Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The term 'significativo' is the Spanish equivalent of the English term 'significant'. It is commonly used in conversations and writings to denote something of importance, consequence, or considerable size. Just like in English, 'significativo' can be used in various contexts - statistically significant, significant other, significant results, etc. Although the degree of significance might vary depending on context, in Spanish, as in English, it always implies a certain level of importance.

Example sentences with  significativo
signo del zodiaco
sign of the zodiac

The phrase 'signo del zodiaco' in Spanish translates to 'sign of the zodiaco' in English. It refers to any of the twelve equal sectors that the celestial sphere is conventionally divided into, represented by symbols and designated by names of the constellations that roughly coincide with the sectors. This term is often used in the context of astrology and horoscopes, where it pertains to a prediction of someone's future based on the position of the stars at their time of birth.

Example sentences with  signo del zodiaco

The Spanish word 'siguiente' translates to 'next' in English. It is used in similar contexts as in English, like to represent the one following the current item, action or time. For example, in a sequence it would be used to refer to the item after the current one. It is also used to reference something in the near future, such as 'el día siguiente' meaning the 'next day'.

Example sentences with  siguiente

The Spanish word 'sílabo' does not translate to 'yeah' in English. It is actually an educational term that refers to a document that outlines a course of study. This document usually includes information on the topics to be covered, the methods of instruction, and the expectations for students to achieve. The equivalent term for 'sílabo' in English is 'syllabus'. Therefore, the correct translation of 'sílabo' is 'syllabus', not 'yeah'.


'Silla' is the Spanish noun for chair. Chairs are pieces of furniture designed to accommodate one person, typically having four legs and a back.

Example sentences with  silla

The Spanish word 'silvestre' translates to 'wild' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that grows, lives, or exists in the wild, not tamed, or domesticated. It can refer to animals, plants, landscapes, or can be used metaphorically to describe a person with a free, unrestrained spirit.

Example sentences with  silvestre

The Spanish word 'símbolo' translates to 'symbol' in English. A symbol represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. It could be a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process. Thus, 'símbolo' corresponds to an icon, pictogram, sign, or emblem in English that denotes a broader, more abstract notion.

Example sentences with  símbolo
símbolo químico
chemical symbol

The term 'símbolo químico' refers to a code for a chemical element. This symbol usually consists of one or two letters derived from either the element's current name or its original Latin or Greek name. For example, 'H' is the chemical symbol for Hydrogen, 'Au' for Gold which stems from its Latin name 'Aurum'. Thus, these chemical symbols serve as universal annotations for chemical elements, widely used in scientific contexts.

Example sentences with  símbolo químico

In Spanish, 'similar' is also used in the same way as in English. It is an adjective which is used to specify that someone or something resembles another in appearance, character, or quantity. For example, 'Nosotros tenemos gustos similares.' means 'We have similar tastes.' The word 'similar' can be used in various contexts and sentences, always maintaining its essence in conveying likeness or sameness.

Example sentences with  similar

Simpático means 'nice'. It is used to describe a person who is friendly and pleasant. An example would be 'El niño es simpático' which translates to 'The child is nice'.

Example sentences with  simpático

The Spanish word 'simplemente' is used in the same way as 'simply' in English. It is typically used to emphasize a fact, statement, or explanation. It can be used at the start of a sentence, in the middle, or at the end, depending on the context and the emphasis intended, much like the English usage.

Example sentences with  simplemente

The Spanish word 'sin' is used in exactly the same way as the English word 'without'. It's a preposition used to express the absence or lack of something. For instance, 'Estoy sin dinero' means 'I'm without money'.

Example sentences with  sin
sin amueblar
without furnishing

The Spanish term 'sin amueblar' translates to 'without furnishing' in English. It is often used in the context of rental or real estate listings to describe an apartment, house, or other property that is not supplied with furniture. If a property is described as 'sin amueblar', it means you will need to provide your own furniture.

sin ánimos
without encouragement

The Spanish phrase 'sin ánimos' translates to 'without encouragement' in English. It is typically used to describe situations or individuals lacking inspiration, motivation or drive. An example might include a student 'sin ánimos' to study for a challenging test, meaning they are without encouragement to prepare for the exam.

sin embargo

The Spanish word 'sin embargo' translates to 'however' in English. It is used in Spanish in the same way 'however' is used in English - to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.

Example sentences with  sin embargo

The Spanish word 'sinceridad' translates to 'sincerity' in English. It refers to the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. It is an important virtue in many cultures, indicating a person's willingness to speak truthfully and without deceit. In context, it can be used similarly to the English term, such as in the phrase 'aprecio tu sinceridad', which means 'I appreciate your sincerity'.


The Spanish word 'sincero' translates to 'sincere' in English. It is an adjective that is used to define someone who speaks and acts truthfully, without hiding their feelings, thoughts, or intentions. For instance, it could be used in a sentence like 'Él es una persona sincera', which translates to 'He is a sincere person'. It embodies the values of honesty and authenticity.


The Spanish term 'sindicarse' translates to 'syndicate' in English. As a verb, 'sindicarse' refers to the action of joining or becoming a member of a syndicate or a union. A syndicate can be defined as a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote a common interest, especially in business. In essence, when someone 'se sindica', they become part of a collective unit, often with the goal of mutual support and coordination.


The Spanish word 'sinfonía' translates to 'symphony' in English. A symphony typically refers to an elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, generally in four movements, with the first being fast, the second slow, the third a 'minuet' or a 'scherzo', and the fourth fast again. The term 'sinfonía' could also be used metaphorically to describe any harmonious and complex event, process, or activity.

Example sentences with  sinfonía

The word 'síntoma' in Spanish translates to 'symptom' in English. A symptom is a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient. It is often used in medical contexts or conversations related to health. For instance, a headache can be a symptom of many different conditions, from something minor like dehydration to more serious conditions like a brain tumor.

Example sentences with  síntoma

The Spanish word 'síntomas' translates to 'symptoms' in English. It represents signs or indications of a particular disease or condition. This can be used in medical and healthcare contexts. Like in English, 'síntomas' is used to refer to physical or mental indicators that something might not be right health-wise, or can indicate the body's reaction to an infection or disease.

Example sentences with  síntomas
síntomas alarmantes
alarming symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas alarmantes' translates to 'alarming symptoms' in English. It refers to indications or signs of a condition that are concerning or cause for alert. For instance, in a medical context, 'síntomas alarmantes' could reference symptoms that require immediate attention or indicate a severe illness. This phrase can be used in various contexts where there is a need to express the seriousness or urgency of signals or symptoms.

Example sentences with  síntomas alarmantes
síntomas claros
clear symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas claros' translates to 'clear symptoms' in English. This phrase is generally used in medical and health-related context to describe symptoms of a disease or a condition that are noticeable and easy to identify. For instance, high fever and cough can be 'síntomas claros' of a cold or flu. Thus, 'síntomas claros' refer to obvious, undeniable signs of health issues.

Example sentences with  síntomas claros
síntomas evidentes
obvious symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas evidentes' translates to 'obvious symptoms' in English. It is commonly used in health-related contexts, typically when describing clear and easily identifiable signs of an illness or condition. For example, a doctor might use it to describe symptoms of a disease that are immediately noticeable and difficult to ignore, such as a high fever in a flu patient or severe pain in a patient with an injury. Therefore, 'síntomas evidentes' is an important phrase to understand and use correctly in any conversation related to health and medicine.

Example sentences with  síntomas evidentes
síntomas inequívocos
unequivocal symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas inequívocos' translates into English as 'unequivocal symptoms'. This phrase is made up of two words: 'síntomas', which means 'symptoms', and 'inequívocos', which means 'unequivocal'. In the context of health and medicine, 'síntomas inequívocos' would refer to clear, certain, or indisputable signs of a disease or illness.

Example sentences with  síntomas inequívocos
síntomas visibles
visible symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas visibles' translates to 'visible symptoms' in English. This is commonly used in medical scenarios when a person shows observable signs indicating a particular disease or condition. These signs might include redness, swelling, rashes, physical discomfort, among others that can be visibly detected and are hence termed as 'visible symptoms'.

Example sentences with  síntomas visibles

The Spanish word 'sistema' is used very similarly to how 'system' is used in English. It can refer to a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network, a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done, or a method or organized scheme. Like in English, 'sistema' can be applied in diverse contexts like computing, education, ecology and more.

Example sentences with  sistema
sistema circulatorio
circulatory system

The term 'sistema circulatorio' in Spanish translates to 'circulatory system' in English. The circulatory system is a vital part of the human body, which is responsible for the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to and from the cells throughout the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Proper functioning of the circulatory system is crucial for survival.

sistema de aprendizaje
learning system

The term 'sistema de aprendizaje' in Spanish, directly translates to 'learning system' in English. It's a phrase used to describe a structured method or set of practices that lead to learning. In the educational context, it could refer to a complete educational system including courses, teaching methods, learning materials and other resources used to transmit knowledge and skills.

sistema enseñanza
education system

The Spanish term 'sistema enseñanza' translates to 'education system' in English. This term broadly refers to the multitude of public or private institutions that facilitate the education process on several levels including primary, secondary, and higher education. These institutions are organized and coordinated by a set of rules and regulations, which constitutes the 'education system'.

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