Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

subir(se) a un coche
get in a car

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un coche' translates to 'get in a car' in English. This is a verb phrase that is frequently used in everyday conversations, where 'subir(se)' plays a role of a verb referring to the act of entering or boarding, and 'un coche' is a noun that denotes a car or an automobile. To illustrate its use in a sentence, 'Voy a subirme a un coche' translates to 'I am going to get in a car' in English.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un coche
subir(se) a un tren
get on a train

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un tren' translates to 'get on a train' in English. This is often used when talking about methods of transportation, specifically in the context of boarding a train. It provides indication about an action taken by person(s) to enter into a train in order to travel from one place to another. This verb phrase is commonly utilized in daily conversation and travel-related contexts.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un tren
subir(se) a una bicicleta
get on a bicycle

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a una bicicleta' translates to 'get on a bicycle' in English. It is a common phrase used to describe the action of mounting or getting onto a bicycle. It's important to note that the '(se)' in 'subir(se)' can be used to reflect the reflexive action of the subject, meaning the subject is performing the action on itself, however it's not always necessary in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a una bicicleta
subir(se) a una moto
get on a motorcycle

The phrase 'subir(se) a una moto' in Spanish is translated as 'get on a motorcycle' in English. It refers to the action of getting onto a motorcycle, implying the intention to ride it. This phrase can be used literally, when someone actually gets on a motorcycle, or figuratively, to indicate the start of a new endeavor or adventure that could be as thrilling or risky as riding a motorcycle.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a una moto
subirse por las paredes
climbing through the walls

The Spanish phrase 'subirse por las paredes' is an idiomatic expression that literally translates as 'climbing through the walls' in English. However, it is important to note that idioms often do not correspond to a literal translation. This phrase is commonly used to refer to someone feeling very anxious, restless, or being extremely nervous about something. It is comparable to the English phrase 'climbing the walls' which suggests a similar agitation or frustration.


The Spanish word 'sublevación' translates to 'uprising' in English. An 'uprising' refers to an act of resistance, rebellion, or revolt against an established authority or control. It usually involves a group of people who band together to protest or challenge a current system, often for political, social, or economic reasons. Hence, 'sublevación' can denote a powerful context of revolt and resistance in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  sublevación

A 'submarino' in Spanish is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It differs from a submersible, which has more limited underwater capability.

Example sentences with  submarino
subrayar un libro
underline a book

The Spanish phrase 'subrayar un libro' translates to 'underline a book' in English. This can refer to the action of drawing a line under words in a book, typically for the purposes of highlighting or emphasizing certain text. This is a common practice in studying and learning where important points, passages, or words are underlined in reading materials like textbooks for better comprehension and recall ultimately.


The word 'subtítulo' in Spanish translates to 'subtitle' in English. In the context of linguistics, a subtitle is a secondary or additional title of a literary, theatrical, or musical work. This term is usually seen in the entertainment industry, specifically in film or television, where they provide written versions of the spoken dialogues in another language or the same language for people with hearing impairment. Similarly, 'subtítulo' is used in Spanish speaking regions to describe these captions.


'Subtítulos' are printed translation of the dialogue in foreign films, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. It's used when the language spoken in the movie or show is not understood by the viewer.

Example sentences with  subtítulos

The Spanish word 'succionar' refers to the English term 'suction'. It is predominantly used in a physical or scientific context to explain the action or process where a vacuum or area of low air pressure sucks up or pulls in another object or substance. This action often occurs in nature and in various physical phenomena, but it is also a principle used in many technological devices and procedures.


The Spanish word 'suciedad' translates to 'dirt' in English. This term can both literally and figuratively mean unclean or impure substances or entities. For example, in its literal sense, it could refer to the soil or grime that one might find on unclean surfaces or outdoor environments. Figuratively, it could also represent a state of moral or spiritual impurity or corruption. Like in English, the usage of the word 'suciedad' in Spanish can significantly vary based on the context.


The Spanish word 'sucio' translates to 'dirty' in English. It's an adjective that commonly describes an object, place, or person that is unclean. For example, you might use it to describe a room that needs to be cleaned ('La habitación está sucia') or clothes that are dirty ('La ropa está sucia').

sucursal bancaria
Bank branch

The term 'sucursal bancaria' in Spanish translates to 'bank branch' in English. A 'sucursal bancaria' is a physical location of a bank, separate from the bank's central branch or headquarters, at which it provides customers with a full range of services such as cash withdrawals, deposits, financial consultations, etc. This term is generally used in the context of physical banking or business operations.


The Spanish word 'sudar' translates to 'sweat' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of excreting a salty liquid from the skin's pores, typically as a response to heat, physical exertion, or stress. In a colloquial or figurative sense, 'sudar' also means to work hard or to worry about something.


The word 'Sudeste' is a Spanish word that translates to 'Southeast' in English. It is used to identify one of the main cardinal points or compass points and is often associated with geography or navigation to indicate direction. Like all cardinal points, it is a basic element in the systems of coordinates that allow to locate any point in space or on the Earth's surface.

Example sentences with  Sudeste

The term 'sudor' in Spanish directly translates to 'sweat' in English. It is commonly used in contexts such as physical activity or a hot day, where one might experience perspiration. This noun can be utilized in a variety of sentences; for example, 'Tengo sudor en mi frente' would imply 'I have sweat on my forehead'. This like any word can have different connotations depending on the context it is used in, and is noteworthy for any student learning Spanish.


The Spanish word 'suegro' translates to 'father-in-law' in English. This term is used to refer to the father of one's spouse. Similar to English, it denotes family relations and is widely used within familial contexts and discussions. This term reflects the importance of family ties in Spanish-speaking cultures.

sueldo bruto
Gross salary

The term 'sueldo bruto' in Spanish translates to 'gross salary' in English. This is a term commonly used in business and finance that refers to the total income one earns before any deductions such as taxes, insurance, and social security contributions are taken out. Apart from employment, it can also refer to the total revenue or sales of a company before deducting any business expenses or taxes. It is a significant term as it provides an essential understanding of an individual's or business's initial earnings.

sueldo neto
Net salary

The Spanish term 'sueldo neto' translates to 'net salary' in English. It refers to the amount of money an individual receives from their employer after deductions such as taxes and social security contributions are subtracted from the gross salary. The net salary is the final income that an employee takes home and is able to use for personal expenses.


In Spanish, 'suelo' is used to refer to the surface of the earth or floor. This term is commonly used in outdoor settings and can also denote 'ground' in electrical contexts. It may also be used metaphorically, like in English, to imply a basis or foundation.

Example sentences with  suelo
suelo húmedo
Wet soil

The Spanish phrase 'suelo húmedo' translates to 'wet soil' in English. It is a compound term made up of two words. 'Suelo' is the Spanish word for 'soil' and 'húmedo' is the Spanish word for 'wet'. These sorts of phrases are useful in a variety of contexts. For instance, you could use it when speaking about gardening, farming, or even when describing the weather or nature. Understanding both individual words and combined phrases is useful for better understanding of Spanish.

Example sentences with  suelo húmedo
suelo seco
Dry soil

The Spanish phrase 'suelo seco' translates to 'dry soil' in English. The term is typically used in geographical or agricultural contexts, often to describe a specific ground condition. In general, 'suelo seco' refers to soil that has little or no moisture, which can happen due to hot weather or lack of rainfall. This type of soil condition impacts the type of vegetation that can grow, or the manner in which crops should be cultivated.

Example sentences with  suelo seco

The word 'sueño' in Spanish translates to 'dream' in English. It can be used in the same manner as in English - to indicate the series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. It can also refer to an aspiration or goal that a person would like to achieve in their lifetime.

Example sentences with  sueño

The Spanish word 'suficiente' is the direct translation for the English term 'enough'. It is used in a similar context as in English, being used to describe when there is as much of something as is needed or wanted. It can be used both in the context of quantity ('I have enough money') and quality ('He is good enough').

Example sentences with  suficiente

The Spanish word 'sufrimiento' translates to 'suffering' in English. It is a noun and is used to refer to the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. This can be physical suffering, such as what one might experience due to illness or injury; or emotional suffering, like the pain of loss, disappointment, or anxiety. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English. For example, 'El sufrimiento es parte de la experiencia humana' (Suffering is part of the human experience).

suffer suffering

The word 'sufrir' is a verb in Spanish, which translates into 'suffer' in English. It can be used to express enduring an adverse situation or event, or experiencing mental or physical pain. Like suffering, 'sufrir' could be applied to a broad range of contexts or incidences such as suffering a loss, an illness, or emotional distress. It may also indicate undergoing or experiencing something unpleasant.

sufrir un accidente
suffer an accident

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir un accidente' translates to 'suffer an accident' in English. This is commonly used to describe someone who has been in an accident or undergone some mishap. It can apply to various contexts, whether physical, like a car crash or falling down, or metaphorical, like a setback or a loss. In English, we often say 'have an accident' rather than 'suffer an accident', although 'suffer' might be more accurate in serious situations where there is considerable harm or damage.

Example sentences with  sufrir un accidente
sufrir un desmayo
suffer a fainting

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir un desmayo' translates to 'suffer a fainting' in English. It refers to the sudden loss of consciousness, often due to a temporary insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. This term is commonly used in medical or emergency situations. For example, one might say 'El calor hizo que sufriera un desmayo', which translates to 'The heat caused him/her to suffer a fainting spell'.

Example sentences with  sufrir un desmayo
sufrir un infarto
suffer a heart attack

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir un infarto' translates to 'suffer a heart attack' in English. This is often used in medical or emergency contexts to describe the serious and life-threatening condition where blood flow to part of the heart is blocked, typically by a blood clot, leading to damage or death (infarction) of heart muscle tissue. It's an example of how Spanish, like English, uses verb-noun combinations to express complex ideas.

Example sentences with  sufrir un infarto
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