Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

atentado terrorista
terrorist attack

The Spanish term 'atentado terrorista' translates in English to 'terrorist attack'. This phrase consists of two words. 'Atentado', in a general sense, means an attempt or strike, and is often used to refer to an aggressive act or offense. On the other hand, 'terrorista' directly translates to 'terrorist', referring to a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Therefore, 'atentado terrorista' typically signifies an act of violence perpetrated by an individual or group with the intent to cause fear or harm for political, religious, or ideological purposes.

Example sentences with  atentado terrorista
atentar contra alguien
attacking someone

The Spanish phrase 'atentar contra alguien' translates to 'attacking someone' in English. Essentially used in contexts implying harm, threat or violent action directed at a person, it can refer to physical attacks, verbal assault, or symbolic actions detrimental to the person involved. Keep in mind that in Spanish language nuances, severity, and specific translation of 'attack' may change depending on the cultural, legal, or situational context.

Example sentences with  atentar contra alguien

The Spanish word 'Ateo' translates to 'Atheist' in English. This term refers to a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods. An atheist might also reject the belief in any form of spiritual or supernatural realm. In other words, an atheist is someone who lives without any religious beliefs or practices. The term 'Ateo' therefore, is used to describe a person who holds such beliefs in the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  ateo

The Spanish word 'aterrizar' translates to 'landing' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of aviation to describe the action of an aircraft coming down onto the land or water at the end of a flight. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe coming back down to reality after a period of excitement or elation, similar to the English expression 'to come back down to earth'.

Example sentences with  aterrizar

The word 'ático' translates to 'attic' in English. Attic is typically referring to the space or room at the highest level of a building, often below the roof, used for storage or habitation. Similarly, in Spanish 'ático' also represents these meanings. It can be used to indicate a loft-style apartment or penthouse that is situated on the top floor of a building.


The Spanish word 'atmósfera' translates to 'atmosphere' in English. It refers to the layer of gases surrounding a material body of sufficient mass, especially the ones like our planet Earth. It can also refer to the ambiance or mood in a particular environment or setting. For instance, the atmosphere at a party or any social gathering. This term is commonly used in contexts relating to environmental science, meteorology, aviation, and space exploration.

Example sentences with  atmósfera
atom atom

The Spanish word 'átomo' translates to 'atom' in English. An atom is the basic unit of a chemical element, and the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. They form the basis of any chemical reaction. The word 'átomo' is used in scientific and educational contexts in Spanish speaking regions largely equivalent to its usage in English.

Example sentences with  átomo

The word 'atraco' does not mean 'attract' in English. It is a Spanish noun that translates to 'robbery' or 'hold-up' in English. It's often used to describe a situation when someone is stolen from or forcefully separated from their possessions, particularly in a manner involving violence or threats, akin to a stick-up or hold-up in English parlance.

atravesar el océano
across the ocean

The phrase 'atravesar el océano' in Spanish translates to 'across the ocean' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts, but it primarily denotes the action of crossing an ocean, whether that be physically traversing the water body, like during a flight or a voyage, or metaphorically implying a wide or significant journey or transformation. Similar phrases in English might include 'crossing the sea' or 'journey across the ocean'.

Example sentences with  atravesar el océano
atravesar el país
across the country

'Atravesar el país' is a Spanish phrase that can be translated to English as 'across the country'. It suggests the action of going from one end of the country to another, covering significant parts of it in the process. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as travel, transportation, migration, or distribution of goods and services. For instance, it can refer to someone making a trip 'across the country', or goods being shipped 'across the country'.

Example sentences with  atravesar el país
ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)
ATS (Health Technical Assistant)

The word 'ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)' is a Spanish term used to represent the English term 'Health Technical Assistant'. This career resides in the medical field, usually supporting doctors in achieving their medical duties. Their responsibilities range from administrative tasks, preparing patients for procedures, and even performing some basic clinical tasks. In English-speaking countries, they might also be referred to as 'Nursing Associates' or 'Physician Assistants'.

Example sentences with  ATS (Ayudante Técnico Sanitario)

The Spanish word 'atún' translates to 'tuna' in English. 'Atún' is a noun which refers to a type of saltwater fish that is often used in cooking. It is a popular choice for dishes like salads, sandwiches and sushi. In Spain, 'atún' is a common ingredient in the traditional dish known as 'tapas'.


The Spanish word 'audición' translates to 'audition' in English. This term generally refers to a sample performance by an actor, singer, musician, dancer or other performing artist. It is usually given in the context of a rehearsal, demonstration or evaluation of the artist's suitability for a role, a performance, or for admission into a performing arts school. The word 'audición' may also refer to the process of hearing, which is the sense or faculty by which sound is perceived.


The Spanish term 'audioconferencia' pertains to the English term 'audioconferencing'. 'Audioconferencia' is a noun that describes a mode of communication where two or more people engage in a conversation over a distance, typically in a business setting. It may involve the use of a phone or the internet, and does not require all parties to be in the same place. Hence, 'audioconferencia' can be a viable option for discussions, meetings or presentations among individuals who are geographically dispersed.


The Spanish word 'auditorio' translates to 'auditorium' in English. This term generally refers to a large space or room that is used for performances or speeches, typically containing tiered seating for the audience. An auditorium can be a part of schools, colleges, theaters, or any public buildings where larger gatherings occur. It derives from a Latin word meaning 'to hear', which signifies its primary function: to facilitate listening to performances or addresses.

Example sentences with  auditorio

The Spanish word 'aula' translates to 'classroom' in English. It refers to a place within an educational institution where teaching and learning occur. It is typically furnished with a series of seats and desks and equipped with tools and materials conducive for learning and teaching processes. It can also refer to a digital space for online learning. In both physical and digital contexts, 'aula' serves as a space where students and teachers interact for educational purposes.

aula multimedia
multimedia classroom

The term 'aula multimedia' in Spanish refers to a multimedia classroom in English. This is a classroom equipped with modern technologies like computers, projectors, and other audio-visual tools to facilitate interactive teaching and learning. This type of classrooms are designed to enhance the learning experience by integrating various digital elements and resources.

aumentar el número de desempleados
increase the number of unemployed

The Spanish phrase 'aumentar el número de desempleados' translates to 'increase the number of unemployed' in English. The verb 'aumentar' means 'to increase', 'el número de' refers to 'the number of', and 'desempleados' is a noun that means 'unemployed'. Therefore, this phrase is commonly used in socio-economic contexts or discussions referring to labor markets or unemployment trends.

aumentar el precio
increase the price

The Spanish phrase 'aumentar el precio' translates to 'increase the price' in English. This expression is commonly used in economic and commerce-related contexts. It signifies boosting or escalating the cost or value of a good, service, or commodity. The verb 'aumentar' stands for 'to increase' while 'el precio' translates to 'the price'. Altogether, 'aumentar el precio' implies raising the monetary value or cost of something specifically in commercial or trading scenarios.

Example sentences with  aumentar el precio
aumentar la familia
increase the family

The phrase 'aumentar la familia' in Spanish directly translates to 'increase the family' in English. However, in context, it is usually used to refer to the idea of having more children or adding more members to the family, similar to the English phrase 'expanding the family'.

aumentar la velocidad
increase speed

The Spanish phrase 'aumentar la velocidad' translates to 'increase speed' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in contexts such as driving, sports, or generally whenever one is needed to quicken or intensify the pace of an activity. 'Aumentar' specifically means 'to increase' and 'la velocidad' means 'the speed', thus when combined, they create the action phrase 'increase speed'.

Example sentences with  aumentar la velocidad

The Spanish word 'aumento' is used much in the same way the English word 'increase' is used. It can refer to a rise in a numerical or monetary value, a physical expansion, or a growth in intensity. It can also be used as a verb, 'aumentar', meaning to raise or enhance something.

Example sentences with  aumento
aumento de la mortalidad
increase in mortality

The Spanish phrase 'aumento de la mortalidad' translates to 'increase in mortality' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of public health or statistics when the death rate within a specific population increases. It could be due to various factors such as disease, natural disaster, war or others which significantly impact the mortality rate.

Example sentences with  aumento de la mortalidad
aumento de la natalidad
increase in birth

The Spanish term 'aumento de la natalidad' translates to 'increase in birth' in English. It's commonly used in demographic and statistical contexts to describe a situation or a period during which the number of births in a particular area or country significantly grows. The phenomenon is often related to various societal, economical, or cultural factors that encourage larger family sizes or improved conditions promoting higher birth rates.

Example sentences with  aumento de la natalidad
aumento de la población
increase in population

The Spanish phrase 'aumento de la población' translates to 'increase in population' in English. This phrase is typically used to discuss demographics, such as in the context of a city, country, or the world. It could refer to any growth in the number of inhabitants in these places due to factors like better healthcare, immigration, higher birth rates, etc. It is an important term in fields like social science, economics, and environmental studies.

Example sentences with  aumento de la población

The Spanish word 'aún' is used similarly to 'still' in English. It connotes an action or state continuing up to the present or a particular time. It is used to accentuate the fact that something that has started has not finished yet. Please note translation can vary based on context, as 'still' can also be translated as 'todavía' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  aún

The Spanish word 'aunque' directly translates to 'though' in English and it is commonly used to express a contrast or contradiction, similar to how 'though' is used in English. For instance, you could use 'aunque' in a sentence such as 'Aunque llovió, todavía fuimos al parque,' which translates to 'Even though it rained, we still went to the park.'

Example sentences with  aunque

The word 'auricular' in Spanish translates to 'headphone' in English. It is often used in the context of listening to music, radio or any other audio source. It is a common word and is universally understood in the Spanish speaking world. Similar to English, 'auricular' can be used to refer to both the smaller earbuds that insert into the ear, as well as the larger, over-the-ear headphones. This term is an important part of everyday language, especially in our current digital age where headphones are commonly used with a variety of devices such as smartphones, computers and audio players.


The Spanish word 'austero' translates to 'austere' in English. The term 'austere' can be used to describe something that is unadorned, simple, or plain. It can be applied to both physical objects and personal character traits. For example, an austere room could be one with minimal decoration or furniture. In personal traits, someone described as austere could be perceived as stern, serious or highly disciplined.


A bus can be defined as a large vehicle that is designed to carry many passengers. Buses are typically used for public transportation.

Example sentences with  autobús
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