Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

sistema interactivo
interactive system

The Spanish term 'sistema interactivo' translates to 'interactive system' in English. It often refers to computing or technology systems that allow for a two-way flow of information. For example, a webpage where a user can input information or make selections and see real-time changes based on their interactions would be considered an interactive system. In general, it denotes any system structured to involve active user involvement and participation.

Example sentences with  sistema interactivo
sistema multimedia
multimedia system

The term 'sistema multimedia' in Spanish translates to 'multimedia system' in English. A multimedia system is a system capable of handling various forms of media such as text, audio, images, and video. This could include systems ranging from a home entertainment setup that includes a TV, speakers, and various devices for playing physical and digital media, to a computer system with software tools for creating and editing different types of digital content.

Example sentences with  sistema multimedia
sistema operativo
operating system

The Spanish term 'sistema operativo' translates to 'operating system' in English. An operating system is a pivotal software that manages all the hardware and software on a computer, allowing other software to run. It performs numerous functions such as handling input and output operations, managing memory, controlling peripheral devices, and managing files. Some common examples of operating systems are Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android.

Example sentences with  sistema operativo

The word 'sitio' in Spanish translates to 'site' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a place or location. It can refer to a physical place or location, as well as an online website or location. For example, 'sitio de construcción' translates to 'construction site', while 'sitio web' translates to 'website'.

Example sentences with  sitio

The Spanish word for 'situation' is 'situación'. It is used to refer to a set of circumstances or conditions in which someone or something is currently positioned or involved. This may relate to an individual's personal situation, a situation occurring in a movie or story, or a broader social or political situation. Similar to English, 'situación' can be used in a variety of contexts and can be modified with adjectives to describe specific kinds of situations.

Example sentences with  situación

The Spanish word 'soborno' translates to 'bribe' in English. It generally refers to the act of giving or receiving something of value to influence the actions of an authority or party. It's often used in cases of corruption, where officials may accept 'sobornos' to favor certain individuals or groups. It is important to note that the act of bribery is considered illegal and unethical in most societies.

Example sentences with  soborno

The given word 'sobrasada' doesn't actually mean 'leftover' in English. 'Sobrasada' is a type of cured sausage from the Balearic Islands in Spain. Made from ground pork, paprika and other spices, it's traditionally spread on bread or used in cooking. Its unique flavor and texture are beloved in Spanish cuisine.


The Spanish word 'sobre' is used in many contexts like 'over', particularly in phrases related to spatial location, or to describe the end of a period or event. However, it's important to note that due to the complexity and subtleties of both languages, it may not always directly translate to 'over' in every context. Always consider the intended usage before translating.

Example sentences with  sobre
sobreproteger a los hijos
overprotecting children

The Spanish phrase 'sobreproteger a los hijos' translates to 'overprotecting children' in English. This concept refers to a child's parents or caretakers putting excessive measures in place to guard them from harm or discomfort, which goes beyond the average protective measures that are generally considered balanced and necessary. While typically well-intentioned, overprotection can potentially hinder a child's ability to learn from experiences and develop personal autonomy.


The Spanish word 'sobrevolar' translates to 'overfly' in English. It is a verb, and is often used to describe the action of an aircraft or bird moving across the sky or an area in the air. For example, it can be used in the context of a plane flying over a particular city or a bird flying over the sea. The word is used in a similar context in both English and Spanish.

Example sentences with  sobrevolar

The Spanish word 'sobrino' translates to 'nephew' in English. In Spanish, familial terms are specifically gendered, hence 'sobrino' specifically refers to a sibling's male child. The female counterpart of 'sobrino' is 'sobrina', which translates to 'niece' in English. As is common in Spanish, the final 'o' or 'a' denotes the gender of the person in question, with 'o' typically designating males and 'a' designating females.


The Spanish word 'sobrio' translates to 'sober' in English. It can be used in different contexts. In the physical sense, it refers to the state of not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In a more figurative sense, it can also describe someone who is restrained or moderate in their behavior or expression, not extravagant or emotional. They are serious, sensible, and level-headed.

Example sentences with  sobrio

The given word 'sociabilidad' doesn't actually mean sustainability in English. Instead, it translates to 'sociability', which refers to the quality of being sociable. This refers to being willing to engage in social interactions and showing friendliness towards others. This term can be used to describe people, animals as well as organizations or contexts that encourage comradeship and communal relationships.

Example sentences with  sociabilidad

The Spanish word 'sociable' translates to 'sociable' in English. It is typically used as an adjective to describe someone who acts in a friendly, outgoing, and engaging manner towards others. This term also implies that the person enjoys being around people and knows how to interact well in social settings.


The word 'social' in Spanish is also 'social', pronounced slightly different with an emphasis on the last syllable. It is used in the same way as in English, often to refer to society or community-related concepts, interactions, gatherings, or issues. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including social networks ('redes sociales'), social life ('vida social'), or social problems ('problemas sociales').

Example sentences with  social

Socialismo, translated to English as 'socialism', is a political, social, and economic philosophy that advocates for the means of production, distribution, and exchange to be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology posits that the ownership and control of the resources, means and ends of production, should be shared by the community to prevent exploitation and ensure a fair distribution of wealth and services. Historically, socialism has been associated with an opposition to capitalism and the belief in a cooperative system replacing competitive private enterprise.

Example sentences with  socialismo

The term 'socialista' is Spanish for 'socialist'. A socialist is a person who believes in socialism, which is a political and economic theory of social organization advocating that the production, distribution, and exchange of goods should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology promotes equal opportunities and equal distribution of wealth.

Example sentences with  socialista

The word 'sociedad' in Spanish refers to a group of individuals who share a common, distinctive culture and institutions, similar to the English word 'society'. It can be used in various contexts, but primarily it refers to a grouping of individuals in a shared community or network. Additionally, it can also mean a commercial or industrial enterprise.

Example sentences with  sociedad
Sociedad Anónima (S. A.)
Anonymous Society (S.A.)

The Spanish term 'Sociedad Anónima (S. A.)' translates to 'Anonymous Society (SA)' in English. It is the equivalent of a corporation, primarily used in Spain, Latin America, and other countries that utilize Spanish commercial law. This term is used to denote a type of business organization wherein shareholders have limited liability to the company's debt, and shares are not publicly tradable. It is known as 'Anonymous Society' because the ownership of the company isn't associated with specific individuals but with whoever owns the shares.

sociedad de consumo
consumer society

The term 'sociedad de consumo' translates to 'consumer society' in English. This is a term used to describe a society that is characterized by the mass production and consumption of goods and services. It is often associated with capitalism and the western world where the acquisition of wealth and possessions is a significant cultural value. In this society, individuals are considered not only as citizens, but also as consumers where purchasing and owning material possessions is a primary driving force.

Example sentences with  sociedad de consumo
sociedad limitada
limited society

The term 'sociedad limitada' in Spanish refers to a limited liability company or corporation in English. This is a type of business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. This means that the company members are not personally liable for the company's debts and obligations beyond their investments in the company. Thus, the 'limited' in 'sociedad limitada' refers to this limit on liability, and not a 'limited society'.

Example sentences with  sociedad limitada
Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)
Limited Society (S.L.)

The Spanish term 'Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)' translates to 'Limited Society (SL)' in English. This is a type of private company structure in Spain, similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in other countries. It means the owners of the company have their liabilities for the company's debts limited to the amount they have invested in the company. This structure is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and is characterized by its flexibility and simplicity in terms of decision-making and management.

Example sentences with  Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)

The Spanish term 'socio' translates to the English word 'partner'. It can have a variety of uses depending on context, but often refers to a business partner or someone with whom one shares a significant responsibility or undertaking. For example, someone might refer to their business collaborator as their 'socio'. In a more casual setting, 'socio' can also refer to a partner in the sense of a life partner or spouse. However, this use is less common. As with all translations, understanding the intended meaning depends greatly on the context in which it's used.


The word 'sociología' is a noun in Spanish that translates into English as 'sociology'. Sociology is the study of human behavior within society, including societal cultures, practices, and organizational structures. It's a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order and acceptance. In Spanish, the word 'sociología' is used in a similar context, referring to the examination and analytical understanding of social behaviors and structures.

Example sentences with  sociología

The Spanish term 'sociólogo' directly translates to 'sociologist' in English. A 'sociólogo' is an expert in or a student of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. It encompasses the study of social institutions and their interlocking nature, as well as various social, cultural, political, economic, and historical forces that mold human behavior in society.

Example sentences with  sociólogo

A sofa is a piece of furniture for seating two or more people in the form of a bench, with armrests, which is partially or entirely upholstered, often fitted with springs and tailored cushions.

Example sentences with  sofá
sofreír cebollas
sauté onions

The Spanish phrase 'sofreír cebollas' translates to 'sauté onions' in English. This is a culinary term often used in cooking recipes. It involves cooking onions in a small amount of fat on relatively high heat until they are browned. This process gives the onions a sweet and savory flavor, making them suitable for use in a variety of dishes.


The Spanish word 'sol' translates to 'sun' in English. It is a masculine noun frequently used in various contexts. Some examples include 'el sol brilla' which means 'the sun is shining', and 'el sol está muy caliente hoy' which means 'the sun is very hot today'. The word 'sol' is also used in idiomatic expressions such as 'hace sol' which means 'it's sunny'. Another important thing to notice is that in Spanish, 'el sol' is used more frequently than just 'sol', which is equivalent to 'the sun' in English as opposed to just 'sun'. It is one of the basic terms in Spanish vocabulary, making it essential for any beginner.

Example sentences with  sol

'Sol' is the Spanish noun for sun. The sun is the star at the center of the solar system which Earth and other planets revolve around.

Example sentences with  sol

The Spanish word 'soldado' translates to 'soldier' in English. A soldier is a member of the armed forces of a country. They are responsible for protecting the country, usually involving combat or warfare. Soldiers can be part of different branches within the armed forces, including infantry, artillery, air forces or navy. They have to undergo intensive training to prepare for their duties and may require to serve in different geographical locations, potentially even in dangerous situations. 'Soldado' can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to someone who fights tirelessly for a cause or belief.

Example sentences with  soldado
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