Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


In Spanish, 'sentimiento' is used to express 'feeling'. It could be referring to an emotional state or a physical sensation, much like in English. For example, in the sentence 'Tengo un sentimiento de felicidad' it means 'I have a feeling of happiness'.

Example sentences with  sentimiento
to feel

'Sentir' is used to express the act of experiencing a certain feeling or emotion.

Example sentences with  sentir
sentir afecto
feel affection

The Spanish phrase 'sentir afecto' translates to 'feel affection' in English. This phrase is primarily used to denote feelings of warmth, fondness, or care towards someone or something. It is commonly used in conversations among family, loved ones, and friends, as well as in literary and formal contexts. In linguistic terms, it is a verb phrase, with 'sentir' meaning 'to feel' and 'afecto' referring to 'affection'. It is a key phrase in understanding personal emotions and relationships in the Spanish language.

sentir amor
feel love

The Spanish phrase 'sentir amor' translates to 'feel love' in English. It is often used to describe personal emotions, specifically the intimate affection or deep tender feeling one person has for another. It can be used in both romantic and non-romantic context to express love towards someone.

sentir angustia
feel distress

The Spanish phrase 'sentir angustia' translates to 'feel distress' in English. It is often used to express feeling anxiety, stress, or discomfort in a situation. The literal translation of the two words are 'sentir' which means 'feel', and 'angustia' which means 'distress'. This phrase can be used in various contextual scenarios where a person is undergoing emotional or mental strain or tension.

sentir calor
feel warm

The Spanish phrase 'sentir calor' translates to 'feel warm' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts when someone is experiencing a sensation of warmth or heat. For example, after spending some time under the sun, one might 'sentir calor'. It can also be used metaphorically to express emotional warmth or comfort. Keep in mind 'sentir' means 'to feel' and 'calor' means 'heat' or 'warmth' in English.

sentir cansancio
feel tired

The Spanish phrase 'sentir cansancio' translates to 'feel tired' in English. It is often used in the context where one is expressing their current physical or mental state. The verb 'sentir' means 'to feel' and 'cansancio' translates to 'tiredness', so together they mean 'to feel tiredness'. This can be used in various sentences depending upon the context, for example, 'Después del ejercicio, siento cansancio' which means 'After exercise, I feel tired'.

Example sentences with  sentir cansancio
sentir cariño
feel affectionate

The Spanish phrase 'sentir cariño' translates to 'feel affectionate' in English. It is a verb phrase used when someone wants to express warm, tender feelings towards someone else. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, for instance, in expressing affection for a family member, a friend, or a significant other. It refers to the emotional attachment and love one person has for another.

sentir confianza
feel confident

The Spanish phrase 'sentir confianza' translates to 'feel confident' in English. It is a verbal phrase used to express a feeling of self-assuredness, certainty, and reliance on oneself. This can refer to one's attitudes in general or in specific situations. For example, one might 'sentir confianza' when they have thoroughly prepared for a test, or when they have developed a new skill.

Example sentences with  sentir confianza
sentir dolor
feel pain

The Spanish phrase 'sentir dolor' translates to 'feel pain' in English. It is often used in contexts or situations where physical or emotional discomfort is being expressed. Just as in English, this phrase can be used in a literal sense, as when referring to physical pain, or in a more metaphorical sense, suggesting emotional or psychological distress.

Example sentences with  sentir dolor
sentir frío
feel cold

The Spanish phrase 'sentir frío' translates to 'feel cold' in English. It is used in situations to describe the physical sensation of cold, similar to how it is used in English. For instance, if you are out in cold weather without adequate clothing you would 'sentir frío'.

sentir hambre
feel hungry

The phrase 'sentir hambre' in Spanish translates to 'feel hungry' in English. It is most commonly used to express the physical sensation of hunger. This phrase is made up of a verb 'sentir' that means 'to feel' and a noun 'hambre' that refers to 'hunger'. Being a common phrase, it is widely used in both casual and formal contexts.

sentir impotencia
feeling helpless

The Spanish phrase 'sentir impotencia' translates to 'feeling helpless' in English. It is a common phrase used to express situations where one feels powerless, unable to effect change, or is lacking in control. For instance, you might say 'Me siento impotente' which means 'I feel helpless'. It conveys the kind of desolation and desperation that one might experience in a situation where they cannot influence the outcome.

sentir indignación
feeling indignation

The Spanish phrase 'sentir indignación' translates to 'feeling indignation' in English. It pertains to the strong emotion of anger or disgust that is experienced as a response to unfair, mean, or unjust circumstances. This phrase can be used in a variety of circumstances, particularly during discussions or narratives involving matters of justice and fairness.

sentir malestar
feel discomfort

The Spanish term 'sentir malestar' translates to 'feel discomfort' in English. It is an action phrase often used to describe a physical or emotional feeling of unease or discomfort. For instance, you can use it when you are not feeling well health-wise, or when you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy.

sentir náuseas
feel nauseous

The Spanish phrase 'sentir náuseas' translates into English as 'feel nauseous'. This is a verb phrase used to describe the physical sensation of discomfort in the stomach, usually preceding vomiting. It is often used in a medical context or to describe feeling sick from motion (as in a car or boat), excessive eating, or from a reaction to unpleasant sights or smells.

sentir pena
feel sorry.

The Spanish term 'sentir pena' translates to 'feel sorry' in English. This phrase is often used in situations where one expresses remorse or sympathy towards someone else's unfortunate circumstance or experience. For instance, if someone shares a sad story, you might respond with 'siento pena', conveying that you feel sorry for what they have gone through. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from formal to informal, and it is an important phrase to understand and use in conversational Spanish.

sentir rabia
feel rage

'Sentir rabia' is a phrase in Spanish that directly translates to 'feel rage' in English. This phrase is typically used to express a strong emotion of anger, or rage, towards a person or a situation. It can be used both literally, to denote physical sensations associated with emotional rage, or metaphorically, to express a deep sense of anger or frustration. This phrase is of common usage in Spanish speaking regions and can be found in numerous contexts from casual conversations to literature.

sentir rechazo
feel rejected

The Spanish phrase 'sentir rechazo' translates to 'feel rejected' in English. It is often used in scenarios where an individual experiences a negative response or indifference from others, leading to feelings of exclusion or non-acceptance. The term can be used in various contexts such as emotional, psychological, and social situations. It's noteworthy that both 'sentir' and 'rechazo' are common words in Spanish, with 'sentir' meaning 'feel' and 'rechazo' meaning 'rejection'.

sentir respeto
feel respect

The Spanish term 'sentir respeto' translates to 'feel respect' in English. It is often used to describe the feeling or sensation of admiration and deep regard for someone due to their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It represents an emotion which is significant in promoting positive and respectful interactions among individuals.

Example sentences with  sentir respeto
sentir sed
feel thirsty

The Spanish phrase 'sentir sed' translates to 'feel thirsty' in English. This is a commonly used phrase to express one's desire to drink something, much like the English equivalent. It combines the verb 'sentir' which means 'to feel' and the noun 'sed' which means 'thirst'. Together, they form a phrase often used in day-to-day conversation in Spanish-speaking nations.

sentir simpatía
feel sympathy

The Spanish phrase 'sentir simpatía' translates to 'feel sympathy' in English. It is used when someone wants to express that they share the same feelings with another person, especially during a difficult situation. It is an emotional connection where another person's mood or hardship affects you. This phrase is commonly used in supportive or empathetic contexts.

sentir sueño
feel sleep

The Spanish phrase 'sentir sueño' translates to 'feel sleep' in English. This is essentially used to convey the feeling of being sleepy or tired. In other words, when someone says 'siento sueño' in Spanish, they are expressing that they are feeling sleepy or that they are tired. This phrase is generally used in the context where one is expressing their physical state, particularly when it's near bedtime or after a long day. As with many idioms, the literal translation may not offer the exact idea of its actual meaning.

sentir un calor horrible
feel a terrible heat

The Spanish phrase 'sentir un calor horrible' translates to 'feel a terrible heat' in English. This is typically used to describe an overwhelming sensation of heat, either due to weather or high temperatures in a specific area. It can be used both literally, for example when it's extremely hot outside, or metaphorically, to express a high level of pressure or stress.

sentir un frío horrible
feel a terrible cold

The Spanish phrase 'sentir un frío horrible' translates to 'feel a terrible cold' in English. It can be used to describe an extreme feeling of coldness, often relating to weather conditions or a person’s health status. This phrase is typically used in situations where the level of cold felt is very intense or uncomfortable.

sentirse a gusto
feeling comfortable

The Spanish phrase 'sentirse a gusto' translates to 'feeling comfortable' in English. It is often used to describe an emotion or state where one feels at ease or in a relaxed state, without any discomfort or stress. May it be about a place, a situation or in the company of certain people, when one is 'sintiendo a gusto', they are experiencing a state of pleasant contentment and comfort.

sentirse agobiado
feeling exhausted

The Spanish phrase 'sentirse agobiado' translates to 'feeling exhausted' in English. It's used to express a state of fatigue or overwhelming pressure, often due to a multitude of responsibilities or mental stress. In a sentence, it might be used in the context of feeling exhausted after a long work week or feeling overwhelmed by a large number of tasks.

sentirse animado
Feeling animated

The Spanish phrase 'sentirse animado' translates into English as 'feeling animated'. This phrase is often used to express a state of high spirits, energy, or enthusiasm, similar to feeling upbeat or lively. It comes from the verb 'sentirse' which means 'to feel', and 'animado' which means 'animated' or 'lively'. This phrase is commonly used in conversational Spanish.

sentirse bien
Feeling good

The Spanish term 'sentirse bien' translates to 'feeling good' in English. It is a reflexive verb phrase used to express a state of physical or mental well-being. For instance, one might use 'sentirse bien' to explain a recovery from illness or a positive emotional state. The phrase is formed from the reflexive verb 'sentirse', meaning 'to feel oneself', combined with 'bien', which translates as 'good' or 'well'.

sentirse desplazado
feeling displaced

The Spanish phrase 'sentirse desplazado' translates to 'feeling displaced' in English. It is a compound consisting of the reflexive verb 'sentirse' (to feel) and the participle 'desplazado' (displaced). It denotes a sensation of not belonging or not fitting in, in a physical or emotional context. For instance, one may 'sentirse desplazado' in a new city or among a group of strangers. Therefore, it carries a connotation of discomfort, alienation, and estrangement.

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