Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

servicio de alumbrado
lighting service

The Spanish term 'servicio de alumbrado' translates to 'lighting service' in English. This could refer to a variety of services related to the provision, maintenance, or repair of lighting systems. Such services might be required in homes, workplaces, public spaces, or any other areas where artificial lighting is used. The specific nature of the service can vary greatly, from installing new lighting fixtures, to maintaining existing systems, to innovating with lighting design in architectural contexts.

servicio de atención
care service

The Spanish term 'servicio de atención' translates to 'care service' in English. It refers to a range of services provided either by a government or a private institution, which are aimed at taking care of individuals who need help due to various reasons such as sickness, age, or disability. This concept can be applied to healthcare, social care, customer service, 'after-sales service', where a company provides support to its customers after they purchase or use its products or services.

servicio de ayuda
Help service

The Spanish term 'servicio de ayuda' translates to 'help service' in English. It refers to a service designed to provide assistance or support to those who are in need, often related to technical, customer, or social services. 'Servicio' means service and 'ayuda' means help in English. This term is typically used in settings where there is a service provided to support or aid individuals in overcoming obstacles or difficulties.

servicio de integración
integration service

The Spanish phrase 'servicio de integración' translates directly to 'integration service' in English. It generally refers to a type of service that allows for different systems, software or platforms to be connected or combined, permitting them to communicate and work together in a unified manner. This term is frequently used in fields related to technology, software development or digital systems.

servicio de limpieza
cleaning service

The Spanish phrase 'servicio de limpieza' translates to 'cleaning service' in English. This could refer to a professional business or an individual service that is hired to maintain cleanliness in various environments such as a home, office, or public space. They perform tasks like dusting, vacuuming, washing surfaces, and removing trash.

servicio de orientación
Guidance service

The word 'servicio de orientación' in Spanish translates to 'guidance service' in English. In the Spanish language, 'servicio' stands for 'service', while 'de orientación' implies 'guidance'. Collectively, the term is widely used in contexts related to education, health or any area where there might be a need for professional advice or support. This service can be found in schools, colleges, and various institutions, aiming to help individuals make informed decisions by providing necessary assistance and information.

servicio de recogida de basura
garbage collection service

The phrase 'servicio de recogida de basura' in Spanish translates to 'garbage collection service' in English. It represents the service provided by public or private entities to collect and dispose of waste produced by households, commercial establishments, industries and other sectors. This phrase is commonly used in public administration and residential contexts, varying in scope depending on the country or city.

servicio militar (obligatorio)
military service (obligatory)

The Spanish term 'servicio militar (obligatorio)' translates to 'military service (obligatory)' in English. It refers to a government policy which mandates all qualifying citizens to serve in the nation's armed forces for a certain period of time. The obligation to perform military service often comes at a certain age and may involve training and active duty. In some countries, military service may be voluntary, but in others, it continues to be compulsory.

Example sentences with  servicio militar (obligatorio)
servicios sociales
social services

The word 'servicios sociales' in Spanish translates to 'social services' in English. Social services refer to a range of public services provided by the government, non-profit organizations, and private entities to help improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. These services often include, but are not limited to, services like healthcare, education, housing assistance, and food assistance. They are designed to support the well-being and development of individuals, particularly those in vulnerable situations.


The Spanish word 'servidor' translates to 'server' in English. It could refer to a person or a piece of technology. In a restaurant setting, a 'servidor' or server is the person who brings you your food. In a technology context, a 'servidor' or server is a computer or system that manages access to centralized resources or services in a network.


The Spanish word 'servilleta' translates to 'napkin' in English. It is a piece of cloth or paper used at the table, to protect the clothes or wipe the mouth and fingers while eating.


The Spanish verb 'servir' translates to 'serve' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of providing a service, serving food or drinks, or to state that something is useful. Remember, in various contexts it might change slightly, but the basic meaning remains the same.

Example sentences with  servir
servir el primer plato
serve the first dish

The Spanish phrase 'servir el primer plato' translates to 'serve the first dish' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of a meal, particularly a formal one, where multiple dishes are served one after the other. 'Servir' means to serve, 'el' is a definite article meaning 'the', 'primer' is an ordinal number indicating the first in a series, and 'plato' refers to a dish in a meal. So, when put together, 'servir el primer plato' refers to the act of serving the first course or dish in a meal.

servir el segundo plato
serve the second dish

The Spanish phrase 'servir el segundo plato' translates to 'serve the second dish' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of meals and dining, where serving different dishes is a common practice. The action of serving the 'segundo plato' or 'second dish' typically occurs after the first course has been consumed. In the Spanish dining style, the 'segundo plato' often consists of a meat or fish dish following a lighter first course, similar to the 'main course' in many English-speaking cultures.

servir una bebida
serve a drink

The Spanish phrase 'servir una bebida' translates to 'serve a drink' in English. This phrase is generally used to depict the offering or the act of giving a drink, often used in professional contexts such as restaurants or bars, but is also common in social settings. In conjugated contexts, 'servir' may change form to fit sentence requirements.

servir una comida
serving a meal

The Spanish phrase 'servir una comida' translates to 'serving a meal' in English. The verb 'servir' means 'to serve'. It is normally used in a context relating to the action of providing food or drink to someone. The counterpart 'una comida' means 'a meal'. This phrase can be used in different contexts such as at home, in restaurants, special events, etc. It's common to hear this phrase when referring to the act of setting food on the table for people to eat.

servir una mesa
serve a table

The Spanish phrase 'servir una mesa' translates to 'serve a table' in English. This expression can be used in a variety of contexts, most commonly in the foodservice industry. Waitstaff are often tasked with 'serving a table' — this does not only mean bringing food and drinks to the table, but also preparing the table for the meal, checking in on the customers during the meal, cleaning up after the meal, and providing overall excellent customer service. In this language, verbs like servir often change depending on who is doing the action, so it's important to conjugate it appropriately.

sesión continua
Continuous session

The Spanish term 'sesión continua' translates to 'continuous session' in English. It's generally used in contexts like cinemas or theaters, where the movies or performances are shown one after another without breaks in between. It can also be used more broadly to refer to any ongoing or uninterrupted series of events or activities.

Example sentences with  sesión continua
sesión de cine
cinema session

The Spanish phrase 'sesión de cine' translates to 'cinema session' in English. This phrase can refer to a specific showing or a time slot at a movie theater where a particular film is playing. It is commonly used in discussions about movie scheduling or planning a time to go to the cinema. It points to the scheduled arrangement of film screenings in a day.

sesión de noche
night session

The Spanish phrase 'sesión de noche' translates directly to 'night session' in English. This phrase could be used to describe an event, such as a meeting, concert, or even a study group, that takes place during the nighttime hours. Reflective of Spanish's rich and expressive phonetic nature, it provides a concise, albeit beautiful, way of describing these nighttime gatherings.

Example sentences with  sesión de noche
sesión de tarde
afternoon meeting

The phrase 'sesión de tarde' in Spanish translates to 'afternoon meeting' in English. In a work context, it refers to a meeting or gathering that is held in the afternoon. The word 'sesión' refers to 'session' or 'meeting' and 'tarde' means 'afternoon' in English. Thus, this phrase can also be used in various contexts where an event or activity takes place in the afternoon.

Example sentences with  sesión de tarde

The Spanish word 'seta' translates to 'mushroom' in English. 'Seta' is a generic term for any mushroom-like fungi, and is used across many Spanish-speaking regions. As with English, there are more specific words for different types of mushrooms. The word 'seta' can be used in various contexts, such as in cooking recipes, outdoor activities, and science descriptions.

Example sentences with  seta

The Spanish word 'seudónimo' translates to 'pseudonym' in English. A pseudonym is a fictitious name, especially one used by an author, often to preserve anonymity or hide one's identity. It serves as an alternative name that a person can use instead of their real name. The term 'seudónimo' in Spanish carries the same implications and is commonly used in book publishing, radio shows, TV shows, and online media.


The Spanish equivalent for English word 'yeah' is 'sí'. It is used in a similar context where an agreement or acknowledgment is necessary. However, it may vary in some colloquial settings and different dialects of Spanish.

Example sentences with  

This adverb is used to express native continuity meaning the action/performance/quality always exists or happens.

Example sentences with  siempre

In Spanish, 'siempreverde' is often used to describe trees or plants, which symbolizes their perennial nature, meaning they retain their green leaves throughout the year. Just like English, it can also be used figuratively to describe something that is enduringly fresh, interesting, or successful.

Example sentences with  siempreverde

The Spanish word 'sierra' translates to 'saw' in English. It is a common term used for a range of cutting tools, with teeth along one edge, designed to cut materials like wood or metal. Moreover, in a broader context, 'sierra' can refer to a mountain range, as the jagged peaks often resemble the teeth of a saw.

Example sentences with  sierra

The Spanish word 'siete' is a cardinal number used in counting or specifying quantity. It is used in the exact same contexts as the number 'seven' in English and means the same. For example, you could use it when discussing time (son las siete - it is seven), when ordering amounts of things (siete manzanas - seven apples), as well as in all other contexts where you would use the number 'seven'.

Example sentences with  siete

The Spanish word 'siglo' mirrors the English term 'century', referring to a period of 100 years. It's used just as in English, to designate centuries in history. For instance, 'siglo XX' means '20th century'. Besides, it's also appropriate to use it in expressions like 'todos los siglos' meaning 'every century' and 'medio siglo' meaning 'half a century'.

Example sentences with  siglo

The word 'significa' in Spanish is used to communicate what something means in English. It is used exactly in the same way as 'mean' is used in English, to explain the definition or interpretation of something. Additionally, 'significa' also implies importance or worth in some contexts.

Example sentences with  significa
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