Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

seguro obligatorio
compulsory insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro obligatorio' translates to 'compulsory insurance' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of various types of insurances that are mandated by law, such as car insurance in many jurisdictions. 'Seguro' means 'insurance', and 'obligatorio' means 'compulsory' or 'mandatory'. Therefore, when combined, 'seguro obligatorio' refers to any insurance that an individual, business, or entity is required to have by law.

Example sentences with  seguro obligatorio
seguro privado
Private insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro privado' translates to 'private insurance' in English. It refers to insurance coverages that are not provided or guaranteed by government entities. Private insurance is offered by private companies and it typically falls into broad categories such as health insurance, life insurance, homeowner's insurance, and car insurance. It is called 'private' because it involves contracts between a private individual or entity and an insurance company, rather than a government body.

Example sentences with  seguro privado
seguro público
public insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro público' translates to 'public insurance' in English. This refers to a system where the government provides protection against certain types of loss, such as illness, old age, or unemployment for its citizens. In such a system, the government takes on the role of the insurer and benefits are funded by taxes. This is generally handled by a public agency and is regulated by law, ensuring coverage for all qualifying citizens.

Example sentences with  seguro público
seleccionar una palabra
select a word

The Spanish phrase 'seleccionar una palabra' translates to 'select a word' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts such as in computer instructions or educational contexts. In computer instructions, it might be used to instruct someone to choose a specific word from a list or drop-down menu. In educational contexts, such as language learning or literacy development, it could be used in exercises that require students to pick a specific word from a text. The verb 'seleccionar', like many Spanish verbs, should be conjugated to agree with the subject.

Example sentences with  seleccionar una palabra

The Spanish word 'sellar' translates to 'sealing' in English. It is a verb that can be used in various contexts. For instance, in legal terms, it refers to the act of officially closing or sealing a document. The word can be also used in a context related to packaging where it denotes the act of closing or fastening an object or a container tightly or securely. Moreover, 'sellar' can imply the act of endorsing or authenticating something, similar to putting a seal or stamp of approval.

sellar un documento
seal a document

The term 'sellar un documento' in Spanish translates to 'seal a document' in English. This means to affix an official symbol or mark to a document, often as a means of making it official or ensuring its authenticity. This could also refer to the act of closing or securing a document, often to ensure that its contents remain confidential or unaltered until it reaches the intended recipient or is officially opened or used.


The Spanish word 'sello' translates to 'stamp' in English. It can refer to both a postage stamp used for mailing letters or a decorative stamp used in arts and crafts. Additionally, 'sello' can also mean a seal or mark of authenticity, similar to how a stamp works as an official seal on a document.


The Spanish word 'selva' translates to 'jungle' in English. Derived from the Latin word 'silva', 'selva' typically refers to a large unexplored region covered with dense vegetation, often in the tropics. The 'selva' is characterised by high levels of biodiversity and is home to a variety of animals and plant species. It plays a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem by contributing hugely to the planet's oxygen production.

Example sentences with  selva
traffic light

The Spanish word 'semáforo' translates to 'traffic light' in English. A 'semáforo' is a device used in roads and intersections that uses a system of light signals to indicate to drivers when to proceed, stop, or prepare to stop. It plays a key role in traffic management and road safety.


The word 'semana' in Spanish is equivalent to 'week' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the seven-day period which is the standard measure of time used in many cultures around the world. It can also be used in other contexts such as la próxima semana (next week), la semana pasada (last week), once a la semana (once a week), etc.

Example sentences with  semana
to sow

The Spanish word 'sembrar' translates to 'to sow' in English. This term is frequently used in an agricultural context, but it can also be used metaphorically. For instance, you might sembrar seeds in the ground, which means you are sowing seeds. Alternatively, you could also sembrar an idea in someone's mind, which means you are planting an idea.

Example sentences with  sembrar

The Spanish word 'semifinal' is directly translated into English as 'semifinal'. It is used in sports or any other competitive events as a phase prior to the final round. It denotes one of two matches, races, etc., that decide who will compete in the final round of a championship. It can also refer to something related to or connected with these matches or races.


The Spanish word 'semilla' translates to 'seed' in English. It is often used in horticultural and botanical contexts, referring to the small object produced by plants from which new plants can grow. 'Semilla' can also be used metaphorically in a similar way as 'seed' in English, to refer to the inception or starting point of an idea, a plan, etc.

Example sentences with  semilla

The Spanish word 'seminario' translates to 'seminar' in English. It's a term often used to refer to a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the connotation of a group meeting such as a conference, involving cooperative exchange of information and a shared objective of problem-solving or research.


The Spanish word 'senado' translates to 'senate' in English. The term is most commonly used in political contexts to refer to a legislative or governing body. In a broader sense, a senate represents the upper house or chamber in a bicameral legislature, typically having a smaller membership and often more authority than the lower house. The term originates from the Roman Empire, where the senate was the advisory council of the ancient Roman republic.

Example sentences with  senado

The Spanish word 'senador' translates to 'senator' in English. A senator is a member of a senate, which is a governing body in many countries. They usually have significant power in the government and are involved in making legislation or laws. 'Senador' can refer to this role in any country, not just Spain or Spanish-speaking countries. The word is used in the same contexts and has the same connotations as 'senator' does in English, and can be used to discuss politics, government, and legislative acts.

Example sentences with  senador

The Spanish word 'señal' works the same way as 'sign' in English. It can represent a gesture or action used to convey information or instructions, a notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instructions in a written or symbolic form, or it can denote an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.

Example sentences with  señal
señal (de tráfico)
signal (traffic)

The word 'señal (de tráfico)' in Spanish refers to a signal or a sign specifically for traffic. These are directional signs, street names, speed limits, warning signs, or instructions posted along roads or at intersections for drivers' safety and smooth flow of traffic. It's a crucial part of road infrastructure and driving routine.

Example sentences with  señal (de tráfico)

The Spanish word 'sencillo' is used to denote something that is easy to understand or not complicated. For instance, in reference to a task or situation, it would be used in the same way as its English equivalent 'simple'. It can also describe a person who has an uncomplicated perspective or lifestyle. Like many adjectives in Spanish, the ending of 'sencillo' changes depending on the gender and quantity of the subjects it is describing.

Example sentences with  sencillo

The word 'señor' is a Spanish noun primarily used as a respectful term to address a man. In English, it translates to 'sir'. The term is widely used in formal or business situations, ideal for when refering to someone older or in a superior position. It is also the equivalent of 'Mr.' when used preceding a person's surname. For example, 'Señor Perez' would translate to 'Mr. Perez' in English.


The Spanish word 'señora' is a polite term used to address or refer to a woman, usually married or middle-aged and above in English-speaking cultures. This term is equivalent to the English term 'madam' or 'Mrs.', demonstrating a level of respect when addressing someone. It's addition to a name (e.g., Señora Rodriguez) confers an honorific status to the person referred to, similar to how 'Mrs.' is used in English.


The word 'señores' is a plural noun in Spanish, which translates to 'gentlemen' in English. It is a formal way to address more than one man. The singular form of 'señores' is 'señor', which means 'sir' or 'mister'. 'Señores' is often used in formal settings or when showing respect towards multiple men.


The Spanish word 'sensibilidad' translates to 'sensitivity' in English. It refers to the quality or condition of being sensitive. This can apply to physical sensitivity, such as feeling or touch, or to emotional sensitivity, such as being easily moved or affected by feelings. The word is used in a variety of contexts both in Spanish and English.

Example sentences with  sensibilidad
sentar bien

The Spanish phrase 'sentar bien' is often translated to 'sit well' directly, but in common usage the phrase isn't related to sitting at all. Instead, 'sentar bien' is frequently used to convey the idea that something suits a person, makes them feel good, or fits them well. This could pertain to clothing, food, or even experiences or events. For example, you might use 'sentar bien' to say that a certain style of dress suits your friend, or that a meal you just had agreed with you and didn't cause any digestive problems.

sentar como un guante
fit like a glove

'Sentar como un guante' is a Spanish idiom that translates literally to 'to sit like a glove'. However, in context, this phrase is used to connote a perfect fit or match in terms of situations, objects, or even relationships. It is similar to the English idiom 'fits like a glove'. For example, it can be used to describe a dress that fits perfectly, a job role that matches someone's skills impeccably, or a partnership that works excellently.

sentar como un tiro
sitting like a shot

The phrase 'sentar como un tiro' is a Spanish idiom that does not translate literally to 'sitting like a shot' in English. It is used to express that something did not sit well or was not well received. For example, it can be used in situations where some news or a comment was upsetting or caused discomfort, similar to the English phrase 'went down like a lead balloon'.

sentar mal
Sit down.

The Spanish phrase 'sentar mal' doesn't quite translate to 'sit down' in English. Instead, it is used to describe a feeling of physical discomfort, often as a result of eating or drinking something that didn't agree with you. For example, if you say 'Esa comida me sienta mal', it means 'That food doesn't sit well with me' or 'That food makes me feel unwell'. This phrase can also be used in a broader context to say something doesn't suit you or doesn't make you feel good.

sit down

The Spanish verb 'sentarse' translates to 'sit down' in English. It's a reflexive verb and often used in the context of instructing or asking someone to sit. The verb changes its form based on the subject- for example, 'me siento' for 'I sit down', 'te sientas' for 'you sit down', etc. The infinitive 'sentarse' is more like an order or a generic way of saying 'to sit down'.

sentarse a la mesa
sit at the table

The Spanish phrase 'sentarse a la mesa' is a verb phrase that means 'to sit at the table' in English. This is typically used in scenarios where someone is joining others for a meal or a meeting. It can also imply the act of settling down to get to work on something, especially in a formal or serious manner.


The Spanish word 'sentido' translates to 'sense' in English. It is commonly used in the similar context as in English- referring to physical senses, like sense of smell or touch, a feeling or a meaning. Just like English, it's a versatile word that could also refers to the practical, logical, or sentimental 'sense' of an idea, action or concept.

Example sentences with  sentido
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