Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

sopa de verduras
vegetable soup

The Spanish term 'sopa de verduras' translates to 'vegetable soup' in English. It is a common dish in Spanish cuisine and encompasses a variety of interpretations and ingredients. Traditionally, 'sopa de verduras' can include a variety of vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, peas, potatoes, green beans, and onions. The vegetables are often simmered in a flavorful broth until tender. This dish can be customized with the addition of proteins or grains, and it is enjoyed all year round but is especially comforting during colder months.

soplar (el viento)
blow (the wind)

The Spanish word 'soplar' translates to 'blow' in English. In the context of 'el viento', it specifically refers to the action of the wind blowing. It is a verb that is used to express the movement of air in the atmosphere, most commonly caused by natural phenomena such as weather changes. The phrase 'el viento está soplando' can be translated as 'the wind is blowing'. This word can also extrapolate to other situations where there is a force moving something, such as 'soplar las velas' which means 'to blow out the candles'.

Example sentences with  soplar (el viento)

The word 'soprano' in Spanish also translates to 'soprano' in English. It is a term used in music to describe the highest singing voice in standard usage. More specifically, it refers to a voice type found in opera among female singers, but it is also used as a term within choral music to describe a vocal line or part. The term can additionally be also used to describe instruments with a higher range within groups of similar instruments.

Example sentences with  soprano

The word 'sordo' in Spanish translates to 'deaf' in English. The term is used to describe a person who is unable to hear. It can be applied both in a literal context - regarding a person physically incapable of hearing, as well as a metaphorical one, where it can be used to describe someone who is not willing to listen or heed advice or instructions.

to be surprised

The Spanish term 'sorprenderse' is a reflexive verb that translates into English as 'to be surprised'. It typically implies a sudden and unexpected reaction to an event or situation. In a sentence, you might use it to express your own surprise or someone else's. For example, 'Me sorprendí cuando vi el regalo', translates to 'I was surprised when I saw the gift'.


The Spanish word 'sorprendido' translates to 'surprised' in English. It is an adjective used to describe the state of being taken unawares or taken aback by an unforeseen event or piece of information. For example, one might be 'sorprendido' to receive an unexpected piece of news or a sudden, unplanned visit from a friend.


The Spanish word 'soso' translates to 'bland' in English. It is usually used to describe food that lacks flavor or taste. However, it can also be metaphorically used to describe something uninteresting or dull. For example, a non-intriguing book or a monotonous meeting could be referred to as 'soso'.


The Spanish word 'sospechoso' translates to 'suspect' in English. The word can be used in various contexts, but is most commonly used in the context of suspicion in scenarios related to crime. Here, 'sospechoso' can refer to a person who is suspected of committing a crime. Similarly, in a broader, more abstract sense, it can refer to any element or situation that raises suspicion or doubt.


In Spanish, 'sostener' is used to refer to the action of physically holding something. It can also be used metaphorically to express supporting an idea or argument, or to maintain something in a particular state or position. The usage contexts align quite closely with those in English. For example, 'Sostengo el libro' translates to 'I hold the book'.

Example sentences with  sostener

The Spanish word for 'their' is 'su'. It is used to denote possessive aspects in a similar way as in English. Particularly, 'su' indicates that a noun belongs to them. However, it's important to note that Spanish doesn't make a distinction between his, her, its, your (formal) and their, using 'su' for all of these, so the exact meaning depends on the context.

Example sentences with  su

The Spanish word 'suavizante' translates to 'softener' in English. It is commonly used in the context of laundry, where 'suavizante de ropa' would mean 'fabric softener'. It can also be used to refer to something that smoothens or eases a situation or substance. Its adjective form 'suavizante' can be used to describe something or someone that has a smoothing, softening or soothing effect.


The Spanish word 'subastar' translates to 'auction' in English. This is typically used in the context of selling or buying items where the price is negotiated by way of bidding. The item in question is sold to the highest bidder. This term can be used in various contexts, for example, in arts, antiques, and property markets, and even online platforms like eBay also perform 'subasta' which means 'auction' in English.

subastar una obra de arte
auction an art work

The phrase 'subastar una obra de arte' in Spanish translates to 'auction an art work' in English. This typically refers to the process of selling art by offering it up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder in an auction. It is a common method of selling high value items such as unique art pieces.

Example sentences with  subastar una obra de arte

The Spanish word 'subcontratar' translates to 'subcontract' in English. This verb is often used in the context of business and employment. For instance, a company might 'subcontract' or 'subcontratar' tasks to a third party rather than having their own employees do the work. It's a common practice in various sectors including construction, IT and event organization where specific expertise or temporary manpower is required.


The Spanish word 'subir' roughly translates to 'rise' in English. It can also mean climb, or go up, depending on the context. It is often used to describe increase or growth concepts just as rise is used in English, for example 'la temperatura está subiendo' which means the temperature is rising.

Example sentences with  subir
subir al podio
climb the podium

The Spanish phrase 'subir al podio' is a verb phrase that directly translates to 'climb the podium' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports or competitions, where winners are usually invited to 'subir al podio' or 'climb the podium' in order to receive awards or recognition. It symbolizes achieving a high ranking or significant achievement.

subir el desempleo
rising unemployment

The Spanish phrase 'subir el desempleo' translates in English to 'rising unemployment'. In a more detailed context, 'subir' means 'to increase or rise', 'el' is the definite article 'the', and 'desempleo' means 'unemployment'. Therefore, when put together, these words denote a situation where the rate of unemployed individuals in a certain location or during a certain period is increasing.

subir el paro
climb the strike

The Spanish phrase 'subir el paro' directly translates to 'climb the strike' in English. However, it's not a literal translation. In conversational context, this phrase is often used to refer to the increase or rise in unemployment levels or rates. 'Subir' translates to 'to climb' or 'rise', 'el' is 'the', and 'paro' is most commonly used to refer to 'unemployment' or 'strike'. So, in a more colloquial sense, it would mean 'the unemployment rises'. A more accurate translation might therefore be 'to raise unemployment' or 'unemployment is rising'. Remember, nuances in meaning can vary by region and the context in which phrases are used.

subir el precio
raise the price

The phrase 'subir el precio' in Spanish translates to 'raise the price' in English. In the context of business, finance or commerce, 'subir el precio' means to increase the monetary value or cost of a good, service or product. It suggests an upward adjustment or hike in the amount of money required in order to purchase or acquire something.

subir el precio de la vivienda de segunda mano
raise the price of the second hand housing

The Spanish phrase 'subir el precio de la vivienda de segunda mano' translates to 'raise the price of second hand housing' in English. This phrase could be used in the context of real estate or economics, where the prices of properties, especially those previously owned or used (second hand), are being increased.

subir el precio de la vivienda nueva
raise the price of new housing

The Spanish phrase 'subir el precio de la vivienda nueva' translates to 'raise the price of new housing' in English. This is typically used in discussions about real estate markets or economic policy where the cost of new housing could be increased due to various factors such as demand, supply constraints, or policy decisions.

subir el precio del metro cuadrado
increase the price per square meter

The Spanish phrase 'subir el precio del metro cuadrado' translates to 'increase the price per square meter' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of property or land valuation. It can refer to an increase in the cost associated with each square meter of a given piece of property or land. The phrase begins with the verb 'subir', which means to 'raise' or 'increase', followed by 'el precio', meaning 'the price', 'del metro cuadrado', referring to 'per square meter'. Together, the phrase encapsulates the concept of increasing pricing valuation per each unit of square meter of a given space.

subir el precio del suelo
increase the price of land

The phrase 'subir el precio del suelo' translates to 'increase the price of land' in English. This is a phrase that you might hear in a real estate or business context. It specifically refers to the act of raising the financial value of a parcel of land. This might occur due to a variety of factors, such as improvements to the land, increased demand, or changes in the economy.

subir el sueldo
raise the salary

The Spanish phrase 'subir el sueldo' translates to 'raise the salary' in English. This phrase is often used in workplaces or professional contexts to refer to the act of increasing a person's salary. For example, an employee might ask their boss to 'subir el sueldo', or a company might 'subir el sueldo' of their employees after a profitable year.

subir la marea
up the tide

The Spanish phrase 'subir la marea' translates to 'up the tide' in English. In a more contextual sense, it signifies increasing or intensifying the tide, which is a common term in maritime terms. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in many contexts to suggest the intensification of an issue or situation.

Example sentences with  subir la marea
subir los intereses
raise interest

The Spanish phrase 'subir los intereses' translates to 'raise interest' in English. It is commonly used in the financial context when the rate of interest on a loan or other form of credit is increased. In banking, it might refer to the central bank raising the interest rates. However, it can also refer to attracting more attention or curiosity about something in a literal sense, though this use is less common.

subir una nota
upload a note

The Spanish phrase 'subir una nota' translates to 'upload a note' in English. It's often used in digital or academic contexts, specifically when referring to uploading documents or notes to a digital platform. For example, if a teacher wants to share class notes with students, they may tell their students they will 'subir una nota' to a shared platform. The verb 'subir' literally translates to 'to climb' or 'to go up' but, in this context, it refers to the action of uploading a document or note on the internet.

subir(se) a un autobús
get on a bus

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un autobús' translates to 'get on a bus' in English. It's used when you want to express the action of boarding or entering a bus. The verb 'subir' means 'to ascend' or 'to go up', but when used in this context, it refers to the act of boarding a vehicle. The '(se)' in 'subir(se)' is a reflexive pronoun and it's optional in this context. The phrase 'a un autobús' means 'a bus'. So, if you're telling someone how you're going to travel, you'd say 'Voy a subir a un autobús', which means 'I am going to get on a bus'.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un autobús
subir(se) a un avión
to a plane

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un avión' translates to 'board a plane' in English. It is commonly using in the context of air travel to depict the action of getting on an airplane. In this verb phrase, 'subir' translates to 'board' or 'get on', 'a' translates to 'to', and 'un avión' translates to 'a plane'. Hence, when combined, they form the phrase 'board a plane'.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un avión
subir(se) a un barco
go up to a boat

The phrase 'subir(se) a un barco' in Spanish translates to 'go up to a boat' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in relation to boating and marine activities. It implies the action of getting on a boat, either from a dock, beach, or from another boat. This phrase is part of common Spanish vocabulary and is often used in conversation and writing in contexts relating to travel, work or sport activities involving boats.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un barco
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