Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

sufrir una depresión aguda
suffering from acute depression

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una depresión aguda' is translated as 'suffering from acute depression' in English. It can be used to describe a person who is currently experiencing a severe form of depression. It's a state of mind where a person feels extremely low and may struggle with daily activities. This term is commonly used in medical and psychological contexts.

sufrir una depresión profunda
suffering from deep depression

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una depresión profunda' translates to 'suffering from deep depression' in English. It is made up of 4 words: 'sufrir' (to suffer), 'una' (a), 'depresión' (depression), and 'profunda' (deep). The phrase is used when someone is going through intense emotional and mental distress, commonly referred to as 'deep depression'. Similar phrases can be found in literature or in formal conversations which discuss mental health.

sufrir una enfermedad
to fall sick

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una enfermedad' translates to 'to fall sick' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts referring to someone experiencing illness or health issues. It is important to note that it does not specify a particular type of illness and can refer to anything from a mild cold to a serious condition. The use of 'sufrir' suggests a degree of suffering or discomfort associated with the illness.

Example sentences with  sufrir una enfermedad
sufrir una lesión
suffer injury

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una lesión' translates to 'suffer injury' in English. This expression is typically used in a medical or sports context, when someone sustains physical harm or damage. It can be used to describe various kinds of injuries, from minor ones like cuts or bruises to major ones like fractures or wounds. It's important to note that this is a fairly formal way to convey the idea of getting injured in Spanish.

sufrir una parálisis
suffer a paralysis

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una parálisis' translates to 'suffer a paralysis' in English. This phrase can be used in medical contexts, particularly when referring to an individual who has undergone a health condition causing a loss of muscle function in a part of their body. This might occur as a result of a stroke, spinal cord injury, or other serious medical conditions. In general, it refers to experiencing a severe or distressing situation that restricts normal function or activity.

Example sentences with  sufrir una parálisis
sufrir una reacción alérgica
suffer an allergic reaction

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una reacción alérgica' is a phrase, not simply a word. Its equivalent in English is to 'suffer an allergic reaction'. This phrase can be used in a medical context or daily conversation circle when someone experiences an unexpected reaction to a particular substance or element, usually causing discomfort or harm.

Example sentences with  sufrir una reacción alérgica

The Spanish word 'sugerir' translates to 'suggest' in English. It is often used in much the same way as in English, to imply that an idea or course of action might be a good or appropriate choice. For instance, you might use it within the sentence 'Te sugiero que leas ese libro' which translates as 'I suggest you read that book'.

Example sentences with  sugerir
suite nupcial
Bridal suite

The Spanish phrase 'suite nupcial' translates to 'bridal suite' in English. It refers to a special and usually luxuriously furnished room in a hotel, specifically reserved and designed for newly married couples or those about to get married. The room often has extra amenities like large beds, bathrooms with jacuzzis, romantic decor, champagne, flower arrangements, and sometimes spectacular views. These suites are typically booked for the wedding night, but can also be used for honeymoons.


The Spanish term 'sujetar' translates to 'hold' in English. This verb can imply the act of physically holding an object to avoid it from moving or dropping. In more metaphorical contexts, it could be used to describe the act of restraining, constraining, or controlling something or someone. The verb 'sujetar' might also be used in a figurative sense to denote the maintenance of certain postures, positions, or condition.


The Spanish term 'sujeto' is most commonly used to refer to the host or main focus of a sentence in grammar. It is viewed as the one performing an action. However, just like in English, it can also imply subject matters in areas of study, or as a term to address a person.

Example sentences with  sujeto

The Spanish verb 'sumar' translates to the English verb 'add'. It is generally used in the context of mathematics or putting things together in a collective manner. In a sentence, 'sumar' can be used like this: 'Podemos sumar estos números para obtener el total.' This means, 'We can add these numbers to get the total.'

Example sentences with  sumar
suministrar productos
supply products

The phrase 'suministrar productos' in Spanish translates to 'supply products' in English. This phrase is generally used in business or commerce to denote the act of providing goods or items to a store or business from a producer or wholesaler. It is a fundamental aspect of trade and a critical process in the supply chain management system. It further implies that the products are available and can be given out when needed, underscoring the importance of timing, quantity, and quality in transactions.

suministro de agua
water supply

The Spanish term 'suministro de agua' translates to 'water supply' in English. It refers to the provision of water by public utilities, commercial organizations, community endeavors or by individuals, through a system of pumps and pipes. Water supply is considered necessary to every human activity and it's utilized extensively for different purposes such as drinking, washing, irrigation, and industrial processes.

suministro de electricidad
electricity supply

The Spanish phrase 'suministro de electricidad' translates to 'electricity supply' in English. It refers to the delivery of electricity from a power station to consumers via an interconnected network, often over long distances. The term can be used in various contexts such as infrastructure, household usage, or energy policies.

suministro de gas
gas supply

The Spanish term 'suministro de gas' translates directly to 'gas supply' in English. The term is used in the context of providing or supplying gases, typically for energy purposes, such as heating or cooking, amongst others. It refers to the process, services or infrastructure involved in making gas available to users, primarily for residential, commercial, or industrial use.

sumirse en una depresión aguda
plunge into an acute depression

The spanish phrase 'sumirse en una depresión aguda' can be translated into English as 'plunge into an acute depression'. This term is used to describe a severe, sudden, and often extreme downward turn in someone's emotional and psychological state. Being 'sumido en una depresión aguda' means that an individual is experiencing a deep, possibly severe form of depression or sadness.

sumirse en una depresión profunda
plunge into deep depression

The Spanish phrase 'sumirse en una depresión profunda' translates to 'plunge into deep depression' in English. This is often used to describe situations when someone goes through a period of extreme sadness and despair, frequently associated with a significant change or loss in life. As it implies a strong emotional state, it is important to address with sensitivity and understanding when used in conversation.

superar el fracaso escolar
overcoming school failure

The Spanish term 'superar el fracaso escolar' translates to 'overcoming school failure' in English. This phrase is used to describe the process of working through and overcoming the challenges and setbacks that one may encounter in the academic field. It emphasizes the ability to not only acknowledge and cope with failure, but also to find solutions, improve, and make successful progress in the future.

superar el periodo de prueba
exceed the trial period

The Spanish phrase 'superar el periodo de prueba' is translated as 'exceed the trial period' in English. This phrase often refers to a specific period of time set for a person to prove their abilities or skills, mainly in the workplace. When someone 'supera el periodo de prueba', it means that they have successfully accomplished or surpassed the expectations set for this probationary period.

superar la derrota
overcome defeat

The Spanish phrase 'superar la derrota' translates to 'overcome defeat' in English. It is a motivational phrase often used to encourage resilience and determination in the face of adversity or failure. Common situations might include after losing a game or competition, facing rejection, or enduring a setback or disappointment in life. By 'overcoming defeat', one learns to move past failures, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and the ability to learn and grow from difficult experiences.

superar un examen
to overcome a review

The Spanish phrase 'superar un examen' translates to 'to pass an exam' not 'to overcome a review' in English. It could be used in a context where someone has prepared for and successfully achieved a passing score on a test or exam.

superar una prueba
overcome a test

The Spanish phrase 'superar una prueba' translates to 'overcome a test' in English. It's commonly used to describe the act of successfully passing or coming through a challenging situation or difficulty, such as an examination or trial. This can be a literal test, like an academic exam, or metaphorical one, like a personal challenge or hurdle.


A 'Supermercado' is a large self-service store selling a wide variety of food and household goods, organized into aisles. It's commonly found in most towns and cities.

Example sentences with  supermercado
suplemento cultural
Cultural supplement

The term 'supplemento cultural' in Spanish refers to a cultural supplement in English. This is typically an additional piece or section in newspapers, magazines or other forms of media that focuses on cultural topics. These might include areas such as literature, art, theater, music, and similar fields. It's effectively an extra resource, or supplement, focused mainly on culture-related content which provide readers with more in-depth analyzes, ideas and knowledge about different cultural activities and movements.

suplemento de economía
economy supplement

The phrase 'supplemento de economía' in Spanish translates to 'economy supplement' in English. It's a term typically used in publishing, particularly newspapers and magazines, to denote additional, specialized content that accompanies the main publication. In this case, an 'economy supplement' refers to extra content or a section of a newspaper or a magazine dedicated to topics, news, analysis, features, and reports related to the economy, finance, business, industry, and trade, among other related areas. This supplement is intended to provide readers with more in-depth knowledge and understanding of such subjects. The word 'supplemento' means 'supplement' or 'addition,' and 'economía' means 'economy.'


The Spanish word 'suplente' translates to 'alternate' in English. In the context of a team or group, an alternate or 'suplente' is someone who can replace another person. It is used to refer to someone who is second in line or a backup. In sports, for instance, the 'suplente' would come in to replace another team member who is unable to play. The term embodies the concept of being ready to step in when necessary, even if it's not typically the main role.


Supuesto, the Spanish translation of so-called supposed, often takes on several meanings based on the context it is used in. Primarily, it can denote an adjective assuming or qualifying something as the case. For example, 'he is the supposed leader' translates to 'él es el líder supuesto'. It can also suggest an assumed proposition that may not necessarily be true. While learning, be careful of false cognates or identical words which may, misleadingly, imply different meanings.

Example sentences with  supuesto

The Spanish word for 'south' is 'sur'. It is often used in the context of geographical direction. Similar to its use in English, 'sur' is used in various phrases and contexts to indicate a location or direction towards the southern part of a place or country.

Example sentences with  sur

The Spanish term 'Suroeste' translates to 'Southwest' in English. This is a geographical term, typically used to indicate a direction or position. It is used to denote a point that is precisely between the south and west. It also refers to a region or area that is located to the south-west of a particular point. This term is often used in navigation or meteorology to describe wind directions or the movement of a storm, as well as in physical geography to describe the location of features or places.

Example sentences with  Suroeste

The Spanish word 'surtidor' translates to 'assortment' in English. It is often used to indicate a variety or collection of different items or elements gathered together. For example, in a context like 'a surtidor of candies', it would mean 'an assortment of candies'. Notably, this word can also refer to 'fountain' or 'pump', exhibiting its diverse usage based on context.

Example sentences with  surtidor
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