultures.


The word 'tablero' is used in Spanish to mean 'board'. It can be used in various contexts just as in English. For instance, it is used when referring to a wooden or plastic piece used for playing certain games. It is also used to signify a group of people constituting a governing body, similar to its use in English 'board of directors'.

Example sentences with  tablero

The Spanish word 'tacaño' translates to 'cheap' in English. Being 'tacaño' doesn't only refer to the price or value of something being low but is most commonly used to describe a person who doesn't like to spend money. It may hold a negative connotation, indicating that the person is stingy or frugal to an extreme extent. It is an adjective and like other Spanish adjectives, may change in form depending on the gender and number of the noun it modifies.


The Spanish word 'tacto' is translated into English as 'tact'. Tact refers to sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. It often implies a considerate and thoughtful approach, with an understanding of the context or feelings of other people involved, thereby ensuring that feelings are not upset. Therefore, 'tacto' in Spanish means possessing the ability to say or do the right thing at the right time without causing offence.


The Spanish word 'tal' translates to 'such' in English. It can be used to express a quality or degree with a pronoun, adjective, or adverb. For instance, 'tal vez' means 'maybe' or 'perhaps'. It's important to note that context may affect the translation of 'tal' as it can be used in various phrases and idioms.

Example sentences with  tal
talar un árbol
cutting a tree

The Spanish expression 'talar un árbol' translates to 'cutting a tree' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of contexts such as gardening, forestry, or construction. It may refer to the act of physically removing a tree by cutting it down with a tool like an axe or a chainsaw. However, it could also be used in a metaphorical sense to denote the removal or end of something. Just as with the English equivalent, the connotation can be either neutral, positive or negative, depending on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  talar un árbol

The term 'talento' in Spanish translates to 'talent' in English. It is used to refer to a natural aptitude or skill. This might be in regards to a particular artistic or intellectual ability like painting or calculus, or more physical abilities such as athleticism or dexterity. A person with 'talento' has a notable level of expertise or proficiency in a particular area, often implying that this ability is innate or has been diligently honed over a length of time.

Example sentences with  talento

The Spanish word 'taller' translates to 'workshop' in English. In everyday use, it is commonly referred to a place where manual work is done, such as repairs or the manufacture of objects. In academia, it can refer to a creative environment where people gather to collaborate and learn or work on a common project or subject. The exact interpretation may differ based on cultural context or regional usage, but the general essence remains the same.

taller de chapa y pintura
sheet and painting workshop

The Spanish phrase 'taller de chapa y pintura' translates to 'sheet and painting workshop' in English. This is a place where bodywork and painting repairs are performed on vehicles. Chapa refers to the metal bodywork of cars and pintura is paint. A 'taller de chapa y pintura' provides services like fixing dents and scratches, ensuring the car's paintwork is flawless, and restoring it to its original condition.

Example sentences with  taller de chapa y pintura
taller de electricidad
electricity workshop

The Spanish term 'taller de electricidad' translates to 'electricity workshop' in English. This phrase might refer to a place where electrical items are produced, repaired or tested. It can also mean a specific class, course or program designed to teach people about electricity and how to handle electrical components and equipment safely and effectively. Like a physical space for practical learning and activities related to electronics, electrical circuits, mechanisms and more.

Example sentences with  taller de electricidad
taller de escritura
writing workshop

The Spanish term 'taller de escritura' translates to 'writing workshop' in English. A 'writing workshop' is a meeting where writers gather, usually under the guidance of a facilitator, to learn more about writing. This can be either through educational activities, shared writing exercises, or critique of one's work. The primary goal of these workshops is to improve the participants' writing skills.

Example sentences with  taller de escritura
taller de mecánica
mechanics workshop

The Spanish term 'taller de mecánica' translates to 'mechanics workshop' in English. This expression is used to refer to a place where machines, engines or vehicles are repaired or built. It is often associated with car repair shops where skilled personnel, known as mechanics, perform a variety of tasks including routine maintenance, fixing engines, changing oil, repairing flat tires and more. It is a common term often used in an industrial or automobile context.

Example sentences with  taller de mecánica
taller de pintura
painting workshop

The Spanish term 'taller de pintura' translates to 'painting workshop' in English. This phrase could refer to a class or space where painting is taught or practiced. These spaces often provide the necessary tools and materials like canvas, brushes, and paints. A 'taller de pintura' could be found in a school, art institution, or an independent artist's studio where individuals can learn new skills, refine their existing abilities, or explore their creativity through the medium of painting.

Example sentences with  taller de pintura
talonario de cheques

The Spanish term 'talonario de cheques' translates to 'checkbook' in English. This is a book of blank checks with a register for recording checks written. A checkbook is provided by a bank to the account holder to withdraw money from his/her own account or to pay it to someone else. It is an important tool in banking transactions. In many countries, people may carry a 'talonario de cheques' to make payments, instead of carrying cash, for convenience and safety reasons.


The Spanish word 'también' is an adverb, equivalent to 'also' in English. It is used to indicate that something you say is also applicable to another person or thing. It's commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish, and its position can vary within a sentence.

Example sentences with  también

The word 'tango' in Spanish is also 'tango' in English. It refers to a type of music and dance that originated from Argentina, which is characterized by its expressive and sensual style. The term also refers to the distinctive rhythm and meter of this music genre. In a broader context, 'tango' can also symbolize the passionate Latin American culture.

Example sentences with  tango
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