Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ser licenciado en Empresariales
be licensed in Businesses

The Spanish phrase 'ser licenciado en Empresariales' translates to 'be licensed in Businesses' in English. This phrase is often used to denote someone who has obtained a degree or formal education in business studies, typically from a university or other higher education establishment. It's worth noting that 'licenciado' in this context refers to a degree, similar to Bachelor's degree, but it also often used for lawyers.

ser licenciado en Filología
be licensed in Philology

The phrase 'ser licenciado en Filología' in Spanish translates to 'be licensed in Philology' in English. This implies a person has finished university studies specific to Philology, gaining a degree and license in this academic area. Philology generally refers to the study of language in oral and written historical sources, involving a combination of literary studies, history and linguistics.

ser maleducado
to be rude

The Spanish term 'ser maleducado' translates to 'to be rude' in English. It is a phrase made up of the verb 'ser', which means 'to be', and the adjective 'maleducado', which means 'rude' or 'impolite'. This phrase is commonly used to describe an individual's inappropriate or disrespectful behavior.

Example sentences with  ser maleducado
ser moreno
to be dark

The Spanish phrase 'ser moreno' is generally used to describe someone with dark skin colour or to be dark in complexion. It can also be utilized for referring to someone with brown or dark-coloured hair. It's mainly about physical characteristics, highlighting the darker shades of skin, hair or eyes. For instance, 'Ella es morena' in English translates to 'She is dark-skinned' or 'She has dark hair'. Remember, 'ser moreno' pertains to a constant or unchangeable characteristic.

ser moreno (de piel)
be dark (skin)

The term 'ser moreno (de piel)' in Spanish generally refers to having a dark skin tone. The term 'moreno' itself is descriptive, referring to a darker complexion or hair color in people. It doesn't necessarily point to a specific race or ethnicity, but rather the coloration of the skin. It's essential to notice that 'ser moreno' doesn't always mean that the person is racially black; it could simply signify that the person has a tan or naturally darker skin pigmentation compared to the general populace of their native region.

ser objeto de análisis
to be the subject of analysis

The Spanish phrase 'ser objeto de análisis' translates to 'to be the subject of analysis' in English. This is often used in academic or professional contexts, when a person or a topic is being examined or studied in depth. The phrase can apply to a variety of situations, such as a piece of artwork being analyzed in a critique, a business decision being examined for its potential outcomes, or a scientific concept being explored in a research study.

Example sentences with  ser objeto de análisis
ser objeto de estudio
to be studied

The Spanish term 'ser objeto de estudio' translates to 'to be studied' in English. This phrase is often used in academic and formal contexts. When something, such as a subject or topic, is 'ser objeto de estudio', it is the primary focus of research, examination, or inquiry. The objective of 'ser objeto de estudio' is to analyze, understand, and learn more about the particular topic or field of study.

Example sentences with  ser objeto de estudio
ser repugnante
to be disgusting

The Spanish term 'ser repugnante' translates to 'to be disgusting' in English. It is a verb phrase that expresses a state of being. 'Ser' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to be' and 'repugnante' is an adjective meaning 'disgusting'. This phrase can be used to refer to individuals, actions, situations or things that cause a strong feeling of revulsion or displeasure.

ser respetuoso
to be respectful

The Spanish phrase 'ser respetuoso' translates into English as 'to be respectful'. This phrase is usually used to encourage individuals to show esteem or consideration towards other individuals or their beliefs, qualities, and rights. The usage encompasses all aspects of conduct in society, including interactions at home, work, school, and in public environments.

Example sentences with  ser respetuoso
ser rubio
being blond

The Spanish phrase 'ser rubio' translates to 'being blond' in English. This is most commonly used to describe an individual's hair color, indicating that they have light, almost yellow-colored hair. However, it can also be used more broadly to describe anyone or anything that is light or pale in color. This term is widely used in various Spanish-speaking countries and communities.

ser un blando
being a soft one

'Ser un blando' is a Spanish phrase that translates into English as 'being a soft one'. It is often used to describe someone who is kind-hearted, understanding, or easy-going. However, it can also have negative connotations, suggesting that someone is weak, easily taken advantage of, or lacks the necessary toughness or assertiveness. The phrase can heavily rely on context, as different situations may lead to different interpretations of the phrase 'ser un blando'.

ser un caradura
to be cheeky

The Spanish phrase 'ser un caradura' translates to 'to be cheeky' in English. It's an idiomatic expression used in Spanish speaking countries when a person behaves without shame or without considering the consequences, similar to the English phrase 'to have a lot of nerve'.

ser un éxito
to be a success

The term 'ser un éxito' in Spanish translates to 'to be a success' in English. This term is used to describe an individual, a performance, or anything that has achieved commendable success or has been well-received. It can be used in various contexts, both informal and formal, to signify a favorable outcome or a victory. Hence, 'ser un éxito' is a positive affirmation of successfulness.

ser un gallina
being a chicken

The Spanish phrase 'ser un gallina' translates to 'being a chicken' in English. This term is often used colloquially to refer to someone who is considered cowardly or overly cautious, similar to the way the term 'chicken' is used in English to describe someone who is afraid or unwilling to take risks.

ser un genio
being a genius

The phrase 'ser un genio' is Spanish for 'being a genius'. This phrase is often used to describe someone who shows exceptional intellectual ability, creative productivity, or ability to understand concepts and ideas quickly. It can also be used sarcastically or humorously for someone who has done something clever or creative.

Example sentences with  ser un genio
ser un jugador amateur
being an amateur player

The Spanish phrase 'ser un jugador amateur' can be translated into English as 'being an amateur player'. This phrase is often used to define someone who plays a sport or recreational activity for pleasure and has no goal or intention to become a professional player in that field. An amateur is characterized by not receiving financial gain from this activity. The term 'amateur' is also used more generally in any field or area of interest to refer to someone who does something out of love for it or as a hobby, rather than for profit or as a job.

ser un jugador astuto
being a cunning player

The Spanish phrase 'ser un jugador astuto' translates to 'being a cunning player' in English. This phrase refers to someone who uses clever or deceitful methods, especially in a game or sport, to achieve their goals. The literal translation of each word is 'be' (ser), 'a player' (un jugador), and 'cunning' (astuto). Therefore, it's used to describe a person who is clever and able to use strategies efficiently in competitions or games to gain advantage over others.

ser un lince
being a lynx

The phrase 'ser un lince' in Spanish directly translates to 'being a lynx' in English. However, it is not a literal reference to the animal. In Spanish, it's used metaphorically to describe someone who is very observant or sharp-witted, similar to the characteristics of a lynx. It's akin to the English idiom 'to have an eagle eye'.

ser un soltero de oro
being a gold bachelor

The phrase 'ser un soltero de oro' in Spanish translates to 'being a gold bachelor' in English. This is a Spanish idiom often used to denote someone who is considered a 'catch'. This means they are unmarried and very attractive because of their wealth, charm, and attractiveness, making them an ideal partner. Despite all these seemingly perfect qualities, they still choose or happen to be single. Therefore, the phrase is typically used in a flattering context.

ser un solterón
to be a bachelor

The Spanish phrase 'ser un solterón' translates to 'to be a bachelor' in English. This term can be used to describe an unmarried man, often with the connotation that he might be avoiding commitment or marriage. The phrase is most commonly used in casual or informal contexts.

ser un zorro
being a fox

'Ser un zorro' is a Spanish idiomatic phrase. In a literal sense, it translates to 'being a fox' in English. However, it is often used somewhat figuratively in Spanish. Similar to the way we use 'fox' in English, 'ser un zorro' can refer to a person who is sly, cunning, or crafty. It can be used to denote someone's cleverness or wit, especially when they are being a little tricky or sneaky.

ser una fuente de inspiración
be a source of inspiration

The Spanish phrase 'ser una fuente de inspiración' translates to 'be a source of inspiration' in English. This phrase implies drawing motivation or stimulation from someone or something. It is often used in a metaphorical context when a person, object, or situation induces a person to think creatively or start a new endeavor.

Example sentences with  ser una fuente de inspiración
ser vegetariano
being vegetarian

The phrase 'ser vegetariano' in Spanish translates to 'being vegetarian' in English. This phrase is often used to describe individuals who follow a specific diet that excludes meat and emphasizes foods from plant sources. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice for many out of health, ethical, or environmental considerations. As the verb 'ser' is used, it denotes a permanent state or characteristic of a person which aligns with the perception of vegetarianism as a permanent lifestyle choice and not a temporary diet.


In Spanish, 'sería' is the equivalent word for 'would' when referring to a hypothetical situation or action. It is a common verb used in the conditional tense, which is used to express what would happen under certain circumstances. It's a version of the verb 'ser' (to be) and can be used in a wide range of contexts.

Example sentences with  sería

The Spanish word 'serie' is used in similar contexts as 'series' in English. It can refer to a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession, such as a TV series (una serie de televisión) or a series of events (una serie de eventos). However, it's important to gauge the context as certain English phrases may not translate directly.

Example sentences with  serie

The Spanish word 'seriedad' translates to 'seriousness' in English. This term can be utilized to describe the quality or state of being serious, earnest, or sincere. It depicts solemn, grave, or sober behavior, attitude, or character, often devoid of humor or frivolity. In other instances, it may also convey the weightiness or importance of a situation or matter. Similar to its English counterpart, 'seriedad' plays a versatile role in Spanish conversation and literature, serving to describe people, situations, and discussions.


The word 'serio' in Spanish translates as 'serious' in English. It is commonly used to describe a situation, person, or an issue that is of significant importance or gravity. Additionally, it can also describe a person's demeanor or character. It is an adjective and should match in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  serio

A snake is a carnivorous reptile with elongated, legless body. Snakes are found in diverse habitats ranging from terrestrial, aquatic, to arboreal. There are over 3,000 species of snakes.

Example sentences with  serpiente

The word 'servicio' in Spanish is used just like the English term 'service'. It can refer to a type of work that is done for people, a function or usefulness of a thing, or a ceremony in a church. 'Servicio' can be used in various contexts, such as customer service (servicio al cliente), public service (servicio público), or service charge (cargo por servicio).

Example sentences with  servicio
servicio de alcantarillado
sewerage service

The Spanish term 'servicio de alcantarillado' translates to 'sewerage service' in English. It refers to the infrastructure and services associated with the collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of sewage or wastewater. This system is crucial for urban sanitation and environmental health, helping prevent diseases and protecting water resources. The phrase is commonly used in the public utility and civil engineering spheres.

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