Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'secuestrador' corresponds to the English word 'kidnapper'. It is used to describe a person who illegally captures and holds someone against their will, usually in order to demand a ransom for their release. In a broader sense, it can also refer to someone who seizes or takes control of something without the right to do so.

secuestrar a alguien
kidnapping someone

The Spanish phrase 'secuestrar a alguien' translates to 'kidnapping someone' in English. The words in this phrase are 'secuestrar', which means 'to kidnap', and 'a alguien', which means 'someone'. Therefore, the action of 'secuestrando a alguien' involves unlawfully capturing and detaining a person against their will, often with the intent to demand a ransom or use them for personal advantage or harm. Kidnapping is a serious criminal act in all societies, typically punishable by severe penalties under law.

Example sentences with  secuestrar a alguien

The Spanish word 'secuestro' translates to 'abduction' in English. This word primarily refers to the act of forcibly taking someone away against their will, often as part of a criminal act. It can be used in various contexts, often related to legal, crime, and law enforcement situations. For example, in a news report, one might hear about the 'secuestro' of a high-profile individual. It is important to note that the term carries a serious connotation, and is typically only used in serious or severe cases of abduction.

seda dental
dental floss

The Spanish term 'seda dental' directly translates to 'dental silk' in English, but it is commonly referred to as 'dental floss'. Dental floss is a tool that is designed to clean the tight spaces between the teeth and the gap between the base of the teeth and the gums. It is an important part of oral hygiene and is usually used daily to remove food particles and plaque from places where a toothbrush cannot reach.

Example sentences with  seda dental
sede central

The Spanish term 'sede central' translates to 'headquarters' in English. It is a noun, commonly used in a business or organizational context to refer to the main office, building, or location where the key administrative functions are carried out. This is typically where the highest-ranking members of the organization, such as executives or management teams, have their primary offices, and is often where important company decisions are made. It could be the home base of an organization or the place where the group's main activities are coordinated.

Example sentences with  sede central

The word 'seducir' in Spanish translates to 'seduce' in English. It is a verb and it means to attract or lead (someone) away from proper behavior or thinking. For instance, you may use it in a sentence like this: 'Él intenta seducir a la mujer con sus palabras encantadoras', which means 'He tries to seduce the woman with his charming words'.


The Spanish word 'segregar' translates to 'segregate' in English. In both languages, the term refers to the action of setting someone, something, or a group apart from others. It implies dividing or excluding certain entities from a collective or separating distinctive items or individuals. Although it doesn't carry an inherently negative connotation, its usage often pertains to discussions around social and racial segregation, where it is usually viewed as a discriminatory or unfair practice.

Example sentences with  segregar

The Spanish word 'seguidor' translates to 'follower' in English. It can be used in various contexts. For instance, in the context of social media, 'seguidor' refers to a follower or a subscriber of an account. In general, it may refer to someone who supports or admires a particular person, group, or cause. The term can also denote a person who continues the practices, traditions, or works pioneered before by another individual or group.


The Spanish word 'seguir' translates to 'follow' in English. This verb can be used in a variety of contexts similar to how 'follow' is used in English. For instance, in guiding or pursuing someone (e.g., 'Sigue a la líder' or 'Follow the leader'), continuing a course or sequence (e.g., 'Sigue el plan' or 'Follow the plan'), or following someone on social media (e.g., 'Sigue a esta persona' or 'Follow this person').

Example sentences with  seguir
seguir las reglas del juego
follow the rules of the game

The Spanish phrase 'seguir las reglas del juego' translates directly to 'follow the rules of the game' in English. This phrase can be dissected into individual words wherein 'seguir' means 'follow', 'las' is 'the', 'reglas' is 'rules', 'del' is a contraction of 'de' and 'el' translating to 'of the', and 'juego' means 'game'. This phrase is often used metaphorically to denote adhering to established norms or practicing fairness in different aspects of life, similar to its usage in English.

seguir un programa de radio
follow a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un programa de radio' translates to 'follow a radio program' in English. This phrase is frequently used in conversational and formal Spanish to denote the act of regularly listening to a specific radio program. Similar to its English translation, it implies that one habitually tunes in to a particular radio show or listens to a certain radio station on a consistent basis.

seguir un programa de televisión
follow a television programme

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un programa de televisión' translates as 'follow a television program' in English. This can mean to regularly watch a specific television series or show, and keep up to date with all the latest episodes. It could also be used in the context of tracking the progress of a program, for example during a live sports event or news broadcast. Similar to how in English one might say, 'I follow Game of Thrones', in Spanish, you might say, 'Yo sigo Juego de Tronos.'

seguir un tratamiento
follow a treatment

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un tratamiento' translates to 'follow a treatment' in English. This can be used within a medical context or in everyday conversation. It implies the continuous act of adhering to prescribed instructions, typically referring to medication or some form of therapy. It can also be used broadly to/include any routine or steps to be followed for maintaining or improving health and well-being.

Example sentences with  seguir un tratamiento
seguir una pista
follow a lead

The Spanish term 'seguir una pista' can be translated into English as 'follow a lead'. Usually, this phrase is used in investigative, detective, or searching contexts where someone is following clues, indications or information that may ultimately lead to a resolution, answer or conclusion. Synonymous phrases in English might include 'pursue a line of inquiry' or 'track a lead'.

seguir una regla
follow a rule

The Spanish phrase 'seguir una regla' translates to 'follow a rule' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts related to policies, procedures, or guidelines that need to be adhered to. It could also refer to following a rule in a game, a law, or any set principle. For example, in school or at work, one might 'seguir una regla' to ensure that they are aligned with the expectations and standards set forth by the institution or organization. In summation, 'seguir una regla' is about compliance or adherence to a specific rule or set of rules.


The Spanish word 'según' translates to 'according' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of 'according to someone or something', for instance, 'según la profesora' would mean 'according to the teacher'. Just as in English, 'según' is used to indicate that something one says is information or opinion received from another, or inferred from something said or done by another. 'Según' is thus quite versatile and commonly used in written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences with  según
segunda residencia
Second residence

The Spanish phrase 'segunda residencia' translates to 'second residence' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts where someone owns more than one property. It might be a vacation house, a summer house, or a property that someone owns in a city where they often visit for work. Unlike the primary residence, a second home is not the homeowner's main living place. Instead, it is used part-time or as required based on the owner's needs or preferences.


The word 'segundo' is used in the Spanish language to refer to the second item in a sequence or list. It can be used in various contexts to describe time, order of events, ranking, etc. It's an adjective and it must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example, 'el segundo libro' means 'the second book'.

Example sentences with  segundo
segundo apellido
second surname

The term 'segundo apellido' in Spanish refers to the concept of a second surname. In various cultures, specifically in most of the Spanish-speaking world, it is common for individuals to carry two last names or surnames. The first surname typically comes from the father (apellido paterno), and the second surname, known as 'segundo apellido', typically comes from the mother (apellido materno). This is usually used for both formal and legal cases. This concept is different from the customary practice in English-speaking cultures, where a person traditionally has only one last name, often inherited from the father's side of the family.

segundo plato
Second dish

The Spanish phrase 'segundo plato' translates to 'second dish' in English. It is typically used to refer to the main course or entree in a meal, following the first course or 'primer plato'. This term is common in food and dining situations, particularly in a restaurant setting or during a formal meal. It can encompass a wide variety of dishes, depending on the specific cuisine or culinary tradition.


The Spanish word 'seguridad' is used in much the same way as 'security' in English. It can refer to both personal safety, as well as precautions taken to protect a property or data, such as computer security. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from personal and home safety to national and international security.

Example sentences with  seguridad
Seguridad Social
Social security

The Spanish phrase 'Seguridad Social' translates to 'Social Security' in English. 'Social Security' is a system whereby the state provides monetary assistance to people with an inadequate or no income, particularly the elderly and unemployed. In many countries, it also covers various other types of social insurance, such as disability, unemployment, and health insurance. 'Seguridad Social' has the same meaning in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.


The word 'seguro' can mean 'sure', 'secure', or 'safe' in Spanish. It is used in much the same way as it is in English, to express certainty or affirmation. However, the context can slightly change the meaning. For example, if used in the context of safety (Estoy seguro), it means 'I am safe'. However, if used to affirm or agree (Estoy seguro que...), it means 'I am sure that...'

Example sentences with  seguro
seguro a terceros
insurance to third parties

The phrase 'seguro a terceros' in Spanish translates to 'insurance to third parties' in English. This is a type of insurance that covers damages caused by the insured to third parties. It's very common in fields such as car insurance. For instance, if you have an accident, and it's your fault, your insurance company will cover the damages caused to the other party.

Example sentences with  seguro a terceros
seguro a todo riesgo
comprehensive insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro a todo riesgo' is translated in English as 'comprehensive insurance'. This refers to a type of insurance policy that provides wide-ranging protection against damages or loss. It covers not only the basic risks but more diverse ones as well, going beyond standard coverage. The exact level of protection may vary depending on specifics of the insurance company and policy. In essence, 'seguro a todo riesgo' provides a broad level of coverage against both known and unknown risks.

Example sentences with  seguro a todo riesgo
seguro adicional
Additional insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro adicional' translates to 'additional insurance' in English. It refers to an optional extra coverage that can be added to an existing insurance policy. This can be used to cover things not included in the basic policy. For example, in a car insurance policy, additional insurance could cover windshield damage, rental cars, or mechanical breakdowns that the normal policy does not cover. As an English learner, understanding phrases like 'seguro adicional' helps you to navigate detailed discussions about finances, legal matters, or other topics in Spanish.

Example sentences with  seguro adicional
seguro de enfermedad
health insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro de enfermedad' translates to 'health insurance' in English. Health insurance is coverage that pays for medical, surgical, and sometimes dental expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly.

Example sentences with  seguro de enfermedad
seguro de responsabilidad civil
liability insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro de responsabilidad civil' translates to 'liability insurance' in English. It refers to an insurance policy that protects an individual or company from the risk that they may be sued and held legally liable for something such as negligence, injury or mishandling. This insurance usually covers both the legal costs of defending against a lawsuit and any payouts that may be deemed necessary as dictated by the law.

Example sentences with  seguro de responsabilidad civil
seguro del coche
car insurance

The Spanish phrase 'seguro del coche' translates to 'car insurance' in English. It refers to a policy purchased by vehicle owners to mitigate costs associated with getting into an auto accident. This policy can cover damage to the vehicle, medical expenses in case of injuries, and liabilities that could arise from accidents. It's a contractual agreement between a company and a car owner where the company promises to cover specific car-related losses in exchange for the payment of a certain premium.

Example sentences with  seguro del coche
seguro médico
Health insurance

The term 'seguro médico' translates to 'health insurance' in English. Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly. It is often included in employer benefit packages as a means of enticing quality employees, and the cost of health insurance premiums is often a significant portion of an employee's salary.

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