Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

ser clavados
be nailed (look similar to to someone)

The Spanish phrase 'ser clavados' is an informal, colloquial phrase that is translated to English as 'to be nailed'. However, it is not used to refer to the action of inserting a nail into something, instead, it is used metaphorically, indicating that two or more people, situations, or objects look extremely similar to each other, to such an extent that they seem almost identical. This phrase is primarily used in some Latin American countries and might not be understood in all Spanish-speaking regions.

ser coleccionista de
to be a collector of

The Spanish phrase 'ser coleccionista de' translates to 'to be a collector of' in English. It is usually used to describe a person's hobby or passion for collecting various items such as stamps, coins, art pieces, etc. That being said, whatever object or item follows after these Spanish words would identify the kind of items that a person collects. For example, 'ser coleccionista de sellos' means 'to be a collector of stamps'.

ser como de la familia
being like family

The Spanish phrase 'ser como de la familia' translates to 'being like family' in English. It is used to refer to someone who is not a blood relative but is so close to you or shares such a strong bond with you that they feel like a part of your family. You might use this phrase to describe a very close friend, a partner, or anyone else with whom you have a deep and powerful emotional connection.

ser como dos gotas de agua
be like two drops of water

The Spanish phrase 'ser como dos gotas de agua' translates to 'be like two drops of water' in English. This is used as an idiom or expression to describe when two people or things are extremely similar or identical in appearance, much like two drops of water. The phrase brings emphasis on the nearly impossible task of telling one from the other, exhibiting their striking likeness.

ser contratado
to be hired

The Spanish phrase 'ser contratado' translates to 'to be hired' in English. This is often used in a workplace or job-finding context, referring to when a person or entity is officially given a job or role by an employer.

ser correcto
to be correct

The Spanish term 'ser correcto' translates to 'to be correct' in English. It pertains to a condition or state of being right in terms of accuracy, truth, or validity. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, but it most commonly refers to factual correctness, such as in answers to questions, or moral correctness, such as in behaviors or actions. The Spanish verb 'ser' is used as it refers to intrinsic or inherent qualities.

Example sentences with  ser correcto
ser de altura media
average height

The Spanish term 'ser de altura media' translates to 'be of average height' in English. This is a descriptive phrase often used to describe a person's height. In general, it is used when a person's height isn't particularly short or tall, but falls within the average range. The phrase is formed from 'ser' (to be), 'de' (of), 'altura' (height), and 'media' (average). This direct translation might not sound natural in English because height is described differently in the two languages, i.e., we usually say one 'is' a certain height in English, whereas in Spanish, one 'has' a certain height.

ser de altura mediana
to be of medium height

The Spanish phrase 'ser de altura mediana' translates to 'to be of medium height' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person's height. In general, being of medium height means that a person is neither very tall nor very short, usually somewhere between the two extremes. It's an indirect way to indicate that a person's height is average or typical when compared to others.

ser de altura normal
normal height

The phrase 'ser de altura normal' in Spanish translates to 'be of normal height' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a person's height, typically implying it's in a range considered average or normal for their age, gender, and ethnicity. For example, 'Ella es de altura normal' would mean 'She is of normal height'. The phrase is primarily used in descriptive contexts.

ser de Bali
being from Bali

The Spanish phrase 'ser de Bali' translates to 'being from Bali' in English. This phrase is commonly used to denote someone's origin or where they come from. In this particular case, if someone says 'Yo soy de Bali' in Spanish, they are identifying themselves as a person from Bali. The verb 'ser' is used in Spanish to indicate origin.

ser de buen comer
to be good to eat

'Ser de buen comer' is a Spanish phrase that refers to someone who enjoys eating or someone who eats well. This is not an exact translation to the English phrase 'to be good to eat'. Rather, it is used to describe someone's eating habits, not the quality or taste of food itself.

ser de buena familia
to be of good family

The Spanish phrase 'ser de buena familia' translates to 'to be of good family' in English. It implies an individual hailing from a respectable, possibly well-to-do, family lineage or background, carrying a significant reputation or status in their society.

ser de carácter brusco
to be abrupt

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter brusco' translates to 'to be abrupt' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who displays sudden, unforeseen, or unexpected actions or behaviors. It can refer to people who are straightforward and may sometimes come off as rude or harsh because of their abruptness. The component 'ser' translates to 'to be,' while 'de carácter brusco' translates to 'of abrupt character.'

ser de carácter débil
being of a weak character

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter débil' translates to 'being of a weak character' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe someone who lacks assertiveness, strength, or decisiveness in their behavior or attitude. It pertains to qualities relating to a person's character that are perceived as ineffective or feeble. For example, someone may use this term to describe a character in a story or a person they know who generally gives in to pressure easily, does not assert their ideas, or does not deal well with challenges.

ser de carácter difícil
to be of a difficult character

The phrase 'ser de carácter difícil' in Spanish translates to 'to be of a difficult character' in English. This can refer to a person who is often hard to deal with or understand due to their complex or unpredictable behavior. It is generally used to depict individuals who possess a challenging personality.

ser de carácter fácil
be of easy character

The phrase 'ser de carácter fácil' translates to 'be of easy character' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person's personality or temperament. Someone with an 'easy character' is generally amiable, flexible, and calm. They tend not to get upset or frustrated easily. They adapt quickly to change, are open-minded, and handle stress well. Please note that this is a general interpretation; the exact meaning can vary slightly depending on context.

ser de carácter fuerte
to be of strong character

'Ser de carácter fuerte' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'to be of strong character' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe an individual who is assertive, resilient, and unwavering in their beliefs or principles. Such individuals often have a noticeable presence, are able to effectively communicate their ideas, and maintain composure during conceivably stressful situations. They're often self-confident, can establish firm personal boundaries, and are valued for their leadership qualities.

ser de carácter serio
to be of a serious nature

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter serio' translates to 'to be of a serious nature' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who is solemn or not given to frivolity or levity. In a sentence, it may refer to a person's general disposition or their demeanor in specific situations.

ser de carácter tranquilo
to be of peaceful character

The Spanish phrase 'ser de carácter tranquilo' translates to 'to be of peaceful character' in English. It is used to describe someone who generally has a calm and serene personality. This individual usually doesn't get agitated or restless easily and maintains their composure in most situations. They often exhibit patience, equanimity, and quiet behavior. These characteristics enable them to handle stressful situations with grace and ease. It denotes a positive trait and is used as a compliment or praise when referring to someone's demeanor.

ser de clase alta
being high class

The Spanish phrase 'ser de clase alta' translates to 'being high class' in English. It refers to individuals who are part of the upper or elite class in society, typically characterized by wealth, influence, power, and superior access to resources. This term is often used in the context of discussions about social classes, wealth disparity, and economic systems.

Example sentences with  ser de clase alta
ser de clase baja
being low class

The term 'ser de clase baja' translates to 'being low class' in English. It is used to describe a social status in society that is generally considered below average. This term can be perceived negatively, as it often implies financial struggles and lack of opportunities to improve one's condition, though it is not always used harshly and might sometimes simply reflect the socio-economic division of a society. The usage depends on the context and the intention of the speaker.

Example sentences with  ser de clase baja
ser de clase media
being middle class

The phrase 'ser de clase media' in Spanish translates to 'being middle class' in English. It refers to an individual or family's socio-economic status which indicates whether one is neither very rich nor very poor. It is a lifestyle often associated with the bourgeoisie, where people can afford certain luxuries, yet still have to work to support their lifestyle. The concept of being middle class in different societies may vary, often underlying in the idea of a comfortable modest life that most strive for. In societal context it could also refer to the group of people accounting for most of the consumption patterns, contributing to the economy and often fighting socio-political battles for their rights.

Example sentences with  ser de clase media
ser de digestión difícil
to be difficult digestion

The phrase 'ser de digestión difícil' in Spanish refers to something, often a food or meal, that is hard or challenging to digest. It can be used metaphorically to describe a situation or concept that is difficult to fathom or understand.

ser de digestión lenta
to be of slow digestion

The Spanish phrase 'ser de digestión lenta' translates to 'to be of slow digestion' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe someone who digests food slowly which might lead to a feeling of discomfort or fullness for a long time after eating. It's not common to use this phrase in a literal context though, as it is more often used metaphorically to describe someone who takes time to process information or coming to a decision.

ser de digestión pesada
to be of heavy digestion

The Spanish phrase 'ser de digestión pesada' translates to 'to be of heavy digestion' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a feeling of discomfort after consuming a heavy, rich, or excessive meal. It is not related to a person's character or behavior, but rather to a physical condition that may affect the person after dining. It is quite commonly used in conversational Spanish when discussing dietary habits or health conditions.

ser de estatura media
being of average height

The Spanish phrase 'ser de estatura media' translates to 'being of average height' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a person's height falling within the middle range of a statistical distribution. It can be used in both positive and neutral contexts in either formal or casual conversation. It does not directly indicate shortness or tallness, only that a person's height is in the center of the spectrum when compared to others.

ser de estatura mediana
being of medium height

The Spanish phrase 'ser de estatura mediana' translates to 'being of medium height' in English. In this phrase, 'ser' translates to 'to be,' 'de' means 'of,' 'estatura' equals 'height,' and 'mediana' translates to 'medium.' It is usually used for describing the height of a person in a generic way without specifying exact measurements.

ser de estatura normal
to be of normal height

The Spanish phrase 'ser de estatura normal' translates to 'to be of normal height' in English. It is used when describing a person's physical height as being within the typical or average range. In a sentence, it would serve to clarify an individual's height as not particularly tall or short, but average.

ser de familia humilde
to be of humble family

The Spanish phrase 'ser de familia humilde' translates to 'to be of a humble family' in English. It is often used to describe one's socioeconomic background, indicating a modest upbringing or coming from a family that is not wealthy, but places great value on principles, simplicity, and hard work. The phrase embodies humility and respect towards the economical environment a person comes from and may influence a person's character or perspective.

ser de familia rica
from a rich family

The Spanish phrase 'ser de familia rica' directly translates to 'to be from a rich family' in English. This implies that one's immediate family has substantial wealth or high economic status, influencing their lifestyle and opportunities. However, it's important to remember the context in usage, as cultural views on wealth can differ.

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