Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

solicitar el divorcio
apply for divorce

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar el divorcio' translates to 'apply for divorce' in English. It is used in a legal context when an individual or a couple wants to end their marriage. The verb 'solicitar' means to request or to apply, 'el' is a definite article equivalent to 'the' in English, and 'divorcio' is a noun that means divorce.

solicitar el subsidio de desempleo
request unemployment benefit

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar el subsidio de desempleo' translates to 'request unemployment benefit' in English. It's often used in situations where an individual, having lost their job, makes an official application to a government authority for monetary support until they secure new employment. This support is generally known as an unemployment benefit. So, if you hear or see the phrase 'solicitar el subsidio de desempleo', know that it pertains to someone applying or asking for unemployment benefits.

solicitar tarjeta de cliente
request customer card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de cliente' translates to 'request customer card' in English. It's used in business or service contexts where a company may offer a card to its customers for various benefits. This could be a loyalty card, a credit card, or any other type of card that might require an application or request process. The verb 'solicitar' is often used in formal or business contexts to mean 'request' or 'apply for'. 'Tarjeta de cliente' refers to a 'customer card' of some sort.

Example sentences with  solicitar tarjeta de cliente
solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad
request loyalty card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad' translates to 'request loyalty card' in English. This is often used in retail or service industry contexts, where a customer might use this phrase to ask for a loyalty card from a store or company. Having a loyalty card usually allows the customer to accrue points or rewards for their purchases, incentivizing them to continue shopping with the same establishments for future purchases.

Example sentences with  solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad
solicitar un crédito
request a credit

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar un crédito' translates to 'request a credit' in English. This phrase is commonly used in financial contexts where one is attempting to apply for a form of credit, whether it be a credit card, a loan, or a credit line increase. Keep in mind that 'crédito' can refer to different types of credit, so the exact meaning can depend on the specific situation.

solicitar un documento
request a document

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar un documento' translates to 'request a document' in English. This is commonly used in formal contexts, particularly in business, legal, and bureaucratic settings. It refers to the action of formally asking for a specific document or paperwork from another party or authority. It can be used in sentences like 'Necesito solicitar un documento para mi visa' which means 'I need to request a document for my visa'.

solicitar un préstamo
request a loan

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar un préstamo' translates to 'request a loan' in English. This phrase could be used in different contexts, but the most common usage would be in a financial or banking setting. When somebody needs money that they do not currently have, for instances like starting a business, buying a car or a house, they may need to 'solicitar un préstamo' from a financial institution like a bank. This means they would need to go through the process of applying for and receiving money with the agreement that it will be paid back over time, possibly with interest.

solicitar una ampliación de hipoteca
request an extension of mortgage

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar una ampliación de hipoteca' translates to 'request an extension of mortgage' in English. This could be useful in a financial or banking context, where one might need to request more time to pay off their mortgage loan. Hence, it's important to understand this phrase if you're dealing with such situations where there's a need to negotiate payment terms for a property mortgage.

solicitar una beca
apply for a scholarship

'Solicitar una beca' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'apply for a scholarship'. In a broader sense, the verb 'solicitar' means 'to request' or 'to apply for', and 'una beca' translates as 'a scholarship'. Thus, in the context of education, this phrase is commonly used when speaking about the process of seeking financial support for academic studies.

solicitar una cancelación de hipoteca
request a mortgage cancellation

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar una cancelación de hipoteca' translates to 'request a mortgage cancellation' in English. It's typically used in financial and legal contexts, when one wishes to cancel, or end, a mortgage - a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a property, and which you pay back over a certain period. Thus, if a person has paid off their mortgage, or found a way to repay the loan through other means, they may 'solicitar una cancelación de hipoteca', or 'request a mortgage cancellation'.

solicitar una hipoteca
request a mortgage

The Spanish term 'solicitar una hipoteca' translates to 'request a mortgage' in English. This typically refers to the process by which an individual, family, or business approaches a financial institution to ask for funds to purchase real estate. The real estate serves as collateral in this transaction, ensuring the lending institution can recoup its investment if the borrower is unable to make their loan payments. Therefore, when someone 'solicita una hipoteca', they are initiating this financial process.

solicitar una plaza
request a place

'Solicitar una plaza' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'request a place' in English. It is often used in contexts such as applying for a job position, reserving a spot in an event or asking for a seat in a public transport. The verb 'solicitar' means 'to request' and 'una plaza' can refer to a space, a spot, or a position, depending on the context in which it is used.


The Spanish word 'solidario' translates to 'solidarity' in English. It is mostly used to describe a sense of unity or agreement among individuals with a common interest. It can often be found in political or social contexts, where it expresses the idea of people supporting one another in a group or community. In essence, if someone is 'solidario', they stand with others, particularly when they are in a situation of difficulty or struggle.


In Spanish, the word 'solista' translates to 'soloist' in English. A 'solista' is an individual who performs alone in a musical or artistic piece. This word is often used in the context of concerts, performances, musical productions and other events where an individual is highlighted for his or her singular performance. The soloist might be a singer, musician, dancer, or other type of performer. Note the use of 'solista' in sentences can vary based on the context of the discussion.

Example sentences with  solista

In Spanish, 'just' is translated as 'solo'. It is used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, often referring to an action that has recently occured or is about to happen. For example, 'I just arrived' would translate to 'Acabo de llegar'. 'Solo' is a common word and is widely used in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  solo
solomillo de ternera
beef tenderloin

The Spanish term 'solomillo de ternera' translates to 'beef tenderloin' in English. It is a premium cut of meat that is often used in gourmet recipes due to its tender texture and rich flavor. Typically, it is served roasted or grilled, in a variety of dishes such as steak, stews, and roasts. The term 'solomillo de ternera' also signals the quality and tenderness of the meat, as 'solomillo' refers to the loin cut of the animal which is one of the most tender parts, and 'ternera' means calf or veal, indicating the meat is from a young cow.

let go

The Spanish word 'soltar' translates into English as 'let go'. It is used to indicate the action of freeing or releasing something in hands or possession. This could mean physically releasing something you are holding, or metaphorically releasing control, responsibility, or attachment to something or someone. Use 'soltar' when you want to express the action of release or cessation.


The Spanish translation for 'single' is 'soltero'. It is used in the context of describing one's marital status, indicating that the individual is not married. The use of 'soltero' is common in both spoken and written Spanish. For instance, one might say 'Soy soltero', which translates to 'I am single'. It is also used in the context of describing single items or units.

Example sentences with  soltero
sombra de ojos

The Spanish term 'sombra de ojos' translates directly to 'shadow of eyes' in English, but is better known as 'eyeshadow' among English speakers. This is a cosmetic product applied on the eyelids and under the eyes to add color, depth, and dimension, often making the wearer's eyes stand out or appear more attractive. The term 'sombra de ojos' reflects the use of the product to a shadow or contouring color to the area around the eyes.

Example sentences with  sombra de ojos

The Spanish word 'sombrero' translates to 'hat' in English. It is a type of headwear, often with a brim and a crown. Sombreros are especially common in Mexico and Latin America and are associated with traditional dress and folklore. In practical usage, they are designed to protect the wearer from the sun or rain.

sonar a todo volumen
sound to full volume

The phrase 'sonar a todo volumen' in Spanish translates to 'sound to full volume' in English. This is commonly used when you want to express that a particular sound or music is being played very loudly. It is an expression that is often used in everyday situations, especially when referring to the volume of music or any audible device or sound source. It may be used to express both positive excitement for the loud music, or annoyance at the loud noise, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  sonar a todo volumen

The word 'sonata' in Spanish is also 'sonata' in English. It typically refers to a type of musical composition, usually in three or four movements, traditionally played on a solo instrument such as a piano. The term was brought into the musical lexicon in the 17th and 18th centuries and its structure typically consists of exposition, development, and recapitulation.

Example sentences with  sonata

The Spanish word 'sonido' is used to describe a sensation that is perceptible by the hearing sense. It can be in terms of music, noise, vibration, or anything that can be heard. It is used in a wide range of contexts, such as 'El sonido de la música es hermoso' which means 'The sound of the music is beautiful'.

Example sentences with  sonido
sonido armonioso
harmonious sound

The Spanish phrase 'sonido armonioso' translates to 'harmonious sound' in English. This phrase could refer to anything that creates a pleasant, balanced, and melodious sound such as music, singing, or natural sounds like a flowing stream or singing birds. The adjective 'armonioso' implies a sense of pleasing balance or harmony, often related to auditory experiences, while 'sonido' means sound.

Example sentences with  sonido armonioso
sonido ensordecedor
deafening sound

The term 'sonido ensordecedor' in Spanish translates to 'deafening sound' in English. This is often used to describe a sound which is extremely loud and disorienting, and may even cause temporary or permanent hearing loss due to its extreme volume. It can refer to a literal sound, such as the noise made by an explosion or loud machinery, or used metaphorically to describe any overwhelming or overpowering feeling or situation.

Example sentences with  sonido ensordecedor
sonido estridente
loud sound

The Spanish term 'sonido estridente' translates to 'loud sound' in English. It is most commonly used to describe a sound that is piercing or extremely loud. In essence, it describes a sound that is high-pitched or harsh enough to garner significant attention or be extraordinarily noticeable.

Example sentences with  sonido estridente
sonreírle a uno la suerte
smile on one's luck

The Spanish phrase 'sonreírle a uno la suerte' translates to 'smile on one's luck' in English. This is a metaphorical phrase often used to describe a situation when fortune or luck favors someone unexpectedly or fortunately. It evokes imagery of luck as a person smiling upon someone, symbolizing favor, blessing, or good outcomes.

Example sentences with  sonreírle a uno la suerte

The translation provided is incorrect. The Spanish word 'sonrojarse' does not mean 'smile' in English. Instead, 'sonrojarse' translates to 'to blush' in English. It is a reflexive verb that refers to the act of one's face turning red, typically due to embarrassment, shame, or modesty. This is usually an involuntary physical response to a particular situation.


The Spanish word 'sopa' translates to 'soup' in English. It refers to a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in water, often eaten as the first course of a meal. 'Sopa' can also describe a range of dishes with a broth base, and can be enhanced with various ingredients like noodles, rice, vegetables or chunks of meat. In Spanish-speaking cuisines, 'sopa' may take on many forms and flavors.

sopa de pescado
fish soup

The Spanish term 'sopa de pescado' translates to 'fish soup' in English. It refers to a soup that uses fish or seafood as its primary ingredient along with vegetables and spices. This dish is quite popular in many Spanish-speaking regions, where it is served as a starter or a main course.

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